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Life is 9.7 billion years old

evolution genes asteroid spore

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#1 Kalliste

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Posted 15 March 2015 - 01:39 PM

Life seems to be 9.7 billion years old.

I missed this way back when it was posted. Interesting question!



Moore’s Law and the Origin of Life

Here’s an interesting idea. Moore’s Law states that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit doubles every two years or so. That has produced an exponential increase in the number of transistors on microchips and continues to do so.

But if an observer today was to measure this rate of increase, it would be straightforward to extrapolate backwards and work out when the number of transistors on a chip was zero. In other words, the date when microchips were first developed in the 1960s.

A similar process works with scientific publications. Between 1990 and 1960, they doubled in number every 15 years or so. Extrapolating this backwards gives the origin of scientific publication as 1710, about the time of Isaac Newton.

Today, Alexei Sharov at the National Institute on Ageing in Baltimore and his mate Richard Gordon at the Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratory in Florida, have taken a similar to complexity and life.

These guys argue that it’s possible to measure the complexity of life and the rate at which it has increased from prokaryotes to eukaryotes to more complex creatures such as worms, fish and finally mammals. That produces a clear exponential increase identical to that behind Moore’s Law although in this case the doubling time is 376 million years rather than two years.

That raises an interesting question. What happens if you extrapolate backwards to the point of no complexity–the origin of life?

Sharov and Gordon say that the evidence by this measure is clear. “Linear regression of genetic complexity (on a log scale) extrapolated back to just one base pair suggests the time of the origin of life = 9.7 ± 2.5 billion years ago,” they say.

And since the Earth is only 4.5 billion years old, that raises a whole series of other questions. Not least of these is how and where did life begin.

Of course, there are many points to debate in this analysis. The nature of evolution is filled with subtleties that most biologists would agree we do not yet fully understand.

For example, is it reasonable to think that the complexity of life has increased at the same rate throughout Earth’s history? Perhaps the early steps in the origin of life created complexity much more quickly than evolution does now, which will allow the timescale to be squeezed into the lifespan of the Earth.

Sharov and Gorden reject this argument saying that it is suspiciously similar to arguments that squeeze the origin of life into the timespan outlined in the biblical Book of Genesis.

Let’s suppose for a minute that these guys are correct and ask about the implications of the idea. They say there is good evidence that bacterial spores can be rejuvenated after many millions of years, perhaps stored in ice.

They also point out that astronomers believe that the Sun formed from the remnants of an earlier star, so it would be no surprise that life from this period might be preserved in the gas, dust and ice clouds that remained. By this way of thinking, life on Earth is a continuation of a process that began many billions of years earlier around our star’s forerunner.

Sharov and Gordon say their interpretation also explains the Fermi paradox, which raises the question that if the universe is filled with intelligent life, why can’t we see evidence of it.

However, if life takes 10 billion years to evolve to the level of complexity associated with humans, then we may be among the first, if not the first, intelligent civilisation in our galaxy. And this is the reason why when we gaze into space, we do not yet see signs of other intelligent species.

There’s no question that this is a controversial idea that will ruffle more than a few feathers amongst evolutionary theorists.

But it is also provocative, interesting and exciting. All the more reason to debate it in detail.

Ref: arxiv.org/abs/1304.3381: Life Before Earth



Some criticism



I'm no biologist, but from what I've read early single-cell lifeforms (as well as some current bacteria) evolved by horizontal gene transfer as well as Darwinian evolution. Since horizontal transfer probably doesn't work so well in multi-celled organisms, is it possible this method sped up (early) single-celled evolution when compared to multi-cell evolution?

I suppose the above graph would indicate "no", but I've not read the paper.


#2 Darryl

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 06:09 AM

I find panspermia hypothesis extremely attractive, mostly due to the first fossil evidence of life at 3.7 bya, while the surface sterilizing late heavy bombardment (arising from outward migration of the gas giants) extends to 3.7-3.8 bya. In other words, evidence of life is almost instantaneous after Earth's surface is no longer intermittantly steam sterilized. Either life is extraordinarily easy to create, or there's enough of it distributed as bacterial spores on impact ejecta that most habitable environments in the galaxy would be exposed. 


If we discover life in the oceans of Enceladus or Europa, and it happens to share our genetic code (DNA + tRNAs for protein translation), it will go a very long way to support this hypothesis, though it might of course be contamination from Earth. If our distant descendants found life in other stellar systems with the same genetic code, panspermia will be certain.

Edited by Darryl, 16 March 2015 - 06:11 AM.

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#3 Kalliste

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 07:21 AM

It would be scary if it turned up left and right. That would make the filter theory more depressing.

#4 Antonio2014

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 07:29 AM

Life's complexity doesn't seem to increase exponentially at all.

#5 corb

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 05:54 PM

Life's complexity doesn't seem to increase exponentially at all.

It's actually an interesting question how exactly they measured for complexity.

I've not heard of any such measure in genetics.

#6 niner

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 11:32 PM

I think Sharov and Gordon are using the same sophisticated prediction methodology as these guys:



In 1894, the Times of London estimated that by 1950 every street in the city would be buried nine feet deep in horse manure. One New York prognosticator of the 1890s concluded that by 1930 the horse droppings would rise to Manhattan’s third-story windows.



It's ludicrous to think that a simple exponential is going to fit the development of life from the pre-biotic era until today.  Are they taking into account the development of multi-cellularity, or the development of sexual reproduction?  Their comparison of critics to young-Earth creationists is jaw-dropping.  Once we do some serious exploration of the Solar system, we may understand the picture a lot better, as Darryl suggests.

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#7 Antonio2014

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 11:12 AM

It's actually an interesting question how exactly they measured for complexity.

I've not heard of any such measure in genetics.


From around 3.8-4 billion years ago, when life originated, to the Ediacaran fauna, around 0.7 billion years ago, all life was unicellular. Then we suddenly have the Ediacaran multicellular organisms, and soon after that (around 0.55 billion years ago) the Cambrian explosion, when almost all current phyla appeared. As far as we know, we could still be in the bacterial stage, with nothing more complicated than stromatolites. Also, it doesn't seem that there has been a significant increase in complexity since the Cambrian explosion. And also, even today, most life is still in the bacterial stage (bacterial biomass exceeds that of all plants and animals).

Edited by Antonio2014, 17 March 2015 - 11:14 AM.

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#8 corb

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 12:52 PM


It's actually an interesting question how exactly they measured for complexity.

I've not heard of any such measure in genetics.


From around 3.8-4 billion years ago, when life originated, to the Ediacaran fauna, around 0.7 billion years ago, all life was unicellular. Then we suddenly have the Ediacaran multicellular organisms, and soon after that (around 0.55 billion years ago) the Cambrian explosion, when almost all current phyla appeared. As far as we know, we could still be in the bacterial stage, with nothing more complicated than stromatolites. Also, it doesn't seem that there has been a significant increase in complexity since the Cambrian explosion. And also, even today, most life is still in the bacterial stage (bacterial biomass exceeds that of all plants and animals).



Yes, Ok, I get that.
What I'm asking is what numbers they used as a measure of complexity?

Or did they just approximate like you did just now?


Moore's law is quite easy to use for computers because we know the exact number of transistors in a silicon die - the die size * the fabrication method gives you the number of transistors. Easy to calculate, easy to follow the progression of the technology.


How the hell are you going to do that in biology?  You can't use genome size and coding genes as a measure because they don't show a linear progression - no clear progression in fact. You can't use the number of cells in an organism as a measure either for the obvious reason of morphological differences between species.

Maybe they used the number of cell types in an organism. That's the only thing I can come up with.

#9 niner

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 01:02 PM

This is the sort of thing that often happens when physicists dabble in the life sciences.

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#10 Antonio2014

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 06:34 PM



It's actually an interesting question how exactly they measured for complexity.

I've not heard of any such measure in genetics.


From around 3.8-4 billion years ago, when life originated, to the Ediacaran fauna, around 0.7 billion years ago, all life was unicellular. Then we suddenly have the Ediacaran multicellular organisms, and soon after that (around 0.55 billion years ago) the Cambrian explosion, when almost all current phyla appeared. As far as we know, we could still be in the bacterial stage, with nothing more complicated than stromatolites. Also, it doesn't seem that there has been a significant increase in complexity since the Cambrian explosion. And also, even today, most life is still in the bacterial stage (bacterial biomass exceeds that of all plants and animals).



Yes, Ok, I get that.
What I'm asking is what numbers they used as a measure of complexity?

Or did they just approximate like you did just now?



I was not critizicing your response to my first comment, I was only expanding that comment.


Yeah, AFAIK, there is no clear number to point out to and measure complexity in living beings. My remark was only qualitative, not quantitative.



I find panspermia hypothesis extremely attractive, mostly due to the first fossil evidence of life at 3.7 bya, while the surface sterilizing late heavy bombardment (arising from outward migration of the gas giants) extends to 3.7-3.8 bya. In other words, evidence of life is almost instantaneous after Earth's surface is no longer intermittantly steam sterilized. Either life is extraordinarily easy to create, or there's enough of it distributed as bacterial spores on impact ejecta that most habitable environments in the galaxy would be exposed. 


If we discover life in the oceans of Enceladus or Europa, and it happens to share our genetic code (DNA + tRNAs for protein translation), it will go a very long way to support this hypothesis, though it might of course be contamination from Earth. If our distant descendants found life in other stellar systems with the same genetic code, panspermia will be certain.


Maybe you find this interesting:





Edited by Antonio2014, 17 March 2015 - 06:49 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: evolution, genes, asteroid, spore

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