I'm glad you have come to the realization that depression/anxiety may be part of the problem. It is not an easy one to come to. And often chronic depression and anxiety and lack of self esteem will affect us physically and chemically. So often we want to blame something on a physiological health issue. Sometimes we may have one and we have mental health issues on top of that. It is very hard to see something that is not so obvious and concrete, like having an allergy or other health condition that can be diagnosed through some kind of test. The reality is that nearly everyone has some type of issue. No one is perfect and hardly any of us had what we really needed when we were growing up and developing. I think you are on the right track. I would suggest that you try your best to stay away from too much alcohol/drugs as these will only make matters worse, in the short run and long run. I know it is hard to do, especially when you are young, but you will be so happy you did when you get older. Believe me, you will notice the difference.
I know this things have all ready been suggested but I want to reiterate the importance of diet, exercise, and lifestyle. You also may want to look into natural anti depressants. Remember you have to stick with these things for quite a while before you get results. Also, if you don't want your underlying depression to come back and get you throughout your life, therapy would be the best way of avoiding this. It is not easy but if you can do it and get to the bottom of why you may have some issues with depression/anxiety/self esteem, you will know how to cope with it and what to do to improve upon it. Being aware and bringing things to the surface is absolutely necessary in order to deal with what is going on in our subconscious minds. If we do not do this, those things will never go away and they will always affect us and drive our motivations in life without us really ever realizing it. Denial is a scary thing, it both protects us and prevents us from getting better. It is not at all easy, but if you can begin to deal with these things you will be so happy you did and you will increase your chances of having a good life ten fold. I am beginning to sound like a broken record as I have offered the same advice to others on this forum. I may be wrong about you, but it is at least worth considering and checking out. EMDR is a potentially very helpful therapy and has a good track record. It's too bad you are not still in college, all of this shit would be free.
Again, I'm glad to hear that you have come to the realization that depression and anxiety may be at the root of your problem. Both are extremely powerful ailments and can literally suck the life out of you. And, over time, they will do damage that is physiological/chemical, especially if you were self medicating, which many do when they are depressed and have anxiety.
In the short term, I would recommend that you stay away from drugs/alcohol, find an exercise program that works for you and stick with it(don't forget to stretch properly as it relieves tension, helps muscles heal, and stimulates GABA), find a healthy diet that works for you and eat regularly, and continue to build your social network and force yourself to hang out and have fun with friends as much as you can. Enjoyable social contact and challenging yourself socially is healing and may aid in neurogenesis.
I hear you on the pressures to be a typical male. I let that go a long time ago and it helped me tremendously. I think we are entering a time when it is more ok to be a sensitive man so you may find it easier now than it may have been in the past. Like the old cliche goes, just be yourself. This is always easier said than done, especially if we are not sure who we really are yet. Most of us spend a lifetime figuring that out or fooling ourselves into believing we have it figured out.
Edited by morganator, 13 May 2009 - 12:20 AM.