Yellow complexion, dark circles, brain fog and unwellness
Posted 19 July 2015 - 10:41 PM
Posted 20 July 2015 - 02:33 AM
maybe a bad batch of modafinil? Check vendor/supplier.
i don't know about dropping anything cold turkey. if you can eliminate things one by one it might be the safest. the question of your yellow skin is concerning though. are you eating too many carrots?
have you tried choline supplements? i hope you find something that helps
Posted 20 July 2015 - 09:01 AM
Sounds complicated. When one gets to such a point, I would think that self medicating with all these things, some of which are quite new and exerimental (e.g. modafinil), would be a difficult situation to resolve. I would consider a washout of all supplements and medication not prescribed for a specific medical condition. Walking outside, Rest, meditation, Clean food, air and water as highest priorities while you find a qualified practitioner to untangle things. Otherwise you are creating an unsolvable equation for yourself or anyone else treating you.
I wholeheartedly agree with this. In your foggy state trying to sort out health issues is just a huge mind f**k which exacerbates your stress levels and inability to handle the situation.
You feel crappy and low in energy i presume, so lets be realistic and do things which are within your control and that can give you that little bit of improvement you so desperately need.
I think at the moment its just about accepting your situation is complicated and ultimately focusing on making yourself 20% better, rather than 50% for now. I think your just going to have to take it in small steps and work up from there in your own time.
Try and do 10-15 minutes of walking outside to start with, 5 mins of meditation, drink lots of water, so carry a 2L bottle of water around with you at home/next to your bed, just wherever you spend most of your time, for many years I have grossly underestimated how much better I feel when I drink the right amount of water per day. Eat foods which you enjoy but also make you feel good both physically and mentally. And lastly, just try and do something different on each to day to keep your mind stimulated, so your not stuck in this monotonous routine. Draw, go for a swim, online chess, visit a local site of interest, watch a new film....you know what i mean!
For stress I've found the 4-7-8 breathing exercise very effective. Breath in for 4, hold for 7 and exhale for 8. Let me know if you need help with anything, I'll do the best I can bro.
Posted 20 July 2015 - 08:03 PM
You are being way too experimental with your drug use in your current condition. Obviously something is very wrong and trying to fix it with stimulants and the like is the wrong approach, like adding nitro to your engine because your car's tires are out of alignment: the boost will only make the underlying problem worse and could eventually lead to a serious wreck.
Have you gotten a liver test since you stopped the LGD-4033? I know body builders love to shoot anyone down for dragging their precious SARMs through the mud, but it might have been interfering with proper test results.
Have you done anything in life that would suggest a chance of heavy metal poisoning? Perhaps eating fish or a shady fish oil supplement, or taking bacopa or other heavy metal collectors? Heavy metal poisoning can cause skin discoloration. I have no idea about the spots. Peripheral numbness can also be a side effect of mercury poisoning.
If you want to look further into heavy metal detoxification, I have a friend who used to have mercury fillings and got a huge benefit out of zeolite. It will make you feel even sicker as the toxins are initially bonded to the mineral and drawn out of the body, which is why I'm a bit leery of recommending it, but it's a relatively tame form of detox as far as detoxes go, and you obviously can't continue as you have. Coadministerig alpha lipoic acid and selenomethionine should help your body cope with any heavy metal release instigated by the zeolite. My friend has tried multiple brands of zeolite and the one I linked to above is the only one that worked well without excessively upsetting the stomach.
How long have you had this problem with your complexion, and what is your age/sex?
Posted 22 July 2015 - 03:56 AM
For a cheapish solution that might help...
1. Eat avocadoes liberally because they protect the liver, and help fill you with monofat calories instead of carbs or other crap.
2. Longvida curcumin pushes liver enzymes in the healthy direction, according to Blake Ebersole, technical director of Verdure Sciences (Longvida's owner). (Sorry I don't recall the timing, but it's in his lecture.) Also, curcumin chelates heavy metals.
I'm assuming that your eGFR was normal. Apart from that, in a perfect world, I'd like to see an abdominal MRI with contrast, as well. If you have liver or kidney issues, they will most likely be visible. Ketogenic diet can go a long way toward treating that (and also cognitive issues), but I'm not going to jump the gun on what is merely speculation on my part. Data matters, and I'm sorry to hear that you're stuck in a dysfunctional healthcare system.
I agree with the others that focussing on healthy food and meditation is absolutely paramount, while diagnosis is in process. So, sit back and have another avocado!
Posted 22 July 2015 - 04:03 AM
Belay that; no stocking up on avocados since they are chock full of copper and histamine, which are two of the last things you need right now. You don't have to cut them out completely but don't go out of your way to eat more than you usually do.
Definitely don't go on any extreme diets right now. Remember I also said DO NOT do any of that detox bullshit. These will make you worse.
Regular sleep, balanced diet with wide variety, water, mild exercise.
Please listen to the other voices of reason in this thread: quit playing musical chairs with the supplements and focus on helping your doctor help you (by giving him/her the whole truth).
Posted 22 July 2015 - 04:50 AM
Belay that; no stocking up on avocados since they are chock full of copper and histamine, which are two of the last things you need right now.
One avocado contains about 24% of the copper RDA, which is only about 5% of the tolerable upper intake. I was unaware of the histamine content, but empirically avocadoes aren't allergenic, unless you had some other concern there. IMO the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, based on the other advantages (mainly with respect to liver health and glucose control), but you have a point and perhaps these components are more significant than I supposed.
Posted 22 July 2015 - 05:22 AM
My eczema is mild now, despite eating more homemade guac and salsa than ever. Seems my body is adapting/tolerating histamine finally [tomatoes used to cause somewhat severe itching, reddening, blistering, and cracking].
I have dark circles under my eyes, and upon close inspection, I look what might be called fatigued, tired, even frail or unhealthy. Yet I do not feel this way, and my doctor assures me it has everything to do with varicose veins (including a severe varicocele, which I mistook for testicular cancer) and nothing to do with poor diet or eye herpes or the like.
You could try horse chestnut, but this comes with its own array of undesirable effects.
Posted 22 July 2015 - 06:01 AM
Belay that; no stocking up on avocados since they are chock full of copper and histamine, which are two of the last things you need right now.
One avocado contains about 24% of the copper RDA, which is only about 5% of the tolerable upper intake. I was unaware of the histamine content, but empirically avocadoes aren't allergenic, unless you had some other concern there. IMO the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, based on the other advantages (mainly with respect to liver health and glucose control), but you have a point and perhaps these components are more significant than I supposed.
You don't have the background to be giving the old "benefits outweigh risks" types of opinions on things like this. Eg histamine is not all about allergy. Perfect example here.
Additionally, this guy gave himself an extra problem with copper supplement recently. It made him worse. He just stopped taking that shit after I questioned him on it. The last thing he needs is high copper foods for a good while. He needs to back off the copper for a bit until he gets all this figured out. 24% of RDA for one lousy fruit is quite a bit when a lot of healthy people can barely tolerate even .2 mg of copper in their multivitamin or multimineral in addition to food sources, forget one whole mg, and upper tolerable levels really mean fuck all when he probably doesn't even know what his average dietary intake is, and it certainly doesn't mean that 5, 10 mg of copper a day is acceptable for the average person. Also when scientists and doctors are talking about whether or not something doesn't seem to cause near-immediate adverse effects, they are talking about serious shit, debilitating and/or lethal effects. Everything else flies under the radar as "mild", if it's caught and documented at all (a lot of things are missed that we end up finding years later after additional, more focused study). And the more we study these things, the more often we keep finding out that our ULs for different substances here and there are too high.
The potential for harm here, in just this guy's particular case, outweighs pithy benefits, especially when there are more acceptable routes available. Lots of other crap "protects the liver."
I might be a bit rude here. I'm just sick of seeing all this bullshit people tell each other when they are genuinely ill or otherwise screwing with their health. I'm pissed off for this guy, that's all. I am sorry.
Edited by Duchykins, 22 July 2015 - 06:06 AM.
Posted 22 July 2015 - 03:36 PM
Belay that; no stocking up on avocados since they are chock full of copper and histamine, which are two of the last things you need right now.
One avocado contains about 24% of the copper RDA, which is only about 5% of the tolerable upper intake. I was unaware of the histamine content, but empirically avocadoes aren't allergenic, unless you had some other concern there. IMO the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, based on the other advantages (mainly with respect to liver health and glucose control), but you have a point and perhaps these components are more significant than I supposed.
You don't have the background to be giving the old "benefits outweigh risks" types of opinions on things like this. Eg histamine is not all about allergy. Perfect example here.
Additionally, this guy gave himself an extra problem with copper supplement recently. It made him worse. He just stopped taking that shit after I questioned him on it. The last thing he needs is high copper foods for a good while. He needs to back off the copper for a bit until he gets all this figured out. 24% of RDA for one lousy fruit is quite a bit when a lot of healthy people can barely tolerate even .2 mg of copper in their multivitamin or multimineral in addition to food sources, forget one whole mg, and upper tolerable levels really mean fuck all when he probably doesn't even know what his average dietary intake is, and it certainly doesn't mean that 5, 10 mg of copper a day is acceptable for the average person. Also when scientists and doctors are talking about whether or not something doesn't seem to cause near-immediate adverse effects, they are talking about serious shit, debilitating and/or lethal effects. Everything else flies under the radar as "mild", if it's caught and documented at all (a lot of things are missed that we end up finding years later after additional, more focused study). And the more we study these things, the more often we keep finding out that our ULs for different substances here and there are too high.
The potential for harm here, in just this guy's particular case, outweighs pithy benefits, especially when there are more acceptable routes available. Lots of other crap "protects the liver."
I might be a bit rude here. I'm just sick of seeing all this bullshit people tell each other when they are genuinely ill or otherwise screwing with their health. I'm pissed off for this guy, that's all. I am sorry.
It's interesting to me that you know so much about my background.
But that aside, I understand your concerns about his copper intake and the histamine issue, and I think your point is reasonable. But diet diversification isn't necessarily optimal, either. As in investing, diversification is merely a protection against ignorance. And while there's obviously a lot we don't know here, it's not like we know nothing about metabolism. For that reason, I would definitely skew things away from sugar and industrialized foods. At most, I might suggest sticking to his current diet, unmodified, just long enough to get a stable diagnosis. And of course, any major dietary shift should be medically supervised.
So detox is bullshit? Yes, there are lots of bogus "detox" products. But if they were all phony, then all of medicine would be a total failure because we could never remove toxins using dietary or drug interventions. I think that's overly pessimistic. "Do no harm" taken to the extreme is "make no progress".
The most important point is that this poor man needs a diagnosis as soon as possible. I would make every effort to obtain that ASAP, above and beyond any dietary tweaks, were I him.
Posted 22 July 2015 - 06:52 PM
Alex, there have been lots of helpful suggestions here, but it still seems to me that your symptoms and their severity scream some kind of Haemolytic Anaemia, perhaps the autoimmune version. There's even a 'cold' form of it that may explain your chill sensations.
There are specific tests for Haemolytic Anaemia. I would pursue that diagnosis tenaciously until proven right or wrong.
If this turns out to be what you have, it is not really something that can be put right just by eating well. You will need specialist medical advice to resolve or minimise it.
Posted 28 July 2015 - 08:50 AM
Sounds complicated. When one gets to such a point, I would think that self medicating with all these things, some of which are quite new and exerimental (e.g. modafinil), would be a difficult situation to resolve. I would consider a washout of all supplements and medication not prescribed for a specific medical condition. Walking outside, Rest, meditation, Clean food, air and water as highest priorities while you find a qualified practitioner to untangle things. Otherwise you are creating an unsolvable equation for yourself or anyone else treating you.
I wholeheartedly agree with this. In your foggy state trying to sort out health issues is just a huge mind f**k which exacerbates your stress levels and inability to handle the situation.
You feel crappy and low in energy i presume, so lets be realistic and do things which are within your control and that can give you that little bit of improvement you so desperately need.
I think at the moment its just about accepting your situation is complicated and ultimately focusing on making yourself 20% better, rather than 50% for now. I think your just going to have to take it in small steps and work up from there in your own time.
Try and do 10-15 minutes of walking outside to start with, 5 mins of meditation, drink lots of water, so carry a 2L bottle of water around with you at home/next to your bed, just wherever you spend most of your time, for many years I have grossly underestimated how much better I feel when I drink the right amount of water per day. Eat foods which you enjoy but also make you feel good both physically and mentally. And lastly, just try and do something different on each to day to keep your mind stimulated, so your not stuck in this monotonous routine. Draw, go for a swim, online chess, visit a local site of interest, watch a new film....you know what i mean!
For stress I've found the 4-7-8 breathing exercise very effective. Breath in for 4, hold for 7 and exhale for 8. Let me know if you need help with anything, I'll do the best I can bro.
Thanks. I appreciate the support. Sorry I been away guys. Just withdrawn and also trying to do my own thing a bit. Been trying to go outside at times and even be around people. Has been difficult but I am being more active. I went to go play a card game on sunday. Wasn't too bad in early afternoon. Residual gabapentin from day prior (taken for sleep) may have helped mood. I normally dont' take gabapentin but I wanted a sleep aid for the day. Problem is when mid afternoon hits I usually begin to feel so lifeless, so fatigued, like the life has been sucked out of me. Fatigued mentally, not necessarily physically. Though physical energy still very pretty poor. At first wasn't too bad but then i started feeling sick again around 4pm+ and cognitively was quite slow and immensely foggy. Modafinil may have made things worse. Not sure my body can tolerate it right now, unless it's interaction with 30mg arginine. Definitely effected my performance. I wasn't too social but was able to slightly hold some minor conversation, not later on though. As the hours went on I felt so immenselyyy physically and mentally exhausted I just couldn't wait to be home. This may relate to poor adrenal function. Always always always the dreaded afternoons. My mind slows down and I am filled with more apathy and anhedonia. Also I get dry mouth, difficulty speaking properly because of it. Blurry vision. This may be due to blood sugar flux in afternoon related to low cortisol. Damned if I know for sure. And whether I eat non-sugary foods or some icecream (late in evening) it doesn't seem to make much difference. But I did feel better in the end as evening started to come along. Also lot of body heat problems. Feel so damn hot almost all the time but less today.
Side note: Notice tiny bit more libido during most evenings around 9pm. And generally slightly more attraction around this time.
Today I didn't take modafinil or Arginine or Zinc. And I felt better. But I look noticably less healthy. My face looks more droopy (cheeks), eyes look darker, generally seems less defined. This may be from the blood circulation from arginine. It really makes me look more normal. But maybe I need alternate supplement. It does give me acne on face and back. But god damn I have not looked healthier in over a year honestly. Something about the arginine.
Unfortunately intense migraine headaches yesterday and today, and lot of immense brain fog. Yesterday night was trigged by Hydergine 0.75mg (interaction?). Initially I felt little better but then def not. few hours later intense migraine lasting many hours. Today persists. Day before hydergine I had migraine/headache too but nothing as severe as yesterday. Today without any hydergine or modafinil or arginine or zinc I still develop some on-going persistent migraine beyond 9pm. sides of my head above my ears. And generally my head feels strange and fuzzy. Not sure how to describe. This head feeling has been past 3 days.
This evening I was starting to become more optimistic! Because I felt less sick than the typical past several days. The sick feeling really limited my ability to appreciate the game I was playing and other ppl's company on sunday. I was also very irritable, prone to some aggression. That in the end was excacerbated by 4mg zinc. I no longer take zinc after an incident where I was intensely raging at a relative yesterday :(. May be just coincidence. But yes I notice I am aggressive and irritable in general these days :(. I really want my kind side of me back. Pregnenolone during previous months brought so much of that back but it's not healthy for me long term I believe. It really made me feel greater appreciation towards literally almost anyone.
Insomnia has been a hugeeee issue but some of it may be from residual modafinil doses. Even though they were as low as 15mg. I will see if I sleep better tonight with modafinil out of my system.
I may retry low dose L-Arginine tomorrow again as it has helped so much for my facial appearance. Poor circulation to my face or poor peripheral circulation in general has clearly been an issue. Any suggestions for similar substances please let me know.
I am waiting for my estrogen pills to arrive. Hopefully soon.
While the evening felt better today with less of the sick/ill feelings it started to come roaring back a few hours ago :(. Every day when it happens it feels like a stronger fog, fuzzy and hot feelings in my head, and the low grade migraines or headaches on side of head. Plus feeling almost sick to my stomach. It's a general sense of unwellness that I find difficult to describe right now.
Generally maybe I am having difficulty tolerating supplements and medication due to some underlying condition. Because the valium often makes me feel sick and yet sometimes doesn't. I used to think so much of it was a bad reaction to valium but I'm not entirely certain. The pdoc refused to give me klonopin until later but he authorized me to try Hydergine, Propaponol (for anx, sleep, and heart rate), wellbutrin, and paxil (not during same time as wellbutrin).
Sorry if my post seems bit messy but I am especially foggy these days and feel like I am quite cognitively impaired. I just feel my mind is incapable of flowing properly.
Other symptoms: I notice my neck makes cracking sounds when I move it, lot of back/neck inflammation, inability to carry things or I become mentally and physically exhausted rapidly (circulation or adrenal issue of some sort). Honestly... I feel drained so intensely when I carry even the littlest things. This is why I rarely go grocery shopping anymore. I put one item in the shopping cart and my world just starts slowing down and it takes forever to finish shopping. This issue is bit better now than a year ago though. I had extreme intolerance towards carrying things but some definite even if minor improvement. More stamina for sure.
Sorry for the long message. Glad you guys are here to help.
Liver function test no new one yet. I will try to get one again soon. The new pdoc I went to see was not the kind who was going to give me any tests. It was just a 2nd opinion sort of thing it turns out. He did basically nothing for me except give a few new suggestions to my main doc. Ketamine trail for instance maybe a week from now. He gave me the run around though and some other doc does it. Who knows if a week wait turns into a month or more. He also suggested some IMPACT testing for the liver. This can give an indication of what meds I can and cannot tolerate.
The regular tests I will have to get from a GP. Maybe this week. Hopefully I have the mental energy during the day, because honestly I rarely do :(. Afternoons I feel like a dreaded mindless zombie and greatly lacking energy and motivation.
Edited by AlexCanada, 28 July 2015 - 08:57 AM.
Posted 28 July 2015 - 08:56 AM
You are being way too experimental with your drug use in your current condition. Obviously something is very wrong and trying to fix it with stimulants and the like is the wrong approach, like adding nitro to your engine because your car's tires are out of alignment: the boost will only make the underlying problem worse and could eventually lead to a serious wreck.
Have you gotten a liver test since you stopped the LGD-4033? I know body builders love to shoot anyone down for dragging their precious SARMs through the mud, but it might have been interfering with proper test results.
Have you done anything in life that would suggest a chance of heavy metal poisoning? Perhaps eating fish or a shady fish oil supplement, or taking bacopa or other heavy metal collectors? Heavy metal poisoning can cause skin discoloration. I have no idea about the spots. Peripheral numbness can also be a side effect of mercury poisoning.
If you want to look further into heavy metal detoxification, I have a friend who used to have mercury fillings and got a huge benefit out of zeolite. It will make you feel even sicker as the toxins are initially bonded to the mineral and drawn out of the body, which is why I'm a bit leery of recommending it, but it's a relatively tame form of detox as far as detoxes go, and you obviously can't continue as you have. Coadministerig alpha lipoic acid and selenomethionine should help your body cope with any heavy metal release instigated by the zeolite. My friend has tried multiple brands of zeolite and the one I linked to above is the only one that worked well without excessively upsetting the stomach.
How long have you had this problem with your complexion, and what is your age/sex?
Thank you I will look into it. No new liver test yet but I will try soon.
Bacopa I tried tiny dose one day a few weeks ago I believe, unless I am misremembering. I either tired tiny bit or none at all. Heavy metal poisoning might be a real thing for me though. I read about the symptoms before and lot of it appeared to match.
***wanted to add that lately I been having a lot of on and off confusion, it really perplexes me. Sometimes it is after supplement use. Lot of general memory loss and low grade amnesia too. Severe Short term memory issues. This has been worse than few months ago significantly. May be related to the odd feelings in my head and the migraines.
Problem with my complexion over a decade perhaps but became worse 2 years back. 30ish and male btw.
Posted 28 July 2015 - 08:58 AM
Alex, there have been lots of helpful suggestions here, but it still seems to me that your symptoms and their severity scream some kind of Haemolytic Anaemia, perhaps the autoimmune version. There's even a 'cold' form of it that may explain your chill sensations.
There are specific tests for Haemolytic Anaemia. I would pursue that diagnosis tenaciously until proven right or wrong.
If this turns out to be what you have, it is not really something that can be put right just by eating well. You will need specialist medical advice to resolve or minimise it.
Makes a lot of sense. I really want to look into it. I look anemic as hell usually. Hopefully the docs don't give me the run around. I'll see what I can do.
Any general treatments you'd recommend for it?
Posted 28 July 2015 - 01:06 PM
I'm no expert on treating it. From what I can gather, treatment may vary dramatically depending on the cause. e.g. HA can be induced by certain drugs or chemicals (stop taking them), or certain foods like lima beans (stop eating them), or by autoimmune reactions (steroids?), or there are genetic forms (don't know!).
Getting the right tests will be key.
Have you got someone to help you? It's hard pushing this along on your own, when you are already so unwell.
(If it comes to it, and for a different perspective than a GP might have, there's always the emergency department.)
Posted 28 July 2015 - 04:04 PM
Thanks. I appreciate the support. Sorry I been away guys. Just withdrawn and also trying to do my own thing a bit. Been trying to go outside at times and even be around people. Has been difficult but I am being more active. I went to go play a card game on sunday. Wasn't too bad in early afternoon. Residual gabapentin from day prior (taken for sleep) may have helped mood. I normally dont' take gabapentin but I wanted a sleep aid for the day. Problem is when mid afternoon hits I usually begin to feel so lifeless, so fatigued, like the life has been sucked out of me. Fatigued mentally, not necessarily physically. Though physical energy still very pretty poor. At first wasn't too bad but then i started feeling sick again around 4pm+ and cognitively was quite slow and immensely foggy. Modafinil may have made things worse. Not sure my body can tolerate it right now, unless it's interaction with 30mg arginine. Definitely effected my performance. I wasn't too social but was able to slightly hold some minor conversation, not later on though. As the hours went on I felt so immenselyyy physically and mentally exhausted I just couldn't wait to be home. This may relate to poor adrenal function. Always always always the dreaded afternoons. My mind slows down and I am filled with more apathy and anhedonia. Also I get dry mouth, difficulty speaking properly because of it. Blurry vision. This may be due to blood sugar flux in afternoon related to low cortisol. Damned if I know for sure. And whether I eat non-sugary foods or some icecream (late in evening) it doesn't seem to make much difference. But I did feel better in the end as evening started to come along. Also lot of body heat problems. Feel so damn hot almost all the time but less today.
Side note: Notice tiny bit more libido during most evenings around 9pm. And generally slightly more attraction around this time.
Today I didn't take modafinil or Arginine or Zinc. And I felt better. But I look noticably less healthy. My face looks more droopy (cheeks), eyes look darker, generally seems less defined. This may be from the blood circulation from arginine. It really makes me look more normal. But maybe I need alternate supplement. It does give me acne on face and back. But god damn I have not looked healthier in over a year honestly. Something about the arginine.
Unfortunately intense migraine headaches yesterday and today, and lot of immense brain fog. Yesterday night was trigged by Hydergine 0.75mg (interaction?). Initially I felt little better but then def not. few hours later intense migraine lasting many hours. Today persists. Day before hydergine I had migraine/headache too but nothing as severe as yesterday. Today without any hydergine or modafinil or arginine or zinc I still develop some on-going persistent migraine beyond 9pm. sides of my head above my ears. And generally my head feels strange and fuzzy. Not sure how to describe. This head feeling has been past 3 days.
This evening I was starting to become more optimistic! Because I felt less sick than the typical past several days. The sick feeling really limited my ability to appreciate the game I was playing and other ppl's company on sunday. I was also very irritable, prone to some aggression. That in the end was excacerbated by 4mg zinc. I no longer take zinc after an incident where I was intensely raging at a relative yesterday :(. May be just coincidence. But yes I notice I am aggressive and irritable in general these days :(. I really want my kind side of me back. Pregnenolone during previous months brought so much of that back but it's not healthy for me long term I believe. It really made me feel greater appreciation towards literally almost anyone.
Insomnia has been a hugeeee issue but some of it may be from residual modafinil doses. Even though they were as low as 15mg. I will see if I sleep better tonight with modafinil out of my system.
I may retry low dose L-Arginine tomorrow again as it has helped so much for my facial appearance. Poor circulation to my face or poor peripheral circulation in general has clearly been an issue. Any suggestions for similar substances please let me know.
I am waiting for my estrogen pills to arrive. Hopefully soon.
While the evening felt better today with less of the sick/ill feelings it started to come roaring back a few hours ago :(. Every day when it happens it feels like a stronger fog, fuzzy and hot feelings in my head, and the low grade migraines or headaches on side of head. Plus feeling almost sick to my stomach. It's a general sense of unwellness that I find difficult to describe right now.
Generally maybe I am having difficulty tolerating supplements and medication due to some underlying condition. Because the valium often makes me feel sick and yet sometimes doesn't. I used to think so much of it was a bad reaction to valium but I'm not entirely certain. The pdoc refused to give me klonopin until later but he authorized me to try Hydergine, Propaponol (for anx, sleep, and heart rate), wellbutrin, and paxil (not during same time as wellbutrin).
Sorry if my post seems bit messy but I am especially foggy these days and feel like I am quite cognitively impaired. I just feel my mind is incapable of flowing properly.
Other symptoms: I notice my neck makes cracking sounds when I move it, lot of back/neck inflammation, inability to carry things or I become mentally and physically exhausted rapidly (circulation or adrenal issue of some sort). Honestly... I feel drained so intensely when I carry even the littlest things. This is why I rarely go grocery shopping anymore. I put one item in the shopping cart and my world just starts slowing down and it takes forever to finish shopping. This issue is bit better now than a year ago though. I had extreme intolerance towards carrying things but some definite even if minor improvement. More stamina for sure.
Sorry for the long message. Glad you guys are here to help.
Liver function test no new one yet. I will try to get one again soon. The new pdoc I went to see was not the kind who was going to give me any tests. It was just a 2nd opinion sort of thing it turns out. He did basically nothing for me except give a few new suggestions to my main doc. Ketamine trail for instance maybe a week from now. He gave me the run around though and some other doc does it. Who knows if a week wait turns into a month or more. He also suggested some IMPACT testing for the liver. This can give an indication of what meds I can and cannot tolerate.
The regular tests I will have to get from a GP. Maybe this week. Hopefully I have the mental energy during the day, because honestly I rarely do :(. Afternoons I feel like a dreaded mindless zombie and greatly lacking energy and motivation.
"Unfortunately intense migraine headaches yesterday and today"
While the evening felt better today with less of the sick/ill feelings it started to come roaring back a few hours ago :(. Every day when it happens it feels like a stronger fog, fuzzy and hot feelings in my head, and the low grade migraines or headaches on side of head.
Stop taking the arginine. It's a fairly potent vasodilator and notorious for triggering migraines or migriane-like headaches in people susceptible to them. It's one of the supplements I can't touch, being a migraineur. Even half of a 500mg tablet made me wish I had never been born.
Actually, it may be the case that you are getting true migraines from the arginine and whatever is fucking with your hormones (and causing the acne). If not true migraines they are certainly vasodilatory in nature, that's why you feel hot around your head (perhaps face and ears too?), the pounding, the brain fog, irritability, mood swings, nausea, lethargy, weakness. If they are true migraines then you can still have some neurological symptoms after the pain phase has passed (called the post-drome) like muscle weakness, mood abnormalities, derpy feeling in your cognition, general malaise. You could even feel almost euphoric and hypomanic (these can occur in the premonitory phase, before the headache, as well). Pro- and post-drome can last hours and even a day or two before or after the pain phase.
And yeah, the headaches, if migraines and allowed to continue plaguing you, it could be that it's having permanent physical effects in your brain. They definitely make you more sensitive to pain stimulus which I can promise you is not fun. It will change your personality, and not for the better. Maybe that will finally motivate you to stop being stupid with all these drugs.
But the headache could also be related to your benzo taper, if they appeared only after you started tapering off. Since your GABA is off kilter, you glutamatergic system is now more excitable and stuff like hormone changes or vasodilators can push you over into migraines. But honestly the benzo taper all by itself can be causing the headaches.
Please don't take anymore crap that messes with your hormones. Please stop taking supplements for now, full stop. Have you learned nothing yet? It seems that you have a pathological compulsion to keep taking all these drugs, even looking for more to add, in the knowledge that your supplement use has done you more harm than good, starting with reservatrol and spiraling downward from there. If that's not addictive behavior then I don't know what is. Seriously every time you mention a new supplement or that you've not stopped your supplements, I want to put my foot up your ass. I'm probably going to unfollow this thread after I post this.
Edited by Duchykins, 28 July 2015 - 04:23 PM.
Posted 28 July 2015 - 11:41 PM
I wasn't feeling too bad last night but after waking I feel terrible again. Every time I wake up I feel like I have a strong hangover. Almost always. Very consistently. Because of this I don't want to go to sleep because I know I will wake up feeling like a bad drunk.
And when I woke up and drank bottled Longos spring water on empty stomach I develop intense body chills all over and feel sicker. This happens rapidly within 10 minutes and persisting now an hour later. What on earth can I drink if I can't drink water???? I am so frustrated. I need to find demineralized water perhaps? Because kettle boiled water effects me just as poorly! And adding tiny bits of vitamin c to the kettle before boiling doesn't seem to help me specifically at all. I don't understand this intense water sensitivity.
And these hangoversss. I don't even drink! Someone suggested this may be due to sleep apnea. After changing sleeping positions from on chest to more on my back it seemed to make a difference but not enough on most days it seems :(. I do often feel like I am not getting enough air. My nasal passages keep getting stuffy.
if anyone has further theories on the hangover situation and the intense body chills/ allergic reaction to water please let me know. I appreciate all the responses immensely. It helps push me along. I used to feel quite hopeless with all this but you guys have provided me with a lot of useful information. I'm very glad I signed up for this site.
Edited by AlexCanada, 28 July 2015 - 11:42 PM.
Posted 28 July 2015 - 11:57 PM
Thanks. I appreciate the support. Sorry I been away guys. Just withdrawn and also trying to do my own thing a bit. Been trying to go outside at times and even be around people. Has been difficult but I am being more active. I went to go play a card game on sunday. Wasn't too bad in early afternoon. Residual gabapentin from day prior (taken for sleep) may have helped mood. I normally dont' take gabapentin but I wanted a sleep aid for the day. Problem is when mid afternoon hits I usually begin to feel so lifeless, so fatigued, like the life has been sucked out of me. Fatigued mentally, not necessarily physically. Though physical energy still very pretty poor. At first wasn't too bad but then i started feeling sick again around 4pm+ and cognitively was quite slow and immensely foggy. Modafinil may have made things worse. Not sure my body can tolerate it right now, unless it's interaction with 30mg arginine. Definitely effected my performance. I wasn't too social but was able to slightly hold some minor conversation, not later on though. As the hours went on I felt so immenselyyy physically and mentally exhausted I just couldn't wait to be home. This may relate to poor adrenal function. Always always always the dreaded afternoons. My mind slows down and I am filled with more apathy and anhedonia. Also I get dry mouth, difficulty speaking properly because of it. Blurry vision. This may be due to blood sugar flux in afternoon related to low cortisol. Damned if I know for sure. And whether I eat non-sugary foods or some icecream (late in evening) it doesn't seem to make much difference. But I did feel better in the end as evening started to come along. Also lot of body heat problems. Feel so damn hot almost all the time but less today.
Side note: Notice tiny bit more libido during most evenings around 9pm. And generally slightly more attraction around this time.
Today I didn't take modafinil or Arginine or Zinc. And I felt better. But I look noticably less healthy. My face looks more droopy (cheeks), eyes look darker, generally seems less defined. This may be from the blood circulation from arginine. It really makes me look more normal. But maybe I need alternate supplement. It does give me acne on face and back. But god damn I have not looked healthier in over a year honestly. Something about the arginine.
Unfortunately intense migraine headaches yesterday and today, and lot of immense brain fog. Yesterday night was trigged by Hydergine 0.75mg (interaction?). Initially I felt little better but then def not. few hours later intense migraine lasting many hours. Today persists. Day before hydergine I had migraine/headache too but nothing as severe as yesterday. Today without any hydergine or modafinil or arginine or zinc I still develop some on-going persistent migraine beyond 9pm. sides of my head above my ears. And generally my head feels strange and fuzzy. Not sure how to describe. This head feeling has been past 3 days.
This evening I was starting to become more optimistic! Because I felt less sick than the typical past several days. The sick feeling really limited my ability to appreciate the game I was playing and other ppl's company on sunday. I was also very irritable, prone to some aggression. That in the end was excacerbated by 4mg zinc. I no longer take zinc after an incident where I was intensely raging at a relative yesterday :(. May be just coincidence. But yes I notice I am aggressive and irritable in general these days :(. I really want my kind side of me back. Pregnenolone during previous months brought so much of that back but it's not healthy for me long term I believe. It really made me feel greater appreciation towards literally almost anyone.
Insomnia has been a hugeeee issue but some of it may be from residual modafinil doses. Even though they were as low as 15mg. I will see if I sleep better tonight with modafinil out of my system.
I may retry low dose L-Arginine tomorrow again as it has helped so much for my facial appearance. Poor circulation to my face or poor peripheral circulation in general has clearly been an issue. Any suggestions for similar substances please let me know.
I am waiting for my estrogen pills to arrive. Hopefully soon.
While the evening felt better today with less of the sick/ill feelings it started to come roaring back a few hours ago :(. Every day when it happens it feels like a stronger fog, fuzzy and hot feelings in my head, and the low grade migraines or headaches on side of head. Plus feeling almost sick to my stomach. It's a general sense of unwellness that I find difficult to describe right now.
Generally maybe I am having difficulty tolerating supplements and medication due to some underlying condition. Because the valium often makes me feel sick and yet sometimes doesn't. I used to think so much of it was a bad reaction to valium but I'm not entirely certain. The pdoc refused to give me klonopin until later but he authorized me to try Hydergine, Propaponol (for anx, sleep, and heart rate), wellbutrin, and paxil (not during same time as wellbutrin).
Sorry if my post seems bit messy but I am especially foggy these days and feel like I am quite cognitively impaired. I just feel my mind is incapable of flowing properly.
Other symptoms: I notice my neck makes cracking sounds when I move it, lot of back/neck inflammation, inability to carry things or I become mentally and physically exhausted rapidly (circulation or adrenal issue of some sort). Honestly... I feel drained so intensely when I carry even the littlest things. This is why I rarely go grocery shopping anymore. I put one item in the shopping cart and my world just starts slowing down and it takes forever to finish shopping. This issue is bit better now than a year ago though. I had extreme intolerance towards carrying things but some definite even if minor improvement. More stamina for sure.
Sorry for the long message. Glad you guys are here to help.
Liver function test no new one yet. I will try to get one again soon. The new pdoc I went to see was not the kind who was going to give me any tests. It was just a 2nd opinion sort of thing it turns out. He did basically nothing for me except give a few new suggestions to my main doc. Ketamine trail for instance maybe a week from now. He gave me the run around though and some other doc does it. Who knows if a week wait turns into a month or more. He also suggested some IMPACT testing for the liver. This can give an indication of what meds I can and cannot tolerate.
The regular tests I will have to get from a GP. Maybe this week. Hopefully I have the mental energy during the day, because honestly I rarely do :(. Afternoons I feel like a dreaded mindless zombie and greatly lacking energy and motivation.
"Unfortunately intense migraine headaches yesterday and today"
While the evening felt better today with less of the sick/ill feelings it started to come roaring back a few hours ago :(. Every day when it happens it feels like a stronger fog, fuzzy and hot feelings in my head, and the low grade migraines or headaches on side of head.
Stop taking the arginine. It's a fairly potent vasodilator and notorious for triggering migraines or migriane-like headaches in people susceptible to them. It's one of the supplements I can't touch, being a migraineur. Even half of a 500mg tablet made me wish I had never been born.
Actually, it may be the case that you are getting true migraines from the arginine and whatever is fucking with your hormones (and causing the acne). If not true migraines they are certainly vasodilatory in nature, that's why you feel hot around your head (perhaps face and ears too?), the pounding, the brain fog, irritability, mood swings, nausea, lethargy, weakness. If they are true migraines then you can still have some neurological symptoms after the pain phase has passed (called the post-drome) like muscle weakness, mood abnormalities, derpy feeling in your cognition, general malaise. You could even feel almost euphoric and hypomanic (these can occur in the premonitory phase, before the headache, as well). Pro- and post-drome can last hours and even a day or two before or after the pain phase.
And yeah, the headaches, if migraines and allowed to continue plaguing you, it could be that it's having permanent physical effects in your brain. They definitely make you more sensitive to pain stimulus which I can promise you is not fun. It will change your personality, and not for the better. Maybe that will finally motivate you to stop being stupid with all these drugs.
But the headache could also be related to your benzo taper, if they appeared only after you started tapering off. Since your GABA is off kilter, you glutamatergic system is now more excitable and stuff like hormone changes or vasodilators can push you over into migraines. But honestly the benzo taper all by itself can be causing the headaches.
Please don't take anymore crap that messes with your hormones. Please stop taking supplements for now, full stop. Have you learned nothing yet? It seems that you have a pathological compulsion to keep taking all these drugs, even looking for more to add, in the knowledge that your supplement use has done you more harm than good, starting with reservatrol and spiraling downward from there. If that's not addictive behavior then I don't know what is. Seriously every time you mention a new supplement or that you've not stopped your supplements, I want to put my foot up your ass. I'm probably going to unfollow this thread after I post this.
For the longest time I actually was not taking anything except my valium and whatever SSRI my doctor had me on. I generally hated the concept of trying new meds/supplements and didn't want to nor was feeling motivated towards them. In fact I felt fearful at the time that something might make me worse due to anxiety issues at the given time. If it weren't for various supplements over the years and certain meds I honestly would likely not be alive right now so quitting anything and everything is honestly not the answer. I tried to be on literally nothing except just the valium because you can't quit valium just like that, and I felt no better for it. In fact I was heavily depressed and withdrawn all the time not to mention looking terrible and constant relentless fatigue. It is because of various supplements and meds that I have been able to even be happy and live a more normal life at various times through out these years. Unfortunately yes I screwed things up with Resveratrol. But I can't just discard everything because of one terrible experience.
The doses of things I been taking have been so miniscule that some people even scoff that such doses could possibly do anything at all. Obviously we know better but it's not like I'm mega dosing or even moderate dosing on anything. I am merely trying to be responsible and improve my health because the fact of the matter is that I have been very not well for 12 years. Doing absolutely nothing about it is not an option. I have to treat this one way or another.
All the supplements I have stopped since sunday. I am trying to reset to my baseline and see what happens. The reason I tried tiny doses of arginine every other day at various times was because it really did improve my physical appearance significantly. And it corresponded with some mood improvement. Now 2 days off arginine I look like an unhealthy ghoul again.
I literally only take 0.78 valium right now. My hormones aren't going to go back to healthy levels on their own. I have had problems for years. So I will have to find ways to treat my health problems because waiting it out isn't the answer unfortunately.
I appreciate the passion and the support though. I won't be eating any avacados. few years ago I don't think they helped me but hard to say. When you have dealt with endless apathy and dreadful mood for so many years you might feel bit differently about my perspective. I need to finally Live for once in my life because it has been over a year since I been able to be around people. And some progress was made this past week as I was able to actually go out. This is a big step for me. Unfortunately things not effecting me as cleanly as I had hoped but I still been able to feel benefits, unfortunately my ability to tolerate some supplements and perhaps meds in general is an issue. Underlying health condition causing lot of intolerance. I can't even drink water without feeling body chills. How messed up is that?? But I can't just waste away in bed doing nothing. I hope you understand.
Posted 29 July 2015 - 12:07 AM
I do understand where you come from because that desperation for a solution sounds a lot like what I went through when trying to find some sustainable system that would reduce my migraines. And I'm sorry.
Posted 29 July 2015 - 12:01 PM
I had minor improvement this early morning as well (morning peak) but nothing as pronounced as yesterday. Maybe I had some positive after effects beyond that migraine. Today lower grade headaches been occuring but nothing too intense. Nothing like the severe reaction I had after Hydergine. And unfortunately I am looking MUCH less healthy and very ghastly since stopping the L-Arginine :(. Dark circles extremely pronounced. Face more yellow, small red acne like tiny spots on forehead and a few more very light tiny brown spots on top right corner of my head. I looked a world of difference healthier two days ago. Hair getting significant flakes for some reason .
I think I may need to take the L-arginine again or find some other form of nitric oxide boost. Perhaps this is part of a nitric oxide deficiency? My heart rate has been more stable today btw. Yesterday it was bit more stable too. Whatever the L-Arginine was doing it made me look half-way human. I look sick and like a zombie from The Walking Dead right now. And the previous dark spots on my face which appeared weeks ago look more obvious now off the L-Arginine.
Some good news: General anx and uncomfortable physical anx have been reduced today notably. Less aggression as well.
Edited by AlexCanada, 29 July 2015 - 12:03 PM.
Posted 06 August 2015 - 01:34 PM
I had such a remarkably better morning 3 days ago! This was 2 hours after gabapentin 100mg dose (after not taking any for weeks). 20 minutes after paxil 2.5mg (first dose in years). Few hours after Pau D'arco tea. Maybe 1 hour before glass of orange juice (suppossedly potentiates gabapentin). And typical early morning 0.5mg valium dose hour or two earlier. Mostly I think it was the gabapentin because I have felt similar effects at times. What happened was I began to feel more emotion, less anhedonia, felt slightly less motivated towards previous activity (playing an online card game as part of routine) and started to feel more chilled out, more peaceful, yet more energetic, and more capable of appreciating the things around me. It was as if I could appreciate anything on some minor level at the least. Additionally there was a boost to sensory perception. As I'd watch a tv show I felt more connected, I was able to feel more of the visuals in a way. Some form of greater sensory immersion. Music even sounded beautiful for first time in ages! I was able to actually cry happy tears while watching this show. This is profound and I tried to repeat this but I haven't had the same effect, not even close the next day. I continued the paxil 2.5mg but it seemed to feel dulling if anything. Unless it was an early positive interaction... but it surely was gabapentin doing most of the work. I could tell because I had some inflammation in my back that day which very often happens with gabapentin for me.
I just wish so much I could feel that effect Every Day on some level. The contrast was astonishing. There was some small euphoria for sure. Problem with gabapentin is that first 1 or 2 is usually sedating, and even dulling. May be due to the reduced norepinephrine but beyond that a very positive state can emerge with greater sense of kindness and appreciation for others + general appreciation of the world. Gabapentin rapidly builds tolerance though for many. Some hangover effect felt the next day etc.
If gabapentin helps so much in the short term then what else might help? Clearly my gaba receptors are messed up.
BTW I tried arginine small dose a weak ago. Was not a positive experience. I felt dumber, foggier, harder to think in general. Do not take it anymore. Unfortunately I look less healthy but I still have acne emerging at various times even without it so that may be unrelated.
Generally these days my motivation is atrocious. Without modafinil I don't even have the desire to sort or clean my room properly anymore. Nor do I want to go anywhere or really do anything. I feel lifeless, unmotivated, apathetic, and severely anhedonic constantly except tiny bits of improvement early morning around 2-3am.
Got blood tests back. TSH is poor. 4.78. Copper is low. Iron/ferretin is okay seemingly. Testosterone very poor still. reverse T3 seems ok (maybe), T4 seems ok (maybe). Progesterone might be low. And some others were taken but I will have to look it up. Cannot copy paste from pdf.
That morning was really something :(. I was able to watch tv and feel involved for the first time in a long time, and really be capable of being absorbed a bit :(. Felt no longer dead like some zombie. Some claim that gabepentin gives them an adrenaline-like effect hours after dosing. This may be related. I wish I knew more about why it can effect me so positively at times and thus what else might be able to help.
Posted 07 August 2015 - 04:34 AM
I've taken gabapentin off and on and I know what you mean. That's exactly the reason why I never took it more than 2 days in a row after I noticed the pattern. I also did it because it was making me crave junk food and I was worried about weight gain.
How much sun do you see on average?
And how did your doc react to the results?
Hang in there!
Posted 27 August 2015 - 01:19 PM
Hey guys. Not much progress these days. Def have not been going out anymore. Just not feeling up for it. Depressed, withdrawn, and poor hormone levels on top of it all.
The extreme body chills and cold sensations went away for a while though! But now they are back and I wish I knew why. I took magnesium few drops three days ago and initially I don't think this was responsible. The magnesium made me feel more hyper, less able to fall asleep, I felt I had to get up and do something but very negative and hostile type of mood. I felt I could say something bad to nearly anyone. Blood sugar flux or Candida agitation I am not sure. It was horrible aside from the initial energy. I will avoid and normally do avoid magnesium supplementation for this reason. My body reacts to it very poorly. It is said that those w candida cannot handle magnesium well.
But also i took Alcar 70mg the next day. I distinctly felt bit different after an hour. It appeared to have some small anti-anhedonic effect. Initially some minor desire to play video games but not necessarily enjoy them much. After few hours my vision started to get bit duller, colors less saturated, would remind me a bit of the reaction I had towards Eleuthero Root Ginseng at times with the blood sugar fluxuation. After 3 or so hours I started to feel veryy cold clamminess on my hands, the top front sides of my hands. I still do ever since that dose. And now I am constantly getting extreme body chill sensations w goosebumps all over on and off constantly, especially towards any sensory stimulation. If I attempt to listen to music for instance extremeee uncomfortable chills. And drinking water, whether carbonated or regular... extremeee body chills. I feel so off, and I been getting severe Night Sweats last two nights in a row after maybe a month without any!! I felt I was making progress at least on the physical front until now :(. Low dose gabapentin has also been in the mix past 2 days but it has made me feel better and happier in the short term as it usually does.
Past 2 weeks I was trying Efra Thyroid (similar to Armor Thyroid) 15mg a day or so to help w my very poor TSH (5ish). And while it seems to provide minor energy it also usually makes me feel so incrediblyyy exhaustedddd like I urgently need to sleep. I got so sick of taking it and stopped taking it few days ago. I may start it up again low dose, especially before bed today perhaps. None of this garbage truly helps these days because my body cannot tolerate most medicine. When cortisol levels are low people generally cannot handle Thyroid medication. I just can't stand this. Feel like garbage nearly all the time.
Pau D'arco tea I been having past 4 days too and the past week, but none yesterday. Does initially help w mood a bit and generally meant to be good for various illnesses. Seems to have positive interaction w valium and others. I would sometimes feel slightly more alive.
I also been trying small Omega 3 Epa doses past 3 days but none yesterday. Has some short term mood benefit sometimes at the 1 hour mark but then sleepiness afterwards. Also makes me feel less inclined towards doing something I may have wanted to do earlier. Especially if I wanted to do something that I had a habit towards. Anti-OCD effect? Meh.
I tried some dark chocolate 70% as well 3-5 days ago for 3 days. Initially helped me enjoy a movie but repeated dark chocolate the next day and day after would agitate me and almost seem to cause minor dysphoria. Also I developed very peachy bronze urine from it.
My medication that I ordered for anti-fungal, hormones, and other things like anti-depressants were all held up by customs over a month ago. I don't think they will be arriving. Makes me sick how these scum can take away and effectively steal our products. Even the shipment that just had anti-fungals in it. Over the counter anti-fungal medication!! But it's $18 a dose here vs $2 from india. If that doesn't make someone's blood boil I don't know what will. These customs workers are destroying people's lives. Damn them to hell. As if anyone is going to abuse or get high off Fluconazole! Money down the drain. I can hardly afford any of this to begin with.
And finally before i forget I have tried tiny doses 2.5mg of Paxil which astonishingly have improved mood and depression even few hours after dosing, but ended up making me feel duller the next day. Additionally I would feel more sensation down below, more arousal at times! This may be due to the vasodilation effect. Some SSRI apathy would be noted the next day and so on though. The most profound interaction was when 2.5mg paxil was taken w Pau D'arco tea and 100mg gabapentin. I had a good morning. One of the best mornings in ages and was able to really able to become slightly immersed in a tv show and be able to feel tears of joy and other such precious emotions. I wrote about that in my last post.
I'm not sure whether I should take the ALCAR again. I need something for peripheral circulation but I started to feel like I was in a real stupor 3 hours after dosing. It was difficult to piece things together and think properly. Sometimes after my thyroid doses especially during evening thyroid doses I would also feel a bit disconnected and less cognitively capable, I would feel like something was wrong in the peripheral front and I would feel bit odd on the sides of my head. Something is wrong regarding my circulation. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. The alcar anti-anhedonic effect was bit welcome but boy did I feel really dumbb hours later. Not sure what to do with it. Need good combo for it or who knows.
Posted 01 September 2015 - 04:44 PM
Hey, Alex. I read somewhere that you consumed LGD-4033 (non-sterodial SARM) and possibly had liver problems and there may have been a causation between its use and the liver problems. Can you with certainty rule out that LGD-4033 has caused liver problems?
I ask this because I have a family member of very old age consuming this experiemental drug and I obviously want him to cease it if I find out some may have had liver issues when consuming the drug.
Posted 02 September 2015 - 04:04 PM
Hello, have you looked into G6PD deficiency?
The symptoms
- Sudden rise of body temperature and yellow coloring of skin and mucous membrane.
- Dark yellow-orange urine.
- Pallor, fatigue, general deterioration of physical conditions.
- Heavy, fast breathing.
- Weak, rapid pulse.
Two variants (G6PD A− and G6PD Mediterranean) are the most common in human populations. G6PD A− has an occurrence of 10% of African-Americans while G6PD Mediterranean is prevalent in the Middle East. The known distribution of the disease is largely limited to people of Mediterranean origins (Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Armenians, and Jews). G6PD deficiency is the most common human enzyme defect, being present in more than 400 million people worldwide.
A simple blood test can be done to check your level of the G6PD enzyme. Other tests that may be done include a complete blood count, hemoglobin, checking your bilirubin level, and a reticulocyte count, which measures immature red blood cells.
Posted 02 September 2015 - 11:43 PM
Hello, have you looked into G6PD deficiency?
In other words, the basis of the genetic form of Haemolytic Anaemia. No, he hasn't.
It's totally maddening, so I had stopped commenting here. Alex keeps experimenting with nutrients (I'm a big fan, but this not enough) and questionable drug-like substances (risky and further destabilising) instead of getting this diagnosed properly. I've found it very frustrating reading his ongoing logging of symptoms and experiments when there is very high likelihood that what you suggest, or some other form of induced Haemolytic Anaemia, or something very similar, is what's going on and is quite treatable. I wish him well.
Edited by StephCThomp, 02 September 2015 - 11:43 PM.
Posted 28 June 2016 - 02:16 PM
Anything new Alex?
I have the same problem with the bad face circulation, dark circles, looking like a zombie and general fatigue. I hate people commenting about it everytime. Are you still on L-argine?
Posted 29 June 2016 - 05:14 AM
Anything new Alex?
I have the same problem with the bad face circulation, dark circles, looking like a zombie and general fatigue. I hate people commenting about it everytime. Are you still on L-argine?
What supplements or medications have you tried?
Did you give blood tests? checking on liver enzymes, kidneys and thyroid?
Posted 05 July 2016 - 03:09 AM
Anything new Alex?
I have the same problem with the bad face circulation, dark circles, looking like a zombie and general fatigue. I hate people commenting about it everytime. Are you still on L-argine?
What supplements or medications have you tried?
Did you give blood tests? checking on liver enzymes, kidneys and thyroid?
I am 19 years old.
Liver, kidney and thyroid has been tested and the doctor said it's very good.
I never took any supplements except Vitamin C, D, E and Magnesium. I didn't take any medication at all.
Edited by SuicidalTraveler, 05 July 2016 - 03:18 AM.
Posted 20 December 2016 - 09:43 PM
AlexCanada, have you ever taken finasteride (propecia, proscar), dutasteride (avodart), or saw palmetto extract before in your life?
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