Hey guys, I'm currently trying to recover from adrenal fatigue, stimulant abuse and propecia (finasteride). I know my GABA system is messed up due to anxiety, fatigue, low energy etc. I have low morning cortisol which definitely taxes my energy level and creates anxiety, faitgue etc. I was also on propecia for a year and didn't notice side effects right away but starting getting somewhat panic attacks and anxiety about 6-8 months in. I stopped everything like stims, finasteride and everything. I know I taxed my GABA system hard as well as my HPTA axis. I also have difficulty concentrating too.
I'm currently taking:
-Bacopa 500mg a day
-Piracetam 4g daily
-Fish oil
I also do have a hard time sleeping at night as well. I do exercise and have a pretty clean diet. I bodybuild (not competitively). I'm trying to restore my body back to homeostatsis.
Here is my adrenal test
Neurotransmitter test (wasn't done at 3:00am but at 10:00am just fyi)
Also, not sure if this would effect the neurotransmitter test but I was on an adrenal supplement that contained ashwaganda, rhiodola and holy basil. Would ashwaganda boost GABA make it higher on the test?
Edited by Tubzy, 30 December 2014 - 04:49 PM.