Mainstream Media appears to have finally capitulated on the Nature Nurture question related to IQ.
Here ya Here ya, Read all about it, A new Human Supergenius Species has Arrived!, Read all about it!
The arrival of Superbabies is now on news stands world wide!
How could it be otherwise?
We are now barely 100 days to the Genetic Singularity Event; there simply was no choice.
They fought the good fight for as long as they could, but here we are and right ahead of us is a tsunami of
extreme IQ babies ready to profoundly change humanity. The research was published in Nature Genetics in July of
this year, so it will only be a few more months until we see what the first wave of IQ enhancement has achieved.
Extreme assortative mating selection combined with embryo selection which is then amplified across
generations = profound IQ uplift.
There is simply no precedent for this in human history. There is no nation with anything close to a full standard deviation
of IQ advantage over Greenwich mean. The IQ uplift on the table now is much larger than 1 SD. Current anthropological
research suggests that 1 single IQ point uplift typically required a millennium. IQ Uplift of 100 or more points within ten years
should no longer be dismissed as unachievable. Anyone who shrugged their shoulders at the idea of even a 15 point IQ Uplift
would simply lose all credibility! 15 point IQ uplift might have required 100,000 years with pre-genetic engineering technology!
The difference between humans now are tiny compared with the uplift that is approaching.
Anyone aware of the scientific method will realize that even a fairly modest increase in the IQ of these children should
send signals of concern if not panic throughout our society. Science is about systematizing, organizing, and optimizing.
The potential for truly overwhelming cognitive enhancement is no longer a question of if, merely when. My best guess is
that extreme IQ enhancement could be achieved within 2 generations or perhaps in as short as ten years. Clearly one
of the large risks involved here is that the consequences are almost completely unknown. Maximizing IQ could lead to
profound levels of autism. This has already occurred in the high tech community as assortative mating of those with high
IQ occurred lead to an autism epidemic. It is more than scary to think what could happen if high tech reproductive technology
were introduced in which the psychological consequences were completely unexplored.
Now that the story has saturated the media sphere, the entire debate about IQ and genetics can fade from the headlines.
The headlines for tomorrow that I anticipate is:
Extreme Fertility Collapse!
Current genetic understanding of IQ and other human traits is quite limited. It could take some time (perhaps another ten years
for the research to be mature). However, parents to be would capture substantial incremental gains by delaying their fertility
until a greater depth of understanding was achieved. It is understood that near complete genetic understanding of IQ would occur at
a scale of perhaps a 5 million person GWAS. We are at 1 million now. A 5 million person GWAS could be done very rapidly, though if
we take the slow road it could take years.
It would seem wise to wait for this knowledge to be gained before bringing a life into this world.
This would be the rational choice that rational potential parents would make.
If this logic were in fact adopted, then a fertility collapse should be expected to occur: Now! Once this became evident, government
funding of GWAS research would almost certainly follow. We already have had a fertility collapse! Any additional decline
in fertility would quickly create panic in policy circles. "could take years" could then easily be edited to "Tomorrow soon enough?". We could enter a virtuous circle in which feedback accelerates the time frame
of the uplift.
We are of course nearly totally unprepared for what is about to happen. Yet, it should quickly become obvious that we will need
to restructure how our societies function. I will leave it to the readers of the thread to imagine what follies might arrive if children with
200 IQ were in some way mistreated. So, as first steps, global conflict needs to stop, along with substance use, genetic screening
needs to occur etc etc. I am not entirely sure what I can say to those who might feel that this will all just blow over, or the science will
take decades to develop. We all have seen what happens with exponential technology curves. Everything seems quite mellow now,
though how about in ten years? The only helpful guidance that I can think of for these people is: Run!
Edited by mag1, 17 November 2018 - 11:02 PM.