I'm almost certain it is. He's living in a fog, music doesn't sound the same. It sounds exactly like Anhedonia. He can keep fumbling around with random substances but he'll be stuck in this state until he tries some potent stuff.

Cognitive impariment/brain fog after one night cocaine use
Posted 04 June 2016 - 12:03 AM
Posted 05 June 2016 - 01:14 PM
HiMy symptoms have just been getting worse and worse. Tried hyperbaric oxygen a few weeks ago and woke up with my vision/memory/thinking much more impaired. Now i stumble over words during conversations because i cant think clearly enough to say what it is i want to say. Long term memory is shot now too. Tingling that i originally had on one side of my face has now spread to the other side. Cant understand why it made me worse aswell as anytime i have alcohol or a benzo.
I don't at all believe in my case that these issues are psychosomatic. For me they are very real impairments that affect my everyday life.
Im too lazy to read all the posts but I wanted to ask few questions;
(please answer by indicating before and after the incident chnages)
1. Whats your libido status? high or low? after and before the incident
2. Do you feel backache aswell? or any other strange change in somatosensory after the incident which doesnt go away? (except the tingling on your left)
3. Have you tried to stay away from alcohol? for how long?
4. How much Xanax did you take that night?
5. Tell me about your night sleeps; do you sleep deeply without any dreams or feel like awake and alot of dreams? or just normal with few dreams a week? (before and after)
6. How is your appetite? any changes?
7. And bowel movements? constipation or diarrhea?
Hi All,
thanks for weighing in. As stated above, I am in a very similar situation to topic starter, and have been for an incredibly long year!, following intake of 3 lines of cocaine with some alcohol. The fuller story can be read here: http://bluelight.org...0bb95c0d66be207
Other substances consumed that day were:
- 200 mg of 5HTP, more than 12 hours prior to the consumption of cocaine.
- 25 mg of kanna (sceletium tortuosum), roughly 6 hours prior to the consumption of cocaine.
Because both increase serotonin, in the beginning I thought: serotonin syndrome, but I really did not have any of the hallmark symptoms.
Then I thought a stroke / TIA from the vaso-constricting properties of cocaine, but the symptoms don't match either, and the MRI is clean.
Then it dawned on me that at the time I was also, very successfully, experimenting with DHEA, for anxiety-reduction and cognitive enhancement.......on said say I probably took 100 mg of dhea, or perhaps even 200 mg.....could this be the missing link?
Could the DHEA and the cocaine have interacted in some nasty way? I never thought of a possible link....
In terms of the questions you raise, psychejunkie:
1. My libido's is always been very pronounced; following the weeks after the incident it did go down but not excessively; it now is back to normal which is high
2. Following the incident, I have tingling in my left hand and my left foot which is pretty constant. Does not really bother me. I also developed a stiff, painful neck, that at some point even got inflamed, which I ascribed to stressing about my ailments (cognitive dysfunction, etc.); It's ok now.
3. I have considerably reduced my consumption of alcohol but when I do drink I actually feel better and clearer. Xanax is the one other thing that makes me feel better and cleaner. I take it occasionally, to avoid tolerance, 2-3 times per week.
4. None, but I was quite drunk; this is a difference between the topic starter and I
5.I have always had very sound sleep. In the weeks after the incident I developed severe insomnia. At the time I ascribed it to stressing about my ailment (cognitive dysfunction, etc.). It took me several months to fall back to my usual sleep pattern: sound and deep. So that's back to normal now too...
6. Always normal level appetite; decreased markedly after the incident; but back to normal now.
7. Always normal; following the incident I was constipated for some time; after a few weeks everything returned to normal. It's normal now.
So certainly something's going on here. What are you getting at, Psychejunkie? What could this be, and what can be done about it?
Thank you fort taking time time to help us.
I really need some help as none of the Dr.s - not even the psychiatrists - seem to be of any use here.
Posted 05 June 2016 - 03:45 PM
HiMy symptoms have just been getting worse and worse. Tried hyperbaric oxygen a few weeks ago and woke up with my vision/memory/thinking much more impaired. Now i stumble over words during conversations because i cant think clearly enough to say what it is i want to say. Long term memory is shot now too. Tingling that i originally had on one side of my face has now spread to the other side. Cant understand why it made me worse aswell as anytime i have alcohol or a benzo.
I don't at all believe in my case that these issues are psychosomatic. For me they are very real impairments that affect my everyday life.
Im too lazy to read all the posts but I wanted to ask few questions;
(please answer by indicating before and after the incident chnages)
1. Whats your libido status? high or low? after and before the incident
2. Do you feel backache aswell? or any other strange change in somatosensory after the incident which doesnt go away? (except the tingling on your left)
3. Have you tried to stay away from alcohol? for how long?
4. How much Xanax did you take that night?
5. Tell me about your night sleeps; do you sleep deeply without any dreams or feel like awake and alot of dreams? or just normal with few dreams a week? (before and after)
6. How is your appetite? any changes?
7. And bowel movements? constipation or diarrhea?
Hi All,
thanks for weighing in. As stated above, I am in a very similar situation to topic starter, and have been for an incredibly long year!, following intake of 3 lines of cocaine with some alcohol. The fuller story can be read here: http://bluelight.org...0bb95c0d66be207
Other substances consumed that day were:
- 200 mg of 5HTP, more than 12 hours prior to the consumption of cocaine.
- 25 mg of kanna (sceletium tortuosum), roughly 6 hours prior to the consumption of cocaine.
Because both increase serotonin, in the beginning I thought: serotonin syndrome, but I really did not have any of the hallmark symptoms.
Then I thought a stroke / TIA from the vaso-constricting properties of cocaine, but the symptoms don't match either, and the MRI is clean.
Then it dawned on me that at the time I was also, very successfully, experimenting with DHEA, for anxiety-reduction and cognitive enhancement.......on said say I probably took 100 mg of dhea, or perhaps even 200 mg.....could this be the missing link?
Could the DHEA and the cocaine have interacted in some nasty way? I never thought of a possible link....
In terms of the questions you raise, psychejunkie:
1. My libido's is always been very pronounced; following the weeks after the incident it did go down but not excessively; it now is back to normal which is high
2. Following the incident, I have tingling in my left hand and my left foot which is pretty constant. Does not really bother me. I also developed a stiff, painful neck, that at some point even got inflamed, which I ascribed to stressing about my ailments (cognitive dysfunction, etc.); It's ok now.
3. I have considerably reduced my consumption of alcohol but when I do drink I actually feel better and clearer. Xanax is the one other thing that makes me feel better and cleaner. I take it occasionally, to avoid tolerance, 2-3 times per week.
4. None, but I was quite drunk; this is a difference between the topic starter and I
5.I have always had very sound sleep. In the weeks after the incident I developed severe insomnia. At the time I ascribed it to stressing about my ailment (cognitive dysfunction, etc.). It took me several months to fall back to my usual sleep pattern: sound and deep. So that's back to normal now too...
6. Always normal level appetite; decreased markedly after the incident; but back to normal now.
7. Always normal; following the incident I was constipated for some time; after a few weeks everything returned to normal. It's normal now.
So certainly something's going on here. What are you getting at, Psychejunkie? What could this be, and what can be done about it?
Thank you fort taking time time to help us.
I really need some help as none of the Dr.s - not even the psychiatrists - seem to be of any use here.
Hi SwissGuy,
Thanks for taking time and answering my questions.
I had few doubts about my idea of your and savagek's problem; So I decided to act professionally and ask some questions to clear my mind on doubts or make new ideas on the subject.
Most people who self-studied neuroscience think about neurotransmitters as separate agents who act individually differently and having constant and defined effects.
But actually there are several overlaps, more than we think, between neurotransmitters. Even few of them act differently at different binding affinity or different action on receptors. We may have named some receptors "dopaminergics" or etc but the fact is every neurotransmitter have several binding affinity to different receptors and even different actions or even different effects in different concentration and levels of that particular agent. e.g Nicotine acts as stimulant in low concentration then become even calming and sedative at high dose!
So, Think of neurotransmitters and their receptors as clouds of graphs acting on each other in numerous different ways!
Fortunately, at the heart of this complexity sits logical rules and meaningful algorithms, not chaos! So we can trace back to cause and find the solution.
What I assumed is partially right after I read your answers and I hope my solution also works and make improvement.
I suppose excessive Dopamine and GABA transmission had caused the body's homeostasis ability to make floods of Serotonin and Acetylcholine transmission to counter the toxicity.
As you know, excessive GABA transmission (as to alcohol consumption for example) cause distributed inhibition, then brain makes alot of Acetylcholine and Serotonin to fight it.
Too much acetylcholine cause spasm on digestive muscles and too much serotonin in combination with acetylcholine causes the stomach to reflux and vomiting. Also, these flood of acetylcholine and serotonin fight the excess brain inhibitions.
But in this case, too much Dopamine (both from cocain and cocain-alcohol interaction) made everything upside down.
I think too much Dopamine (and also norepinephrine) has damaged and disturbed inhibition-stimulation mechanisms of brain. And brain tries constantly to lower GABA and Serotonin levels both and this makes alot of other problems and your symptoms.
I think thats why you feel benefits from GABAergic drugs after the incident.
The solution might be increasing Acetylcholine and decreasing Dopamine to fortunately balance the brain to regain its normal inhibition-stimulation homeostasis mechanisms.
You can take Choline supplements along with low dose Piracetam (400-800mg) and Dopamine Antagonists or
Posted 05 June 2016 - 03:47 PM
Hi SwissGuy,Hi All,HiMy symptoms have just been getting worse and worse. Tried hyperbaric oxygen a few weeks ago and woke up with my vision/memory/thinking much more impaired. Now i stumble over words during conversations because i cant think clearly enough to say what it is i want to say. Long term memory is shot now too. Tingling that i originally had on one side of my face has now spread to the other side. Cant understand why it made me worse aswell as anytime i have alcohol or a benzo.
I don't at all believe in my case that these issues are psychosomatic. For me they are very real impairments that affect my everyday life.
Im too lazy to read all the posts but I wanted to ask few questions;
(please answer by indicating before and after the incident chnages)
1. Whats your libido status? high or low? after and before the incident
2. Do you feel backache aswell? or any other strange change in somatosensory after the incident which doesnt go away? (except the tingling on your left)
3. Have you tried to stay away from alcohol? for how long?
4. How much Xanax did you take that night?
5. Tell me about your night sleeps; do you sleep deeply without any dreams or feel like awake and alot of dreams? or just normal with few dreams a week? (before and after)
6. How is your appetite? any changes?
7. And bowel movements? constipation or diarrhea?
thanks for weighing in. As stated above, I am in a very similar situation to topic starter, and have been for an incredibly long year!, following intake of 3 lines of cocaine with some alcohol. The fuller story can be read here: http://bluelight.org...0bb95c0d66be207
Other substances consumed that day were:
- 200 mg of 5HTP, more than 12 hours prior to the consumption of cocaine.
- 25 mg of kanna (sceletium tortuosum), roughly 6 hours prior to the consumption of cocaine.
Because both increase serotonin, in the beginning I thought: serotonin syndrome, but I really did not have any of the hallmark symptoms.
Then I thought a stroke / TIA from the vaso-constricting properties of cocaine, but the symptoms don't match either, and the MRI is clean.
Then it dawned on me that at the time I was also, very successfully, experimenting with DHEA, for anxiety-reduction and cognitive enhancement.......on said say I probably took 100 mg of dhea, or perhaps even 200 mg.....could this be the missing link?
Could the DHEA and the cocaine have interacted in some nasty way? I never thought of a possible link....
In terms of the questions you raise, psychejunkie:
1. My libido's is always been very pronounced; following the weeks after the incident it did go down but not excessively; it now is back to normal which is high
2. Following the incident, I have tingling in my left hand and my left foot which is pretty constant. Does not really bother me. I also developed a stiff, painful neck, that at some point even got inflamed, which I ascribed to stressing about my ailments (cognitive dysfunction, etc.); It's ok now.
3. I have considerably reduced my consumption of alcohol but when I do drink I actually feel better and clearer. Xanax is the one other thing that makes me feel better and cleaner. I take it occasionally, to avoid tolerance, 2-3 times per week.
4. None, but I was quite drunk; this is a difference between the topic starter and I
5.I have always had very sound sleep. In the weeks after the incident I developed severe insomnia. At the time I ascribed it to stressing about my ailment (cognitive dysfunction, etc.). It took me several months to fall back to my usual sleep pattern: sound and deep. So that's back to normal now too...
6. Always normal level appetite; decreased markedly after the incident; but back to normal now.
7. Always normal; following the incident I was constipated for some time; after a few weeks everything returned to normal. It's normal now.
So certainly something's going on here. What are you getting at, Psychejunkie? What could this be, and what can be done about it?
Thank you fort taking time time to help us.
I really need some help as none of the Dr.s - not even the psychiatrists - seem to be of any use here.
Thanks for taking time and answering my questions.
I had few doubts about my idea of your and savagek's problem; So I decided to act professionally and ask some questions to clear my mind on doubts or make new ideas on the subject.
Most people who self-studied neuroscience think about neurotransmitters as separate agents who act individually differently and having constant and defined effects.
But actually there are several overlaps, more than we think, between neurotransmitters. Even few of them act differently at different binding affinity or different action on receptors. We may have named some receptors "dopaminergics" or etc but the fact is every neurotransmitter have several binding affinity to different receptors and even different actions or even different effects in different concentration and levels of that particular agent. e.g Nicotine acts as stimulant in low concentration then become even calming and sedative at high dose!
So, Think of neurotransmitters and their receptors as clouds of graphs acting on each other in numerous different ways!
Fortunately, at the heart of this complexity sits logical rules and meaningful algorithms, not chaos! So we can trace back to cause and find the solution.
What I assumed is partially right after I read your answers and I hope my solution also works and make improvement.
I suppose excessive Dopamine and GABA transmission had caused the body's homeostasis ability to make floods of Serotonin and Acetylcholine transmission to counter the toxicity.
As you know, excessive GABA transmission (as to alcohol consumption for example) cause distributed inhibition, then brain makes alot of Acetylcholine and Serotonin to fight it.
Too much acetylcholine cause spasm on digestive muscles and too much serotonin in combination with acetylcholine causes the stomach to reflux and vomiting. Also, these flood of acetylcholine and serotonin fight the excess brain inhibitions.
But in this case, too much Dopamine (both from cocain and cocain-alcohol interaction) made everything upside down.
I think too much Dopamine in presence of too much GABA and Serotonin (and also norepinephrine) has damaged and disturbed inhibition-stimulation mechanisms of brain. And brain tries constantly to lower GABA and Serotonin levels both and this makes alot of other problems and your symptoms.
I think thats why you feel benefits from GABAergic drugs after the incident.
The solution might be increasing Acetylcholine and Serotonin to fortunately balance the brain to regain its normal inhibition-stimulation homeostasis mechanisms.
You can take Choline supplements along with low dose Piracetam (400-800mg) and 5-HTP supplement or SAMe.
If I am right, you'd feel instant improvement from Choline+Piracetam alone
Good luck
Edited by psychejunkie, 05 June 2016 - 03:53 PM.
Posted 05 June 2016 - 05:36 PM
-Brainfog / mental block: inability to focus and concentrate. Reading and writing are particularly difficult. So is planning and problem-solving.
- Lack of motivation; procrastination.
- Pressure around the head that comes and goes
- Tingling in left foot and left hand
- Much less anxiety / drive, than before the incident!! I used to have anxious tendencies but they seem to be gone now.
Supplements I have been taking since incident consistently:
- High potency fish oil. 2 grams of EPA and 1.5 grams of DHA
- 100 mg of slow-release 5htp which I have taken for years
- vitamins B, magnesium
- curcumin
Things that I have tried without success, so stopped taking:
- L-tyrosine
- Alcar
- R lipoic acid
- GPC-Choline
- Gingko
- Ginseng
Does any of the above change your assessment or recommendations?
Do you think Rodhiola Rosea would be helpful?
Thank you again do much!
Posted 05 June 2016 - 05:54 PM
Wow, thank you so much psychejunkie. If only all the neurologists and psychiatrists I have seen had this kind of insight! Just to make sure though, I want to summarise my current symptoms:
-Brainfog / mental block: inability to focus and concentrate. Reading and writing are particularly difficult. So is planning and problem-solving.
- Lack of motivation; procrastination.
- Pressure around the head that comes and goes
- Tingling in left foot and left hand
- Much less anxiety / drive, than before the incident!! I used to have anxious tendencies but they seem to be gone now.
Supplements I have been taking since incident consistently:
- High potency fish oil. 2 grams of EPA and 1.5 grams of DHA
- 100 mg of slow-release 5htp which I have taken for years
- vitamins B, magnesium
- curcumin
Things that I have tried without success, so stopped taking:
- L-tyrosine
- Alcar
- R lipoic acid
- GPC-Choline
- Gingko
- Ginseng
Does any of the above change your assessment or recommendations?
Do you think Rodhiola Rosea would be helpful?
Thank you again do much!
It might help to add Piracetam+Choline and Glutamine to your current stack. Also consider Sulbutiamine to upregulate some of Dopaminergic receptors
Posted 06 June 2016 - 04:29 AM
If it were me, I'd do those two things above, and lay in a hammock an hour a day in the sun drinking mineral water and mega doses of fish oil.
Truly Blessed.
Posted 06 June 2016 - 09:46 AM
I have been taking mega doses of fish oil over the last couple of months; but only normal doses of vitamin b complex, I believe. What amounts would be considered a mega dose of vitamin b?
Also, what would the animal-protein-and- fat only diet do to help?
Do you think those two, seemingly benign, things could effectively help?
Thanks so much again. All the help I am getting is really appreciated. Really, as I am VERY scared that this won't go away.
Posted 06 June 2016 - 04:40 PM
Someone cited here an abstract "Cocaine and its metabolites do undoubtedly have major effects on cerebral (and other) arteries. The acute vasospasm has been demonstrated in animals, and by magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and transcranial Doppler in human volunteers, and occurs in large and medium sized arteries, probably mediated by endothelin 1."
I can relate to that.
As i say before my problems started when i took my methylphenidate without my "protective agents". One of them was Grape seed extract that contain endothelin receptor antagonist. Maybe it is the key. Sh*t. I took it for years that way and everything was ok.
I have hope that GSE may help me after this accident. (as now i see improvement after trazodone and nicergoline, both are alpha 1 adrenergic receptor antagonists that dilate brain vessels.)
Edited by IP3, 06 June 2016 - 04:52 PM.
Posted 07 June 2016 - 02:42 AM
Thanks MetaphysicSymstems.
I have been taking mega doses of fish oil over the last couple of months; but only normal doses of vitamin b complex, I believe. What amounts would be considered a mega dose of vitamin b?
Also, what would the animal-protein-and- fat only diet do to help?
Do you think those two, seemingly benign, things could effectively help?
Thanks so much again. All the help I am getting is really appreciated. Really, as I am VERY scared that this won't go away.
Let me first say I am not on par with the people of this forum.
But I had a similar thing happen after a combo of oral meth, Viagra, and modalert abuse for three days straight.
I cried myself to sleep many times over a month or so because of what I did to myself.
I tried all sorts of nootropic mixes from Amazon and sponsors: nada. Went on for three months solid and I almost lost my job.
Then a career drug abuser (hippy) and his friends recommended the following protocol as they had all been down a similar hole or witnessed it.
Steak and egg diet; with one portion of the eggs being raw, fertilized, consumed whole.
Google steak and egg diet.
Only other thing you add is copious amounts of Fish Oil and B complex.
And GHB at night at 1.5-3 grams. Only at night before bed the first fifteen days.
On the 8th day of this diet I felt better. On the 14th day it was all back.
On the 20th day I was a king, and I quit the diet. I've been 100% recovered ever since.
Truly Blessed.
Posted 07 June 2016 - 02:45 AM
After 10 days they also recovered. No idea what can be added or taken away, but i don't fuck with what works.
Truly Blessed.
Posted 07 June 2016 - 06:48 AM
A Ketogenic Diet (like steak and eggs) or Fasting also increase Serotonin and Acetylcholine levels naturally along with several other benefits like increased Neurogenesis and Testosterone, decrease in Blood Glucose and HDL, etc...
I agree;
This is a better solution than medication/supplementation!
Good luck
Posted 07 June 2016 - 08:03 PM
And this diet helped? For this peresistent tension? Now i fell huge pressure over my left eye, i would et even horse cojones if this would help me.
Posted 08 June 2016 - 12:56 AM
And this diet helped? For this peresistent tension? Now i fell huge pressure over my left eye, i would et even horse cojones if this would help me.
Yes, it helped.
And that pressure may just be sinus issues this time of year.
Truly Blessed.
Posted 08 June 2016 - 04:29 AM
No, it isnt. My sinuses are clear. Tension appear one day after methylphenidate use and peresist to this day with bluring vision in left eye. And cognitive imparement.
Posted 08 June 2016 - 08:11 AM
Truly Blessed.
Posted 08 June 2016 - 10:58 AM
Posted 08 June 2016 - 01:12 PM
Truly Blessed.
Where the heck is OP?
Truly Blessed.
Posted 08 June 2016 - 04:20 PM
Perhaps i should go to anonymous sugarholics meeting ;-).
Posted 08 June 2016 - 08:49 PM
I will start this diet next week and transition myself into ketosis which is what the 'steak and eggs' diet ultimately is all about. I found a lot of useful information on this here:
Question is whether to add a Choline supplement (I am thinking of Alpha GPC) while dieting into ketosis. Would that be helpful?
How about the Choline / Uridine / Fish Oil stack that so many people swear by?
Damn it, these symptoms are f**king killing me.
Savagek, how are you doing and will you try this out?
Posted 08 June 2016 - 08:49 PM
I will start this diet next week and transition myself into ketosis which is what the 'steak and eggs' diet ultimately is all about. I found a lot of useful information on this here:
Question is whether to add a Choline supplement (I am thinking of Alpha GPC) while dieting into ketosis. Would that be helpful?
How about the Choline / Uridine / Fish Oil stack that so many people swear by?
Damn it, these symptoms are f**king killing me.
Savagek, how are you doing and will you try this out?
Posted 08 June 2016 - 08:49 PM
Can i eat apple? Or regime must be strict? I am on this diet second day but craving for carbs is overwhelming. However i feel a little bit better.
Edited by IP3, 08 June 2016 - 08:53 PM.
Posted 08 June 2016 - 10:01 PM
I think you need to keep carbs to an absolute minimum; no apples I am afraid.
Posted 08 June 2016 - 11:10 PM
If you're eating eggs every day you're already getting a lot of choline. If you're not, then supplemental choline would be okay.I will start this diet next week and transition myself into ketosis which is what the 'steak and eggs' diet ultimately is all about. I found a lot of useful information on this here:
Question is whether to add a Choline supplement (I am thinking of Alpha GPC) while dieting into ketosis. Would that be helpful?
How about the Choline / Uridine / Fish Oil stack that so many people swear by?
Damn it, these symptoms are f**king killing me.
Savagek, how are you doing and will you try this out?
Edited by Kinesis, 08 June 2016 - 11:12 PM.
Posted 09 June 2016 - 07:07 AM
I will start this diet next week and transition myself into ketosis which is what the 'steak and eggs' diet ultimately is all about. I found a lot of useful information on this here:
Question is whether to add a Choline supplement (I am thinking of Alpha GPC) while dieting into ketosis. Would that be helpful?
How about the Choline / Uridine / Fish Oil stack that so many people swear by?
Damn it, these symptoms are f**king killing me.
Savagek, how are you doing and will you try this out?
I've done low carb, and a ketosis diet.
Steak and eggs is steak and eggs. Don't confuse it with the others based on the type of diet it is.
It's completely devoid of crap, processed foods, and gluten. Also, you're getting a ton of choline and iron and folic acid and such.
Truly Blessed.
Can i eat apple? Or regime must be strict? I am on this diet second day but craving for carbs is overwhelming. However i feel a little bit better.
Steak. Eggs.
Water is the only other thing you add to that diet.
Truly Blessed.
Posted 09 June 2016 - 03:14 PM
Posted 09 June 2016 - 05:00 PM
No tension but in place of tension i have cotton wool head. Will it also pass away?
Posted 10 June 2016 - 10:34 AM
give it some time to work..
Also you'll get used to the diet after few days, don't worry!
all the cravings and withdrawal effects will go away
Posted 13 June 2016 - 06:49 AM
Posted 13 June 2016 - 06:49 AM
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: brain fog
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