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Yellow complexion, dark circles, brain fog and unwellness


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#1 AlexCanada

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Posted 16 June 2015 - 04:26 PM

I wanted to see if anyone had insights on why I had some yellowness on my face, as it looks very unhealthy. Some days it's a little better and other days not. Additionally I have very prominent dark circles around my eyes and some notable collagen loss which caused wrinkles near the side of my eyes. Very prominent when I smile. Generally I look quite unwell and unhealthy. So far doctors have had no insights. But they tend to agree that I look very unwell. I even was tested for HIV and that came back negative. 


My theories include adrenal exhaustion, systemic fungal infection, some type of vitamin/mineral deficiency, and poor circulation to the face.  Interesting to note that Taineptine made my face look slightly healthier but it tends to leave me chilled out and unmotivated so I don't take it often. 


 My other general Symptoms:   Very anhedonic, no sex drive, low energy, depressed, unmotivated, socially withdrawn, disinterested, poor memory, hair loss, uncomfortable physical anxiety on and off, severe irritability, brain fog, poor memory, sleep inconsistencies, poor stamina and easily drained after physical activity, carrying anything causes severe physical and mental exhaustion, prone to dehydration, hypoglycemia, prone to fungal infections, pains and tightness and inflammation in my neck/back, peripheral circulation issues, dark circles under my eyes, dry eyes which sting, collagen loss and notable wrinkles around my eyes, thin skin, poor wound healing,     +Weight loss recently, low appetite, adrenaline sensations when resting in bed occasionally, Sharp pains in my stomach on and off (may be subsiding)



Maybe I should post links to some photos later if anyone wants to see. The dark circles are below my eye lids and above. The circles I had for years. I have had people accuse me of being a druggie on more than a few occasions and I must tell you I don't do any street drugs nor have I in the past aside from very few exceptions (less than 5 times in my life perhaps). 


Is there anything I can do to improve circulation to my face or help reverse some of this? I look terribly unhealthy and it really is difficult to go out there and be around people and they just assume the worst of me. I look like an untreated diabetic when it comes to my eyes. 

Edited by AlexCanada, 16 June 2015 - 04:27 PM.

#2 gamesguru

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Posted 16 June 2015 - 04:46 PM

You'd be surprised, the degree to which bad foods interfere with the circulatory system and good foods improve it.

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#3 StephCThomp

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Posted 21 June 2015 - 06:00 AM

Can I ask a rather obvious question, just to be sure?  Your doctors did check liver function, Bilirubin, etc, yes?  No issues there?


Are the whites of your eyes slightly yellowed too, or just your skin?


Are you mega-dosing any supplements that could be over-challenging your liver?  What about substances that could directly impart yellow colouration, such as high dose beta-carotene supplements or extreme carrot consumption?

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#4 HappyShoe

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Posted 21 June 2015 - 06:01 AM

Go to a doctor immediately....

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#5 AlexCanada

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Posted 21 June 2015 - 06:54 PM

Can I ask a rather obvious question, just to be sure?  Your doctors did check liver function, Bilirubin, etc, yes?  No issues there?


Are the whites of your eyes slightly yellowed too, or just your skin?


Are you mega-dosing any supplements that could be over-challenging your liver?  What about substances that could directly impart yellow colouration, such as high dose beta-carotene supplements or extreme carrot consumption?


I requested liver function test a month ago. He said it turned out fine. Bilirubin I am not certain. I didn't see the test. I will be able to see them next time I am there. Is Bilirubin routinely tested or do I specifically have to ask for it?


Whites of my eyes seem okay. 


I don't take any multivitamins. Most of my supplements are fairly modest doses. Copper 2mg I take once or twice a week but only recently. NAC 100mg I started every other day this past week to see if it would change anything. Not much else.


I don't consume carrots much at all. Rarely.  


I did notice a year ago when I tried Fu-ti (he shou wu) my skin would get even more yellow and thus I stopped. Then it just went back to the regular yellow tint I am left with. Doctors say I look very unhealthy.



I sometimes look healthier when I take low dose dexedrine (or Vyvanse), likely due to the increased circulation.   I wish there was something non-stimulant which could restore some color to my face.    The stims don't effect my cognition in a positive manner but have mood + energy benefits in short term.

#6 AlexCanada

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Posted 21 June 2015 - 06:57 PM

Go to a doctor immediately....



I have and they have no answers for me.    Plus the doctors here in Canada are so adverse towards agreeing to most basic tests because the broken health care system discourages them from ordering any. OHIP is a disgrace.   I have actually resorted to begging more than a few times.     Makes me sick. 

#7 StephCThomp

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Posted 21 June 2015 - 11:01 PM

Interesting.  He Shou Wu is suspected as causing liver toxicity in rare cases.  So the worsening of your symptoms at that time is one point in the direction of "It's related to your liver".


Bilirubin is the material that may be giving your skin the yellow colour.  It's a byproduct of the normal cyclic breakdown of red blood cells.  Usually the liver balances all this out, but if it's struggling for some reason high bilirubin may result, with yellowing of the skin when it gets significantly high. 


I don't know whether bilirubin is a common test where you live, but I would certainly expect it to be.  If for any reason it isn't, if I were in your position I would just pay to have it done.  No sense is economising on such things.


Alternatively, given your other symptoms, I wonder if you might have Haemolytic Anaemia?  That's when the breakdown of red blood cells happens too quickly, leaving you short on oxygen carrying capacity.  This produces all of the usual symptoms of regular anaemia, and more - body feels like lead, tired, poor wound healing, etc.  Certainly it might explain your pallor.  Also your sharp stomach aches (are they high up?) may be due to gallstones (related to bilirubin) or an enlarged spleen (involved in breakdown of red blood cells), which is part of this same condition.


In fact, the more I look at your list, the more I wonder about Haemolytic Anaemia.  I have no idea how this is tested for, but I would find yourself a new doctor or two, pretty quick smart.  Keep trying until you find a bright and proactive one!


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#8 HappyShoe

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Posted 22 June 2015 - 03:46 AM

Amphetamines can stress the liver, metabolic panels are standard tests for liver enzymes during use. It seems like your liver is compromised, I can't believe they aren't being more helpful, you could be in serious danger. =(

The only other possibility I can think of is, if you're of northern european ancestry, you may have hemochromatosis, as excess iron can bronze the skin, and coincidentally can also harm the liver if iron levels are high enough, due to iron deposits. All I can think of.

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#9 Major Legend

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Posted 23 June 2015 - 09:34 AM

Massaging your face can increase circulation to your dark circles.


Horse Chestnut Cream can eliminate dark circles by encouraging vasodilation on your skin.


Try artichoke extract and milk thistle to promote liver metabolism.


Check to see if your liver is inflamed, google the position of your liver and see if there is any "pushing" feeling from that area, usually leads to something like bloating stomach that is above the stomach area. Try to alleviate blood flow by making sure your spine is straight - pretty easy just use a wall and a vitamin bottle on your back and see if you can straiten it out.


find a doctor that won't just brush off these significant symptoms.

Edited by Major Legend, 23 June 2015 - 09:36 AM.

#10 AlexCanada

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Posted 23 June 2015 - 12:30 PM

Interesting.  He Shou Wu is suspected as causing liver toxicity in rare cases.  So the worsening of your symptoms at that time is one point in the direction of "It's related to your liver".


Bilirubin is the material that may be giving your skin the yellow colour.  It's a byproduct of the normal cyclic breakdown of red blood cells.  Usually the liver balances all this out, but if it's struggling for some reason high bilirubin may result, with yellowing of the skin when it gets significantly high. 


I don't know whether bilirubin is a common test where you live, but I would certainly expect it to be.  If for any reason it isn't, if I were in your position I would just pay to have it done.  No sense is economising on such things.


Alternatively, given your other symptoms, I wonder if you might have Haemolytic Anaemia?  That's when the breakdown of red blood cells happens too quickly, leaving you short on oxygen carrying capacity.  This produces all of the usual symptoms of regular anaemia, and more - body feels like lead, tired, poor wound healing, etc.  Certainly it might explain your pallor.  Also your sharp stomach aches (are they high up?) may be due to gallstones (related to bilirubin) or an enlarged spleen (involved in breakdown of red blood cells), which is part of this same condition.


In fact, the more I look at your list, the more I wonder about Haemolytic Anaemia.  I have no idea how this is tested for, but I would find yourself a new doctor or two, pretty quick smart.  Keep trying until you find a bright and proactive one!


I'll be sure to get it tested. Within reason my pdoc is willing to order various tests I suggest. Don't see him too often but I get to in early July.


Haemolytic Anaemia might be possible or something like it. The fatigue + poor wound healing etc are stand outs. But my CBC turned out fine the doctor said. Does that rule it out?


I been having long issues with a fungal or possible candida infection and such infections are said to feed off of iron among other things. 


My stomach pains are mostly in belly but they have subsided since stopping pantothene. Pantothene (pantothenic acid B5) was giving me remarkable cognitive, energy, and productivity benefits but made me feel very dysphoric and gave me some physical problems resembling severe adrenal burn out a week ago. I was even developing small dark spots on my face, as well as painful porn star hemmeroids. 

#11 AlexCanada

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Posted 23 June 2015 - 12:38 PM

Massaging your face can increase circulation to your dark circles.


Horse Chestnut Cream can eliminate dark circles by encouraging vasodilation on your skin.


Try artichoke extract and milk thistle to promote liver metabolism.


Check to see if your liver is inflamed, google the position of your liver and see if there is any "pushing" feeling from that area, usually leads to something like bloating stomach that is above the stomach area. Try to alleviate blood flow by making sure your spine is straight - pretty easy just use a wall and a vitamin bottle on your back and see if you can straiten it out.


find a doctor that won't just brush off these significant symptoms.


I do have horse chestnut toner/cream. I applied some today due to your suggestion. Hopefully it can have some effect. Originally I purchased it in hopes of reducing the Very Large pores I have on my cheeks. So there's another symptom.




I'll be able to deal with doctors again if I can improve my cognition. I'm trying to work on it. I keep forgetting everything otherwise and really have immense difficulty communicating on the spot. My flow of thought is very poor and leaves me incompetent for dr appointments.    Maybe I will resort to short term pantothene again. Maybe the acetylcholine boosting factor was involved but more likely the benefits to cortisol. Interesting note:  My mood and cognition was incredibly improved during the end phase of an ACTH stimulation test. A more natural sense of cognitive flow was achieved. 


Pressing down against my liver it seems hard to tell. Uncertain if anything is inflamed. I do have frequent bloating btw. 

Edited by AlexCanada, 23 June 2015 - 12:43 PM.

#12 Duchykins

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Posted 25 June 2015 - 04:39 AM

" Within reason my pdoc is willing to order various tests I suggest. Don't see him too often but I get to in early July"


PDOC--NO.  Go to a general practitioner or an urgent care clinic or the hospital.


A liver test a month ago is not useful in your current situation since it's too easy for liver problems to occur within a month, within one week even.  You need a new test for the liver; to bitch at a doctor until you get at least a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP not BMP) and a complete blood count with differential (CBC with diff).  These tests are routine enough that most doctors shouldn't balk at ordering them.  


Combined, they also cast a wide enough net that it would be fairly absurd to miss infections as well as significant liver, kidney or adrenal problems.





I'm curious though: is there a specific reason you are taking 2 mg of copper all by itself?  Unless you have some medical condition requiring that, that is typically a bad idea.


Also "I did notice a year ago when I tried Fu-ti (he shou wu) my skin would get even more yellow":  I think this warrants testing for heavy metals.

#13 AlexCanada

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Posted 25 June 2015 - 06:41 AM

" Within reason my pdoc is willing to order various tests I suggest. Don't see him too often but I get to in early July"


PDOC--NO.  Go to a general practitioner or an urgent care clinic or the hospital.


A liver test a month ago is not useful in your current situation since it's too easy for liver problems to occur within a month, within one week even.  You need a new test for the liver; to bitch at a doctor until you get at least a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP not BMP) and a complete blood count with differential (CBC with diff).  These tests are routine enough that most doctors shouldn't balk at ordering them.  


Combined, they also cast a wide enough net that it would be fairly absurd to miss infections as well as significant liver, kidney or adrenal problems.





I'm curious though: is there a specific reason you are taking 2 mg of copper all by itself?  Unless you have some medical condition requiring that, that is typically a bad idea.


Also "I did notice a year ago when I tried Fu-ti (he shou wu) my skin would get even more yellow":  I think this warrants testing for heavy metals.


Thanks for the suggestions. I will try this coming week. I really wanted the CMP done before but pdoc wouldn't sign off on it.  


If the walk-in clinic doctor presses me on it any suggestions on what to tell him?  I personally will mention that my skin is more yellow, I have fungal infection and I feel sick in general.   I hope I don't have to go on my knees to beg. These sorry excuses for so called doctors would astonish you. Maybe it's just my neighborhood. 


The copper I am stopping. It's giving me some bad reactions :(. I wanted to do something to restore the collagen loss in my face and take care of the large wrinkles I developed after 50% trans-resveratrol use 2 years ago. Since resveratrol can deplete copper but there are likely other mechanisms involved. I ended up with worse hypotension and dizziness today and few days ago but been able to pin-point that the copper is causing it. Absolutely will not take it anymore.  i'd love to somehow detox this junk out of my system. 


How does one go about testing for heavy metals? Is it a test I'd have to order online

Edited by AlexCanada, 25 June 2015 - 06:42 AM.

#14 AlexCanada

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Posted 25 June 2015 - 06:54 AM

Also I been having tremendous amount of chilling sensations over my skin past several weeks. I get strong cold chills and tingling almost every hour, sometimes every 5 minutes, goosebumps.  Feels extremely uncomfortable. 

#15 Duchykins

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Posted 25 June 2015 - 08:26 PM




Thanks for the suggestions. I will try this coming week. I really wanted the CMP done before but pdoc wouldn't sign off on it.  


If the walk-in clinic doctor presses me on it any suggestions on what to tell him?  I personally will mention that my skin is more yellow, I have fungal infection and I feel sick in general.   I hope I don't have to go on my knees to beg. These sorry excuses for so called doctors would astonish you. Maybe it's just my neighborhood. 


The copper I am stopping. It's giving me some bad reactions :(. I wanted to do something to restore the collagen loss in my face and take care of the large wrinkles I developed after 50% trans-resveratrol use 2 years ago. Since resveratrol can deplete copper but there are likely other mechanisms involved. I ended up with worse hypotension and dizziness today and few days ago but been able to pin-point that the copper is causing it. Absolutely will not take it anymore.  i'd love to somehow detox this junk out of my system. 


How does one go about testing for heavy metals? Is it a test I'd have to order online



How don't you just go in there and arm the docs with the full truth -- you took this reservatrol and it fucked you up big time just like so many others that thought it was a good idea to take it.    Don't say it didn't because it quite a few different things going wrong in the body in order for those wrinkles start showing up.


What exactly are you taking right now?  Prescription and OTC,

Edited by Duchykins, 25 June 2015 - 08:28 PM.

#16 jroseland

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Posted 29 June 2015 - 09:20 PM

DMAE and Centrophenoxine are probably worth your attention, lots of anecdotal reports of people's complexion improving as a result of taking these anti aging compounds orally or as skin creams.


As far as the myriad of other issues you describe, I would start by getting your diet really, really clean - say goodbye to anything sugary or complex carbs. Then Vitamin B12 supplementation and following the Piracetam Protocol.


If I had that kind of discoloration around the eyes, I would honestly just wear makeup out...

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#17 AlexCanada

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Posted 09 July 2015 - 10:15 AM

Been having some new problems lately. Aside from immense sense of fog and sluggish thinking I have developed some small tiny brown spots over my skin and they haven't gone away. Over a week now. 4 little ones on this arm and 5 on the other. Also got some slightly brown pigmentation spots on the side of my face which also hasn't gone away. Does not look like the fungas I have on my back. Generally i feel unwell and my blood pressure has risen consistently!! Even after quitting the parnate!     120, 81, 78  lately. Previously been around 105, 65, 60.           This is a very marked change.    Very very consistently around that number for the past week.  Suppossedly if someone is sick their BP can increase? I just wish I knew what it was causing this.  I developed an intolerance to the Parnate and had to stop it. The brown spot on side of my face was after a parnate dose. It never effected me like this before, it may not be the parnate itself but my body being unable to tolerate it under my current condition.



Other new issues lately is cyanopsia (blue/purple tinted vision). Past 2 weeks or so. Especially been bad past week and very noticeable. My body feels hot but taking armpit temperature shows normal 36.4.   Also I been having some very obvious hairloss past month!   I even been feeling discouraged over how my hair is thinning.  I switched to baby shampoo in order to be more gentle on it but no real change. at least a dozen strands after gently washing and maybe close to a dozen more after conditioner.    Biotin may have helped in the past unless it was coincidence but found myself feeling intense anxiety the morning after. 


Also I believe some chronic inflammation in occurring, especially feel it in my back.   What should I try for this? ALA?  But I am concerned over reduced blood sugar effects as those can make me really angry and irritable. 


Generally I feel very unresponsive, detached, unemotive, and just not quite connected to the world.  Sometimes in the morning it improves.  


I see my pdoc on July 10th. I will get the CBP and any suggestions on others to test would be much appreciated.    



Currently I am on Valium 1mg a day. protracted withdrawal. LGD-4033 1mg a day for testosterone support but sometimes 0.5 (on and off for past few weeks, and a short duration over a month ago).   Also just recently I been trying 50mg L-glutamine for cognitive support. Zinc 5mg most days. And 3 days of L-Arginine 60mg. Seemed to potentially help my ability to think and perhaps provide more energy on day 1 but might have been coincidence.  Did not take any today. Tried also low dose 2-4mg of hydrocortisone over a week ago for short period. Not anymore. Gave me some agitated energy but was difficult to pinpoint benefits. Maybe not enough time was provided. Did initially make me want to interact with the real world but magnesium may have been bigger factor at the time. 



I think some of the bigger problems started occuring after the copper supplement :( (few days of 2mg).  After that I started having very bad reactions to the parnate I was taking :(, especially immenseee hypotension and noticed more yellowing/orange of the skin on my face.   



My mind feels like it is in the gutter most the time. Sorry I have not posted in a while.  I just have been so apathetic.   I need to get better but feel so discouraged and it is difficult to think on the spot which makes doctor appointments very difficult.   My immune system is likely very suppressed as showcased by my previous blood tests but perhaps it is even more now.    Maybe I need to detox junk that has been building up in my system :(.     NAC I tried few weeks ago btw! Initial mood improvement but afterwards it made me feel even slower than usual.   It came to a point where my ability to process information felt like a snail's pace. I was not capable of proper functioning.  NAC maybe messed something up??   I tried it initially for the detox effect + ability to decrease benzo tolerance and possible benefits for other meds.   I don't know.  I'm at a loss right now.    




#18 Duchykins

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Posted 09 July 2015 - 02:34 PM

Been having some new problems lately. Aside from immense sense of fog and sluggish thinking I have developed some small tiny brown spots over my skin and they haven't gone away. Over a week now. 4 little ones on this arm and 5 on the other. Also got some slightly brown pigmentation spots on the side of my face which also hasn't gone away. Does not look like the fungas I have on my back. Generally i feel unwell and my blood pressure has risen consistently!! Even after quitting the parnate!     120, 81, 78  lately. Previously been around 105, 65, 60.           This is a very marked change.    Very very consistently around that number for the past week.  Suppossedly if someone is sick their BP can increase? I just wish I knew what it was causing this.  I developed an intolerance to the Parnate and had to stop it. The brown spot on side of my face was after a parnate dose. It never effected me like this before, it may not be the parnate itself but my body being unable to tolerate it under my current condition.



Other new issues lately is cyanopsia (blue/purple tinted vision). Past 2 weeks or so. Especially been bad past week and very noticeable. My body feels hot but taking armpit temperature shows normal 36.4.   Also I been having some very obvious hairloss past month!   I even been feeling discouraged over how my hair is thinning.  I switched to baby shampoo in order to be more gentle on it but no real change. at least a dozen strands after gently washing and maybe close to a dozen more after conditioner.    Biotin may have helped in the past unless it was coincidence but found myself feeling intense anxiety the morning after. 


Also I believe some chronic inflammation in occurring, especially feel it in my back.   What should I try for this? ALA?  But I am concerned over reduced blood sugar effects as those can make me really angry and irritable. 


Generally I feel very unresponsive, detached, unemotive, and just not quite connected to the world.  Sometimes in the morning it improves.  


I see my pdoc on July 10th. I will get the CBP and any suggestions on others to test would be much appreciated.    



Currently I am on Valium 1mg a day. protracted withdrawal. LGD-4033 1mg a day for testosterone support but sometimes 0.5 (on and off for past few weeks, and a short duration over a month ago).   Also just recently I been trying 50mg L-glutamine for cognitive support. Zinc 5mg most days. And 3 days of L-Arginine 60mg. Seemed to potentially help my ability to think and perhaps provide more energy on day 1 but might have been coincidence.  Did not take any today. Tried also low dose 2-4mg of hydrocortisone over a week ago for short period. Not anymore. Gave me some agitated energy but was difficult to pinpoint benefits. Maybe not enough time was provided. Did initially make me want to interact with the real world but magnesium may have been bigger factor at the time. 



I think some of the bigger problems started occuring after the copper supplement :( (few days of 2mg).  After that I started having very bad reactions to the parnate I was taking :(, especially immenseee hypotension and noticed more yellowing/orange of the skin on my face.   



My mind feels like it is in the gutter most the time. Sorry I have not posted in a while.  I just have been so apathetic.   I need to get better but feel so discouraged and it is difficult to think on the spot which makes doctor appointments very difficult.   My immune system is likely very suppressed as showcased by my previous blood tests but perhaps it is even more now.    Maybe I need to detox junk that has been building up in my system :(.     NAC I tried few weeks ago btw! Initial mood improvement but afterwards it made me feel even slower than usual.   It came to a point where my ability to process information felt like a snail's pace. I was not capable of proper functioning.  NAC maybe messed something up??   I tried it initially for the detox effect + ability to decrease benzo tolerance and possible benefits for other meds.   I don't know.  I'm at a loss right now.    



The brown spots on your skin may be petechiae.  Here's a way to check if they are: they must be flat against the skin, you can't be able to feel them out with your fingers, then get a clear glass or something that is clear that you can press up against your skin.  Apply pressure to an area where you have some of the spots.  If the spots do not blanch or disappear when under pressure then you have petechiae.  If they do blanch then they are something else.


But there are any number of causes of petechiae including stress and anxiety, increases in blood pressure (although your elevated BP is still healthy), taking something that is a blood thinner or anticoagulant, and bunch of diseases, etc.  It's not uncommon for them to be a symptom of something benign, so don't flip out about it. 


You are obviously freaking out, that could cause a rise in blood pressure.  Do not go into the doctor and try to convince them your BP is high.  You will look as if you spend too much time analyzing yourself, reading medical stuff on the internet, and becoming paranoid over every change.  Which I'm not entirely sure is not a factor here.


Those doses of glutamine (50 mg)  and arginine (60 mg) are ridiculously too small to be producing any effect in you.  There's probably more than that in spoonful of peas.  Even 500 mg is a dose on the smaller side for these and many other amino acids.


Stop taking LGD-4033.


Do not DO NOT try any kind of "detox" at this junction.  With any supplement.  Leave it alone.


Additionally, NAC indirectly triggers histamine release.  Glutathione does this.  NAC bothers quite a bit of people including myself.  Several of your symptoms could be related to histamine (fatigue, withdrawn, etc) but perhaps not if they persist a week after stopping the NAC.


You could also be tapering off the valium too quickly, unless I misunderstood what you said.


I strongly advise that you not go in tomorrow and bombard the doctor with all this different stuff.  It will not go well for you.  Focus on the big things right now: skin, malaise, hairloss, the reservatrol, the fu-ti


Tell the doc about everything you are taking.

Edited by Duchykins, 09 July 2015 - 02:35 PM.

#19 AlexCanada

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Posted 09 July 2015 - 06:20 PM


Been having some new problems lately. Aside from immense sense of fog and sluggish thinking I have developed some small tiny brown spots over my skin and they haven't gone away. Over a week now. 4 little ones on this arm and 5 on the other. Also got some slightly brown pigmentation spots on the side of my face which also hasn't gone away. Does not look like the fungas I have on my back. Generally i feel unwell and my blood pressure has risen consistently!! Even after quitting the parnate!     120, 81, 78  lately. Previously been around 105, 65, 60.           This is a very marked change.    Very very consistently around that number for the past week.  Suppossedly if someone is sick their BP can increase? I just wish I knew what it was causing this.  I developed an intolerance to the Parnate and had to stop it. The brown spot on side of my face was after a parnate dose. It never effected me like this before, it may not be the parnate itself but my body being unable to tolerate it under my current condition.



Other new issues lately is cyanopsia (blue/purple tinted vision). Past 2 weeks or so. Especially been bad past week and very noticeable. My body feels hot but taking armpit temperature shows normal 36.4.   Also I been having some very obvious hairloss past month!   I even been feeling discouraged over how my hair is thinning.  I switched to baby shampoo in order to be more gentle on it but no real change. at least a dozen strands after gently washing and maybe close to a dozen more after conditioner.    Biotin may have helped in the past unless it was coincidence but found myself feeling intense anxiety the morning after. 


Also I believe some chronic inflammation in occurring, especially feel it in my back.   What should I try for this? ALA?  But I am concerned over reduced blood sugar effects as those can make me really angry and irritable. 


Generally I feel very unresponsive, detached, unemotive, and just not quite connected to the world.  Sometimes in the morning it improves.  


I see my pdoc on July 10th. I will get the CBP and any suggestions on others to test would be much appreciated.    



Currently I am on Valium 1mg a day. protracted withdrawal. LGD-4033 1mg a day for testosterone support but sometimes 0.5 (on and off for past few weeks, and a short duration over a month ago).   Also just recently I been trying 50mg L-glutamine for cognitive support. Zinc 5mg most days. And 3 days of L-Arginine 60mg. Seemed to potentially help my ability to think and perhaps provide more energy on day 1 but might have been coincidence.  Did not take any today. Tried also low dose 2-4mg of hydrocortisone over a week ago for short period. Not anymore. Gave me some agitated energy but was difficult to pinpoint benefits. Maybe not enough time was provided. Did initially make me want to interact with the real world but magnesium may have been bigger factor at the time. 



I think some of the bigger problems started occuring after the copper supplement :( (few days of 2mg).  After that I started having very bad reactions to the parnate I was taking :(, especially immenseee hypotension and noticed more yellowing/orange of the skin on my face.   



My mind feels like it is in the gutter most the time. Sorry I have not posted in a while.  I just have been so apathetic.   I need to get better but feel so discouraged and it is difficult to think on the spot which makes doctor appointments very difficult.   My immune system is likely very suppressed as showcased by my previous blood tests but perhaps it is even more now.    Maybe I need to detox junk that has been building up in my system :(.     NAC I tried few weeks ago btw! Initial mood improvement but afterwards it made me feel even slower than usual.   It came to a point where my ability to process information felt like a snail's pace. I was not capable of proper functioning.  NAC maybe messed something up??   I tried it initially for the detox effect + ability to decrease benzo tolerance and possible benefits for other meds.   I don't know.  I'm at a loss right now.    



The brown spots on your skin may be petechiae.  Here's a way to check if they are: they must be flat against the skin, you can't be able to feel them out with your fingers, then get a clear glass or something that is clear that you can press up against your skin.  Apply pressure to an area where you have some of the spots.  If the spots do not blanch or disappear when under pressure then you have petechiae.  If they do blanch then they are something else.


But there are any number of causes of petechiae including stress and anxiety, increases in blood pressure (although your elevated BP is still healthy), taking something that is a blood thinner or anticoagulant, and bunch of diseases, etc.  It's not uncommon for them to be a symptom of something benign, so don't flip out about it. 


You are obviously freaking out, that could cause a rise in blood pressure.  Do not go into the doctor and try to convince them your BP is high.  You will look as if you spend too much time analyzing yourself, reading medical stuff on the internet, and becoming paranoid over every change.  Which I'm not entirely sure is not a factor here.


Those doses of glutamine (50 mg)  and arginine (60 mg) are ridiculously too small to be producing any effect in you.  There's probably more than that in spoonful of peas.  Even 500 mg is a dose on the smaller side for these and many other amino acids.


Stop taking LGD-4033.


Do not DO NOT try any kind of "detox" at this junction.  With any supplement.  Leave it alone.


Additionally, NAC indirectly triggers histamine release.  Glutathione does this.  NAC bothers quite a bit of people including myself.  Several of your symptoms could be related to histamine (fatigue, withdrawn, etc) but perhaps not if they persist a week after stopping the NAC.


You could also be tapering off the valium too quickly, unless I misunderstood what you said.


I strongly advise that you not go in tomorrow and bombard the doctor with all this different stuff.  It will not go well for you.  Focus on the big things right now: skin, malaise, hairloss, the reservatrol, the fu-ti


Tell the doc about everything you are taking.




I can assure you I am not freaking out. If anything I been too apathetic about all this and not taking it seriously enough. Feeling generally sick as hell and looking the worst I have in years and still been too withdrawn and reluctant to see a GP but I been wanting to try and get tests from my pdoc first since he has been with me for a decade and is very reasonable.  


Three hours ago my BP was 131, 71, 80 .  Now this may not seem like anything for an outsider looking in but my BP has historically been low and often low enough to the point where my body was very sluggish and I would feel quite odd. Especially when pulse went below 52.   This current constant... frequent elevation... no matter the time of day,  no matter whether I am worrying about anything or not. I assure you I do not have that type of anxiety right now. I feel more apathy, dense fog and underlying dysphoria more than anything. I could be watching something trying to just pass the worthless time and my BP readings are constantly elevated no matter what I am doing.  My BP has never been this elevated except years ago when I was on 10+mg of selegiline. 


I will test to see about petechiae. Basically they look like tiny birth marks. they dont appear to go away after applying some clear plastic.  Maybe I should take some photos? Perhaps some of the side my face too so people can see what I am talking about. My eyes look ghoulish but the new spots (different than the ones on my arm) are concerning and repulsive.

#20 Duchykins

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Posted 11 July 2015 - 05:08 AM

Petechiae scattered around the skin would be little difficult to photograph unless you got really close in really good light.  Just a tip if you decide to take pics.  They should be pinpoint and unless you are very densely covered with them they normally won't be noticed from a couple feet away.   If they are bigger then they could be purpura, which pretty much the same type of thing, bleeding just beneath the skin.


All the other things I said about not taking stuff, I meant it.  I realize that you believe you have been reasonable in this thread but  (going only by what you've posted here) you actually come off as irrational.  Going off of your actions alone, not any way that you said them.    You're jumping the gun an awful lot, you've tried and quit several different things just in the past month (so you don't really know what was helpful and what wasn't), and you have made several very bad judgment calls with these supplements.


Did you take LGD-4033 any time after reading my last post?


I don't know what to say about your blood pressure other than you were acting as if it was alarmingly high (it wasn't, it was textbook normal) and now you've reported a numbers that are 10 points higher than yesterday.  I'm not trying to say there is no physical reason for that increase but I will say that you can do that all by yourself just by thinking about it.  At the very least you can try to distract yourself from obsessing over it and making it worse until a doctor starts figuring shit out.


But I am curious; what are you taking your blood pressure with?  And are you doing it after resting for 5 minutes?  After peeing?  Do you take multiple measurements on one arm?  Your posture also affects BP.  Legs uncrossed, back resting against support, arm resting against support.  There's a bunch of other shit that can you can do right on the spot that would result in inaccurate BP measurements or measurements that do not reflect your actual BP.


Don't say you are not having any anxiety.  You are.  You are not going to convince anyone reading this thread that you don't have any anxiety about what's going on right now.  There is more to anxiety than the stereotypical hyperventilating, twitchy/trembling, rapid heartbeat, palpitations.  It's not limited to that.  Every emotional symptom you've reported can be caused by anxiety.  


I will tell you something about my typical anxiety; it's very quiet.  I never notice it creeping up on me until I've been in it for hours and I'm exhausted and/or my heart jumps (just one bigass scary thump that snaps me out of it and into breathing normally again).  Nobody else notices it either unless I do something that displays irritation.  I don't notice that I'm slowly and incrementally clenching my teeth/jaws together until the muscles start hurting from the constant strain, and even then the pain has to be up at a certain point before it catches my attention, that's how slowly it builds up.  Same with burning pain in the chest.  I breathe slowly and shallowly with longer pauses between breaths, lots of tension gradually building around my whole torso, and when I do it long enough I'll get bizarre sensations in my head and if it goes on for a few hours, or there's too much time between breaths, then my heart complains about it saying "bitch gimme oxygen!"   Part of the reason it happens like this, I think, is that I'm just going about my day and not thinking about something that should be stressing me out which would give me a clue about what my body is doing at that moment.  I could be totally immersed in a movie, a book, coursework, a lecture, whatever, it doesn't matter.  Another reason I do this is because of my hypervigilance; I'm straining to listen to everything and that translates to straining all over the place, and breath holding.  I've been doing this for more than a decade and a half without it ever occurring to me that it was anxiety, not getting any treatment for it because nobody including me put the pieces together, until just last year when I had to wear a heart monitor for two weeks.


But my anxiety response is not really that special.  It's pretty common.  It's just less flashy.  


How many times have you checked your blood pressure in the past 3 days?

Edited by Duchykins, 11 July 2015 - 05:22 AM.

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#21 AlexCanada

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Posted 12 July 2015 - 05:53 AM

 Saw the doc on July 10th. Got the CBP + various hormones + iron + copper. He actually pointed out that indeed I have spots on my skin that weren't there before. He stated the Parnate may have had an interaction with the copper but he is uncertain what may have really occurred. He said the circles around my eyes look different. He also said it's unusual for someone my age to have fungal infections. He asked what I am doing about it and told him I am getting fluconazole in the mail. It's too expensive over the counter (canada).  


I was shown my cortisol tests from 2 months ago and not sure how to  calculate this in nnol/l   as it is shown as       Cortisol 24 hour U         36 nmol/D. No reference range on this sheet.        



Regarding the blood pressure readings there are many days where I don't even take any measurements at all. It is not something I particularly enjoy doing or anticipate.  Yesterday late morning I was starting to feel really off and I could feel my heart elevated for a good 3 hours. It was quite uncomfortable in my chest with underlying agitation and very disconnected feeling and sense of feeling bit sick to my stomach.  142, 76, 81 at that time.  Certain days I check it up to 3 times a day to see if anything is reverting back to pre-parnate and pre-copper. 


LGD I have tapered off and have not taken any for few days.  Maybe it has to clear out of my system more. 


And it can't be petachiae since the bing results show it as consistently being red.  It's not red at all in my case.  I developed some tiny needle pin like cherry red dots many months ago but that was after niacin use. The small brown spots are easy enough to spot even from several feet. 



The BP thing, no it may not be alarmingly high but it is a consistent contrast between mine always being borderline low virtually any time I have taken it in the past year. And that past year I have had some intenseeee anxiety. In comparison my anxiety is better now. My ability to handle stress and be around people is markedly improved which is one thing I am very grateful for.  The thing is the anxiety I felt during those days was not the kind where there is tightness in the chest. It was often a strong sense of dread and feeling as if it's painful to be alive.  Now there is never a blood pressure reading that matches the measurements from the past year despite my sometimes intense anxiety during that time period. There is obviously a reason for it. A person's BP doesn't rise 20-30 % and stay up there without cause.                 Other types of anxiety I have experienced on various occasions. They really can be pretty diverse beasts but most days I have been fortunate enough to not experience any of the real painful to be alive sensations of last year.     And the severe tightness in my chest type anxiety from parnate is long gone now. Along with the dysphoria associated with that time period. 


Parnate has rapid effects that many report on day 1 btw. It is not like SSRIs. Does not require a 4 week trial to notice a benefit. The true anti-dep effects take longer than a day and build up but there is a very marked stimulant effect for duration of a few hours after dosing with certain residual effects lasting through out the day and night.   Been maybe 10+ days without it now. Overall it just didn't have the benefits I experienced 3-4 years ago.  


And this might be just related to hormones and circulation in general but my hands are very numb and cold past 2 days. Especially when I lift them up to type on the keyboard. It becomes extremely tiring after even short duration. No sense of stamina. I tried to relax in a game yesterday and I just couldn't keep up after 30 minutes. Hands got colderrr, number, and my ability to process turned sluggish. Feels similar right now.   Problem if I been having this happen on and off a lot this year. It's like my hands/fingers need constant rest otherwise they turn extremely cold and sluggish.   Just pointing out something that I been experiencing past few days. 


I am more optimistic than I was a few months ago though. In some areas I have made a few improvements and even at times felt more like being around people again. This has been despite me feeling off, feeling sick, and looking physically worse.  Afternoons and day time can still feel dreadful many times but that's nothing new. 




#22 AlexCanada

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Posted 12 July 2015 - 06:03 AM

When I started to have a bad reaction to copper/parn interaction with intense dizziness + hypotension on June 16th my BP while standing was 89, 60, 138 ,          then after sitting down was 117, 64, 83.     Just for reference.  


The hypotension has mostly abated btw. I still get dizziness esp if I tilt my head back or sometimes when I stand up too quickly but it's nothing like back then.   


Three days ago I was starting to look a bit healthier in my face, and less of the sick feelings. Unfortunately came roaring back past few days. Yesterday especially. 



Will await blood test results.  

#23 Duchykins

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Posted 12 July 2015 - 06:06 AM

I'm glad for all that.  I hope the doc can figure it out.


Btw petechiae can be brown.  It's blood just barely under the skin and blood doesn't always stay red especially if the bleeding has stopped and the spent (old) blood under the skin sits waiting to be broken down and reabsorbed.  They could also look kind of purplish.


Fingers crossed, buddy!   :)

Edited by Duchykins, 12 July 2015 - 06:07 AM.

#24 Duchykins

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Posted 16 July 2015 - 05:55 AM

Any news, brother?

#25 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 16 July 2015 - 09:42 AM

Try SAM-e, it's good for the liver. Couldn't hurt you so why not - unless money is an issue.

#26 YimYam

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Posted 16 July 2015 - 02:02 PM

Hey man, I'm sorry to hear about your latest symptoms and situation. Drop me a message when your feeling up to it. 



Keep strong! :)


#27 robberbaron

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Posted 17 July 2015 - 05:55 AM

If it was systemic fungal you'd be in the hospital instead of typing this up.  It sounds like moderate liver damage.  Do you notice problems when eating foods with high fat content?  I also recommend checking AST/ALT ratios and bilirubin via blood tests.  


I think we're missing a lot of information here.  You need to review what you have been eating and especially what supplements/chemicals you've been taking.  I think you have an allergic reaction to something (which is causing your rash).  Did you suddenly stop taking a drug/chemical?  A lot of what you describe would fit into withdrawal symptoms from stimulant abuse. Hope you find a good doc

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#28 AlexCanada

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Posted 19 July 2015 - 08:19 AM

Hey guys. I may respond in more length tomorrow or later today. Feeling especially foggy and even feel confused. May be vitamin D3 supplement. The effect definitely seems correlated with hour or more after dose. I will stop taking it. Shame because initially it felt like it was improving my mood a little bit. Whether this is from D3 entirely or not I am not sure but, as I'd play a card game I'd begin to become lost, confused, and really forgetful as to what on earth even happened a moment ago. It really messed me up. 


In general I been similar. I been trying to integrate myself more towards being around people. Actually managed to go out yesterday.  I was super foggy, not social, felt very off. But at least I was out there. Quite low general anx, but physical anxiety still def an issue. Heart rate and palpatations still similar. 


July 17th-  105, 62, 105 


July 18th- 128, 70, 86


I always measure in same position of sitting and slightly layed back. 


Lot of memory problems. Lot of amnesia-like nonsense going on lately. Lot of back and neck inflammation. Poor peripheral circulation. 


So far i didn't hear back from the doctor regarding the blood tests. I believe he is on vacation until next week. 


I see another pdoc specialist on July 20th to get a different perspective since my pdoc is more of a parkingson's patient type doctor.



I also wanted to note I think valium is highly responsible at least in part in making me feel sick.  When I go long without it I feel less of the sick feelings and when i took some tonight I started to feel really really off. I can't seem to tolerate valium anymore after these 4 years.  This trigged 1+ month ago.  I need a replacement as I cannot quit it cold turkey. And i been trying to taper but dropping down to 0.75 from 1mg makes me feel very very odd.


Sometimes my skin is bit more clear, other times still yellow.    Yesterday I was slightly optimistic though as I wasn't looking too too bad. 

Edited by AlexCanada, 19 July 2015 - 08:49 AM.

#29 AlexCanada

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Posted 19 July 2015 - 08:54 AM

Tremendous amount of body coldness and sense of cold numbness in my hands/arms. This is on-going for several days but had been bit on and off past several months. It makes my fingers feel sooo weak to type. This may be related to neuropathy + general poor circulation. 


I notice afternoons I feel dreadfully tired and worn out usually. Evenings and mornings are best. So withdrawn during the day and such apathy and lack of emotion and reaction. Like the life has been sucked out of me.  And lot of feelings generally of being disconnected from the world. It's bit stronger now than weeks ago. 

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#30 AlexCanada

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Posted 19 July 2015 - 08:59 AM

If it was systemic fungal you'd be in the hospital instead of typing this up.  It sounds like moderate liver damage.  Do you notice problems when eating foods with high fat content?  I also recommend checking AST/ALT ratios and bilirubin via blood tests.  


I think we're missing a lot of information here.  You need to review what you have been eating and especially what supplements/chemicals you've been taking.  I think you have an allergic reaction to something (which is causing your rash).  Did you suddenly stop taking a drug/chemical?  A lot of what you describe would fit into withdrawal symptoms from stimulant abuse. Hope you find a good doc


I haven't been using stims much. Vyvanse was several months ago at very low doses and very sparodically. I been trying modafinil 20mg past week and it has helped w mood and energy to some extent but my symptoms go far beyond starting modafinil up again at this modest dose.   


Nothing unusual that I suddenly stopped.  


I been trying eleuthero root ginseng past 5 days as well and had some mood improvement, occasional rapid libido boost, and also some sleepiness. It seems to work better when taken together w modafinil but I don't know. Sometimes it just makes me feel dull, yet other times can give me a solid boost for hours. It may be helping my physical appearance slightly. My face looks a bit less droopy lately, and tighter. This may be the ginseng's effect on hormones.  Generally my eyes are still very very dark.   Will have to invest in eye shadow or something.  :ph34r:

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