Dear all,
I have passed the Longecity fundraiser details onto Dr Katcher who is interested in potentially working with us. He is currently discussing the project his with investors but advises he has an MD, physicians, a location and equipment and volunteers already arranged. From conversations I have had in the past with him the amount of plasma will be fairly substantial as he expressed concerns that the Alkahest project was not frequent enough to start reversing the age phenotype. Study size is only 1-2 people but hopefully we will get lots of useful data and a demonstration that the age phenotype can be reversed in people as it has in animal studies.
He is hoping to include Longecity in the project should the investors agree to it but it is very promising for the pilot study. I know we are interested in disruptive science and I am not sure I could think of anything more disruptive than this bar perhaps Gene therapy for TERT. He also has some ideas on how if proven effective we might get around the issue of Plasma supply to make the therapy more accessible which has me really curious.
I had a read of the project proposals and am I right in thinking if he put $10k into the project we could match that?