Will Weyl Fermionics replace electronics for computing?
Posted 09 August 2015 - 02:07 PM
Posted 27 October 2016 - 07:53 PM
I read the phys.org link. There is also wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.../Weyl_semimetal
I suppose the first things that come to mind, are what nifty electron things could be accomplished differently with Weyl fermions, like novel electromagnetism ( does the EM field have different volumetric depth with WF, could things like motors be different, or fMRI or TMS with rodlike magnetic fields?
Also, does the double slit experiment change with these WF (electronlike) particles, they are kind of like chiral electrons, so they might have much higher resolution. Also, anything that further elucidates the delayed quantum eraser experiment (like doing it with WF) could be really really valuable.
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