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Genetic Singularity Event: CRISPR editing

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#211 mag1

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Posted 27 July 2021 - 11:14 PM

The Genetic Revolution has begun!

The Genetic Singularity Event has been initiated!


It has been fairly strange how we are right in the middle of the most profound transformation of our species and yet not much really seems to be happening.

Humanoid Terrestrial broadcasts continue to emit the same banalities as per usual (confirmed by our in place operatives).


When will things actually move into gear?

I think that we have now reached the threshold of the Singularity; exponential change could begin to emerge over the near-term.


How did I arrive at this conclusion? My full genome sequence was recently made available to me. It was something of a shocker.

My genome sequence revealed that I am at the 100th percentile in highly relevant traits related to achievement. With such genetic

advantages it would not be unreasonable to expect that I could achieve profound levels of life success.


Why hasn't this been true in my life? While I am fortunate to have polygenic scores at the 100th percentile, I also have traits that are

near the 0th percentile. The obvious explanation for why I have not achieved profound life success is because I am also disadvantaged

by profound counteracting negative traits. There is a tug of war that is happening with me genetically; 100 people pull in one direction and

101 people in the other direction.On net, I am probably only slightly advantaged.


Human traits being constructed by such large oppositional static genetic forces is the norm. In human IQ there are large IQ reducing forces

countered by large IQ enhancing forces. On net, people will have an IQ that is somewhat favorable. Without the negative genetic forces,

human IQ would increase by multiple SDs.



For whatever reason this basic idea has not been widely appreciated. Genetics for most people will not primarily be about being healthier.

In fact, natural selection has almost assured most of us that we will have good health. Polygenic selection likely will extend out this healthfulness,

though casual observers would probably not notice such differences even if they were to time travel forward a century.


IQ enhancement is clearly of importance and polygenic selection already offers the potential of such enhancement, though currently this would only amount to

~3 IQ points. Without question the future will be smarter (much much smarter), though once again this might be something more out to the medium term.


What will the driver of transformative change be over the short term? 

The trait selection that I noted above. If I could go back in time and select a version of me that had the 100% advantages and not the 0% disadvantages

it would have had a transformative effect on my life. Instead of 100 pulling in one direction and 101 pulling in the other direction; it would have been

101 pulling in the right direction. This would have had truly extreme effects in my ability to function adaptively. While this observation applies to all other

human traits such as intelligence etc. what is important to recognize here is that there are perhaps 100 important human traits that one could select for.

Instead of being fixated exclusively on IQ, there is a wide range of other traits that people might want to maximize. In such a future, everyone could be

a genius in their own way.


I wanted to post this insight because I think others are entirely unaware of what has actually happened.

The Revolution has begun!

The potential to create a genetically selected society with extreme gifts on a population scale has arrived!




#212 mag1

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Posted 28 July 2021 - 11:15 PM

I realize that for many discussing genetic engineering will be a difficult topic and many would prefer to ignore it if possible, though the technology is here -- a better life is here -- we owe it to

the next generation to give them the substantial benefits that genetics will provide to them. The starting point to reach such a future is a full genome scan. Prices have now reached ~$300 for

30X full genome sequencing. Polygenic scores can then reveal a significant amount about personal traits.


From what I understand now, not having such sequencing is immoral. The benefits that are already available from such genetic knowledge are already large. We have a certain

obligation to understand our own genetics so that we can fit our social environments and actively create new social environments that are good fits for our genotypes. As I have discovered

in my genome, certain allowances from the standardized norm could have been of tremendous help to me in my life. Of course what is remarkable about genetics is that such an observation

can scale up to the level of entire populations and across time. Once the genetic genie is released, a wave of positive change will almost certainly occur. Such change will be supported by

irrefutable international human rights legislation that will recognize differences in genotype as a strong rationale to offer non-standardized accommodations.



The potential here to redesign the environment in ways that will optimize outcomes for specific genotypes could radically change our social life. While this might seem somewhat obscure now,

once full genome sequencing goes mainstream it will be seen as all too obvious. The idea of a village school that was not part of a genetically planned community is no longer plausible:

The problems that can arise when such genetic planning does not occur is all to plainly visible in the modern world. The era of the big tent community no longer seems viable.

Edited by mag1, 28 July 2021 - 11:22 PM.

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#213 mag1

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Posted 30 July 2021 - 01:27 AM

I want to reactivate this thread because there is clearly now the potential for a large social transformation based on the knowledge that can be gleaned from full genome sequencing.

We can reorder the social landscape to maximize social utility: This would seem an inevitable result even over the medium term. For any of the large number of communities currently

experiencing population collapse embracing a genetically planned social model might help to turn around extinction. Clearly, I would be interested in living in such a society.


The important insight to recognize here is that there exists a range of common human phenotypes that are largely formed by polygenic forces. Creating the optimized environments

for these different phenotypes would significantly improve life outcomes for our society. After considering my full genome I can clearly see how this knowledge if carefully

applied by modifying the environment would have had substantial influence in providing me a more successful life experience. It is quite startling to recognize that the scale involved

is not me but the entire planet. Planet scale genetically organized society is now within sight? Really? This is a line in the sand moment-- before now life was like this; after now life will

be like this. Welcome to the Genetic Revolution!


What is also of interest to me is that no one apparently had been able to piece together what was going on with my unique genotype. Basically, I was able to float through life and NO ONE

had insight into what was happening. That should make everyone pause: Even when going through a number of environments with presumably highly trained people who are looking out

for specific behaviors; it still was not understood. There is so much potential for improving our social landscape with the insights from full genome sequencing. I hope that those reading this thread

are able to appreciate how helpful that this could be in their life.


One example that could add some specificity to the idea is what has happened with COVID. Apparently, the statistics are now suggesting that there has been a large amount of social stress

caused by the pandemic. The number of personal tragedies related to the social isolation that has been in place over the last 1+ year has been substantial. Genetically, one could say that

the ability to withstand social isolation has now become a phenotype that is being selected for in our gene pool. Those who have been unable to cope well with this isolation have had many 

problems.It is a natural experiment. It shows us exactly what can happen when all of sudden the social environment shifts. Yet, what is also of interest is that some people have actually been

able to thrive during the pandemic in ways that they never had been able to before. Some people actually like the social isolation. Did we really need a global pandemic to reveal this to us?

Creating better fits between environments and genotypes will help all of us to achieve more of our potentials. 

Edited by mag1, 30 July 2021 - 01:31 AM.

#214 Advocatus Diaboli

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Posted 30 July 2021 - 01:46 AM

Time to add TALEN and INTEGRATE to your toolkit. Also, if the SARS-CoV2's spike protein is a prion, then the "genetic revolution" will be a short-lived one.

Edited by Advocatus Diaboli, 30 July 2021 - 01:49 AM.

#215 mag1

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Posted 03 August 2021 - 12:54 AM

Advocatus, thank you for replying.


This might take me a while to clearly articulate what I have learned, though my understanding as of now is that full genome unlocks will have

revolutionary consequences for modern society. The entire conception of a genetically unstructured village community where largely genetically

unselected children go to a common school where their genetic strengths are not recognized and developed is no longer plausible. Basically,

the social template that is now present at a global scale is essentially an anachronism. The entire model will need to be rethought, and through this process

vast enhancement of human potential will be achievable.    


My genome sequence clearly revealed to me how development of my own human potential was undermined by the interaction between my genotype and my

environment. This new found self-knowledge powerfully demonstrated to me how my genetics shaped my life experience-- however, what is especially powerful

is the realization that it would be highly possible for me to have forked the genetic code. Knowing the DNA can allow people to create environments that are

right for them. This is where we are at right now. As others unlock their DNA, then the entire social structure can be reorganized. 

Merely unlocking one's personal genome can reveal so much of high relevance: For me, the genetic revolution has now begun. There is no longer

any reason to wait for CRISPR, or some new technology: tomorrow has arrived today.


Life can never be the same -- I have peered into my inner being and now have a profoundly enhanced understanding of who I am. Goodbye the world that was --

Welcome the brave new world of complete genomic knowledge. Life is now forever different. I would never willingly choose to live within the context of a genetically

unorganized community ever again.


Pre-unlock communities are no longer plausible; they are no longer viable-- they would pose serious dangers to my personal well-being and the well-being of others. Before my genome was

revealed to me, I did not even have words to describe my life experience-- neither did anyone else around me. The polygenic genotypes has provided me a powerful tool to precisely specify

my unique sense of reality. The organizations that are not interested in learning this new vocabulary do not have even a medium term, future.






Edited by mag1, 03 August 2021 - 12:55 AM.

#216 Castiel

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Posted 12 August 2021 - 04:08 PM

I still think the true singularity will happen when the right set of instructions is found, the word to heal the world, true ai, agi, what would take humans centuries to find about the genome will be found within years.


I've seen it time and again, the tenured professors saying how it is too hard, how such will take too long.   They are slow and they are less capable.  Superintelligence will not be bound by their limitations.


The human brain is the engine of change, it is the hyperevolutionary algorithm constrained by flesh, once this algorithm or an equivalent is implemented in machines, the limits to the rate of progress will be broken.    The future will manifest into the present, and the world will be reshaped into the ideal, it will be the end of the human era, and the beginning of the posthuman era.

#217 Castiel

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Posted 12 August 2021 - 04:19 PM



IQ tests are highly predictive at the bottom end, but that's about it.


Picking a successful (in life) partner would be a better way of selecting for more 'intelligent' offspring. Of course some people may be gifted but unlucky, but statically it's hard to beat selecting for those who have adapted well to a capitalist society.  


Highly creative people may not always succeed, despite generating vast innovation.


(1) Lectures: Exploring the Psychology of Creativity - YouTube


But a static world of limited beings bound to limited cycles of thought, is fragile.


People of high intellect and high creativity are known as geniuses, akin to genies, they reshape the world.   They need not always be the most successful in terms of having partners, or reproduction, or acquiring wealth but their minds can reshape the world.


(1) The Psychology of the Genius: Autism and High IQ Criminal Traits - YouTube


In any case today's world is rich in information, and that which can process information the best, is king in a world made up of information.   Success can only be delayed, lest some random event or accident screws things up.


Since early childhood I've known of the need for more time, and been unsatisfied with what reality says should be the life of a human.   I've sought the key to reshape the world, and I'm glad now I'm not alone in seeking this.   Intelligence the nature of the ultimate ability to manipulate information optimally translating that, expressing that, uttering that, writing that outside the brain, it will bring about the utter destruction of the world as is, and bring the world that is meant to be.

#218 Castiel

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Posted 12 August 2021 - 04:27 PM



IQ tests are highly predictive at the bottom end, but that's about it.


Picking a successful (in life) partner would be a better way of selecting for more 'intelligent' offspring. Of course some people may be gifted but unlucky, but statically it's hard to beat selecting for those who have adapted well to a capitalist society.  

Average IQ predicts the wealth of nations, with few exceptions.


The extremes of high IQ are populated by men, as are the number of self made billionaires mostly men, especially when it is due to some complex invention and not some fad easy to create brand.


IIRC, though I lack the data, Molyneux commented that average IQ tends to go up to a point with level of wealth attained.    There is genetics behind success, there is minimum amount of IQ needed to be a lawyer or successful at STEM


In games be they turn based or reactive, men dominate the top 100 ranks almost exclusively.  Chess Go esports shogi, etc as men tend to be far far more common at the extremes of human intelligence.


(1) Jordan Peterson - Controversial Facts about IQ - YouTube


(1) Jordan Peterson - IQ and The Job Market - YouTube

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#219 QuestforLife

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Posted 12 August 2021 - 06:01 PM

Average IQ predicts the wealth of nations, with few exceptions.

I was referring to the weak correlation between individual IQ and financial success, not the average IQ of a large group, which is a different and more useful metric when correlated with their combined success.

I'd be careful confounding high IQ/intelligence and creativity. As you say the combination is a genius, but increasing average IQ does not produce more geniuses, as we see in the conformist East Asian countries.

In my experience the majority of high IQ people have little or no creativity. Genius doesn't seem to breed true either; it likely requires rare gene combinations ontop of high IQ, which produces the right kind of personality to disregard/disrespect existing paradigms.

Edited by QuestforLife, 12 August 2021 - 06:05 PM.

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#220 Castiel

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Posted 13 August 2021 - 01:20 PM

I was referring to the weak correlation between individual IQ and financial success, not the average IQ of a large group, which is a different and more useful metric when correlated with their combined success.

I'd be careful confounding high IQ/intelligence and creativity. As you say the combination is a genius, but increasing average IQ does not produce more geniuses, as we see in the conformist East Asian countries.

In my experience the majority of high IQ people have little or no creativity. Genius doesn't seem to breed true either; it likely requires rare gene combinations ontop of high IQ, which produces the right kind of personality to disregard/disrespect existing paradigms.


According to Peterson, when added to the personality trait of conscientiousness,  IQ is one of the strongest predictors of success in school in university, and in jobs(particularly the more intellectually demanding the job is).


Molyneux also commented IQ tends to be higher in self made billionaires, iirc.


It is true that High IQ doesn't mean genius, but it does mean someone able to make incremental improvements and research, and also to work in more complex jobs.


The IQ needed for professions such as neurosurgeons, engineers, etc is above average, as he says to his audience people below average IQ are very rare in his university audience, there simply is a needed amount of IQ to understand the complexity of certain professions without which you can't even work them.

Edited by Castiel, 13 August 2021 - 01:21 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: singularity event, genetic singularity, singularity

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