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Quantum Suffering 1 of 100

physics science statistics maths computing archgaeology death immortality religion

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#1 Julia36

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Posted 26 June 2015 - 10:26 PM

Quantum Suffering



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This paper examines the reversal of suffering which may be possible with coming science and technology. It argues science will advance to retrodictively end suffering (reach into the past eliminating suffering that has existed), without  altering identity, memory, nor history. The ancipated technique applies David Pearce's Paradise Engineering replacing pain programmes with better safety mechanisms - for the individual as well as the group.

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#2 Julia36

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Posted 28 June 2015 - 11:23 AM


Different combinations can give identical outcomes, but QS (Quantum Suffering) is an argument to the future ie future intelligent technologies
will be able to solve problems presently thought intractable.

The implications of changing the past are huge eg if the future can do it once it can do it many times.
This means the past, like the future is never fixed, and they can be interactive - increasing our geography of operations (Recursive Civilisation).

Early trials have succeeded in quantum time travelling
eg Photons simulate time travel in the lab - physicsworld.com
5 Feb 2015



and eminent physicists including Stephen Hawking and David Deutsch think Time Travel possible.

QS can be written using Constructor Theory:

see vid short, Oxford:


- where what is possible is discounted against what is impossible esp as information.
QS (Quantum Suffering) argues it is going to be possible to reach back into the past and reprogramme us not to have suffered without changing identity, hisory or memories. This is different from curing suffering or compensating for it. It actually hasn't happened for the person concerned after all.

    Together Quantum Archaeology



 & Quantum Suffering argue

    1. you are extremely unlikely to stay dead and

    2. you haven't suffered.

    An argument against those would presumably have to show science will halt.



Edited by the hanged man, 28 June 2015 - 12:05 PM.

#3 Julia36

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Posted 28 June 2015 - 02:05 PM

History running backwards Do you reverse? 1932 vid short


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#4 Julia36

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Posted 16 July 2015 - 02:16 PM

sorry I'm not going to get this done any time soon. Luckily I'm not required to do the science as a philosopher, just be consistant in my philosophy.

#5 Multivitz

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Posted 07 January 2016 - 11:13 AM

Forgive and forget, be grateful, treat others accordingly, reduce ones psychopathic inner dialog by maintaining good mineral balance and sleeping when tiered.
And going backwards generally requires the third eye to be pointing towards the planet. Having the head back and eyes up encourages alpha waves.
All subjects should be learned at their basic forms, the theories are debatable, and often found glamorised and false. Reprogram my arse, my past represents my previous times spent under the spell of selfish phychopaths, their families will pay it all back. Most will be removed from position and go kicking and screaming in an effort to remain.
The past can be healed very easily, we are all products of our environment.
If one thinks they are above thier environment, then I hope they want to truly know their environment and not allow others to just tell them about it!
Then there is the third generation rule for inheriting our parents sins. A tough one to break short, but employing ones time into emotional rebalancing therapies can help healing.
Theres no such thing as suffering, only thing that happens is the phychological backlash when one realises there was a better way. We were warned about the phychopaths, but the Catholic church organised them to slow down mans harmony and bring genocidal attempts to shamanism.
It would be inefficient of life to hold suffering as it were. We still have Quantum for the quantity of energy that forms matter. Unified it isn't, but I feel if Planck could be seen differently and transmutation embraced, the name may be kept. Then we could all look back and laugh at it's beginnings and how we had the corporate media glamorise black holes and the like.

Edited by Multivitz, 07 January 2016 - 11:52 AM.

#6 Multivitz

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Posted 07 January 2016 - 12:21 PM

Forgive and forget, be grateful, treat others accordingly, reduce ones psychopathic inner dialog by maintaining good mineral balance and sleeping when tiered.
And going backwards generally requires the third eye to be pointing towards the planet. Having the head back and eyes up encourages alpha waves.
All subjects should be learned at their basic forms, the theories are debatable, and often found glamorised and false. Reprogram my arse, my past represents my previous times spent under the spell of selfish phychopaths, their families will pay it all back. Most will be removed from position and go kicking and screaming in an effort to remain.
The past can be healed very easily, we are all products of our environment.
If one thinks they are above thier environment, then I hope they want to truly know their environment and not allow others to just tell them about it!
Then there is the third generation rule for inheriting our parents sins. A tough one to break short, but employing ones time into emotional rebalancing therapies can help healing.
Theres no such thing as suffering, only thing that happens is the phychological backlash when one realises there was a better way. We were warned about the phychopaths, but the Catholic church organised them to slow down mans harmony and bring genocidal attempts to shamanism.
It would be inefficient of life to hold suffering as it were. We still have Quantum for the quantity of energy that forms matter. Unified it isn't, but I feel if Planck could be seen differently and transmutation embraced, the name may be kept. Then we could all look back and laugh at it's beginnings and how we had the corporate media glamorise black holes and the like.
If anyone plays the blame game at any moment in time, then of course they will bring suffering. I wouldn't want a maçhine to interfere with life, there is no suffering, the spirit believes in life but get confused with it's immaturity.
Reprogram, means mans manipulation of something thats working fine already. The ones that want to give help will damage life for their own gain. We can't comprehend potentail damage a synthetic intervention would have, thats only too evident with Pharmacology in recent times. Science is about observation, not idiot intervention. CERN is an attempt to manufacture advanced weapon materials, it is all run by idiots who explain their own egos by their actions and get payed by the fiat currency of the psychopaths. There are no enemies, only psychopathic diets driven by idiots.
Sanpaku for most, is the bodies attempt to encourage alpha waves into the brain. To lift the eyes into the light that is missing in these times.
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#7 Julia36

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Posted 15 March 2016 - 02:19 AM


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: physics, science, statistics, maths, computing, archgaeology, death, immortality, religion

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