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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Shagsalot by name...


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#1 Sir Shagsalot

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Posted 14 April 2015 - 05:20 PM

Hi folks,

Who am I? Sir Shagsalot of the round table, best mate of Sir Lancelout, who seeks the holy bar and grill...

Ok, more serious, I have been interested in Nootropics since reading the late great RAW on the topic. However, I have always had an aversion to artificial/processed medicines and have made do as much as possible purely natural.

I am getting older and it sux.

Recently I decided to build a stack of some ordinary prescription medicines, based on my symptoms my doctors told me I did not have based on their tests etc. Hongkers is good in so far, as most prescription drugs are in reality available for the asking and price. So anyway, it seems my diagnosis trumps my doctors, as things are improving (general health) at a surprisingly rapid rate. I am still working on getting dosages optimal and seeing if everything works or what I can cut out, I wonder how much I may achieve.

So, I figure in for a penny, in for a pound. Now that I am over the "no processed/synthesised medices" thing (and will likely require at least part of the stack long term), time to take up further maintainance/improvements on brain and other areas (will post).

Okay, that is why I am here. I decided I should die aged 102, shot by an outraged father/husband because he found me in bed with his 19 Years old daughter/wife, which I think will take some doing, to still charm a young bird at that age and actually get it up without a forklift.

Greez SSAL

#2 Zane Lam

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Posted 12 June 2015 - 01:42 PM

Hi Sirshagsalot, salute you for taking the time and effort to experiement on yourself, rather risky. Anyway, the DNA company I am working for has a branch which lets customer send in their samples for diagnosis, then run tests to see what are the best dosages one should take.




So you might want to try and see what you are taking now is the same as the calculated dosage. Anyway I have nothing to earn from it, just sharing something with you.

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