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brain fog, bad fatigue, please help

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#31 purerealm

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Posted 02 January 2006 - 06:02 AM

I was premature about a month, and born in a car. My mom said that my face was black when I came out. That sounds like oxygen deprivation to me. Anyone knowledgeable on this?

#32 sunny

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Posted 03 January 2006 - 07:26 AM

It sounds like serious lack of oxygen at birth. You should consult a doctor and ask for information on how your eventful birth may have and may still be affecting your health.

Maybe there is a connection with your lethargy and your lack of oxygen at birth. Is your mom aware of the way you are feeling now, or are you feeling better with the supplements you are taking?


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#33 th3hegem0n

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Posted 03 January 2006 - 08:20 AM

For the brain fog.

This is something that works for me, in cases of very persistent brain fog:

Pick someday (the sooner the better) and devote 5-8 hours to simply sitting and reading an entertaining, non-technical, fiction book. Read in a quiet place, and try not to take too many breaks.

If someone tries this, let me know how it works out for you.

#34 purerealm

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 08:05 AM

The strange thing is that when I was younger I was completely different. I used to be very aggressive but now it's as if I've burnt out. In more aspects than one. For example, I realized today that when I was younger I had a very very good imagination and could beat many opponents in basketball just through imagining the quickest and most effective route to the rim.
And now, I doubt myself before even making a step. In psychology I learned that kids with ADD sustain damage to white matter in their brains. I haven't looked too much into it but it sounds like a dopamine problem. It could also be something more psychological that's limiting my performance as an individual.

My parents know about my struggles with sleep and ADD, but we're not too close.

I think I just need to be more active, mainly through exercise. Sitting on my bum day after day probably hasn't helped with my problems through the years.

#35 orangish

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 04:04 PM

Hey Purerealm:
How's the treatment of the brain fog going? Well, I hope...
I can definitely empathize with the frustration you must be feeling. Your enigmatic symptoms strikes me as very similar to my own (what with the fatigue and inability to reach more complex thinking). How did your neurologist come to the conclusion that your adrenals were burned out? Did he/she test your hormonal levels? Did your cortisol show up normal? Before I went to see a neurologist who found that I had elevated growth hormone (and thus suggesting a possible diagnose of acromegaly, which makes NO SENSE), I assumed that burnt out adrenal glands (cause by excessive stress or what have you) would maybe not be indicated by the blood levels? But I have very little knowledge in the area...So I was wondering what medical indicators led/could lead to such a conclusion of burnt out adrenals, because many symptoms correlate with different diagnoses and I'm trying to untangle this whole mess.

I've personally tried tyrosine and ALCAR and COQ-10 and fish oil, and while they don't help so much with the clarity/level of thinking, at least give me more of a boost to produce and access my thoughts from the depths of muddledness. (ESPECIALLY i believe the coq-10 and ALCAR).

That's all I have for now, and it is purely based on my own experience, so maybe or maybe not you'll find it useful. Def. worth a shot...

#36 purerealm

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 10:23 PM

Thanks for the replies everyone. It's comforting just to know people are out there who have the same problems or sympathize.

I've never really tried COQ10 because I was under the impression that it was mainly used as an antioxidant while it's fat soluble cousin idebenone was used more as a nootropic. I've tried tyrosine and I think it helps a bit.

However, while my brief stint on adderall was good for stimulating my brain, which feels like it's half asleep all the time, I don't think my imagination really came back. Regardless, I'm going to need it again for motivation as a student. Without it, I don't even enjoy reading anymore, one of my favorite pasttimes.

So I suppose I might be doing something wrong here, or approaching the problem from a wrong angle. I still haven't exercised consistently so I guess it's trial and error.

And no the neurologist didn't do any tests on me except for a written questionnaire.

#37 brizel

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Posted 18 January 2006 - 06:34 AM


After reading your posts I would like to make a few suggestions:

1)I have found that the use of Wellbutrin (buproprion hcl) is an antidepressant in it own class being a (norephinephrine/dopamine reuptake inhibitor). This medication which works extremely well in conjunction with medication like adderall to improve focus in individuals with ADHD. Wellbutrin also has a CNS stimulating effect possible to improve your lethargy of what sounds like CFS

This would make an excellent adjunact for your treatment and you should run this by your neuroologist. Wellbutrin XL 150mg a day trial dose

2) The use of PROVIGIL (modafinil) which is a wakefulness-promoting agent use to treat excessive sleepiness caused by certain sleep disorders and commonly used off lablel for CFS. This medication can be use on your really low energy days. Once again ask your Primary medical doctor.

3)The amino acid dl-Phenylalanine is a combination of the well-tolerated essential amino acids, d- phenylalanine and l-phenylalaninel- Phenylalanine is a precursor to tyrosine, which converts to the neurotransmitters norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine and tyramine. Tyrosine and its metabolites may support emotional well-being, memory and learning. d-Phenylalanine may promote the levels of certain endorphins, thereby calming stress

4)For potental adrenal fatigue which I believe is just due to stress derived from you current life issue. This can be easly improve with the use of the following
>DHEA precursor hormone
>Rhodiola rosea, a Siberian plant also known as Golden root or Arctic root Rhodiola rosea has demonstrated a number of versatile properties. In particular, this includes helping to moderate the effects of occasional physical and emotional stress.
>Phosphatidylserine which has been shown to have a selective stress damping effect on the Pituitary-adrenal-axis

5) Just for the record Mercury toxicity testing is best done by a provocation test using DMSA (Chemet) or DMPS challenge following by a six hour urine collection first thing in the morning. Though I personally think this is not your issue


Medical Disclaimer:
This information is for educational purposes only. It should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation or the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider. Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new medical treatment.

#38 purerealm

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Posted 18 January 2006 - 06:15 PM

Thanks, I've always thought about using wellbutrin, especially because it seems like I also have a serotonin deficiency. Also, I have phenylalanine but never knew what to use it for in place of tyrosine. I also have dhea rhodiola and phosphatidylserine.

Ironically, last week I broke a thermometer in chem lab and the mercury vaporized instantly while I was standing close by.

Last night it was my birthday and I drank a lot of alcohol. I noted that in the morning after everybody else was cold but I was feeling almost unbearably warm. Alcohol-induced hyperthyroidism?

#39 xanadu

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Posted 18 January 2006 - 06:59 PM

How could mercury vaporise instantly? I doubt it was mercury if it did that.

#40 purerealm

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Posted 18 January 2006 - 07:17 PM

I broke it in a beaker that was boiling at a very hot temperature.

I'm dumbfounded by why I feel so warm on days after drinking. I've had several thyroid tests done and they usually come back negative.

#41 nootropicpete1

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Posted 10 May 2007 - 08:58 PM


How is your condition going for you?

I have exactly your symptoms if not worse.

#42 purerealm

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Posted 10 May 2007 - 09:42 PM

wow this thread is old. i'm not sure that the mercury vaporized, but i broke a thermometer in boiling water, which is why i was worrying about inhaling mercury fumes.

i've just sort of tried to accept my condition more or less. i know that something is not exactly right but i really have no idea what. i was blood tested about a year ago and it showed that i was pre-diabetic. but i was just tested again and my doctor said it wasn't really diabetic.

i've been exercising a lot more but at times my fatigue is very noticable and tiring. in addition i believe that something is wrong with my breathing. it seems to be alot more labored during strenuous exercise than my peers. physically i'm not out of shape so this is kind of a red flag. i just read some study linking apnea to add and i suspect that i may have a slight case of apnea due to my facial genetics.

#43 roidjoe

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Posted 11 May 2007 - 01:34 AM

Seems like stressor from social defeat and the continuance of the mental deterioration as a result of social defeat. Looks like you have developed some psychological problems as a result of this. I would look into a multi directional approach for your condition which would include topical or sublingual DHEA (20mg a day), 2g of EPA/DHA a day, inositol at 20g a day and possibly an amphetamine since you are taking it already.

It will take time for your brain to re-organize and restructure but as you improve your mind with the above stack and start to wander out into the world (we are social animals we need social contact or our mind breaks down) - you must also improve your body. A healthy mind is only the product of a healthy organism. Start working out immediately to get your self esteem higher and allow for self anti-depressive self healing to commence.

The situation seems fairly obvious.

#44 roidjoe

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Posted 11 May 2007 - 01:42 AM

The other obvious situation presented in this thread would be bracing as a result of social defeat. Social defeat can wreck havock on the mind and cause subconcious musclular tension within your body. I would suggest that you make sure that you are flexible and start cracking and stretching various parts of your body immediately. This would help flexibility and blood flow - which you are probably lacking do to chronic bracing. Make sure you are not hunching. Make sure you do not have a hiatal hernia - if you have acid reflux i would suggest looking into this as it can be a major problem since the vagus nerve runs right along the esophagus.

Make sure you are in touch with your body. Start streching. Make sure you can touch your toes. Crack your back, joints, do body squats. Start to go to the gym. Before you can mentally heal your must physically heal. I cannot stress how critical this is - your situation may be as simple as an alignment problem causing continuous social defeat.

Otherwise the stack above is advisable as is making lifting weights a priority.

#45 roidjoe

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Posted 11 May 2007 - 01:50 AM

I find that pychedelics (marijuana, lsd, psilocybin) and a good hour or two of stretching and getting in touch with your body to be above all else for mental health. I would add some vinpocetine for it's caspase-3 cytoprotective effect. Perhaps 5mg each time you smoke.

Make sure you have proper alignment!!

Edited by roidjoe, 11 May 2007 - 02:04 AM.

#46 luv2increase

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Posted 11 May 2007 - 02:34 AM

Don't recommend people to take psychedelics here.

#47 roidjoe

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Posted 11 May 2007 - 02:48 AM

Don't recommend people to take psychedelics here.

Opinions are welcome, lies are not.

#48 purerealm

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Posted 11 May 2007 - 04:55 AM

Some people get afterglows from using psychedelics, i'm the complete opposite. i find that all my negativity really comes out when i'm tripping, and when paired together with psychosis can affect my psyche in a really bad way.

could you explain why you included DHEA, EPA, vinpocetine etc?

#49 purerealm

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Posted 19 May 2007 - 01:18 AM

update: for the past few weeks (or months or years) I've been feeling pissed off, slightly depressed, pretty anxious, my voice had a flat affect (problem has been going on for a while now), and also very weak resonance (very introverted, quiet, like my inner core wanted to explode out of my shell of an existence) , I could feel my psyche rot from lack of mental/social stimulation.

Today I went to the gym for an earnest workout session, and already I feel much better, my voice has much more power, my confidence is a lot better, basically i went from feeling like crap to feeling content. There's no doubt in my mind that if I keep this up, I will gain vastly improved benefits(this is only 1 workout session). I am feeling extremely optimistic about this pathway out, that all of my problems have been tied to low testosterone (or some sort of deficiency in a vital hormone).

i'll keep you guys updated

#50 purerealm

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Posted 19 May 2007 - 01:22 AM

Oh and btw, I have been doing cardio on and off in the form of basketball, and I would feel content afterwards, but definitely nowhere near lifting weights.
I believe cardio reduces testosterone, while lifting weights does the reverse

#51 meatwad

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Posted 19 May 2007 - 01:27 AM

Stretching is seconded.

Psychedelics would only be useful if it MOTIVATES you to do continuous stretching and/or exercise.

If you need drugs to exercise, then do drugs. Thats my opinion. If a vicodin gets you up and doing leg kicks, then pop the pills.

I am not going to agree with cardio reducing testosterone. Lifting weights CAN give a boost of testosterone though.

#52 nootropicpete1

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Posted 01 June 2007 - 01:25 AM


how hard is it to do your HW, do you do thing at the last minute under pressure and force yourself to concentrate with really strong persistence almost wanting to give up but keep going?

Cause this is the only way i could do HW. I would always do it late or never do it.

I could never pay attention in class.

By the way, i am 17 and i am about to (hopefully) graduate high school (border line passing)

Yes working out helps your physical conditions, but i can garantuee it won't help you pay attention in class and do your HW. I know from 2 years of experience. Infact, it made me concentrate more on my body then on HW

Food allergies is a HUGE factor. I improved my poor sleeping and and daytime sleepiness/tiredness by eliminating sugar, caffeine, wheat, eggs, and milk. I discovered i am allergic to all of them. Also, all refined, packaged, fast foods, and restaurant foods should be avoided. Over time your body autoimmunes these allergic reactions and causes fatigue and sleepiness. Eliminating these foods, i can garuantee you, you will feel better, lighter, and your mood will be ten times better. Your mood is probably the most important factor for studying and doing your HW. You will only realize the huge difference by trying it.

Again. Avoid all these foods below.

all refined, packaged, fast foods, and restaurant foods

And yes, social defeat is another problem and you may have been not good socially as a child so even though you learned how to be more social now, the mental detoriation, fog, and slow thinking/listening you have reached is too overbearing for you too start making friends now. So, don't worry about friends yet. (I had the same problem, and just right now i am realizing how to fix this problem)

Fix this problem. Give yourself 4 weeks, attempt this diet, and continue weight training.

I am actaully seeing a neurologist right now and trying to figure my problem. One thing of note is that i never drank alcohol, smoked, or did other drugs; so maybe your problem could be related to withdrawal and/or your body not being able to handle such toxins.

Please take in mind that at 16-19 years old is the most depressive and confusing time for teens whether or not they have friends. If they don't have friends but they would like to (as in they are not nerds, have aspengers, or get high off schoolwork) they have it the worst off. We are those people that are worst off. At this age, the brain loses nuerons and news ones are built, especially in the prefrontal cortex, which is important for time awareness, attention, and doing things for the future, which of all are severely impaired at this time of age. So, don't be scared of the future being the same. It will get better. Your body heals, you just have to give it time. And your brain is maturing. So try to stay positive. I know how hard it is. I am still not positive and confused. I am trying to do everything I can. I am barely managing to do some work along the way. And i am absolutely not productive. I have little productive moments and self-motivate/self-hypnose myself to do productive things. But, it doesn't always work.

Heavy metal toxicity - get checked and find homeopathic doctor that offers chelation therapy

Brain parasites, bacteria, fungi - infrared saunas

I am still in the process of figuring out the ultimate solution to my problem. If I knew what was causing my problem, it would be much easier. But I don't, so we both have only one choice. To do as many tests and put together nutritional therapies.

So, you are not alone. Trust me!!

Edited by nootropicpete1, 01 June 2007 - 01:53 AM.

#53 purerealm

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Posted 01 June 2007 - 01:29 AM

yeah im the same way, i was raised with a strong work ethic but my body just can't seem to keep up. now im taking my wellbeing into mmore consideration because the stress just isn't worth it. in fact im thinking the stress is one of the underlying causes

#54 nootropicpete1

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Posted 01 June 2007 - 01:54 AM

yes reread my post above. i edited it.

#55 nootropicpete1

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Posted 01 June 2007 - 01:58 AM

Stretching is seconded.

Psychedelics would only be useful if it MOTIVATES you to do continuous stretching and/or exercise.

If you need drugs to exercise, then do drugs. Thats my opinion. If a vicodin gets you up and doing leg kicks, then pop the pills.

I am not going to agree with cardio reducing testosterone. Lifting weights CAN give a boost of testosterone though.

cardio before weight training, or long duration cardio WILL lower testosterone levels. But bicycling uphill, sprinting, or rowing will most likely increase testosterone levels. Lose fat = drop in testosterone levels. Lose calories/energy = drop in testosterone levels.

#56 purerealm

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Posted 04 June 2007 - 07:21 PM

i can't take amphetamines anymore my tolerance has rendered it ineffective for me except at toxic doses.. i still take it at times when i am absolutely devoid of motivation but i try to keep that at a minimum

you make some good points nootropic pete it'll be hard avoiding all those foods it'll be like eating vegetables and meats only maybe i'll get around to trying it out... what's the neurologist say?

#57 chilie lips

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Posted 05 June 2007 - 02:06 AM

Sounds to me like you have more of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Take your temp. in the mourning ( it should be between 98.0- and 98.6). Your sweating alot because your norepinephrine levels are too high due to low thyroid. You could also have adrenal fatigue which would further increase your norepinephrine levels thus reducing levels of both dopamine and serotonin. Being able to function " normally" is highly dependant on your adrenal and thyroid hormones.

#58 nootropicpete1

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Posted 05 June 2007 - 05:33 AM

i thought pure realm got checked for hypothoroid. Adrenal fatigue is when there is too much stress. All you need is joyful exersice for adrenal fatigue (basketball, tenis, weight lifting ext.) - phosphiditalserine helps also.

#59 purerealm

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Posted 05 June 2007 - 06:45 AM

I believe it's chronic fatigue syndrome, when i do intense exercising i'll be so tired i'll have to lie in bed for the rest of the day, my brain fog suggests hypothyroid but i'm very heat intolerant

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#60 nootropicpete1

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Posted 06 June 2007 - 03:52 AM

yep.........it probably is.......but.........how long have you consistently worked out?

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