Hi everyone,
I've been doing a lot of research on striatal neurogenesis and BDNF, and found that most oral supplements that increase it, only do so (or possibly say they only do so) in the hippocampus.
I've had a dark past with drugs (I quit for obvious reasons), and I believe my stratum is less functional than it was before, as my working memory isn't as good, and I can actually feel it (I know you can't "feel" your brain, but I feel pressure within the exact area) strained in my head during the day, especially when I'm doing complex tasks. It's weird.
Anyway here's what I've learned so far (will include links to studies for any person that stumbles upon this from google with the same question):
- Retinoic Acid (metabolite from Vitamin A) has been shown to induce striatal neurogenesis. 1 2
- Exercise increases BDNF in the striatum. 1
- Some cells made in the subventricular zone of the brain actually migrate to other places in the brain like the striatum to settle. (solution would be to somehow increase neurogenesis here, if anyone knows how) 1
- An ampakine (I don't know if this will apply to ALL ampakines) have been shown to increase BDNF in striatum. 1
I started taking Vitamin A, and running more, and ordered sunifiram (an ampakine) to test and see what happens, but I want to see what else I can do.
I know science is still trying to find a better answer to this question in order to treat and cure diseases like Huntington's Disease, but I would love to learn more leads and clues for this dilemma if you guys know any.