An excellent dramatic film about cryonics has been made in Russia by a film-maker named Anna Arlanova. This film is vastly superior to any I have ever seen as a fictionalized account that has cryonics as its central theme.
Here is a review that I wrote of the film, addressed to Anna Arlanova.
I have never seen such a dramatic portrayal of cryonics, Anna. I fear that only a cryonicist could really empathize with the emotional impact, so I can only hope that it will be appealing to a broader audience (or perhaps make them more sympathetic to cryonics). The film does contain much material which can educate people about cryonics. The film well depicts the existential plight of cryonics emergencies -- holidays, remote from cryonics facility, money urgency, hostile relatives, etc. There is a good variety of other drama too. I commend the writer for imagination and emotion. As a life-extensionist I was a bit put-off by the cigarette smoking, but I know it is embedded in Russian culture, and perhaps even adds to the drama as a symbol of anxiety-relief. As a cryonicist, I would have liked to see the ice placed on the grandmother's head as soon as it could have been obtained. Perhaps even open all the windows to allow the bitterly cold Russian winter to help. The media circus at the end also added to the drama. Waving goodbye to a cryopreserved grandmother is not really a goodbye if she is not ultimately dead. Aging makes us all ugly, but the video of the grandmother showed her to have a very intelligent and empathetic face.
Building on this film, I think many excellent fictional books and films could be made having a cryonics theme that mines the real-life drama found in the many case reports that I wrote for the Cryonics Institute when I was President of that organization: