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Where to watch 'The Immortalists' online ?

movie immortalists

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#1 playground

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Posted 25 May 2015 - 01:48 AM

Hello denizens,


The title sums it up.


Where can i watch 'The Immortalists' online (preferably for free).

I've been waiting to watch this documentary for months and months... I find it's not yet available on youtube.

If someone knows of some secret corner of the internet where this film might be hiding.. please let me know.


Thank you to whoever answers :-)



#2 playground

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Posted 08 June 2015 - 08:52 PM

And the answer is.....





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#3 xEva

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Posted 13 May 2017 - 06:19 PM

The Immortalists



I'd like to hear your comments on de Grey segment, starting at 24:00  


In particular, I don't understand why they would not want to take care of her obviously very advanced periodontal disease. And then, at 28:00 -- was that really necessary? yuck! good thing a video cannot convey the sickening odor of their kisses! I hear many people "enjoy" themselves doing whatever creepy things -- I don't need to know about them or be forced to watch them in a documentary.


Then at 1:08 -1:10 again, are those revelations necessary? It's embarrassing to watch. "It's so not my thing," she says. Did you notice the coquettish roll of eyes and then how she adjusts her hair? The woman is out of touch with reality. At 1:10, he says he can see himself "as a poster boy of a future lifestyle". They both are out of touch with reality.



That was about 5 years ago. Bill Andrews looks better now than he looked then, no?

Edited by xEva, 13 May 2017 - 06:50 PM.

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#4 alc

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Posted 14 May 2017 - 10:51 PM

there is a comment there that nailed the thing very well:






In fact that says a lot about what character he is, and how  his character reflects in  his work.
yuck, like others there I skipped those scenes.
on netflix I gave it the lowest rating.
(and now I welcome the sens zealots to give me bunch of "unfriendly" & similar labels ... )

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#5 xEva

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Posted 15 May 2017 - 02:25 AM

Indeed, who in the right mind would want to associate themselves with this? 


If it were not for Andrews and his delightful fiance, plus Hayflick, etc.  -- with de Grey and his family only, the film is anti-advertisement for the longevity movement. And yes, especially for Americans who are so keen on traditional morals. De Grey is the liability, not an asset. He says in the film that he is looking forward to retiring "into glorious obscurity". Long overdue.   



Edited by xEva, 15 May 2017 - 02:31 AM.

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#6 xEva

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Posted 15 May 2017 - 05:56 AM

I'm so grossed out.. :sad:   Until now I thought de Grey was an eccentric mécénat, and why not -- but it turns out he is a frank misanthrope whose sole raison d'etre is to shock and disgust. .. like that anti-sensuality display with flaunting rotting teeth. yuck.  There is an art form for this, but he is not an artist. Neither is he a scientist.  And he is a heartless fuck. He does not care that that poor woman is shown in such an unflattering, to put it mildly, light. ..and the same goes for his mother. He must have been seriously screwed in childhood. That's really too bad. and too late for repairs. 


And no, you don't wanna be "friendly" with this guy. this is the classic case where through association one stands to lose far more than one could ever gain.

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#7 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 15 May 2017 - 09:45 AM

To tell the true, when I watched that, initially I started feeling sorry for him.


I previously thought, that he is very rich.


From what I saw I started to ask myself "What does he have?" money? real estates? super advanced medical care? nice furnished home? a good car? My godness, he lives like a rat. Then I shivered when I thought, that they may not have done anything for their teeth because of money problems. And that was when I totaly felt sorry for him.


His wife and two girlfriends are like, wow if one of them falls in love with me, and rushes to hug me, I would start running like in the Bil Andrews cross. And living with these 3 together is something beyond even my bravest dreams.


But ... at the end I said myself:

this is his life. This is the way he sees himself happy. His wife loves him. Why not they to be happy together. And what are some fallen teeth if they manage to live long?

Laa-laaa-la-laaaaaa ... two wrinkled nuuudists togeeetheeerrr

Why not? Whi says what is good and what is not?


For me... I hope his anti-cholesterol drug comes out effective. If it becomes, then he has the reason for his life.

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#8 ceridwen

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Posted 15 May 2017 - 02:14 PM

Yes not even academics and business owners are very rich in Britain. Maybe that is why he moved to California
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#9 ceridwen

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Posted 15 May 2017 - 03:00 PM

There is nothing wrong with polyamory if that is how they want to live. In what way does he live like a rat? I'm going to have to watch this again because quite frankly the 1St time round it was the message that came across to me. I think you'll find he has a normal lifestyle for a British academic except for having rather more than his fair share of women
There is nothing wrong with polyamory if that is how they want to live. In what way does he live like a rat? I'm going to have to watch this again because quite frankly the 1St time round it was the message that came across to me. I think you'll find he has a normal lifestyle for a British academic except for having rather more than his fair share of women

#10 ceridwen

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Posted 15 May 2017 - 03:16 PM

There is nothing wrong with polyamory if that is how they want to live. In what way does he live like a rat? I'm going to have to watch this again because quite frankly the 1St time round it was the message that came across to me. I think you'll find he has a normal lifestyle for a British academic except for having rather more than his fair share of women

#11 ceridwen

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Posted 15 May 2017 - 03:24 PM

He is a humanitarian. He wants everyone to live as long as they want. He is my hero but I think he may be wrong about some things

#12 xEva

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Posted 15 May 2017 - 04:30 PM

a humanitarian?!  a perverted desire to shock and disgust by flaunting physical and mental deficiencies of the most important women in his life rather reveals a misanthrope.  

this is his life. This is the way he sees himself happy. His wife loves him. Why not they to be happy together. And what are some fallen teeth if they manage to live long?
Laa-laaa-la-laaaaaa ... two wrinkled nuuudists togeeetheeerrr
Why not? Whi says what is good and what is not?

his right to "be happy together" as a private citizen ended when he appointed himself "a poster boy of the future lifestyle"  and hijacked the leadership of the longevity movement. 

Yes not even academics and business owners are very rich in Britain. Maybe that is why he moved to California


What, dental care has become so expensive that only "very rich" can afford it?  

must be a trend in the US and now UK :) But I thought dental was covered by NHS, no?


but then he IS very rich. Rich enough to buy himself a PhD, buy that estate in CA (where he is looking forward to retire) and establish a fund with a pretty good, I'm sure, salary for himself. 



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#13 Kalliste

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Posted 15 May 2017 - 07:21 PM

Perio accelerates every other aging disease. Please don't let him be another SJW nut.

#14 ceridwen

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Posted 15 May 2017 - 07:24 PM

SJW? Oh no!!!!!
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#15 ceridwen

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Posted 15 May 2017 - 07:37 PM

Well what is he doing? All he seems to do is ask for money and push dates treatment will be available further and further back
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#16 sthira

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Posted 15 May 2017 - 08:35 PM

What a great documentary! I hadn't seen it until now, so thanks for sharing. To anyone else here dissuaded by the negative comments here, find time to watch, it's beautifully done. What a small fragile world we find this community of lifespan extension enthusiasts. Somehow we imagine these players and famous names and institutions to be much larger than they actually are -- well, I did anyway.

Aubrey seems like a cool hippie with a kind heart who is living his own imperfect human life. At least he aims to save lives from suffering and make the world a better place. What have you done with your life?

To the judgmental comments about his personal choices, I'd say we need to remember to separate the art from the artist. All human lives are messy and complicated, and viewed through the hard lenses of others, we're all very imperfect.

Name one of your favorite thinkers or scientists or artists and read their biography. Everyone is messed up, including you.

If his wife wanted to repair her teeth, then she would repair her teeth. But I like her regardless of her flaws, she's cool. "One of the personality traits that a scientist should have is honesty," she says. "To see what is there and not what you hope is there."

About her teeth, tideglusib, the alz drug appears to regrow teeth (in mice). Let's get on that one! All of us shall have rotting teeth if we stick around in entropy long enough.
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#17 xEva

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Posted 15 May 2017 - 10:33 PM

Perio accelerates every other aging disease. Please don't let him be another SJW nut.

IMHO, right on the money:  "The accusation of being an SJW carries implications of pursuing personal validation rather than any deep-seated conviction, and being engaged in disingenuous social justice arguments or activism to raise personal reputation, also known as virtue signalling." wiki

My disturbed and unsettled gut feeling tells me that's exactly what he is.


His main thing in life is to shock and provoke. He found his niche in "immortality" movement, but I doubt he cares about longevity, his or anyone else's (otherwise he'd be more mindful of his diet and certainly dental health -- those smelly perio bacteria are contagious)



Aubrey seems like a cool hippie with a kind heart who is living his own imperfect human life. At least he aims to save lives from suffering and make the world a better place. What have you done with your life?


an example of virtue signaling?


though, of course, we all are entitled to our opinions and impressions. It's just that I cannot rationalize mine -- it's a deep-seated revolt like a wave of nausea, can't do a thing about it.


And funny how different we interpret this. You say:


But I like her regardless of her flaws, she's cool. "One of the personality traits that a scientist should have is honesty," she says. "To see what is there and not what you hope is there."


This is what you hear, but then don't you see? Within seconds after this statement, she is shown to coquettishly roll her eyes and smooth her hair -- showing that she does not see the incongruity of combining her behavior with her appearance. Seems she is not honest with herself and does not see what's there. I'm pretty sure that's exactly what the filmmakers wanted to show. They really had a knack for making their subjects reveal themselves.


De Gray disturbed me, in a bad way. So much so, that, I really do not care to be associated with "this community of lifespan extension enthusiasts". 


Actually, for years already, as my knowledge of biology and physiology increased, I grew more and more weary with de Grey and his followers. I find their knowledge of the subject shallow and most ideas naive and untenable. This film was the last straw. 

Edited by xEva, 15 May 2017 - 10:35 PM.

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#18 sthira

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Posted 15 May 2017 - 11:42 PM

This film was the last straw.

Indeed, xEva, follow thy gut! If he creeps you out, you're not alone. I've engaged in this sort of (polite) discussion many times before with people whom I very much respect. Many think AdG isn't any good for longevity science, and others like you believe he's all about amateur shock value and false hope.

I respectfully disagree. For example, with regard to the scenes in the film that panic you, I am more disturbed personally by examples of hated between people than expressions of love. Gratuitous violence and hatred creep me more out than love. Even if that love isn't in my own style, I'd rather see people loving than see people fighting, hating, killing. I'm positive you agree.

I'd rather see people seeking to cure pain and suffering than make money off others' misery. This pharma company that just jacked up the price again for T1D patients, how about directing your considerable wrath at those fucktards?

And by that I mean De Gray wants to medically conquer aging for common people. For everyone! How fucking cool! Look what Calico is doing for comparison. Wut? Hiding inside a black box? When you look out across the net and into your own personal life, who else do you see with such a lofty, heroic visions as AdG's SENS?

I can tell you what I see. But what do you see? Other than SENS and their various offshoot labs, what else exists? I'll gladly stand behind anything seeking to cure suffering and disease, and you will, too.

When your time comes to require the treatments that they are working hard to find solutions to cure, what then will you care about AdG's choice in romantic partners? Will you say -- no -- I'm not taking this cancer cure because I have moral quibbles with its creator.

You'll only care about saving your hide. Or your Grandmother's. Once upon a time, That Bearded Weirdo sparked interest in getting research organizations involved in solving the diseases of aging. Those solutions will be all you and I and everyone care about.

De Gray's central thesis is to repair bodily damage as fast or faster than it naturally awry. How can you NOT stand behind that? That's all any of us really care about. The rest? Bullshit Sideshows. It's only the medical conquest of aging that matters here in this context.

Meanwhile, in other contexts, let's get the fucking plastic out of the world's oceans. And let's refreeze the arctic before the goddamned ice melts -- refreeze is gonna happen even if the scientists involved are moral retards. Plant trees. Figure out how to get us onto Europa. We need to get the fuck off this planet, and elongating human lifespan is one pretty solid method toward that goal, and many others.

Enjoy the film, people, it's really great. Hard to believe it was made in huh 2011?!
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#19 alc

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Posted 16 May 2017 - 12:03 AM




 " Look what Calico is doing for comparison. Wut? Hiding inside a black box? "


you and other "specialists" in Calico, what do you know that they are doing so you are convinced they are going on a wrong path?


besides what you read from fight aging guy/girl, or michael rae's rants or de grey's rants, you have NO idea what they actually do.


but a small hint is: AI applied to reverse aging.

go and read about Daphne Koller's work, before you post anymore nonsense.



"I can tell you what I see. But what do you see? Other than SENS and their various offshoot labs, what else exists? I'll gladly stand behind anything seeking to cure suffering and disease, and you will, too."




here we go:


George Church




Izpisua Belmonte








IDUNN Technologies




Michael Fossel




Michael West







... and there are a lot more


these guys are not that noisy like sens and do not say things before they have some research done.


please do your homework before posting stupid comments that are not based on anything but blogs of sens zealots.

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#20 sthira

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Posted 16 May 2017 - 12:30 AM


Thanks. I'm actually really excited and hopeful about Calico. To me it seems like a complete 1+1=2. Meaning, one of the world's richest, most progressive corporations on earth is set to conquer aging.

I think my prinary issues are curiosity and a desire to see more communication about what they're doing. I'm no Calico expert -- I know zero. But I'm sure they have their reasons for their privacy.

"I can tell you what I see. But what do you see? Other than SENS and their various offshoot labs, what else exists? I'll gladly stand behind anything seeking to cure suffering and disease, and you will, too."

here we go:

George Church


Izpisua Belmonte




IDUNN Technologies


Michael Fossel


Michael West



... and there are a lot more

these guys are not that noisy like sens and do not say things before they have some research done.

please do your homework before posting stupid comments that are not based on anything but blogs of sens zealots.

Thank you for your helpful suggestions -- some of these I'm aware of, others not so much. I'll certainly get busy, though, before posting more stupid comments. I will say we're all on the same side here -- we seek to conquer the diseases of aging, and the sooner the better.
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#21 alc

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Posted 16 May 2017 - 12:44 AM

... of course my post is off topic ... lol ... we'll see how "off topic" is this when these teams reach to a meaningful result of their work ...


meanwhile, if you want to read a bit more on what Michael West is doing, here you go:




btw Michael West said in a recent interview that they will have a proof of an organ fully rejuvenated in couple years.


one question, that for sure is "on topic" is why NONE of the teams listed above are not impressed by sens/degrey's work/approach?


now we are in a period of time when we are about to see results.


are they coming from Sinclair?, are they coming from Michael West? are they coming from Izpisua? etc.


is time to ask people like fightaging guy/sens zealots to stop pooh-pooh-ing and wait for results.


then we can talk what works what not.



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#22 sthira

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Posted 16 May 2017 - 12:50 AM

Well, for what it's worth I didn't find your comments off topic. Very much on topic, I'd say. Thanks for the Michael West insights into aging.

Also, I guess no one would know if any of the teams you've listed above are or are not interested in AdG's efforts to medically conquer the diseases of aging. Again, I think -- since everyone is going to die -- that we're all on the same team here, even if approaches to cures are different.

Keep your eye on the ball: Cure Aging Now.
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#23 Heisok

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Posted 16 May 2017 - 03:11 AM

Thanks sthira for encouraging the watching of the movie. It was very good.  I also appreciate the negative comments. To each his own.

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#24 Edit_XYZ

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Posted 04 June 2017 - 08:19 PM


Perio accelerates every other aging disease. Please don't let him be another SJW nut.

IMHO, right on the money:  "The accusation of being an SJW carries implications of pursuing personal validation rather than any deep-seated conviction, and being engaged in disingenuous social justice arguments or activism to raise personal reputation, also known as virtue signalling." wiki

My disturbed and unsettled gut feeling tells me that's exactly what he is.


His main thing in life is to shock and provoke. He found his niche in "immortality" movement, but I doubt he cares about longevity, his or anyone else's (otherwise he'd be more mindful of his diet and certainly dental health -- those smelly perio bacteria are contagious)



De Gray disturbed me, in a bad way. So much so, that, I really do not care to be associated with "this community of lifespan extension enthusiasts". 


Actually, for years already, as my knowledge of biology and physiology increased, I grew more and more weary with de Grey and his followers. I find their knowledge of the subject shallow and most ideas naive and untenable. This film was the last straw. 



De Grey may be morally unpalatable.


But one can't justifiably call him an SJW.

He donated $13 million to SENS; he has skin in the game:


Edited by Edit_XYZ, 04 June 2017 - 08:20 PM.

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