Hello, I'm new to nootropics and want some suggestions about the stack i'm considering to order.
Background: I'm 21yrs old and in college. I smoke cigarettes everyday, occasionally drink and smoke pot. I workout everyday(Recently started, mainly to gain weight & fitness)
I do have good(or rather average) short & long term memory. But struggle due to scattered thoughts, difficulty in finding words, lack of focus & concentration & motivation to study or do any tasks!! Kindly help out.
Nootropic experience: I'm from India and have tried the generic modafinil (modalert 200mg-im pretty sure this was genuine) & armodafinil 50mg available here. As for modafinil, i took 3 doses a day,the first day had a very subtle increase in focus feeling but from 2nd day felt nothing except for decreased apetite.
As for armodafinil, i just took these 3 times a day for 3days, had no effects at all on focus or concentration except that it kept me awake all night. Also after 5 days, i noticed red skin rashes in armpit which then i found out is an allergic reaction to this tab for many.
I'm planning to order my first nootropic from powdercity(HSW) after much research on longecity & reddit.
Since i've a very limited budget(~ $30) i decided to go with this stack:
Noopept 5g (30mg/day)
Choline bitratrate 100g ( 1g/day)
ALCAR 50g (1g/day)
Caffeine Anhydrous 50g (100mg/day)
L-Theanine 20g (100mg/day)
My goal is to obtain focus or concentration & also clarity of thoughts to study and also do tasks.
Suggestions please...