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MetaCurcumin Is The Best Super Curcumin In The World? (By RevGenetics)

curcumin metacurcumin super curcumin revgenetics liquid curcumin micelle curcumin

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#1 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 09 February 2015 - 08:45 PM

This thread is sponsored by Revegenetics. It can be used for promotion or informal interaction with existing or potential customers. Revegenetics is free to delete any of their own contributions from this thread at their sole discretion, but cannot edit the content of a contribution by another user. LongeCity is not affiliated with Revegenetics in any way and does NOT endorse or vouch for the safety of its products or services. LongeCity provides, at its discretion, this thread to Revegenetics in grateful acknowledgement for a donation made to LongeCity. This thread is not, and must not be used by anyone, including Revegenetics, as a means of conducting business, recording transactions or serving official notices or otherwise be relied on in any way. LongeCity may withdraw access to this thread, or remove this thread at its sole discretion at any time for any reason. Revegenetics may decide to render this thread inaccessible by visitors at any time or remove, but not alter, posts made by others in this thread. With the exception of an express permission to advertise in this thread, the LongeCity User Agreement (Bylaw A) applies as normal in this thread. (Mind)


The contents of this site are for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. RevGenetics and Lonegecity are not engaged in rendering medical or professional advice or services. The information provided on this Website and on this thread is not intended to substitute medical advice offered by a physician or other qualified health care provider. RevGenetics recommends that you consult a physician or professional health care provider prior to the use of the products advertised on this Website. Use of the products advertised as well as the information and commentary provided on this Website is solely at your own risk. This thread will provide Information on natural herbal supplements. The statements or studies referenced in this thread have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The dietary supplements we mention and / or sell are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. By continuing to read this thread beyond this point you acknowledge and accept that any content within is opinion and does not constitute medical advice of any kind.


Now that you have read and accept the disclaimers... lets read about MetaCurcumin in the next posts:


Edited by Anthony_Loera, 06 March 2015 - 07:50 PM.

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#2 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 20 February 2015 - 11:16 PM

MetaCurcumin provides up to 277 times the absorption over standard Curcumin in women?

Yes... MetaCurcumin is a liquid micelle curcumin, and we consider it simply the best curcumin available.

Where does MetaCurcumin gets its data for the high absorption?

:cool:  The study is below:  :cool:


The oral bioavailability of curcumin from micronized powder and liquid micelles is significantly increased in healthy humans and differs between sexes


Curcumin revealed various health-beneficial properties in numerous studies. However its bioavailability is low due to its limited intestinal uptake and rapid metabolism. The aim of our project was to develop novel curcumin formulations with improved oral bioavailability and to study their safety as well as potential sex-differences.

Methods and results
In this crossover study, healthy subjects (13 women, 10 men) took, in random order, a single oral dose of 500 mg curcuminoids as native powder, micronized powder, or liquid micelles. Blood and urine samples were collected for 24 h and total curcuminoids and safety parameters were quantified. Based on the area under the plasma concentration–time curve (AUC), the micronized curcumin was 14-, 5-, and 9-fold and micellar curcumin 277-, 114-, and 185-fold better bioavailable than native curcumin in women, men, and all subjects, respectively. Thus, women absorbed curcumin more efficiently than men. All safety parameters remained within the reference ranges following the consumption of all formulations.


Both, the micronized powder and in particular the liquid micellar formulation of curcumin significantly improved its oral bioavailability without altering safety parameters and may thus be ideally suited to deliver curcumin in human intervention trials. The observed sex differences in curcumin absorption warrant further investigation.

→ source (external link)

Does RevGenetics Sell This Exact Formulation Shown in The Study?

:-D  Yes We do!  :-D 

Yes, Only RevGenetics sells this as of this post and we are the first to provide this anywhere.
Yes, it is made in Germany.
Yes, it is made by the exact manufacturing company that made the micelle curcumin for the study.
Yes, our curcumin has 300 servings (at 0.166 ml a serving). The pumps squeezes out between 0.166 ml and 0.26 ml with every pump, so it can last about 185 days or more when taking 1 pump a day.

Yes, we have it in stock.
Yes, our private members get an additional 15% off.
Yes, we have a nifty chart based on the best study numbers found in women, and how it compares to other products regarding absorption:
MetaCurcumin Absorption Comparison Chart - 02222015.png
Yes, we have another nifty chart that shows the speed of absorption compared to others:
MetaCurcumin Speed Comparison Chart - 02222015.png
Yes we have a great micelle graphic that shows what micelle curcumin may look like:
Yes, we have the link for our product page so you can order it, but only if it suits your ridiculous absorption needs for curcumin (like it does for me):
Finally... Yes we have a softgel capsule version, however because of the ridiculous curcumin absorption that MetaCurcumin has, we figured it was best to release it in a method where people can measure out what they wanted. The softgel capsule version has only 1 very specific amount per softgel capsule... and this may be too much for some folks. But if you are like me, you will be very please with the ridiculous dose offered in the capsule.

Do you have a Trial size or something?
You are in luck, today we released our softgels (60 per bottle) for $37.95 and our $12 small trial size for folks who want to try MetaCurcumin: 




RevGenetics is the first American dietary supplement company making the breakthrough micelle curcumin available in a pump and now in softgels. Micelle curcumin has shown interesting results in studies with animals with Alzheimers so far (Micelle Curcumin).


Curcumin Micelles Improve Mitochondrial Function in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Preventive strategies for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD) should start early at a prodromal stage. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been found to play an important role in the initiation of both aging and the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Curcumin, a widely used spice and food-coloring agent, is a polyphenol derived from the rhizome of Curcuma longa. It is known to have anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-protein-aggregate activities which are usually considered beneficial for mitochondrial function. We assessed brain mitochondrial function and concentrations of soluble Aβ40 in a mouse model of AD (Thy1-APP751SL transgenic mice) after 3-week administration of curcumin micelles. Curcumin micelles are a newly developed formulation that account for increased curcumin bioavailability. Curcumin treatment had positive effects on mitochondrial membrane potential and respiratory control ratio. Additionally, it decreased levels of soluble Aβ40 in brains of Thy1-APPSL transgenic mice. Hence, curcumin micelles are a promising neutraceutical for the prevention of AD.

→ source (external link)


Of course this would further have to be supported by human clinical trials to see if Micelle Curcumin such as that found in MetaCurcumin will help any human. Lets remember that RevGenetics is a dietary supplement, and that we are bound by FDA regulations. To that end, here is our disclaimer for this post and the thread:  As natural herbal supplements the statements posted and / or studies posted have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The dietary supplements we mention and sell are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 


Anthony Loera

Edited by Anthony_Loera, 16 May 2015 - 12:31 AM.

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#3 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 06 March 2015 - 09:24 PM

MetaCurcumin uses the exact novasol formulation used in the video below.
Here is a video by one of the researchers who did the human absorption study and at the end of the video he states...

"<Micelle Curcumin> novasol Is the most potent bioavailability enhanced form of curcumin that you can buy."




Get this same absorption today in our MetaCurcumin products!


You can see them all here at the RevGenetics website:


MetaCurcumin Trial: $12



MetaCurcumin 50ML: $60 Liquid Pump



MetaCurcumin Maximum Strength: $37.95 Softgels




RevGenetics Private Members get an additional 15% Off!


Edited by Anthony_Loera, 03 May 2015 - 05:16 PM.

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#4 niner

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Posted 10 March 2015 - 02:05 AM

Anthony, how does Metacurcumin compare to Longvida?  Both are micellar, as far as I can tell.

#5 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 10 March 2015 - 04:29 PM

Anthony, how does Metacurcumin compare to Longvida?  Both are micellar, as far as I can tell.



First.... Liposomes are not Micelles:

Liposomes are composed of a lipid bilayer separating an aqueous internal compartment from the bulk aqueous phase. 

Micelles are closed lipid monolayers with a fatty acid core and polar surface, or polar core with fatty acids on the surface.


Now how doe they compare because they are different?


Longvida (lipid curcumin) states it has:

up to 65 times the bioavailability of standard curcumin 


MetaCurcumin (micellar crucumin) has

up to 277 times Bioavailability of standard curcumin. 


Winner? Metacurcumin

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#6 niner

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Posted 14 March 2015 - 04:18 AM


Anthony, how does Metacurcumin compare to Longvida?  Both are micellar, as far as I can tell.



First.... Liposomes are not Micelles:

Liposomes are composed of a lipid bilayer separating an aqueous internal compartment from the bulk aqueous phase. 

Micelles are closed lipid monolayers with a fatty acid core and polar surface, or polar core with fatty acids on the surface.


Now how doe they compare because they are different?


Longvida (lipid curcumin) states it has:

up to 65 times the bioavailability of standard curcumin 


MetaCurcumin (micellar crucumin) has

up to 277 times Bioavailability of standard curcumin. 


Winner? Metacurcumin


Maybe, maybe not.  That would depend on what they considered to be standard curcumin, and on the conditions of the pharmacokinetics measurements.  Another question is what species they were looking at--  Did they look at native curcumin in blood, or did they collect all the curcumin metabolites, most of which are likely to be inactive, and measure that?  Were they looking at Cmax, which can be misleading, or Area Under the Curve, which tells you how much bodily exposure you get overall?   I know that the Longvida guys are very focused on maximizing the concentration of unmetabolized curcumin.  The formulation technology looks awfully similar-- Both are dry micellar formulations with small particle size.


We need side by side comparisons of the two, delivered at the same mg/kg dose to a number of people under the same state of fasting and hydration.  It's hard to imagine that Metacurcumin is over four times better than Longvida when they are so similar technologically.  It would be great if Hector does measurements like this.

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#7 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 06:28 PM



The answers to your questions seem to be in the study, the abstract itself actually states AUC (Area Under The Curve), for example. I also would not be making claims against Longvida unless I was confident the study available also showed the MetaCurcumin liquid micelle formulation apparently beats it. 


Question: Did they look at native curcumin in blood, or did they collect all the curcumin metabolites?

Answer: Free Curcumin, not metabolites. Per the absorption study: "Curcuminoids were quantified against external standard curves. Curcumin (CAS #458-37-7; purity >= 92.2), DMC (CAS #22608-11-13; purity >= 98.3%) and BDMC (CAS #24939-16-0; purity >= 99.4%) standards were obtained from Chromadex (Irvie, USA)"


Question:  Were they looking at Cmax, which can be misleading, or Area Under the Curve, which tells you how much bodily exposure you get overall?

Answer: It is based on the area under the plasma concentration–time curve (AUC)


In the study they also provide the stats of the other competitors, including Longvida (which our MetaCurcumin liquid curcumin beats):


Screen Shot 2015-03-17 at 2.19.24 PM.png


Now compare those AUC numbers with the Micelle curcumin that MetaCurcumin uses:



Screen Shot 2015-03-17 at 2.32.58 PM.png



As you can see, there is a huge difference.

If you are still on the fence, get one of our little trial bottles of MetaCurcumin for $12.


You can purchase MetaCurcumin at RevGenetics



Edited by Anthony_Loera, 17 March 2015 - 06:35 PM.

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#8 niner

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 07:11 PM

Thanks Anthony.  Wow, Longvida looks really lousy in this test.  I wonder how the longvida guys would explain that?  BCM-95 looked pretty good.  There's lots to look at here.

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#9 Arisia

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 09:04 PM




MetaCurcumin (micellar crucumin) has

up to 277 times Bioavailability of standard curcumin. 


Winner? Metacurcumin



Just for the sake of completeness. According to the following study, micellar curcumin has 277 times the bioavailability as standard curcumin in women only, and 144 times the bioavailability of standard curcumin in men. There was no explanation on why there was a difference between the sexes.



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#10 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 19 March 2015 - 12:57 AM

I guess I'm not seeing it in all the text, but how many mg of curcumin is in each MetaCurcumin capsule?



$37.95 - MetaCurcumin Softgels:



1 Serving = To about 23.2 Grams (in Women per our charts and the study)

1 Serving = 2 Softgel Capsules


23.2 grams = 23200 mg

23200 / 277 = 83.75 mg


Our serving of two capsules has 84 mg

That means Metacurcumin 1 softgel has 42 mg




$60 - MetaCurcumin 200 Pump:



1 Serving (1 pump) = To about 2.77 Grams (in Women per our charts and the study)

1 Serving = 10mg


The bottle has 300 servings (Actually a little more than that, but we say 300 for now)

The bottle has 50ML of liquid


I think DeadMeat can calculate grams from here. 




$12 - MetaCurcumin Mini Trial Pump:



1 Serving (1 pump) = about 2 Grams (in Women per our charts and the study)

1 Serving = 7mg (its actually slightly more)


The bottle says 5ML on it... it actually has a tiny more than that.



Of course for the large pump and the softgels

Private Members get an additional 15% OFF



Edited by Anthony_Loera, 03 May 2015 - 05:19 PM.

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#11 nickthird

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Posted 19 March 2015 - 11:01 PM

If I recall correctly, and the last time I checked this was years ago, 1 Meriva capsule provides equivalent of 4g oral curcumin. Thus 40$ / 180 caps -> .0.0555 USD / 1g curcumin. Your product provides the equivalent of 30 * 23g (2 capsule serving) = 690g of curcumin. However the cost is 70$, therefore -> 0.1015 USD / 1g curcumin.


You are twice as expensive as Meriva for the same dose (of equivalent curcumin).


(BTW this is assuming the best case - female user, and I have no idea whether Meriva was analyzed for women. It could be that its absorbed better for them as well.)

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#12 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 20 March 2015 - 05:29 PM

If I recall correctly, and the last time I checked this was years ago, 1 Meriva capsule provides equivalent of 4g oral curcumin. Thus 40$ / 180 caps -> .0.0555 USD / 1g curcumin. Your product provides the equivalent of 30 * 23g (2 capsule serving) = 690g of curcumin. However the cost is 70$, therefore -> 0.1015 USD / 1g curcumin.


You are twice as expensive as Meriva for the same dose (of equivalent curcumin).


(BTW this is assuming the best case - female user, and I have no idea whether Meriva was analyzed for women. It could be that its absorbed better for them as well.)


Nick, I believe the Meriva study found 29x absorption, but that was for all curcuminoids, where they found 18x for just curcumin. Having said that, our chart does state Meriva at 29x. Now I looked at the Meriva capsules and they have 90mg total curcuminoids... (and DeadMeat, I will verify what you just posted.... but off the cuff what you stated looks accurate, thanks).


So if the Meriva capsules have 90mg which I saw on the label just a few minutes ago...


Hmm... (90 mg x 29x) = 2610 mg per capsule.

Now 180 capsules x 2610 mg = 469.8 grams total.


So far, so good...

Your $40 180 Capsule Meriva Price Comparison:


Metacurcumin Softgels product at 60 capsules provides a total of about 696 Grams per bottle for $37.95

Metacurcumin 200 liquid product at 300 servings provides a total of about 831 Grams per bottle at $60

Meriva 500 product at 180 capsules provides a total of about 469.8 Grams per bottle for $40 


MetaCurcumin Softgels = $ 0.054 Per Gram

MetaCurcumin 200 Liquid Pump = $ 0.072 Per Gram

Meriva 500 = $ 0.085 Per Gram


But How About The 15% Private Member Discount?

Now if you add a 15% discount, which I posted above... this now becomes:


Metacurcumin Softgels product at 60 capsules provides a total of about 696 Grams per bottle for $32.25

Metacurcumin 200 liquid product at 300 servings provides a total of about 831 Grams per bottle at $45

Meriva 500 product at 180 capsules provides a total of about 469.8 Grams per bottle for $40 


MetaCurcumin Softgels = $ 0.046 Per Gram

MetaCurcumin 200 Liquid Pump = $ 0.054 Per Gram

Meriva 500 = $ 0.085 Per Gram


Now unless I messed up my numbers, I still see MetaCurcumin as the winner:

I recommend to consider the $12 trial size (the small liquid pump) as some of you girls may not like the taste. ;) Of course men will see a higher price per gram.


Now If you go by the amount of daily capsules you would take: 

it appears 8.888 capsules of Meriva = 2 softgels of MetaCurcumin (Women).

it appears 4.620 capsules of Meriva = 2 softgels of MetaCurcumin (Men).


I mention it because some people prefer taking less capsules, regardless of price.





Edited by Anthony_Loera, 03 May 2015 - 05:23 PM.

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#13 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 22 April 2015 - 05:39 PM

MetaCurcumin Is The Best Super Curcumin In The World.


MetaCurcumin Maximum Strength: 60 Softgels - Only $37.95!   :-D 



It puts to bed the whole cost analysis conversation, and 'hands down' simply beats everything out there... until something better comes out.




Edited by Anthony_Loera, 03 May 2015 - 05:30 PM.

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#14 Juicy

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Posted 18 May 2015 - 09:11 PM

Going to give it a try Anthony :) Any discount codes on $60?

And things to add to it?


Thanks!! I can log it if you wish.

#15 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 19 May 2015 - 07:17 PM

Going to give it a try Anthony :) Any discount codes on $60?

And things to add to it?


Thanks!! I can log it if you wish.


Hi Juicy,


Private Members get a 15% discount using this code: 




Longecity Members (The paying members here, not just registered users) get a 10% discount of RevGenetics products. Just IM me once your account here shows you are a member and I will add you to the 10% discount membership program we have at RevGenetics. You will then be able to use this discount code to get the 10% discount: 




I hope this helps


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#16 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 19 May 2015 - 07:20 PM

Why would I want to consume the equivalent of 23 grams of curcumin daily? I understand this could be necessary in some cases but perhaps thee would be a market for a ~10 grams formulation? 


The MetaCurcumin softgel bottle contains 60 softgels.


1 serving size is 2 softgels.


If you simply take 1 softgel (rather than 2), you maybe taking ~11 grams if you are female.



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#17 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 21 May 2015 - 08:14 PM

MetaCurcumin is now proven to activate sirtuins. 

No other curcumin product that we know has provided evidence of sirtuin activation, only MetaCurcumin has. MetaCurcumin and Micronized Resveratrol was provided by RevGenetics for these tests. Below are the graphs that show how it compares with resveratrol in immune cells. The following images are taken from the power point slide presented at the American Association of Immunology conference by Hector Valenzuela PhD. This conference was held in New Orleans earlier this month. 


You can pick up MetaCurcumin in softgels or a liquid pump here:

(GAPDH in charts was used as a housekeeping gene for normalization ie. internal control.)

a184bfed-119c-4291-849a-a70df83e6277.png 3c0314f3-a6ea-464e-93cd-e1d91bf27e74.png


Title: Effects of natural supplementation on human T cell longevity pathways
Authors: Nicholas Casarez, Lisa Hom, Sarah Daoudi and Hector Valenzuela

Nutraceuticals are natural compounds that contain both nutritional as well as medicinal benefits. Various nutraceuticals (curcumin and resveratrol) obtained from plant extracts have been shown to improve fitness and extend lifespan by various mechanisms. In addition other compounds have also been shown to extend lifespan (rapamycin, spermidine and nicotinamide mononucleotide). Although the end result for these compounds maybe extension of lifespan, comparison of their signaling pathways remains to be determined. The objective of our research was to compare the signaling pathway of these compounds on both normal human T cells and Jurkat cell lines. We used RT-PCR to measure gene expression of NF-Κβ, AMPK, sirtuin 1-7 and autophagy specific genes (ATG5 and MAPILC3B/LC3) for all of these compounds.  In addition, we show a direct correlation between concentrations of treatment and the upregulation of gene expression to the viability of the cells. 



Resveratrol, Curcumin and Spermidine were obtained from RevGenetics. The equivalent of 0.05 gm of each compound was dissolved in 10 ml of Ethanol to achieve stock concentrations of 5 x 10-3 gm/mL. Serial dilutions ranging between 10-3, 10-4, 10-5 and 10-6 gm/mL were tested for each compound on our cell cultures. The total volume of the compounds added for each concentration into the experimental cultures represented 0.1% of the final volume. CD4 and CD8 T cells were purified from the PBMC by negative selection, using a C4 and CD8 T cell isolation kit (Miltenyi Biotec) according to the manufacturer's instructions. The T cells were stimulated with CD2/CD3/CD28 antibody-coated beads. The cells (donor’s T cells and/or Jurkat cells) were treated with the compounds and samples taken 24 hours later. Cell samples were taken for telomerase analysis(RT-PCR Millipore kit) and gene expression using RT-PCR (Bio-Rad). Statistical analysis was done using a two tail Student’s t test and significance established with a p value of < 0.05.



Conclusions (so far)...

Curcumin has traditionally been used for centuries by India and China as herbal teas that promote health. Resveratrol is the active ingredient in red wine that is believed to provide cardiovascular and cancer protection. Recent scientific studies have shown that both compounds are anti-inflammatory and may work through similar pathways. Our results, show that both curcumin and resveratrol can modulate sirtuin expression. However, not all extracts versions can stimulate sirtuins and/or telomerase activity to the same degree. Further studies on normal cells should help confirm or change our observations. Nevertheless, we feel that this preliminary study begins to lay the foundation for, not only comparing different forms of curcumin or resveratrol, but also other natural telomerase activators such as spermidine



This is an ongoing study, and more data will be available once completed.

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#18 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 14 June 2015 - 01:58 AM

Hi Anthony, I'm pleased to see that RevGenetics is trying new approaches to maximize curcumin benefits. But I have a question.

I looked at the AUC table you posted above on 3/17/2015. It refers to "total curcumin", plus a couple metabolites. The only therapeutic form of curcumin, as far as I've ever seen in the literature, is free curcumin. There's a lot of confusion over AUC as a result. Granted, it says "calculated from total curcumin", and there's a column labelled "curcumin" (whatever that means). So it sounds like they're saying that: (free curcumin) = (total curumin) - DMC - BDMC. Is this what they actually mean? What evidence is there that DMC and BDMC are the only metabolites with meaningful plasma concentration?

In my case, I'm taking 20 grams of Longvida per day (a whole bottle). All I want to do is maximize AUC of plasma free curcumin. I have no interest in metabolites, pending scientific evidence that they're therapeutic. How would that compare to your product? In particular, what is the cost per AUC of free curcumin in your case and theirs? 


"and there's a column labelled "curcumin" (whatever that means)"


From the 03/17/2015 post:


Question: Did they look at native curcumin in blood, or did they collect all the curcumin metabolites?

Answer: Free Curcumin, not metabolites. Per the absorption study: "Curcuminoids were quantified against external standard curves.


Curcumin (CAS #458-37-7; purity >= 92.2),

DMC (CAS #22608-11-13; purity >= 98.3%) and ...

BDMC (CAS #24939-16-0; purity >= 99.4%) standards were obtained from Chromadex (Irvie, USA)"


What you need to ask is... what CAS number does Longvida use to determine "Free Curcumin" ? 


The study done in Germany compared the curcumin absorption appropriately to its kind in other products to make a solid comparison. 

As Niner Noted... "Wow, Longvida looks really lousy in this test.  I wonder how the longvida guys would explain that?"


There is no question that MetaCurcumin beats Longvida hands down per the study.   :-D 

In the meantime switch over to MetaCurcumin if you want higher absorption of curcumin and have it last longer in your bloodstream.


MetaCurcumin is available here for $37.95 for 60 Softgels


Private Members get a 15% discount using this code: 


Edited by Anthony_Loera, 14 June 2015 - 02:51 AM.

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#19 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 14 June 2015 - 02:38 AM


What can you offer, by way of reported human effects given certain doses? In fairness, I know that the FDA ties your hands and forces you to say that your product is incapable of improving any disease, even though I'm sure it can, and probably more broadly than any pharmaceutical.


By the way, folks, we have a MetaCurcumin experience thread over here which is in dire need of reports.



First I apologize for editing the question. But you are correct regarding the brunt of it as the FDA stops us from making claims. The FDA can close us down if I make claims, and that will not help anyone except our competitors who would love to see us disappear.


So again, I cannot provide you any claim information or suggested dosages for any illness, treatment, etc, etc. However what I can provide you is how much my own dear relative takes along with other products, as part of her daily regimen. I consider her current regimen below very special and targeted for her, because of my relatives age and weight. 


My relative is female, about 125 lbs, 70 years old.


Her morning dose (10 AM):

1 Multivitamin

1000 mg of micronized resveratrol

1000 mg of polydatin

4 'pumps' of metacurcumin in a drink

2 teaspoons sodium bicarbonate dissolved in water after her breakfast


Her evening dose (6 PM):

1000 mg of micronized resveratrol

1000 mg of polydatin

4 'pumps' of metacurcumin in a drink

2 teaspoons sodium bicarbonate dissolved in water 


All I can say, is that this regimen has defied my relatives (and my own) expectations. I am now receiving requests from uncles and aunts for some kind of similar combination to be shipped to them. Of course that is only part my personal story because I can't say much about the main apparent benefit she received... which may have been a fluke. But it is hard to consider a doctor screwing up that bad. Now, I have not added the special olive oil to this list even though she did have it initially for 7 days when I heard the "bad news", but the regimen above remains the current one she takes. For those wondering she had 0.7 cup of the special oil daily for 7 days, and it was nasty as I took it along with her to support her during the initial period of time when we where worried.


Because this thread is about MetaCurcumin, not my 70 year old relative or her regimen.

I have to note that we have the pump, but also the softgels, and I believe 1 softgel is about equivalent to 7-8 pumps.


I will leave you with that.


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#20 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 14 June 2015 - 02:45 AM

Going to give it a try Anthony :) Any discount codes on $60?

And things to add to it?


Thanks!! I can log it if you wish.



Hi Juicy, 

Just a reminder... if you become a paying member of Longecity here:




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MetaCurcumin is available below:

MetaCurcumin Maximum Strength: $37.95 Softgels


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#21 wolfeye

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Posted 14 July 2015 - 08:37 AM

Shipping rates to Europe are pricy. When will this be sold on iherb?

#22 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 31 August 2015 - 06:51 PM

Shipping rates to Europe are pricy. When will this be sold on iherb?


We would love to provide it through iHerb. 

Please help us by contacting the Purchasing department of iHerb and requesting they carry our MetaCurcumin product.


Contct the iHerb Purchasing Department Here:



They are grandfathered into DHL shipping and we would love to be able to offer the product with cheap shipping worldwide through iHerb.


Thanks for any help!


Anthony Loera

Edited by Anthony_Loera, 31 August 2015 - 06:53 PM.

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#23 wolfeye

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Posted 11 September 2015 - 04:56 PM

Anthony, I will try my best to make it happen.

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#24 brighty

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Posted 17 May 2016 - 12:13 PM


Why would I want to consume the equivalent of 23 grams of curcumin daily? I understand this could be necessary in some cases but perhaps thee would be a market for a ~10 grams formulation? 


The MetaCurcumin softgel bottle contains 60 softgels.


1 serving size is 2 softgels.


If you simply take 1 softgel (rather than 2), you maybe taking ~11 grams if you are female.





But 11 grams are still a lot. I understand that amount may be needed for some medical conditions. Is that amount needed for someone who is taking it solely for health maintenance and possible antiaging benefits? I am afraid that you can run into side effects and it will be harmful to the body with such high dosage.

I have been thinking about MetaCurcumin lately myself. I have only recently started to take antiaging supplements. But I am concerned that even taking 1 capsule of MetaCurcumin a day is still too much for me and that I would run into other side effects. I am a healthy male in his mid-30s.

#25 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 20 May 2016 - 05:29 PM



Why would I want to consume the equivalent of 23 grams of curcumin daily? I understand this could be necessary in some cases but perhaps thee would be a market for a ~10 grams formulation? 


The MetaCurcumin softgel bottle contains 60 softgels.


1 serving size is 2 softgels.


If you simply take 1 softgel (rather than 2), you maybe taking ~11 grams if you are female.





But 11 grams are still a lot. I understand that amount may be needed for some medical conditions. Is that amount needed for someone who is taking it solely for health maintenance and possible antiaging benefits? I am afraid that you can run into side effects and it will be harmful to the body with such high dosage.

I have been thinking about MetaCurcumin lately myself. I have only recently started to take antiaging supplements. But I am concerned that even taking 1 capsule of MetaCurcumin a day is still too much for me and that I would run into other side effects. I am a healthy male in his mid-30s.



Yes, Metacurcumin is very potent compared to the other "super curcumin" products on the market that we have seen.


You should try the Pump so that you can easily measure out a small amounts using a metric scale. We have a few people that do this.


And now, no one has reported any side effects or adverse effects even though the MetaCurcumin absorption is incredible.



Edited by Anthony_Loera, 20 May 2016 - 05:35 PM.

#26 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 01 June 2016 - 05:17 PM

Hi Brighty,


1- There is no air within the pump, even after pumping the liquid out...  the liquid container inside the pump becomes shorter, rather than allow air inside. However, it's not a big seller and we may start to discontinue it. I am not sure yet.


2- Solgar is an interesting product, and we will be testing it soon using Intertek for a direct comparison. Having said that, and just by looking at the label:

  • The last time MetaCurcumin was found on the internet it was priced lower than Solgar. (Yes it was!)
  • MetaCurcumin has always had more micelle curcumin in our capsules than Solgar, not much more, but I can clearly see that on the label.
  • In our latest formula we are adding extra curcuminoids (not much, but we felt it was necessary)
  • We are not using softgels anymore, we are using liquid capsules.  

We have wholesale folks that can charge a lower price on this product, when they want to sell it on the internet. Just like the people that buy Solgar and resell it on the internet...


If you want to be a wholesaler, contact us for wholesale pricing.




Edited by Anthony_Loera, 03 July 2016 - 05:33 PM.

#27 lumia

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Posted 11 June 2016 - 07:12 PM

I want to ask a scientific question. Do you think the polysorbate and/or the glycerin in Metcurcumin would cause insulin release? That doesn't affect whether I'd take it, but when.

#28 brighty

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Posted 01 July 2016 - 12:49 AM

Hi Anthony,


How many grams of Tween 80 does each capsule of Nitro 250 and Meta Curcumin contain? I am not attempting to criticize the use of Tween 80 but I just want to find out how many grams of Tween 80 I will potentially be taking on a daily basis before deciding whether to take these products.




#29 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 03 July 2016 - 05:29 PM

Hi Anthony,


How many grams of Tween 80 does each capsule of Nitro 250 and Meta Curcumin contain? I am not attempting to criticize the use of Tween 80 but I just want to find out how many grams of Tween 80 I will potentially be taking on a daily basis before deciding whether to take these products.




Hi Brighty,


Unfortunately that info is proprietary in nature. RevGenetics makes products from the view of absorption and bioavailability, and tween is the only proven micelle carrier to increase the absorption in humans by such a large amount, blowing past any black pepper, lipid, or other solid nano carriers we have seen.


For example, the Nitro250 product has always been a gelatin product because the vegetarian capsule dissolves much to slow to release the contents of that capsule to provide the spike in absorption we look for from the tween 80 emulsified contents. Now with MetaCurcumin, the technology with encapsulation of curcuminoids in micelles has changed, but the micelles themselves are created with tween as the stability of it is far beyond what we can do with anything that people consider 'plant based'.


This product (like the Nitro250) is solely made for high absorption using the latest that science has to offer for that purpose. Much like we know that we cannot build an jet airplane that goes from Paris to New York quickly from wood, we cannot (at this time) have such powerful, fast, consistent and stable absorption using regular lipids from natural sources.


People that use MetaCurcumin simply want the best absorption possible along with it's benefits, and love that science has a way to provide it to them.



#30 Jag Kahlon

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Posted 28 January 2017 - 04:27 PM

Can you please tell me which type of product is metacurcumin from below, as is clear all these types are focused on different problems.


Meriva is commonly used for inflammatory diseases like arthritis, uveitis, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Longvida, on the other hand, is most effective for brain diseases like Alzheimer's disease and dementia. It is formulated in a way that enables the active ingredients to cross the blood brain barrier.

BCM 95 is marketed for inflammatory conditions, but it may also be helpful as an antioxidant for heart health and cancer prevention. It also shows soothing effects on gastrointestinal tract (due to healing turmeric oils that it contains) and may be helpful with diabetes type 2. It is the only curcumin formulation that contains essential oils from turmeric.

Sabinsa C3 works as an anti-inflammatory agent and an antioxidant. It, however, contains an additional substance piperine, which may cause major adverse side effects in the long term, especially in people who are taking other kinds of medicine.


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: curcumin, metacurcumin, super curcumin, revgenetics, liquid curcumin, micelle curcumin

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