(Preface: This is my first post here so if I'm breaching any Longecity etiquette [posting in the wrong place, using obnoxious caps in my title, etc.], please let me know.)
I’ve been scouring these forums for a few weeks now (scouring—as may be deduced when you see my list), accumulating the mini-pharmacy of nootropics below. I’ve experimented with various combinations/quantities, and while I’m sure I’ve achieved some results, I still haven’t found my sweet spot.
What I’m trying to achieve:
I’m a fledgling writer, but only able to fledge after my high-workload, stare-at-a-screen-til-my-eyes-bleed day job. I’m prescribed to 30mg Adderall XR/day, and I’ve been taking some form of amphetamine salts daily for about four years now. In addition, I’ve also been abusing them—using 2-3x my daily dose and procuring more illicitly to take on the side as well. In the past, they used to heighten my inspiration/abstract thought/emotions/etc., but now they just pretty much make me numb to emotions and don’t do much in terms of positive stimulation. I’d like to slowly wean off the Adderall, and also heighten my logical thinking, perceptivity, insight, emotional threshold, creativity, etc. (things you’d usually associate with great writers)—while still being mentally stimulated and focused.
These are the “nootropics” I currently have (just assume that I have enough of each to take daily for a few weeks at least). They are all in powder form, and I have empty capsules that I’ve been manually filling:
AMP Citrate
Alpha GPC
Please try and avoid—if at ALL possible—responses that involve taking 1-2 at a time for weeks, then adding/removing another for weeks, etc. I’m really trying to avoid a year-long quest to find a perfect stack. I've been trying various combos, and have pretty much achieved the result of avoiding abuse of Adderall (only taking what I'm prescribed), but often lack patience in seeking results.
Yes; I do realize many of these compounds are often listed as some of the most powerful substances associated with the designation “nootropic.” Or, at least the ones that didn’t have excessive warnings about being potentially dangerous (Phenibut, IDRA-21, Unifiram, etc.). I haven’t paid much attention to the less-potent compounds people sometimes talk about.
Please provide any insight you can into possible combinations of the substances I have, dosages, which of them are synergistic, which are not necessary/redundant, and any other noots I may want to obtain as well to add to my stack. I’m really looking for a stack that I can take daily and not worry about trying all different sorts of combinations for extended periods of time.
Thanks for your input. Sorry for the tirade.