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What stem cells tissues have been used on people

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#1 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 15 January 2015 - 05:15 PM

Please place in this topic only cells, tissues, organs, or whatever stem technologies, that already have been used on people.


Don't post studies on rats, or whatever other animals. Lets focus only to human beings in this topic.


Please also don't show things, that will be tried soon, or in the future. Lets see what already has been done.


If you know of some stem cells technology, or a stem cells way to cure or to heal something, IN HUMANS, that has been TRIED, please post it.


Post also your opinion of the listed technologies and medical aproaches. If you have been tried some stem cell treatment, please, give your feed-back.




Here are the stem cells technologies, used on pleople, that I know of. Add yours, or comment.




Regrowing tissues by using stem cells:






Skin rejuvenation:







Muscles tissue:







New organs made for transplantation:







Hips regeneration:













Finger tips direct regrowth:







Reproductive cells:


Sperm cells:


#2 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 17 January 2015 - 08:11 AM

More than 100 views, no replies. Whats going on, people? Stem cells are very important for living forever. Don't you have an interest in them? You want to be immortal, so I don't think so. Or maybe it appears, that we know about the stem cells much less, than we think, and especially in the most important part - their usage on people. Maybe you can't comment even a word for their practical application. That's very bad. Even if you don't know other stem cells technologies, being tried on people, you may bother to find a scientific study about some of the above, or comment if you think, that it is not as good as it sounds, or try to find and contact some one who used them for his/her condition.

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#3 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 17 January 2015 - 09:07 AM

The bone marrow transplantation can be viewed also as stem cells transplantation.


Here is another stem cell technology used on human:

to repair heart damage.




The article also places a lot of skepticism.

In the article is cited a cardiovascular pathologist, named Dr. Murry, who have said, that, very few therapies beyond bone marrow transplants have been shown to be effective, and that “Almost every one of these places are charlatans.”

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#4 Brett Black

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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:05 AM

Japanese woman is first recipient of next-generation stem cells
Surgeons implanted retinal tissue created after reverting the patient's own cells to 'pluripotent' state.

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#5 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:45 AM

Superb :) Thanks, Brett Black. We have 4 positive feed backs a day, right? I will give one who posts a relative post in this topic.

#6 cats_lover

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Posted 24 January 2015 - 12:26 AM

What about bone repair?


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#7 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 24 January 2015 - 12:31 AM

Thanks cats_lover


I will give you a positive feed-back as I promised. But do you know if this is tried on people?


Edited by seivtcho, 24 January 2015 - 12:32 AM.

#8 cats_lover

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Posted 24 January 2015 - 12:33 AM

Let me say something crazy... (I also like the benefits of stem cells and at some point I thought to do this).

Why dont you learn how to cultivate stem cells; thats means get a few from your body (adipose tissue) and then cultivate so them can reproduce faster.

In a few weeks you can get an ammount of stem cells that can take years to be produced at your body.

Then you put this cells in your body...

(you must make some papers researchs to see if this is safe, of course)

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#9 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 24 January 2015 - 12:39 AM

I don't have even a clue how the stem cells can be recognized. Even if I take some piece of tissue from me, how can I extract the stem cells. Plus I don't know how to grow them and how to make them divide. I am so far away from this knowledge, that I am not sure if I can make a stem cells research at all. I want to do stem cells researches, though. But have no info how.

#10 cats_lover

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Posted 24 January 2015 - 12:49 AM

Thanks cats_lover


I will give you a positive feed-back as I promised. But do you know if this is tried on people?


I cannot find any resarch on humans who support this, but this is strongly theorized




And in mice a research shows reversing bone loss:


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#11 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 24 January 2015 - 08:27 AM

Here is another stem cells technology used on people:


Stem cells for treating MS:




The article says, that the first patient already feels improvements. Clinical trails have started in the United States and in other countries.


#12 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 24 January 2015 - 08:51 PM

That one is interesting. It seems, that using our muscles stimulates the muscle stem cells to produce new muscle tissue




This is a natural method of stem cells stimulation, that always has been infrontof our eyes. And it is completely logical. People, who sport develop big muscle mass actually. This explains also hy people, who sport suffer less from heart damage - the heart is also a muscle. We may suggest, that training it regularly does not makes it hypertrophy, but instead makes its stem cells to repair it.

#13 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 25 January 2015 - 11:32 AM

Japanese woman is first recipient of next-generation stem cells
Surgeons implanted retinal tissue created after reverting the patient's own cells to 'pluripotent' state.



Another article for people reversing partially their vision via embryonic stem cells








I found also another use of stem cells made tissue to recover cartilage in people



#14 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 25 January 2015 - 07:05 PM

Some blood vessels, made by stem cells:




" .... Two tablespoons of blood are all that is needed to grow a brand new blood vessel in just seven days. ... Three patients, all young children, were missing a vein ...
So far, the team has treated three patients. Two of the three are still doing well and have veins that are functioning as they should. In the third case, the child is under medical surveillance and the outcome is more uncertain. The team is confident they can make further progress. ... "







By the way, I feel somewhat strange. This should be a hot topic. People should read, comment, try to find the scientific articles. Instead it is almost only me posting things from time to time.

#15 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 25 January 2015 - 09:56 PM

Stem cells made vagina successfully implanted in several female teenagers


Here is a link from the Lancet:



#16 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 26 January 2015 - 10:13 AM

Another method of a vein produced and transplanted successfully in human via stem cells.

  " Methods

A 10 year old girl with extrahepatic portal vein obstruction was admitted to the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden, for a bypass procedure between the superior mesenteric vein and the intrahepatic left portal vein (meso Rex bypass). A 9 cm segment of allogeneic donor iliac vein was decellularised and subsequently recellularised with endothelial and smooth muscle cells differentiated from stem cells obtained from the bone marrow of the recipient. This graft was used because the patient's umbilical vein was not suitable and other strategies (eg, liver transplantation) require lifelong immunosuppression.



The graft immediately provided the recipient with a functional blood supply (25–30 cm/s in the portal vein and 40 mL/s in the artery was measured intraoperatively and confirmed with ultrasound). The patient had normal laboratory values for 9 months. However, at 1 year the blood flow was low and, on exploration, the shunt was patent but too narrow due to mechanical obstruction of tissue in the mesocolon. Once the tissue causing the compression was removed the graft dilated. We therefore used a second stem-cell populated vein graft to lengthen the previous graft. After this second operation, the portal pressure was reduced from 20 mm Hg to 13 mm Hg and blood flow was 25–40 cm/s in the portal vein. With restored portal circulation the patient has substantially improved physical and mental function and growth. The patient has no anti-endothelial cell antibodies and is receiving no immunosuppressive drugs.


An acellularised deceased donor vein graft recellularised with autologous stem cells can be considered for patients in need of vascular vein shunts without the need for immunosuppression.







Ups, missed the link:


Edited by seivtcho, 26 January 2015 - 10:48 AM.

#17 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 26 January 2015 - 10:58 AM

Transplanting bone marrow cells can be viewed as transplanting stem cells, right?


According to this article the combination of immune suppressors and haematopoetic cells reverses MS :




According to this article, the result is long term:



#18 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 26 January 2015 - 01:21 PM

This company here (Regenexx) claims, that regenerates cartilages and meniscus using stem cells derived from bone marrow and blood. I wonder if some one used the offers of the company, and if so, what are your opinions on it?



#19 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 26 January 2015 - 02:19 PM

A study shows reconstruction of noses after surgery




They give very good results.

#20 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 26 January 2015 - 03:26 PM



A research over 3 people, that stem cells were used for the patients to tolerate better the chemotherapy.

#21 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 26 January 2015 - 04:33 PM

This article claims, that child's brain function recovered after usage of umbilical cord stem cells.




#22 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 26 January 2015 - 07:27 PM

Some stem cells attempts to treat Epidermolysis bulosa





University of Minnesota Physician-researchers John E. Wagner, M.D., and Jakub Tolar, M.D., Ph.D., have for the

first time used stem cells from bone marrow to repair the skin of patients with a fatal skin disease with EB.

“What we have found is that stem cells contained in bone marrow can travel to sites of injured skin, leading to

increased production of collagen which is deficient in patients with EB."


#23 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 26 January 2015 - 08:02 PM

Stem cells derived from fat tissue used to treat heart diseases. Well explained and with poster. Information from Texas Heart Institute.



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#24 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 27 January 2015 - 02:50 PM

An outstanding successfull operation for recovery of an injured spinal cord of a human done in Poland from an international team, led by a Prof. P. Tabakoff born in Bulgaria.




Generation of of the nerve cells have been produced using adult olpahctorian stem cells and a piece of terminal branches of a periferal nerve.

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#25 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 27 January 2015 - 09:26 PM

Since nobody of you is giving a feedback or opinion on stem cells therapies, I found a blog of a boy, who gives positive feedbacks for a stem cell therapy for healing blood 's cancer, using his brother's stem cells.



#26 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 07:47 AM

Another web site of another small company offering stem cells treatment for a vast range of diseases.




I wonder if these companies are offering a real treatment, or just are a sample of a stem cells fraud?


What do you think?

#27 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 30 January 2015 - 03:48 PM


I think, that I found an usage on people for what you suggested.



#28 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 30 January 2015 - 04:31 PM

Transplanting bone marrow cells can be viewed as transplanting stem cells, right?




After some browsing, actually I saw a blog, that claims, that there is some slight difference between bone marrow cells transplantation and bone marrow stem cells transplantation.




What do you people think about that? Is there really a difference?

Edited by seivtcho, 30 January 2015 - 04:31 PM.

#29 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 02 February 2015 - 03:12 PM

A study for creating human reproductive cells from stem cells with a free full text


http://humrep.oxford...0.full.pdf html

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#30 corb

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Posted 02 February 2015 - 08:31 PM

I know you have an interest in neuroregeneration so I'm wondering did you hear about the experiment where an injured mouse brain was coerced into repair by injecting a virus caring a Sox2 gene which gave microglial cells the ability for pluripotency (or at least the ability to form into other cells - in this case neurons - they share traits with) for a short while.


Direct reprogramming of cells is a method I'm personally more interested in because it doesn't require an extensive in vitro procedure. For things like myocardial infarction and stroke for instance it makes more sense because it can be done right after the patient is stabilized maximizing the chance for full recovery.

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