I wanted to see if anyone had insights on why I had some yellowness on my face, as it looks very unhealthy. Some days it's a little better and other days not. Additionally I have very prominent dark circles around my eyes and some notable collagen loss which caused wrinkles near the side of my eyes. Very prominent when I smile. Generally I look quite unwell and unhealthy. So far doctors have had no insights. But they tend to agree that I look very unwell. I even was tested for HIV and that came back negative.
My theories include adrenal exhaustion, systemic fungal infection, some type of vitamin/mineral deficiency, and poor circulation to the face. Interesting to note that Taineptine made my face look slightly healthier but it tends to leave me chilled out and unmotivated so I don't take it often.
My other general Symptoms: Very anhedonic, no sex drive, low energy, depressed, unmotivated, socially withdrawn, disinterested, poor memory, hair loss, uncomfortable physical anxiety on and off, severe irritability, brain fog, poor memory, sleep inconsistencies, poor stamina and easily drained after physical activity, carrying anything causes severe physical and mental exhaustion, prone to dehydration, hypoglycemia, prone to fungal infections, pains and tightness and inflammation in my neck/back, peripheral circulation issues, dark circles under my eyes, dry eyes which sting, collagen loss and notable wrinkles around my eyes, thin skin, poor wound healing, +Weight loss recently, low appetite, adrenaline sensations when resting in bed occasionally, Sharp pains in my stomach on and off (may be subsiding)
Maybe I should post links to some photos later if anyone wants to see. The dark circles are below my eye lids and above. The circles I had for years. I have had people accuse me of being a druggie on more than a few occasions and I must tell you I don't do any street drugs nor have I in the past aside from very few exceptions (less than 5 times in my life perhaps).
Is there anything I can do to improve circulation to my face or help reverse some of this? I look terribly unhealthy and it really is difficult to go out there and be around people and they just assume the worst of me. I look like an untreated diabetic when it comes to my eyes.
Edited by AlexCanada, 16 June 2015 - 04:27 PM.