Dasitinib Group Buy. By Logic
SearchingForAnswers 20 grams
Niner 10
Logic 10
Fafner55 10
mikey 5
Cosmicalstorm 5
Rarefied 10
ClarkSims 20
Nate-2004 10
ceridwen 5
prophets 5
Authentic 5
mkp6019 5
DareDevil 50
Captain Obvious 5-10
LookingForTime 5
Ygdrasil 10
Vantika 50
Haste 5
Katkay 10
Fred_CALICO 10
Total 265 -270
The price was not as low as I anticipated:
Best I could get @ 255 grams is $ 6.46/g
Shipping: $ 0.12
Testing: $ 2.35
Total: $ 8.93 (Excluding Paypal Fees (0.5% + $0.30 IIRC) and postage from the lab which varies depending on your location. ($ 6.80 in the USA )
Order and Payment procedure:
- PM me your name and postal address and confirm the amount in grams of D you would like.
- Optional info: Your Email address as an alternate means of communication and a phone # for USPS should you be away when they deliver.
I will then send you a costing that includes the PayPal fee and Postage and my PayPal details.
Once all the funds are received I will place the order and pay the supplier.
Shipping to the lab takes about a week. (It may take longer at this time of year)
The good doctor at the testing lab 'marches to the tune of his own drum' so it can take anything from 5 days to 2 weeks for him to do the testing, aliquoting (Lab Conditions) and postage.
Amongst more general updates, I will post a redacted copy of the mass spectrography lab report here, as well as send the full report to Niner for confirmation.
(For those that are new; Niner used to be our trusted mentor and moderator here, before it was required he pay for membership!? He still is to my mind.
Check his post count and TY score here: http://www.longecity...ser/4238-niner/ )
I will PM or Email you your tracking # when I get it from the lab.
I have done 3 group buys (4th in progress) for Nilotinib so far and due to some diligent research, have not had any issues (customs etc) posting anywhere in the world. (touch wood)
I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to have any formal medical background.
I am not liable, either expressly or in an implied manner, nor claim any responsibility for any physical or emotional problems that may occur directly or indirectly from the use of any supplement or medication, or advice on this forum.
Products currently covered by valid patents are offered for R&D use in accordance with (i) 35 USC 271(e)+A13(1) in the U.S.; (ii) Section 69.1 of Japanese Patent Law in Japan; (iii) Section 11, No. 2 of the German Patent Act of 1981 in Germany; (iv) Section 60, Paragraph 5b of the U.K. Patents Act of 1977 in the U.K.; (v) Section 68B of the Patents Act of 1953 in New Zealand; (vi) such related legislation and/or case law as may be or become applicable in the aforementioned countries; and (vii) such similar laws and rules as may apply in various other countries. In the European Union, equivalent exemptions are allowed under the terms of EC Directives 2001/82/EC (as amended by Directive 2004/28/EC) and 2001/83/EC (as amended by Directives 2002/98/EC, 2003/63/EC, 2004/24/EC and 2004/27/EC). Any patent infringement issue and resulting liability is solely at buyer's risk.
Please read the warnings and contraindications etc carefully before beginning any research with Dasatinib or any other concomitant medication or supplement: