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Dasatinib group buy from Nyles

dasatinib senolytic senescent scenescent cells sasp senolytics group buy

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#151 Nate-2004

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Posted 16 January 2017 - 10:24 PM

All good, ready to get some of this and try it.

#152 Logic

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Posted 17 January 2017 - 11:22 PM

The Chinese New Year starts on the 20th and is a 7 day holiday.  ...Sigh...!
I will collect funds and place the order on or around the 27th.

I have started sending out costings but the process is not yet as automated as I hoped.

They will be done tomorrow as soon as I get the spreadsheet sorted.


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#153 Fafner55

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Posted 17 January 2017 - 11:38 PM

The Chinese New Year starts on the 20th and is a 7 day holiday.  ...Sigh...!
I will collect funds and place the order on or around the 27th.

I have started sending out costings but the process is not yet as automated as I hoped.

They will be done tomorrow as soon as I get the spreadsheet sorted.



Méi yǒu guān xì.  I can wait.

#154 DareDevil

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Posted 19 January 2017 - 06:28 PM

DareDevil, Dasatinib oral bioavailability is fine.  I wouldn't bother injecting it.  Researchers probably inject mice because it's easier than trying to get it down their throat.  They could put it in the mouse chow, but then they wouldn't know exactly how much the mice were getting.  It's possible that it tastes bad to mice as well.  Injections are just easier and more reliable for mouse experiments.

Thanks Niner


That makes the whole bioavailability issue crystal clear !


While other substances have a harder time getting into our bloodstream through the digestive system, I'm glad to hear Dasatinib isn't blocked. I can pin but prefer to take it orally of course.



#155 Nate-2004

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Posted 19 January 2017 - 06:32 PM

I sent my money yesterday hopefully everyone else has done the same and gotten their info in to logic. 


I plan on taking 1200mg Quercetin and 100mg Dasatanib per day for 7 days. Is that reasonable for 180cm and 80kg?

#156 DareDevil

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Posted 19 January 2017 - 06:34 PM

Thanks Logic for all your efforts !



Thanks Logic for all your efforts !



#157 DareDevil

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Posted 19 January 2017 - 06:47 PM

I plan on taking 1200mg Quercetin and 100mg Dasatanib per day for 7 days. Is that reasonable for 180cm and 80kg?


Hi Nate,


I am currently taking 100mg Dasatinib and about the same amount of Quercetin as you plan on taking (a heaping teaspoon qw I have extra on hand).


So far no bad side effects. It is interesting that I notice very much the same general impression I had a year ago with 40mg Dasatinib with half a teaspoon of Quercetin. That stack ran for two weeks with no issues so I am going to do this stack for 2 weeks also. I'm about your weight so this means our dosage would be similar.



Current sensations are:  


   I am faster than usual - everyone around seems very slow


   I have a more "relaxed" energy, not my usual nervous energy


   Even when tired I have extra reserves and keep on going



This is while ending a bout of bronchitis and today I have stopped my 3 grams/day of wide band antibiotics taken simultaneously. I sense my energy level is rising as it was lowered by the meds. I can't vouch for feeling younger, probably because I am recovering from a light illness which puts me under the weather. Time will tell. I look forward to hearing your own experiences in weeks to come.


In conclusion, I like taking this combo of Dasatinib + Quercetin and like it more than any other supplement or anti-aging drugs I've ever tried.  While Epitalon has its own very different positive effects and both NR and MitoQ have been good to take, I feel that this is so far the most powerful substance I have tried so far. In note, I have taken Human Growth Hormone over the past few years, but as HGH itself in liquid or powder form, and also with HGH precursors. I have also done Testosterone replacement and HCG (Gonadotropin). I find the DQ (Dasatinib Quercetin) combo to be my favorite to date.



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#158 sthira

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Posted 19 January 2017 - 07:23 PM

Thanks for the report, Dare Devil, your name is appropriate! Have you tried fasting with your experiment? Also I'm wondering how you'd know if indeed you'd cleared senescent cells (beyond feelings, which are subject to placebo, but hey nothing wrong with placebo since it's often more effective than drugs). What blood tests, if any, might we consider before and after?

#159 maxwatt

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Posted 19 January 2017 - 09:41 PM

Dasatinib is a selective tyrosine kinase inhibitor.  Genistein is a promiscuous tyrosine kinase inhibitor, that is it is able to bind to multiple tyrosine kinase sites.  As Dasatinib exerts its apoptic effects by targeting tyrosine kinase, I wonder what effect an acute dose of genisteinm with or without quercetin, would have?

#160 Nate-2004

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Posted 19 January 2017 - 10:48 PM

Dasatinib is a selective tyrosine kinase inhibitor.  Genistein is a promiscuous tyrosine kinase inhibitor, that is it is able to bind to multiple tyrosine kinase sites.  As Dasatinib exerts its apoptic effects by targeting tyrosine kinase, I wonder what effect an acute dose of genisteinm with or without quercetin, would have?


I'd worry about being able to produce enough dopamine on my own while taking something like that if I weren't already taking l-tyrosine most days.

#161 DareDevil

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Posted 21 January 2017 - 05:19 AM

Have you tried fasting with your experiment? Also I'm wondering how you'd know if indeed you'd cleared senescent cells (beyond feelings, which are subject to placebo, but hey nothing wrong with placebo since it's often more effective than drugs). What blood tests, if any, might we consider before and after?

Hi sthira,


I didn't try fasting while on Dasatinib. Is there a reason this might augment its effect against senescent cells?


I can't validate that it has had any effect whatsoever on senescent cells. I can only say how it feels. I tried it once a year ago, and it felt worthwhile to pursue it further.


Yes, everything I have experienced could well be a placebo effect. And my self-experimentation has no vocation of being a reference for others. However, even an unreliable subjective account can be helpful when there isn't much data at all which is more solid and scientific. But it should be taken with a big grain of salt.


I am sorry to not have the biological knowledge to recommend testing for results. However, my doctor said he would prescribe testing to make sure my red blood cell count remains at a decent level despite the use of this medication.





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#162 DareDevil

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Posted 21 January 2017 - 05:40 AM

Hi Nate,



This is an update because you were inquiring about what dosage to start with. As we are of similar body weight I will relay my latest observations.


Note to all:  these are only subjective impressions and your own experience may differ.



After 4 days use I noticed what I now consider to feel like durability:


Not quick energy or strength but feeling as if I have "staying power" as if there's no hurry because I'll be around for a long time with plenty of occasions to do things. I haven't had any similar impressions for the past few decades. To the contrary, I had gotten philosophical and had become prone to thinking "you can't fix it all or make everything right, so you might as well accept it". This was perhaps due to sensing my life force and life expectancy held less reserves and weren't future proof. I don't feel the same about this now.



I also became somewhat combative and a bit short tempered:


I am not sure if this is merely a psychological consequence of the above sensations, if it is related to the substances putting my body in "combat mode" to get the job done and actively reverse aging across the board, or if it might merely be an uncharted side-effect of the meds which might have an impact on one's psychological state. However, I must state that it is very different from the agressive temperament you get from injecting Testosterone. It doesn't feel like you're easy to anger, just that you're ready for battle. I hope this isn't too poorly explained. My temporary conclusion is that it puts your organism in a high state of alert, and therefore your mind also goes where your body does. Having the sense that you have plentiful reserves of long term energy is possibly also a factor.



Dosage decisions:


While I plan to try to increase the dosage the next time I try Epitalon with TB500, I feel that I have maybe exceeded my confort zone with the dosage I am taking of Dasatinib with Quercetin. I have decided to reduce my daily dosage. My current dosage however wasn't scientifically measured. I don't know where my supplier sourced the substances, and I received them in bulk quantity. I trusted the supplier's indications of the number of grams per pouch. Then I mechanically divided the contents into smaller portions, without a scale, using only visual means to split the contents of the package in to similarly sized portions. There could therefore be discrepancies between the dosage I believe I am taking and the actual dosage absorbed. Considering that I only noticed my change in temperament after several days' intake, I think this might have to do with a cumulative effect of the drug in my organism. So, instead of reducing my daily dose - as they are now repackaged and not easy to resize-  I will from now on take only one dose every two days instead of daily, and see how things go from there.



I look forward to our Group Buy with validated laboratory testing and 100% reliable dosages. 




#163 VP.

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Posted 23 January 2017 - 11:52 AM

Drug re-purposing for ageing research using model organisms

Many increasingly prevalent diseases share a common risk factor: age. However, little is known about pharmaceutical interventions against ageing, despite many genes and pathways shown to be important in the ageing process and numerous studies demonstrating that genetic interventions can lead to a healthier ageing phenotype. An important challenge is to assess the potential to repurpose existing drugs for initial testing on model organisms, where such experiments are possible. To this end, we present a new approach to rank drug-like compounds with known mammalian targets according to their likelihood to modulate ageing in the invertebrates C. elegans and Drosophila. Our approach combines information on genetic effects on ageing, orthology relationships and sequence conservation, 3D protein structures, drug binding and bioavailability. Overall, we rank 743 different drug-like compounds for their likelihood to modulate ageing. We provide various lines of evidence for the successful enrichment of our ranking for compounds modulating ageing, despite sparse public data suitable for validation.


Number one on the list is Dasatinib. For fruit flys anyway. 


#164 DareDevil

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Posted 27 January 2017 - 06:50 AM

Dasatinib was best at extending the life of fruit flies.

But Imatinib was best at extending the life of worms.

I wonder which is more like humans lol?


Btw I am continuing with Dasatinib 100mg every 2 days.

The results seem to be cumulative and lasting. 

I feel the effects of each dose halfway through day 2.

I think my optimal dose is 100mg 1.5 day = 70mg/day.





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#165 Logic

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Posted 28 January 2017 - 09:35 AM

I am hard at work updating the spreadsheet with you has paid etc after sending out the Nilotinib tracking #s etc in the spare time I had earlier this week.

Due to the 27th falling on a friday everyone will only be back at work on Monday and there was no point in sending out tracking #s after the Nilotinib parcels start arriving.

ie:  Am am busy with the buy and will post soon!  :)

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#166 Logic

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Posted 30 January 2017 - 07:52 AM

Dasatinib Group Buy Progress report:


I have not yet slept (caffeine fueled :)  ) due to sorting this all out and double checking everything, so please check your details in the list below and contact me if there is any error.

Likewise if your name was omitted or if you would like to join the buy.


I am postponing placing the order for one more day to give those that have not paid etc a chance to do so.



The following people have paid in full:



Name              Grams

Vantika             110
Nate-2004          10
Fred_CALICO    10

ClarkSims          20

Valijon                  2
Fafner55            20
eighthman         10

Authentic           10
jmorris               20

Prophets             5
Heisok                5

rarefried            10

Ark                      5 *

Longevitarian    50 *

Pampoenkop    10 *




The following people have paid, but not as a personal payment:

ie: The payment went through as a sale, at the higher PayPal business fee rates.

Please pay in the shortfall.

niner                  10  Paid $97,06 - PP fee $4,09 = $92,97 received.  $ 3.13 short.

sthira                 10  Paid $97,06 - PP fee $4,09 = $92,97 received.  $ 3.13 short.

Katkay               10  Paid $97,06 - PP fee $4,09 = $92,97 received.  $ 3.13 short.

Juliamoravcsik    5  Paid $52,00 - PP fee $2,33 = $49,67 received. $1.78 short.


Total 'Paid':       332 grams



The following people have not yet paid:

Please check your spam folder if Emailed, or your PMs (Private Messages).

I will PM them again now.


DareDevil                    50 Costing sent via PM.

Ygdrasil                       10 Costing sent via PM.

LOOKINGFORTIME     5 Costing sent via Email.
Captain Obvious           5 Costing sent via Email.
Searchingforanswers  10 Costing sent via Email

Mikey                          10 Costing sent via Email.

Rocket                        10 Costing sent via PM. No 1st name or initial for address.  

HomoLudens                5  no surname. no address.  Therefore no costing sent yet.

mkp6019                       5  no address. Therefore no costing sent yet.

Haste                            5  no address. Therefore no costing sent yet.

#167 Logic

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Posted 30 January 2017 - 08:00 AM

I received the following Email from a person who does not wish to be named.
The info on the immune system upregulation is compelling and I wonder if concamittant use of other immune system boosters and biofilm disruptors might not be a good idea.



"The senolytic action of D+Q is via double whammy inflicted on the senescent cells.One is via stimulation of apoptosis....mainly but not only via Src pathway and this is the short term action , within lets say 24 hours after dosing ...The other action is via rejuvenated (stimulated) immune system, which attacks senescent cells with NK cells, NkT cells, GammaDeltaT cells and AlphaBeta T cells.Those cells action persist for a long time after dosing, doing they job well beyond the direct apoptotic action of D....and this part is actually what cause those flu like symptoms, PAH and pleural effusion.And this part , if the side effects are showing up, make excellent prognosis (and can serve as a marker) for effectiveness of the treatment. Interestingly this part is not even mentioned in any of  papers published on the senolytics so far. Lots of the info on the immune system rejuvenation,and the immune system attacking bad cells , however can be found in the cancer research.

Below are aritcles which support my point linking Dasatinib, Senescent Cells Ablation,NK cells, NkT cells, GammaDeltaT cells and AlphaBeta T cells, and in general, the involvement of the Immune system in senolytic action. I think Immune System is much more important than the action via apoptosis:

"NKG2D Ligands Mediate Immune Surveilance Of Senescent Cells"

"Immune Surveilance of the Senescent Cancer Cells by Natural Killer Cells"



Immunosurveillance of senescent cancer cells by natural ...
Cellular senescence is a complex biological program during which cells remain biologically active but permanently lose their ability to divide.
Direct Effect Of Dasatinib On Proliferation And Cytotoxicity Of Natural Killer Cells In Invitro Study"


Direct effect of dasatinib on proliferation and ...
Direct effect of dasatinib on proliferation and cytotoxicity of natural killer cells in in vitro study on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists.
"Dasatinib Promotes The Potential Of Proliferation And Antitumor Responses Of
Human GammaDelta TCells In Long Term ExVivo Environment"


Leukemia - Dasatinib promotes the potential of ...
Figure 2. The effect of dasatinib in gradient concentrations on the amplification efficiency and anti-acute myeloid leukemia reactivity of γ δT cells and NK cells.a

Edited by Logic, 30 January 2017 - 08:11 AM.

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#168 JamesBhoy

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Posted 30 January 2017 - 12:39 PM

Hi Logic,

Payment for 5 grams should be sent from myself now


#169 DareDevil

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Posted 30 January 2017 - 03:03 PM

Hi Logic,


I just sent you a PM about a combined payment for 2 group buys





#170 DareDevil

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Posted 30 January 2017 - 03:10 PM



"The senolytic action of D+Q is via double whammy inflicted on the senescent cells.One is via stimulation of apoptosis....mainly but not only via Src pathway and this is the short term action , within lets say 24 hours after dosing ...The other action is via rejuvenated (stimulated) immune system, which attacks senescent cells with NK cells, NkT cells, GammaDeltaT cells and AlphaBeta T cells.Those cells action persist for a long time after dosing, doing they job well beyond the direct apoptotic action of D....and this part is actually what cause those flu like symptoms, PAH and pleural effusion.And this part , if the side effects are showing up, make excellent prognosis (and can serve as a marker) for effectiveness of the treatment. Interestingly this part is not even mentioned in any of  papers published on the senolytics so far. 


OK Guys, this is why I almost stopped taking D+Q lately because I've been having Flu like symptoms and I wondered if the meds weren't causing me to be more vulnerable. However it sounds like the contrary, that it's a good sign that all is well and that the treatment is very effective?


If so I'm a happy camper having pleural effusion lol. I'm coughing up a bit which means that my body is getting rid of senescent cells? If so this is important news for any of us taking this combination.


Thanks for posting Logic and thanks for sharing this Ghostwriter.



#171 mikey

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Posted 30 January 2017 - 11:46 PM

Dasitinib Group Buy.  By Logic


SearchingForAnswers     20 grams
Niner                               10
Logic                               10
Fafner55                         10
mikey                                5
Cosmicalstorm                  5
Rarefied                           10
ClarkSims                         20
Nate-2004                        10
ceridwen                           5
prophets                           5
Authentic                          5
mkp6019                          5
DareDevil                         50
Captain Obvious               5-10
LookingForTime                5
Ygdrasil                            10
Vantika                             50
Haste                                5
Katkay                              10

Fred_CALICO                  10

Total                                265 -270



The price was not as low as I anticipated:

Best I could get @ 255 grams is $ 6.46/g
Shipping:                                     $ 0.12
Testing:                                       $  2.35
Total:                              $ 8.93 (Excluding Paypal Fees (0.5% + $0.30 IIRC) and postage from the lab which varies depending on your location. ($ 6.80 in the USA )

Order and Payment procedure:

  • PM me your name and postal address and confirm the amount in grams of D you would like.
  • Optional info:  Your Email address as an alternate means of communication and a phone # for USPS should you be away when they deliver.

I will then send you a costing that includes the PayPal fee and Postage and my PayPal details.

Once all the funds are received I will place the order and pay the supplier.

Shipping to the lab takes about a week. (It may take longer at this time of year)
The good doctor at the testing lab 'marches to the tune of his own drum' so it can take anything from 5 days to 2 weeks for him to do the testing, aliquoting (Lab Conditions) and postage.

Amongst more general updates, I will post a redacted copy of the mass spectrography lab report here, as well as send the full report to Niner for confirmation.

(For those that are new; Niner used to be our trusted mentor and moderator here, before it was required he pay for membership!? He still is to my mind.

Check his post count and TY score here: http://www.longecity...ser/4238-niner/ )

I will PM or Email you your tracking # when I get it from the lab.

I have done 3 group buys (4th in progress) for Nilotinib so far and due to some diligent research, have not had any issues (customs etc) posting anywhere in the world. (touch wood) 

I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to have any formal medical background.
I am not liable, either expressly or in an implied manner, nor claim any responsibility for any physical or emotional problems that may occur directly or indirectly from the use of any supplement or medication, or advice on this forum.

Products currently covered by valid patents are offered for R&D use in accordance with (i) 35 USC 271(e)+A13(1) in the U.S.; (ii) Section 69.1 of Japanese Patent Law in Japan; (iii) Section 11, No. 2 of the German Patent Act of 1981 in Germany; (iv) Section 60, Paragraph 5b of the U.K. Patents Act of 1977 in the U.K.; (v) Section 68B of the Patents Act of 1953 in New Zealand; (vi) such related legislation and/or case law as may be or become applicable in the aforementioned countries; and (vii) such similar laws and rules as may apply in various other countries. In the European Union, equivalent exemptions are allowed under the terms of EC Directives 2001/82/EC (as amended by Directive 2004/28/EC) and 2001/83/EC (as amended by Directives 2002/98/EC, 2003/63/EC, 2004/24/EC and 2004/27/EC). Any patent infringement issue and resulting liability is solely at buyer's risk.

Please read the warnings and contraindications etc carefully before beginning any research with Dasatinib or any other concomitant medication or supplement:




I apologize, Logic. I've been flooded and not doing a good job of keeping track of things. Where do I send the funds for my D buy?

#172 mikey

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Posted 30 January 2017 - 11:50 PM


Dasitinib Group Buy.  By Logic


SearchingForAnswers     20 grams
Niner                               10
Logic                               10
Fafner55                         10
mikey                                5
Cosmicalstorm                  5
Rarefied                           10
ClarkSims                         20
Nate-2004                        10
ceridwen                           5
prophets                           5
Authentic                          5
mkp6019                          5
DareDevil                         50
Captain Obvious               5-10
LookingForTime                5
Ygdrasil                            10
Vantika                             50
Haste                                5
Katkay                              10

Fred_CALICO                  10

Total                                265 -270



The price was not as low as I anticipated:

Best I could get @ 255 grams is $ 6.46/g
Shipping:                                     $ 0.12
Testing:                                       $  2.35
Total:                              $ 8.93 (Excluding Paypal Fees (0.5% + $0.30 IIRC) and postage from the lab which varies depending on your location. ($ 6.80 in the USA )

Order and Payment procedure:

  • PM me your name and postal address and confirm the amount in grams of D you would like.
  • Optional info:  Your Email address as an alternate means of communication and a phone # for USPS should you be away when they deliver.

I will then send you a costing that includes the PayPal fee and Postage and my PayPal details.

Once all the funds are received I will place the order and pay the supplier.

Shipping to the lab takes about a week. (It may take longer at this time of year)
The good doctor at the testing lab 'marches to the tune of his own drum' so it can take anything from 5 days to 2 weeks for him to do the testing, aliquoting (Lab Conditions) and postage.

Amongst more general updates, I will post a redacted copy of the mass spectrography lab report here, as well as send the full report to Niner for confirmation.

(For those that are new; Niner used to be our trusted mentor and moderator here, before it was required he pay for membership!? He still is to my mind.

Check his post count and TY score here: http://www.longecity...ser/4238-niner/ )

I will PM or Email you your tracking # when I get it from the lab.

I have done 3 group buys (4th in progress) for Nilotinib so far and due to some diligent research, have not had any issues (customs etc) posting anywhere in the world. (touch wood) 

I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to have any formal medical background.
I am not liable, either expressly or in an implied manner, nor claim any responsibility for any physical or emotional problems that may occur directly or indirectly from the use of any supplement or medication, or advice on this forum.

Products currently covered by valid patents are offered for R&D use in accordance with (i) 35 USC 271(e)+A13(1) in the U.S.; (ii) Section 69.1 of Japanese Patent Law in Japan; (iii) Section 11, No. 2 of the German Patent Act of 1981 in Germany; (iv) Section 60, Paragraph 5b of the U.K. Patents Act of 1977 in the U.K.; (v) Section 68B of the Patents Act of 1953 in New Zealand; (vi) such related legislation and/or case law as may be or become applicable in the aforementioned countries; and (vii) such similar laws and rules as may apply in various other countries. In the European Union, equivalent exemptions are allowed under the terms of EC Directives 2001/82/EC (as amended by Directive 2004/28/EC) and 2001/83/EC (as amended by Directives 2002/98/EC, 2003/63/EC, 2004/24/EC and 2004/27/EC). Any patent infringement issue and resulting liability is solely at buyer's risk.

Please read the warnings and contraindications etc carefully before beginning any research with Dasatinib or any other concomitant medication or supplement:




I apologize, Logic. I've been flooded and not doing a good job of keeping track of things. Where do I send the funds for my D buy?



Actually, I will buy another 5 grams, if possible.

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#173 DareDevil

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Posted 31 January 2017 - 08:26 AM

FYI after learning above that my flu like symptoms are actually evidence of the effectiveness of treatment I am switching back to daily intake of D+Q with 100mg/day of Dasatinib. My earlier reticence about moodiness is maybe better understood, or at least differently perceived. I noticed that my temper isn't more likely to be worse. However, when in a bad disposition it will be manifested more forcefully, but equally one's positive disposition will also be more strongly expressed. Actually it seems like a booster of vital force, with all this implies in terms of speech and behavior. Therefore it doesn't modify one's mood but can intensify it. I therefore advise those who tend to be moody to temper their mood swings as the pendulum may swing further. I will give feedback of my new impressions of the higher dose in a few days.





#174 jmorris

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Posted 31 January 2017 - 06:57 PM

OK Guys, this is why I almost stopped taking D+Q lately because I've been having Flu like symptoms and I wondered if the meds weren't causing me to be more vulnerable. However it sounds like the contrary, that it's a good sign that all is well and that the treatment is very effective?




If so I'm a happy camper having pleural effusion lol.


Flu-like symptoms are one thing, but pleural effusions are another matter entirely. If you find yourself with shortness of breath and/or a dry cough, then you may have fluid buildup around the lungs (pleural effusion). That’s not a good thing. If this happens, it is important to stop using Dasatinib immediately until the symptoms are gone. If this condition does not improve within seven days of stopping, you should consider being evaluated with a chest X-ray and if fluid is found, treatment with a course of diuretics and/or steroid(e.g., prednisone 20 mg/day for 3 days).


There are mixed opinions about how this should be treated. Most sources say diuretics are useful but the second reference below differs: 


“Corticosteroids may assist in management, although diuretics are likely to be ineffective because an immune-mediated mechanism is suspected.”


I’m a little worried that if care is not taken one of us is going to end up in the hospital so please exercise caution. Making yourself intimately familiar with the first reference given below would be a good idea. It covers adverse reactions in detail.








Edit: Added additional reference, grammar, steroid dosage from 3rd reference.

Edited by jmorris, 31 January 2017 - 07:51 PM.

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#175 sthira

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Posted 31 January 2017 - 09:33 PM


"...Of 40 patients who received dasatinib (70 mg twice daily) for imatinib resistance or intolerance, 9 (22.5%) developed dyspnea, cough, and chest pain. Of these nine patients, six had pleural effusions (all were exudates) and seven had lung parenchyma changes with either ground-glass or alveolar opacities and septal thickening (four patients had both pleural effusions and lung parenchyma changes)...."

Is anyone here planning to take 140 mg per day? I thought the idea was infrequent use -- one rat study seems to indicate just one use may be beneficial, we aren't rats, of course.

It'll be interesting to see what dosing protocols we pluck from the skies. And I hope people will document their experiences in a new thread.
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#176 jmorris

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Posted 31 January 2017 - 09:43 PM



"...Of 40 patients who received dasatinib (70 mg twice daily) for imatinib resistance or intolerance, 9 (22.5%) developed dyspnea, cough, and chest pain. Of these nine patients, six had pleural effusions (all were exudates) and seven had lung parenchyma changes with either ground-glass or alveolar opacities and septal thickening (four patients had both pleural effusions and lung parenchyma changes)...."

Is anyone here planning to take 140 mg per day? I thought the idea was infrequent use -- one rat study seems to indicate just one use may be beneficial, we aren't rats, of course.



I absolutely agree with infrequent use. I can't think of any reason that we should be taking this for more than a few days at a time. We obviously aren't intending to fight cancer so we don't need to kill a constantly dividing population of cells. Infrequent use should in theory greatly limit some of these side effects. At the same time, those papers mention some patients developing chronic conditions as a result of Dasatinib therapy so it may be that some of these side-effects may involve progressive (additive) processes that will persist beyond the treatment period. (e.g. expansion of T-cell populations)

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#177 Logic

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Posted 01 February 2017 - 04:11 AM

Dasatinib Group Buy Progress report:

This order has been placed and the group buy is now closed.
I have ordered an extra 50 grams for those who may still want Dasatinib but have not yet paid for whatever reason.  I will take whatever is left.

Please check the list and contact me if there are any errors.

The following people have paid in full:

Name                      Grams
Vantika                      110
Nate-2004                   10
Fred_CALICO             10
ClarkSims                    20
Valijon                            2
Fafner55                      20
eighthman                   10
Authentic                     10
jmorris                         20
Prophets                       5
Heisok                           5
rarefried                       10
Ark                                 5 *
Longevitarian               50 *
Pampoenkop               10 *

niner                            10 *
sthira                           10
Katkay                         10

Juliamoravcsik              5

JamesBhoy                   5


Searchingforanswers  10

Logic                           15 

Extra                           50 (For those that may still want D but have not yet paid for whatever reason)

Total                          417 grams

The following people have not yet paid:
Please check your spam folder if Emailed, or your PMs (Private Messages).

DareDevil                    30 Costing sent via PM.
Ygdrasil                       10 Costing sent via PM.
Captain Obvious           5 Costing sent via Email.
Mikey                          15 Costing sent via PM.
Rocket                        10 Costing sent via PM. No 1st name or initial for address. 
HomoLudens                5  no surname. no address.  Therefore no costing sent yet.
mkp6019                       5  no address. Therefore no costing sent yet.
Haste                            5  no address. Therefore no costing sent yet.

Total                            85 


  • The order will be shipped on Thursday and we can expect it to land at the lab in around 7 working days.
  • The lab will test the Dasatinib with a Mass Spectrograph and the redacted results will be posted.
  • I will ask respected and members of Longecity to check the original test results PDF and post here, as done with the Nilotinib group buys.
  • The lab takes as long as it takes to package (under lab conditions) and post the packages as this is done as a favour to us, so I dont want to time on this, especially as there are so many small amounts.  If I were to guess I would say around 2 weeks.


I will post updates here as I get the information.

Edited by Logic, 01 February 2017 - 04:24 AM.

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#178 niner

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Posted 01 February 2017 - 07:55 PM

Thanks jmorris for those useful links.  From the second one, a paper on lung abnormalities with Dasatinib use, I consider the following to be "the good news":

"Median time between dasatinib treatment initiation and respiratory symptoms was 229 days (range, 20–510 d). Eight patients received dasatinib 70 mg twice daily throughout the treatment period, whereas patient 9 received 50 mg twice daily for 7 months followed by 70 mg twice daily for 4 months. Three of the nine patients had received dasatinib after imatinib intolerance, which was lung related in two cases (constrictive bronchiolitis in patient 2, which had partially resolved before dasatinib therapy, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis in patient 4, which had fully resolved)."
"lung manifestations resolved with dasatinib interruption and dasatinib could be reintroduced at a lower dose without recurrence of lung adverse events in most cases."

Some of these patients were on the high-risk side to begin with, and most of them were on a high dose of Dasatinib. They were all on the drug for a long time before any problems developed, and the problems resolved when they stopped the drug. This doesn't look like a toxicity that will be a significant problem for us. I'll say more on toxicities and the avoidance thereof in a future post.

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#179 DareDevil

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Posted 02 February 2017 - 01:01 PM

That sounds actually very reassuring to me especially as I'm kind of coughing right now lol.

I decided to reduce my Dasatinib intake after noticing another side effect.

Please note that this isn't because of the lung issue which isn't too severe in my case.

At least insofar as I find that higher dosing of Dasatinib give stronger result.

These are in terms of general physical power. I feel about 15 years younger.

Note: this doesn't mean that I have become any younger. At least not visibly.

I do however feel my physical strength and resistance to be greater.

For example I don't get cold in bad weather even if less well clad.

I feel strong low ebb energy like a deep wave of inner strength.


Now my current problem lies in not getting enough sleep doing 100mgD/day.

Every morning I wake up at 4:30am feeling like doing stuff. It's still dark out.

It seems to change my biological clock. Then I get tired fairly early and for cause.

I'm usually a night owl who goes to be at 3am and wakes up at 10am.

Last night when I woke up at 4:30 I tried hard to go back to sleep to rest more.

I had the hardest time because all my senses were heightened. 

I became highly hyper sensitive to all physical sensations and noises too.

My mind was also churning at high speed making rest difficult.


So I will be reducing to once every two days again for this reason.

And this although I am liking the great strength derived from higher doses.

I hope this can help others figure out their own dosing and side effects.





#180 sthira

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Posted 02 February 2017 - 05:19 PM

Great comments, DD. I reckon at some point we should open a new thread to collect experiences with the D & Q combo for the purpose of killing senescent cells. Before, during and after basic blood panels would be interesting.

Edited by sthira, 02 February 2017 - 05:22 PM.

  • Agree x 1

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: dasatinib, senolytic, senescent, scenescent cells, sasp, senolytics, group buy

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