So, I have been jonesing about how I seem to have found a fairly safe, side-effects free and above all - SUBTLE anxiolytic - Acetaminophen. (Tylenol, Paracetamol, Alvedon, Panadol, etc)
However, other than the liver strain which can be countered by limiting the dose, there seems to be some fear of long-term cognitive effects...
Mainly about decreased memory and cognition - BUT...! The research seems to indicate developing brains - not fully matured ones. So, what do you think guys? Is Acetaminophen debilitating for adults, or is the potential danger only in the embryonic state?'
As far as I can see, this is the ONLY study that came to this conclusion...? Other studies, such as this one, seems to imply that it's actually neuro-protective:
And in closing, there's the suspicion that it simply inhibits emotion all-together: