Why don't ALL senescent cells die off, immune sys upregulation and flu symptoms:
No-one here has asked the question: "Why dont all senescent cells die off as they should? Why do some remain?"
Then the fact that D upregulates the immune system so potently AND is also an effective senescent cell killer also didn't seem to make much of a headline here..?
...Microbial infection can influence cellular functions that represent classical hallmarks of cancer, including stimulating proliferative growth, evading growth suppression, and preventing apoptosis, as well as emerging hallmarks, such as altered cellular energetics and avoidance of immune destruction...
...Viruses often overcome the inhibitory effects of DDR and the checkpoints that they have activated. This is seen for HPV, where the E6 and E7 oncoproteins that are the primary viral factors responsible for initiation and progression of cervical cancer contribute to many functions that combine to subvert cell-cycle checkpoints, induce genomic instability, and inhibit apoptosis...
...Further dUTP incorporation into the genome of viruses may be a common mechanism that is used by infected cells to kill viruses or to undergo suicide [114]. Not surprisingly, many viruses encode their own dUTPase [114]. Once again the importance of these second messengers is highlighted by the observations that calcium binding proteins such as fortilin as well as the dUTP metabolizing enzyme dUTPase are capable of preventing cell death in response to some stresses when overexpressed in cells [111] and [113] (Khoury and Greenwood, unpublished)....
...The third well-studied class of cell survival proteins is the family of Inhibitors of Apoptosis (IAPs). These serve to bind and inhibit both initiator and effector caspases thus they can regulate both forms of apoptosis [153]. This functional class of protein was first described in the genome of baculovirus and underlines the resources placed by viruses in controlling apoptotic responses [154]....
In some cases, pro- or anti-apoptosis seemed to depend on the pathogenicity of the infecting strain. In human epithelial cells, asymptomatic carriage strains provoke the shedding of TNFR1 and prevent apoptosis
Chlamydia pneumoniae infections prevent the programmed cell death on THP-1 cell line.
Chlamydia pneumoniae is an obligate intracellular bacterium which frequently causes airway infection in humans and has been implicated in chronic inflammatory disease and atherosclerosis
In short; it would seem that senescent cells that refuse to die do so because pathogens, using them as a 'home base' from which to propagate make it so.
While we're at it; Its interesting to note the effect of Quercetin on the ...'incurable' common cold:
(Yep; some research into the substances you plan to take IS worth it...!
Hmmm... what other pathogens does Quercetin affect..?
https://www.google.c...teria pathogen
Now add in the upregulation of the immune system from D and it seems a waste not to do all you can get rid of free pathogens that may have been released either by cell necrosis or due to a genetic/signalling response to the destruction of their 'home bases'.
Lauric etc Acids, as found in Virgin Coconut Oil, and BHT disrupt the lipid layer on lipid coated virii like Flu, HSV, CMV, EBV, HIV, etc. ie: All the scary ones you dont get shots for...
This lipid layer both disguises the virus against the immune system and allow it to dock wit and infect cells.
One problem: BHT is going to cause Dasatinib to be cleared from your system 4-7 times faster (IIRC) than normal..!
GoogleSiteSearch is in the Search dropdown menu at the top of the page! 
There are also a great many anti bacterials and ways to upregulate autophagy and marcrphagy mentioned here...
Of note is that Inositol, as found in most multis, downregulates autophagy
The biofilm disruptors mentioned by Psilociraptor1 who seems to have done a lot of research on the subject is also worth a look.
He mentions that only certain Stevia supps work.
NB that the 1st thing the immune system looks for when it finds a pathogen is vit D3, so it can kill it.
Also NB that the RDA of vit D3 has been underestimated by a factor of 10!
The flu like symptoms are more than likely a herxheimer reaction.
ie: So much has died off in your system that your liver and kidneys etc are overwhelmed with junk to clear.
Adding anti pathogens and biofilm disruptors to the mix will add to the load.
So supps that help the liver and kidneys etc are worth a look, but may block the desired effect of D+Q.
New Members:
If you arent going to research these substances; at least take note of the various posters' post counts below their names.
I am at 2,573 posts and 467 ₮ points and am generally excused for not posting references etc by the older members who know my reputation. Especially for old, previously referenced, searchable local posts.
(BTW: Niner: 16,269 posts 3,494 ₮. Maxwatt: 4,782 posts 1,504 ₮...)
(Upregulating apoptosis):
Caspases (cysteine-dependent aspartic acid specific proteases) are central to the process of apoptosis.
Edited by Logic, 01 March 2017 - 01:10 AM.