Day1 3/29/15: I ingested 30mg at lunch right after my biology test, and felt a little weird throughout the day. It had no noticeable effect on my performance that day. The only way I could describe the initial feeling is spacey? But not spacey enough for me to not be able to focus. The feeling went away in about 3-4 hours.
Day 2 3/30/15: Ingested another 30mg of dihexa and proceeded to do nothing that Saturday. I could remember my dreams a lot longer than I usually would have. The spacey feeling presented itself once more and dissipated in yet another 3-4 hours. I went out to eat and although I try to not drink at all because it makes me smoke cigarettes, I did anyway. Unfortunately I smoked a cigarette that night, woke up in the middle of the night with a terrible headache, then went back to bed after 2 glasses of water and ibuprofen...wont do that again... I hope.
Day 3 3/31/15: As you guessed it, I ingested yet another 30mg dihexa, the spacey feeling was less pronounced than before. I again proceeded to do nothing, and because of that I didn't notice any changes in memory. I memorized pi though, 3.141592654, but I have already known the first 5 digits :P. I can still remember the mileage of a car I tagged at work, 238,778. Weird.
Day 4 6/1/15: I ingested the last 30mg dihexa for the week. I went to work at 8am as usual. No noticeable effects, not even the spacey feeling(I guess I was too busy to notice). When I went to my second job I had been told that I forgot to clean the tenderizers when I had worked that Friday, the first day of dihexa ingestion. While working, I also forgot to water down one of the parts on the table... I then thought that the dihexa might have been the cause, or that I had just a regular ol' occurrence of my ADHD symptoms that I went to the doctor for about 6 months ago. (Btw my mild ADHD was almost completely caused by my regular use of marijuana, and quit on and off for the next 4 months, and finally quit about 2 months ago along with my Adderall.). This was the first occurrence of such things, but I blew it off and continued with my day.
Day 5 6/2/15: Biology lab and class was canceled so I enjoyed that time very well
. I went to work after what would have been my Biology class, about 1 hour into it, I saw one of my co-workers put a dark box nice and neat in the trashcan, almost as if he was trying to push the trash down farther in the bin. I automatically had the urge to break the box down because the trashcans get full as hell quick if you don't. Turns out there were blazing hot bearings on the box that I didn't notice and they went into the trashcan. He said, "what the fuck dude there were burning ass bearings on there, I was going to clean them." I reached into the trashcan to retrieve the bearings with my bare hands, right after he had just said they were burning hot. I put the bearings back on the box, and walked away with a very mild burn that went away in about 10 minutes. I I guess I do need to take my Adderall again(cuz of the fact that I grabbed the hot bearings right after he said they were hot, like duhh, dont grab em with ur bare hands me!). I proceeded with my day.
Day 6 6/3/15: I took 5mg of Adderall in the morning, and another halfway through biology class. During the intense fast paced notes that accrued because of the canceled classes 2 days before, I felt as if my short term memory was hindered. Although I was CONSTANTLY writing notes the whole class period, when she asked a questions during and later that period about what we had just written notes on, I had bad short term recall. :/ i went to my second job after my first job at 6pm, and was a little slow because of the Adderall(My second job is cleaning up at a meat market, so you can imagine how that and adderall mixed). Got drunk AGAIN and smoked a cigarette AGAIN, and didn't get to sleep until 2am. I woke up alot after having INTENSE dreams that ultimately gave me a mild headache, enough to not get back to sleep. After drifting in and out of sleep, but not actually going to sleep, I drank some water and took some Ibuprofen at 5am...
Day 7 6/4/15: After only getting about an hour and a half worth of sleep, I woke at 6:40, took 5mg Adderall and 10mg Noopept and proceeded to get to Biology lab at 8am. I yawned about 25 times that period, and didn't start to really wake up..or think until 10:30am. When class came around at 12pm, I was awake... enough to take some notes. They were about Cellular respiration and I wrote a LOT neater than I usually do and wrote not as fast as usual(1.5 hours of sleep sucks). It was easily understood, and I felt like I was at the top of my game and correctly answered every question she asked about what we were taking notes on. I went to work after that as usual and took about 1/8th of an Adderall tab to keep myself going, and went to class after work. Turned out that class was canceled so I went and slept a good 11 hours.
Day 8 6/5/15: Woke up feeling really tired, and debated again on whether I actually needed Adderall. Had a busy morning at work and class was normal, except for the fact that I had no energy. At work later I decided to take 5mg Adderall because I was feeling very...weak, like the kind of weak you feel after weight lifting for an hour and a half. It didn't really help. I didn't feel as weak when I went to my second job that day, and finished it in my average time. I decided to take some more dihexa and stop taking adderall in order to accurately determine what the dihexa was actually doing, and if I really still have Adhd symptoms. Everything from day 3 to this day in my log was written with only my memory as a reference.... So I guess I could say that it somewhat helps my memory, but cannot give dihexa sole credit because of my recent adderall consumption.(which is why I'm going to stop taking adderall).