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A few questions about everything (mood, tianeptine, cognition, drug abuse, drive...)

racetam tianeptine selegiline deprenyl stablon mood depression addiction cognition drive

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#1 ataraxis

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 05:38 PM

Hello everyone, and sorry if this is not the correct section for such a post.


I would need some advice on my journey to a better me... but first, i will list the goals i am aiming for :


Mood : I have always felt a little bit low, but never had any pathological mood disturbances (never clinical depression, no pathological anxiety). The worst I scored on the hamilton depression scale was 12. The bad mood seems to be in relation with reckless drug seeking behavior, that manifested as multiple periods of abuse of various legal or illegal substances, never going into full blown addiction. I feel chronically tired, and because of that, i feel extremely unmotivated even for the most mundane tasks (cleaning my flat, filling out subscription form for university, studying for an exam) and i tend to always procrastinate. I cannot summon the motivation to exercise either. Lately i discovered tianeptine, and i must say it was very good for mood stabilizing. I feel entirely better, but my drive is still low. I do not tend to abuse drugs as much as i did, and the goal is to be entirely kick out the habit of abusing any drug as soon as can be done. Tianeptine was antidepressant and anti addictive for me. To help the drive a bit, i tried selegiline. It was a disaster : even 1 mg was dysphoric, and upon taking selegiline i noticed the immediate retunr of the low mood and the cravings for drugs. I stopped immediately and continued tianeptine, and returned to feeling good. Maybe to much dopamine is what makes me anxious and blue, and is responsible for the drug seeking?


Is there any other suppleement or drug that i can use to enhance motivation without risking losing the benefits of tianeptine?


Cognition : I am a medecine resident, and i have a demanding job. My cognition is OK, but i tend to make attention mistakes, and be generally disorganised. Is there any thing to boost cognitive skills related to organisation, planning, information processing, to learn to think fast and stop making the same mistakes over and over again? I am apprehensive of taking racetams because of my bad experience with selgiline and because i don't have enough money to spare... but maybe there are non pharmagological interventions, such as pdf's on improving ones organisation skills in relation with intensive care patient management, on learning a bunch of things fast and using them in the real world, anything that would help me not getting punched in the face too often by my boss during the upcomming three months (and trust me, he won't hesitate... :) )


Thank you for your time.




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Posted 14 January 2017 - 09:33 PM

I have the same issues. 

For the drive I'm currently trying ritalin and isopropylphenidate (an analogue of ritalin bought online). 

This helps with focus and motivation abit but its not everything.


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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: racetam, tianeptine, selegiline, deprenyl, stablon, mood, depression, addiction, cognition, drive

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