Would a suppository not work just as well, without all the equipment and faffing about? They're often recommended for us older folks anyway.
A subcutaneous injection is way less of a pain than putting something up your ass don't you think?
Posted 05 January 2016 - 03:42 PM
Would a suppository not work just as well, without all the equipment and faffing about? They're often recommended for us older folks anyway.
A subcutaneous injection is way less of a pain than putting something up your ass don't you think?
Posted 05 January 2016 - 04:54 PM
Would a suppository not work just as well, without all the equipment and faffing about? They're often recommended for us older folks anyway.
A subcutaneous injection is way less of a pain than putting something up your ass don't you think?
I've never tried.
Posted 06 January 2016 - 06:33 PM
I have been injecting the ghk I got from team tlr and after the vial is a few days old I get really sore injection spots. Maybe its not sterile I don't know. I inject ghrps and I never get this. Anyone else experience this?
Posted 06 January 2016 - 06:49 PM
I have been injecting the ghk I got from team tlr and after the vial is a few days old I get really sore injection spots. Maybe its not sterile I don't know. I inject ghrps and I never get this. Anyone else experience this?
It's not intended for human useage. Didn't you agree to that when you purchased it?
Posted 06 January 2016 - 07:23 PM
I have been injecting the ghk I got from team tlr and after the vial is a few days old I get really sore injection spots. Maybe its not sterile I don't know. I inject ghrps and I never get this. Anyone else experience this?
It's not intended for human useage. Didn't you agree to that when you purchased it?
Posted 06 January 2016 - 07:26 PM
Posted 30 March 2016 - 06:55 PM
Hey guys,
I spoke with Dr. Pickart today and had a great conversation with him. He actually recommends a low dosage of 3-4mg daily by SQ injection. He mentioned that this applies to his previous, outdated recommendations of 75mg three times a week to activate human stem cells. This should put everyones mind at ease in terms of copper toxicity, even though it is bound and there shouldn't be much concern in the first place.
Edited by BiohackerG, 30 March 2016 - 06:57 PM.
Posted 30 March 2016 - 10:12 PM
Posted 30 March 2016 - 10:29 PM
Has anybody seen Pickart, does he look like a young guy?
According to this page: http://aforlifestyle...behind-ghk.html
In 2009 he was 71 and looked like this:
Unfortunately video is of low quality, hair could be dyed...
Posted 30 March 2016 - 10:41 PM
Posted 31 March 2016 - 06:53 PM
Those were just his recommendations and from the studies on his website, 3-4mg seems accurate... I take 35mg SQ EOD.
Judging from his appearance, I agree, he looks his age (77). In my eyes, his skin looks very youthful and when I spoke with him yesterday his cognitive function seemed great! GHK or coincidence? Who knows.... Whether or not GHK has affected or reset gene expression is the real question.
Here's his website with a wealth of information.
Posted 31 March 2016 - 07:28 PM
Posted 31 March 2016 - 07:35 PM
Here is a picture of Dr Pickart. Click on it-there is a lot of detail. I am guessing that the pic is 2010, so maybe Dr Pickart is 72.
Here is a picture of Dr Pickart - Apologies because it is a very large picture. I don't know how to trim it.
I guess the picture is about 2010. Maybe 72 years old. Skin looks young to me.
Here is a pic of Dr Pickart - Click on pic to see detail. Pic may be 2010, so Dr Pickart is i72.
Posted 31 March 2016 - 07:43 PM
Edited by pleb, 31 March 2016 - 07:45 PM.
Posted 31 March 2016 - 07:59 PM
I think what makes a person look older is mostly the amount of skin sagging. GHK can possible give the skin a nice appearance on the surface but its not going to stop much of the skin drooping down in my opinion.
Posted 31 March 2016 - 09:20 PM
Here is a picture of Dr Pickart. Click on it-there is a lot of detail. I am guessing that the pic is 2010, so maybe Dr Pickart is 72.
Here is a picture of Dr Pickart - Apologies because it is a very large picture. I don't know how to trim it.
I guess the picture is about 2010. Maybe 72 years old. Skin looks young to me.
Here is a pic of Dr Pickart - Click on pic to see detail. Pic may be 2010, so Dr Pickart is i72.
That's helpfull! Well its hard to judge because you cannot know would he look older without. But well it does clarify that:
1) it doesnt prevent balding
2) it doesnt "reset" you couple decades
3) or then he is not using it himself..but that would mean he is a charlatan which I dont believe
Because he discovered this in the 70s its probably also fair to assume that he is on it long time so it may help but not a miracle.
Posted 01 April 2016 - 12:36 AM
I have been injecting the ghk I got from team tlr and after the vial is a few days old I get really sore injection spots. Maybe its not sterile I don't know. I inject ghrps and I never get this. Anyone else experience this?
Maybe the soreness is because the GHK-cu/water mix is not fresh. (I read instructions on using bacteriostatic water and found a tip recommending mixing a fresh batch every day)
Posted 01 April 2016 - 12:56 AM
Here is a picture of Dr Pickart. Click on it-there is a lot of detail. I am guessing that the pic is 2010, so maybe Dr Pickart is 72.
Here is a picture of Dr Pickart - Apologies because it is a very large picture. I don't know how to trim it.
I guess the picture is about 2010. Maybe 72 years old. Skin looks young to me.
Here is a pic of Dr Pickart - Click on pic to see detail. Pic may be 2010, so Dr Pickart is i72.
That's helpfull! Well its hard to judge because you cannot know would he look older without. But well it does clarify that:
1) it doesnt prevent balding
2) it doesnt "reset" you couple decades
3) or then he is not using it himself..but that would mean he is a charlatan which I dont believe
Because he discovered this in the 70s its probably also fair to assume that he is on it long time so it may help but not a miracle.
From studies, GHK does block the conversion from Testosterone to DHT. It has stimulated hair growth in myself but I attribute that to other mechanisms.
When I spoke with him, he did mention he takes 5mg SQ ED. I didn't ask how long he's been using GHK.
Posted 01 April 2016 - 01:15 AM
I have been injecting the ghk I got from team tlr and after the vial is a few days old I get really sore injection spots. Maybe its not sterile I don't know. I inject ghrps and I never get this. Anyone else experience this?
Maybe the soreness is because the GHK-cu/water mix is not fresh. (I read instructions on using bacteriostatic water and found a tip recommending mixing a fresh batch every day)
When preparing for injection, make sure the solution is at room temperature. You should definitely be using bacteriostatic water, if your not already.
I have been injecting the ghk I got from team tlr and after the vial is a few days old I get really sore injection spots. Maybe its not sterile I don't know. I inject ghrps and I never get this. Anyone else experience this?
Maybe the soreness is because the GHK-cu/water mix is not fresh. (I read instructions on using bacteriostatic water and found a tip recommending mixing a fresh batch every day)
When preparing for injection, make sure the solution is at room temperature. You should definitely be using bacteriostatic water, if your not already.
Posted 01 April 2016 - 07:57 PM
I have been injecting the ghk I got from team tlr and after the vial is a few days old I get really sore injection spots. Maybe its not sterile I don't know. I inject ghrps and I never get this. Anyone else experience this?
Maybe the soreness is because the GHK-cu/water mix is not fresh. (I read instructions on using bacteriostatic water and found a tip recommending mixing a fresh batch every day)
When preparing for injection, make sure the solution is at room temperature. You should definitely be using bacteriostatic water, if your not already.
I have been injecting the ghk I got from team tlr and after the vial is a few days old I get really sore injection spots. Maybe its not sterile I don't know. I inject ghrps and I never get this. Anyone else experience this?
Maybe the soreness is because the GHK-cu/water mix is not fresh. (I read instructions on using bacteriostatic water and found a tip recommending mixing a fresh batch every day)
When preparing for injection, make sure the solution is at room temperature. You should definitely be using bacteriostatic water, if your not already.
Posted 26 April 2016 - 06:25 PM
I have been injecting the ghk I got from team tlr and after the vial is a few days old I get really sore injection spots. Maybe its not sterile I don't know. I inject ghrps and I never get this. Anyone else experience this?
I've also been using for a few days from the same source and have been having a similar experience. Using bacteriostatic water, injection in the buttocks. I've done injections with cerebrolysin before and never had this kind of soreness. Sometime it's even difficult to get the injection to penetrate. Not sure what's up. I even have a bruise on one spot. But even with rotating from cheek to cheek, it's a bit painful to sit. Using 30mg per day. This would be the 6th injection.
Posted 26 April 2016 - 07:29 PM
I've also been using for a few days from the same source and have been having a similar experience. Using bacteriostatic water, injection in the buttocks. I've done injections with cerebrolysin before and never had this kind of soreness. Sometime it's even difficult to get the injection to penetrate. Not sure what's up. I even have a bruise on one spot. But even with rotating from cheek to cheek, it's a bit painful to sit. Using 30mg per day. This would be the 6th injection.
You're injecting it into the muscle. Why don't you try subcutaneous?
Posted 26 April 2016 - 10:56 PM
Even if this is all true, isn't it very downstream from some sort of endogenous function that is producing less said GHK?
I'd objectively expect more from methylene blue and telomerase activators RE: skin because it makes progerin soluble and cells able to divide if otherwise not in a senescent state. I see very little peer review on GHK supplementation.
Additional analysis suggested that MB treatment released progerin from the nuclear membrane, rescued perinuclear heterochromatin loss and corrected misregulated gene expression in HGPS cells.
If progerin is indeed what makes progeric kids look old — specifically effecting changes in gene expression in their skin and cardiovascular systems — releasing the progerin and fixing gene expression sounds like a better idea for skin. It's orally available and makes your pee look smurfy. You probably also won't get malaria.
Cao's work is peer reviewed and much less questionable. I can think of lots of substances that may help skin heal:
It might also modulate one of the tumor suppressors, which is an underestimated tool.
Sadly, this looks like a guy who has dedicated his career to one substance and is heavily invested in it. It's very difficult to be objective about your baby.
Is anyone getting results by supplementing with it? The more exciting gene expression has only been reported for COPD lung tissue by Pickart himself.
Edited by Logjam, 26 April 2016 - 11:14 PM.
Posted 27 April 2016 - 03:08 AM
There's been a lot of work done with topical GHK-Cu, known as "copper peptides" in the beauty world. MB for HGPS is an interesting result, but they bathed fibroblasts in 100 nM MB for six weeks. Replicating that in vivo is going to take a healthy dose of MB, probably well north of 100 mg/d. Leuco-MB (reduced form of MB) might be a better bet. It's being developed as an AD therapeutic by TauRx.
Posted 27 April 2016 - 05:26 AM
I'd really like to know why methylene blue works at all, and whether the mitochondrial effect is anything but coincidental with the effect on progerin (see note RE: dosage below). It appears to do something at complex IV (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/20463399).
My best intuitive guess is that this is it:
Aβ has been shown to directly inhibit complex IV which would lead to bioenergetic impairment and increased formation of reactive oxygen species. (http://www.hindawi.c...ad/2011/104545/) and http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/17928358.
The progerin clearnace appears to be more of a bonus and unrelated. I'm pretty sure it's beneficial at complex IV at much lower doses, but I'm not certain.
Edited by Logjam, 27 April 2016 - 05:29 AM.
Posted 02 November 2016 - 03:46 PM
I was wondering about "colloidal copper" compared GHK. Making colloidal copper is so cheap
I DIY collidal silver and colloidal gold.
Posted 02 November 2016 - 03:51 PM
I was wondering about "colloidal copper" compared GHK. Making colloidal copper is so cheap
I DIY collidal silver and colloidal gold.
Posted 03 November 2016 - 07:47 AM
I was wondering about "colloidal copper" compared GHK. Making colloidal copper is so cheap
I DIY collidal silver and colloidal gold.
Mind if I ask how you're making your colloids? We've learned a lot throughout the past few years about colloids and most of the common methods used to produce colloids tend to produce lower quality nano particles. Typically particles that aren't uniform in size or shape which can significantly impact the effectiveness of the colloid and even possibly cause toxicity.
Posted 11 February 2017 - 10:45 AM
Hi Longecity Friends,
This isn't out of laziness as I've read tons of threads about GHK here and elsewhere
But still can't find the answer to 2 questions I've been asking myself.
- Is GHK with copper dangerous or require super low doses?
The source I found with PAL GHK is expensive (unless doses are low):
- Is anyone organizing a Group Buy so that this can become cost effective?
Thanks for your help. I am not looking for a shortcut but need to be set straight on these two issues.
Posted 11 February 2017 - 02:50 PM
No, its not dangerous. I've taken 100mg at once. However, every reacts differently. Start low and work your way up. Also, Ceretropic sells 200mg GHK for $125.Hi Longecity Friends,
This isn't out of laziness as I've read tons of threads about GHK here and elsewhere
But still can't find the answer to 2 questions I've been asking myself.
- Is GHK with copper dangerous or require super low doses?
The source I found with PAL GHK is expensive (unless doses are low):
- Is anyone organizing a Group Buy so that this can become cost effective?
Thanks for your help. I am not looking for a shortcut but need to be set straight on these two issues.
Edited by dz93, 11 February 2017 - 02:51 PM.
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