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Arguments for or against the existence of god do not make sense

logic universe

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#121 The Brain

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Posted 03 June 2015 - 07:09 PM

You're saying that christians abusing children is "bull" ?

#122 shadowhawk

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Posted 03 June 2015 - 07:20 PM

You got it.  Have you abused children?

#123 The Brain

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Posted 03 June 2015 - 10:38 PM

Does abusing you count ?

#124 shadowhawk

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Posted 04 June 2015 - 04:20 AM

Does abusing you count ?


I am not a child.  Why are you thinking of abusing one? 

#125 The Brain

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Posted 04 June 2015 - 04:25 AM

You seem childish, and no, I'm not a christian with weird sexual hang ups from living a guilty life in the shadow of a god that would allow me to sexually abuse children over and over and over again, as many as Iiked, any age and in any creatively depraved way I chose.

Edited by The Brain, 04 June 2015 - 04:25 AM.

#126 shadowhawk

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Posted 04 June 2015 - 06:40 PM

Have a nice day.  :)  CU

#127 Dakman

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Posted 08 June 2015 - 05:33 PM

Can't seem to handle the bare facts of what a slimey shit of a god your god is can you  :-D

Edited by Dakman, 08 June 2015 - 05:33 PM.

#128 shadowhawk

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Posted 08 June 2015 - 07:48 PM

No, the mockers are not worth answering nor do they ever say anything serious :)  The subject is arguments for or against the existence of God.  I suppose you think your last is so profound that no one could answer it.  :laugh:

#129 The Brain

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Posted 08 June 2015 - 08:06 PM

Is there an answer for it......

No, there's only ever excuses and minimising and blame shifting

You're stuck with a disgusting god as your spiritual head

Why don't you imagine the rape of a small baby, from the time the offender walks into the room with that child and slowly run through your mind the whole scenario and steps that would take place in the rape of that child, really imagine it....

It's pretty disturbing isn't it...an innocent baby devoid of any knowledge of your god

Yet your god sits there knowningly and watches that baby being raped

He watches that happen all around the world many times a day, week, month, year.

Fuck you and fuck your god !
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#130 shadowhawk

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Posted 08 June 2015 - 08:26 PM

Is there an answer for it......

No, there's only ever excuses and minimising and blame shifting

You're stuck with a disgusting god as your spiritual head

Why don't you imagine the rape of a small baby, from the time the offender walks into the room with that child and slowly run through your mind the whole scenario and steps that would take place in the rape of that child, really imagine it....

It's pretty disturbing isn't it...an innocent baby devoid of any knowledge of your god

Yet your god sits there knowningly and watches that baby being raped

He watches that happen all around the world many times a day, week, month, year.

Fuck you and fuck your god !



#131 shadowhawk

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Posted 08 June 2015 - 09:35 PM

How does one deal with the equivalent of anti simeticism , Haterid of Jews, when it comes to Christians,  Christianophobia, does not care what Christians believe or think.  Think of a Jew trying to explain their faith to bunch of Nazis.  Do you think the discussion would be serious?  No and it is no different with anti Christian bigots. 

#132 The Brain

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Posted 08 June 2015 - 09:39 PM

Meanwhile your god sits and watches babies being raped day and night

Because they somehow deserved it.......
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#133 shadowhawk

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 12:43 AM

Can Atheists, Agnostics and other like minded, condemn Child Molestation as being immoral?  Upon what do they base objective morality?

#134 The Brain

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 01:19 AM

Can christians ever be trusted or forgiven for accepting child sexual abuse from their god

Christians and their disgusting twisted god should be condemned and rejected from normal society

#135 shadowhawk

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 03:36 AM

Can christians ever be trusted or forgiven for accepting child sexual abuse from their god

Christians and their disgusting twisted god should be condemned and rejected from normal society


Notice here that this fellow, agrees with Christians that Child Abuse is evil and morally wrong.  We agree!  However he believes in his ethics without God.  Greatly upset ,he even repeatedly accuses God and believers of God for the evil of Child Abuse.  This is highly unjust but the question I asked was about the objective moral basis for his belief since nature seems to be silent on the subject.  Why and upon what basis is Child Molestation wrong and evil?  Can we be moral without God?  Does Brain, without God actually believe molestation is wrong and what does He base that belief on?

Edited by shadowhawk, 09 June 2015 - 03:40 AM.

#136 The Brain

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 04:12 AM





Because his god disgusts him too, but can't be seen to let it be and has to protect his god's public image.

Corruption at its very lowest.....

Protecting the biggest most prolific enabler of sexual abuse crimes towards children

Edited by The Brain, 09 June 2015 - 04:13 AM.

#137 shadowhawk

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 05:09 AM

Many bogus claims are made against the Church and God which are nonsense and not true however one thing is true Child Molestation is evil and wrong.  Both Christianity and the Brain agree on this one and it does not matter who the molester is.  AGAIN the question is what is the basis for saying Child Molestation is wrong?  The Brain wants to act as if he has the high moral ground but what is his morality based upon?  Nature???  How and upon what basis can we condemn a molester no matter what else they believe.

#138 The Brain

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 06:26 AM

Answer me this you god apologist creep.....

If jesus were to appear on earth again and tell you that he'd been hanging out with big daddy o and the big fella had asked him to swing by earth and give us a message that he'd revised and updated his rules for us and now he'd like all men of an age between 18 and 85, three times a year to rape any child male or female from the ages of new born to 8 and that that is an instruction and order and not to question his decision

Would you???????

Now creep, just answer honestly, don't try to squirm your way out of it with slimey word wanker excuses

It just requires a yes or no answer

There is no creepy sleazy way out of the question......, no need to creep out of answering it properly

Of course you have to because you're a scum bag


#139 shadowhawk

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 06:04 PM

Answer me this you god apologist creep.....

If jesus were to appear on earth again and tell you that he'd been hanging out with big daddy o and the big fella had asked him to swing by earth and give us a message that he'd revised and updated his rules for us and now he'd like all men of an age between 18 and 85, three times a year to rape any child male or female from the ages of new born to 8 and that that is an instruction and order and not to question his decision

Would you???????

Now creep, just answer honestly, don't try to squirm your way out of it with slimey word wanker excuses

It just requires a yes or no answer

There is no creepy sleazy way out of the question......, no need to creep out of answering it properly

Of course you have to because you're a scum bag


This is a hypothetical Chriastanophobic hate speech so I won't answer it.  However it does illustrate what I am talking about.  Brain is fixated on child abuse for what ever reason, and like Christianity thinks it is evil and wrong.  At least he thinks it is a negative and wants to accuse those he has a precedence against of liking it.  It is evil.  Now upon what basis does he think it evil?  What is the basis of objective evil?  Where do we get morality?


#140 sthira

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 08:10 PM

Laws are created by people for people. We need no God to legitimize our laws of anything, including sex crimes against children. Brain's point is clear.

Edited by sthira, 09 June 2015 - 08:15 PM.

#141 The Brain

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 08:28 PM


Ark.....I know you're still watching this thread, do you want to answer the question posed to Shadowdork ???

Or offer your own disgusting apology for god???

How about you Old Fool???

You're not even smart enough to try to give a comment

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#142 shadowhawk

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 09:26 PM

Laws are created by people for people. We need no God to legitimize our laws of anything, including sex crimes against children. Brain's point is clear.

Yes, Fuck you was clear.  Good point.  So Hitler was right?  Ever watch Sophie's Choice?  Are child molesters people?

#143 sthira

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 09:54 PM

Some laws created by people are good; some laws created by people are not. Laws against child sex crimes are good; Hitler's laws against the rights of Jews were not. God is absent regardless.

#144 shadowhawk

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 11:52 PM

But doesn't each human have as much right to decide as another?  It is not alright to molest for you but the molester feels quite differently.  He or she has as mu ch right as you do to determine what is right.

#145 sthira

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 03:38 AM

^^ No, each individual obviously does not have "as much right to decide as another." We live in a society, and through detailed legislative processes we attempt to protect as many citizens as possible from harming themselves and harming others. Our laws have nothing to do with God. Our laws are ours -- created by us, for us. We as a society agree that sex crimes against children are wrong even if a child molester disagrees. We created child protection laws to help safeguard the rights of children. When people break those laws, we arrest them, we try them in a court of peers, we sentence them if guilty. The system is riddled with flaws. It's imperfect, sometimes corrupt, often racist, but least we try.

Meanwhile, God does nothing. That's Brain's point. If God exists, then God permits acts of useless suffering like child sex crimes. God, all powerful, knowing and loving could choose to intervene and prevent child sex crimes. And yet God, for reasons that are mysterious to many of us, fails to intervene. God fails to intervene perhaps because, like you said, God has chosen to grant us "free will" over child protection. Thus we must step in and right God's error. If God exists, God permits child sex crimes, then God is wrong. This is partly why many people think God probably doesn't exist: what God would permit such awful suffering?

Meanwhile, you, Shadowhawk, say this God is not your God. Your God is better than this God. These crimes, you say, are not crimes of God at all. This is just "nature..." Is that your thinking? Did God create "nature" Shadowhawk?

#146 shadowhawk

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 04:01 AM

God will intervene and already has because time is part of the space time creation.  We are limited by and loose time but unlike the god of materialism God is the Alpha and Omega both the beginning and the end.  I could understand anger at the materialistic god because there is no hope and there is no objective basis for morality when each man does what is right in his own e yes.

#147 sthira

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 04:12 AM

Didn't God create "the materialistic God"?

We need no "objective basis for morality." We protect as many people as we can through laws we create for ourselves, by ourselves. This has nothing to do with "each man does what is right in his own eyes." We live in a society; we attempt to protect people from harming themselves and others. God remains absent.

#148 sthira

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 04:30 AM

You, Shadowhawk, write: "God will intervene and already has..." Fine, I believe you. But now what? When is the intervention going to happen? Where? How? Meanwhile, as we wait for God to intervene, we must look out for ourselves and do our best in the face of a world often filled with useless suffering. We create laws, we create medicine, we create art, literature, science, philosophy, religion -- all of it we create for ourselves, on our own, without God, in part to protect us from the useless suffering that accompanies our existence. Meanwhile, God remains absent. Silent. Nothing. We wait for God's intervention. Ok, fine. Whenever you're ready, God. But while we're waiting, we'll make our own laws to protect our children from our own molesters.

#149 Dakman

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 04:35 PM

The christian god is a filthy scumbag piece of crap that allows the rape and abuse of infants, sometimes only days old, further more he sits and watches while some of these babies are stolen and traded as a commodity to serial abusers who molest, rape and harm and scar these children for life if they ever even escape these abusers.


Another scumbag is Shadowhawk who has the nerve and disgusting ethics and morals to overlook this aspect of his god and try to argue for him.


Where is your disgusting vulgar ugly cruel hearted god to answer these comments ?


No instead we have these dirty sleazy self appointed morally corrupt assholes of the universe like Shadowdork and Ark and Old School being his apologists  


You filthy creeps repulse me with your mindset and I feel sick in my stomach knowing you will bankrupt your morals on one of very worst issues that exists.




Edited by Dakman, 10 June 2015 - 04:37 PM.

#150 sthira

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 06:53 PM

Pedophiles more likely to have physical irregularities

10 Jun 2015, 09:32 AM

Study suggests physical deviations in the face and head of pedophiles develop during the prenatal period.

New research suggests pedophiles are more likely to have superficial facial flaws, known as Minor Physical Anomalies (MPAs). They are also more likely to be left-handed, says Fiona Dyshniku of the University of Windsor in Canada. She led an investigation into the prevalence and distribution of physical anomalies among men who are sent for sexological assessment. The study in Springer's journal Archives of Sexual Behavior adds to a growing body of evidence that suggests pedophilia develops prenatally, around the same time that such physical flaws develop.

"Evidence is steadily accumulating to support a neurodevelopmental basis of pedophilia," says Dyshniku. "If we find that pedophilia has a biological basis, with a very early, even prenatal onset, this will influence and hopefully improve methods of treatment for this group."

Facial anomalies could, among others, include having non-detached earlobes, malformed ears, or a high or steepled palate. These features develop during the sensitive first and early second trimesters while a baby is still in the womb, from the same primary embryonic tissue layer that gives rise to the central nervous system. They could develop because of prenatal exposure to viruses, alcohol or drugs, obstetric complications, or nutritional deficiencies. Such features are more prevalent among men, which might mean that the male brain is more susceptible to disruptive events during prenatal development.

"If we know more about the etiology of an injurious behavior, we can create more effective treatments and look toward prevention," says Rachel Fazio, clinical neuropsychologist and co-author of the study. "For years, it was thought that child molestation was somewhat of a learned behavior, potentially from the abusers having been sexually abused themselves as children. While this may be a factor in some cases, this is not the case in those with genuine pedophilia."

The 140 consenting participants who took part in Dyshniku's study were referred to the Kurt Freund Laboratory of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto to be assessed for distressing or illegal sexual behavior. The routine sexological assessment consisted of a forensic and medical file review, a semi-structured interview spanning offense and sexual history, and a phallometric test for erotic preference. The presence of specific physical anomalies and participants' right or left handedness were also assessed.

The findings suggest that the pedophiles who participated in the study were more likely to have minor facial and head anomalies than was the case for men who were not pedophiles. These deviations were more prevalent on the head than elsewhere on the body. Those with quite a few of these facial deviations also scored higher on other indicators of pedophilia.

The finding that such men are also more likely to be left-handed confirms previous research on the matter. Handedness is a result primarily of prenatal neural development and is solidified very early in life.

Story Source:

The above story is based on materials provided by Springer Science+Business Media.

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