Took phenylpiracetam and all of a sudden' the creativity just started flowin' out like nothin' holdin' it back.
You may not like it but hell--so what.
Ya'll been blamin' your own failures on everything and everybody and let me tell you what
Ain't nothin' 'bout the Jews
Ain't nothin' 'bout the Africans
Ain't nothin' 'bout the Mexicans
Ain't nothin' 'bout race
Ain't nothin' 'bout Obama
Ain't nothin' 'bout Bush
Ain't nothin' 'bout Hillary
Ain't nothin' 'bout politicians
Ain't nothin' 'bout communism
Ain't nothin' 'bout the constitution
Ain't nothin' 'bout freedom
Ain't nothin' 'bout politics
Ain't nothin' 'bout the rich
Ain't nothin' 'bout the few
Ain't nothin' 'bout corporations
Ain't nothin' 'bout wealth
Ain't nothin' 'bout your neighbors
Ain't nothin' 'bout your enemies
So, what ya'll think?
Edited by RatherBeUnknown, 02 July 2015 - 06:19 PM.