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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans


Adwords campaign

adwwords $25 $100

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#1 Mind

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Posted 26 July 2015 - 10:28 PM

Google has offered LongeCity $100 credit for an Adwords campaign. It is a kind-of matching situation where if we spend $25, then they will give us $100 to spend on another advertising campaign.


Does anyone have any ideas on how we could craft a good Adword campaign for LongeCity? Any idea on key words we could use?

#2 Mind

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Posted 28 July 2015 - 08:36 PM

Reading a lot of the introductions, it seems a lot of people find LongeCity while searching the term "nootropic", "NSI-189", "NZT" (from the movie limitless). Other types of self-help and self-medicating topics. Also Resveratrol and C60 are probably a good bet for keywords.


The organization used to advertise with keywords such as "immortality", "transhumanism", and "singularity", but not sure if that would be the best use of the adwords money right now.

Edited by Mind, 28 July 2015 - 08:54 PM.


  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 14 August 2015 - 01:58 PM

Wow, I think I'm just seeing this...


I think we should branch out and try some new areas, something like:

How to look younger



Stem Cells

Organ printing



We could also try to forecast the topics that are going to be big and successful so we can generate the forum content in advance of the need. That would be advertisments that paid dividends.


In addition, we could do podcasts with people on whatever advanced topic we decide to use our advertising money for (we still have an advertising budget we haven't touched yet IIRC) and invite some big names to do Q and A on the forum or get some forum topics started.

#4 John Schloendorn

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Posted 06 November 2015 - 06:42 AM

it seems a lot of people find LongeCity while searching the term "nootropic"



It's complicated.  There's certainly something about to be said about investing where the membership fees come from.  But if they're already finding it using organic search, is there really a point spending extra on it?  Maybe.  This is best studied by experiment.  


Likewise for YOLF's suggestion -- the "charitable" terms.  I can't imagine any one seriously interested in these topics would not, in due time, find this site on their own.  


So the way I think about Google ads is not in terms of finding people who are already searching me.  But I try to think, who wants to know about me, but is NOT searching me directly, for various reasons, and so need to be helped by being shown the ad? (They don't know the right words, they don't know I exist?  Something else?).  

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