Dental Lymph Flow Reversal:
Cause of Cavities and
Symptom of Systemic Low Energy and Electron Levels
The teeth have a lymph system in which liquid flows out to repel bacteria and things that stain teeth.
Minerals flow from blood to dentinal fluid (like the lymph system everywhere else in the body) to repair teeth from the inside out.
When this flow is weak the flow is reversed so that nutrients are no longer renewing tooth enamel, and instead, things are flowing into the weakening dental enamel: bacteria and things that stain teeth. This is how cavities form.
This is based on the extensive research by a dentist and endocrinologist, Steinmen and Leonora in their book, Dentinal Fluid Transport. They showed that minerals can repair cavities when the endocrine system is working properly under the parasympathetic nervous system, specifically, the parotid gland that regulates fluid flows in the mouth.
I want to take this analysis a few steps deeper.
For minerals to be delivered to the tooth’s dentinal fluid, the blood circulation has to be good.
Blood circulation depends on:
1. The overall energy levels of the body.
2. Stress that affects regulation of energy via hormones like from the parotid gland, as regulated by the brain’s balance between parasympathic (rest and digest) versus sympathetic (activity, like fight or flight) nervous systems.
Low Systemic Energy
It takes an alternative theory of cardiology to explain how blood circulation works and reflects the body’s overall energy levels. Dr. Tomas Cowan in his book, Human Heart, Cosmic Hearth, updates a hundred year old theory to explain that circulation is actually primarily pulled by an electromagnetic charge in the capillaries, not just pumped by the heart. The electrical charge in the capillaries reflects the overall energy level the body. Just think of energy as electricity of electrons. Energy from food chemistry breaks down to electrons and protons. The sun’s photons are converted to electrons in the body by charging the water and thus blood of the body.
I wrote an article on Blood Pressure to explain how this works but most people didn’t read it because they are thinking in terms of the symptom blood pressure not the explanation and theory behind it that applies to all health conditions, which are a function of total body energy. Dr, Jack Kruse calls this total body energy the net negative charge of the cell’s mitochondria. A negative charge means more electrons, thus more energy.
When energy levels are low circulation to the capillaries becomes weaker and fluid and some minerals probably cannot get through to the dentinal fluid. Minerals levels are also a factor in overall energy levels as they all play a role in electrical energy generation, thus the name electrolytes for sodium, potassium, magnesium, etc, which are known to improve blood pressure, high or low, as just one sent of symptoms of low energy understood holistically and systemically.
With low circulation from low electrical charge of the capillaries to pull blood cells and nutrients through, the heart may increases activity as a pump to compensate to increase pressure to force cells and nutrients through the capillaries. Or energy may be so low that the heart cannot ramp up and you get low pressure. So if you lack magnesium or sunlight, for example, you get low electrical charge and then the heart may start pounding and using dwindling nutrient energy until the heart runs out of energy.
High Stress
High stress reduces circulation to the periphery like teeth, which the body seems to think are expendable.
You lose circulation to the periphery with the fight or flight response turned on constantly, what chronic ill people often recognize as autonomic nervous system dysregulation, ANS, resulting in insomnia, weak digestion, etc.,
The parasympathetic function supports the parotid gland that works with circulation to deliver nutrients.
Have you ever seen how often homeless people have teeth missing? Most people cannot imagine what they are going through, so you might not get that.
I have had tooth aches increase with high stress.
If you have ever been highly threatened, attacked or shot at you may have experiences less coordination in your hands. I remember once I had trouble getting my keys to open my car door. The blood concentrates in the larger muscles to run away or fight back.
Electron Stealers
Toxins steal electrons needed for energy. Toxins that are free radicals are unpaired electrons that grab electrons from other substances or nutrients to disrupt functioning. The more toxic the body the more energy it takes to neutralize free radicals. These electrons are needed to keep the blood flowing into the periphery inside the teeth and dentin.
The worst toxins are ones that not only steel electrons but dysregulate the nervous system so that it cannot repair the damage, thus long term chronic illness sets in. Mercury is a toxin that often dysreguates the nervous system.
A class of toxins that leads to free radical and nervous system dysregulation is EMF, or non native electromagnetic radiation and radio frequencies from all our electronics. EMF are excitotoxins that over-stimulate the nervous system, thus leading to symptoms like insomnia and anxiety, and eventually exhaustion.
The mechanisms of EMF are well known in many scientific studies: voltage gated calcium channels on the cell membrane become over-stimulated by manmade frequencies, rather than respond to the body’s own regulation, and too much calcium enters the cells. Chemistry and energy production are disrupted leading to free radicals and other effects, like less nitric oxide needed for circulation. Calcium ion channels have weaker regulatory mechanism on the down end so are more vulnerable than other ion channels like potassium.
I noticed that tooth aches and general inflammation declined when I turned off the wifi.
To gain electrons I found getting sun reduces pain and increases energy.