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Colloidal minerals

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#1 bipolar

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Posted 28 September 2005 - 09:15 AM

What the heck are colloidal minerals? Is there something to it, or is it a marketing scam?

#2 scottl

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Posted 28 September 2005 - 10:56 AM

What the heck are colloidal minerals? Is there something to it, or is it a marketing scam?

marketing scam

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#3 biknut

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Posted 28 September 2005 - 02:21 PM

colloidal silver woks well for bacterial infections. i cured a nagging sinus infection in about two months that had been plaguing me for over 2 yrs. my wife cured a bladder infection in about 2 weeks. it worked just as good as the antibiotics that a doctor prescribed previously for the same problem, maybe better because it has never come back. it also kills warts and fungus.

i doesn't seem to have much effect on viruses like the flue. i don't think it works very well or at all on virus's.

i just read a article yesterday that said that colloidal silver is now becoming a lot more accepted by science and doctors. that's a real laugh considering that before the 30's silver was one of the number one antibiotics, before penicillin.

the good thing about colloidal silver is it has few side effects and you can't overdose on it. it's a little on the expensive side.

#4 scottl

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Posted 28 September 2005 - 02:58 PM

Colloidal silver is a different animall he is talking about trace minerals not colloidal silver e.g. dead doctors don't lie or whatever the tape going around was.

Colloidal silver was used...for many many years. BE VERY CAREFUL of the dose though. I"ve read warnings that too high a dose can result in staining your skin permanently blueish.

Biknut welcome to iminst but please be careful what you post.

#5 biknut

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Posted 28 September 2005 - 04:05 PM


thank you for the welcome. i think this is one of the better forums on the internet.

as far as turning blue from colloidal silver, forget about it. that was a problem a long time ago, but not with colloidal silver. there used to be a lot of other products on the market that used silver. some of them could cause your skin to turn blue. now days i don't think you could find any of them for sale. modern manufacturing techniques are so good now that the molecules of silver are so small that they cannot be trapped in your skin. the condition of blue skin did not cause any harm to the people that it happened to, but i don't think they liked the way it looked and it was permanent.

#6 ajnast4r

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Posted 28 September 2005 - 04:17 PM

the good thing about colloidal silver is it has few side effects and you can't overdose on it. it's a little on the expensive side.

that is 100% INCORRECT

as far as turning blue from colloidal silver, forget about it. that was a problem a long time ago, but not with colloidal silver. there used to be a lot of other products on the market that used silver. some of them could cause your skin to turn blue. now days i don't think you could find any of them for sale. modern manufacturing techniques are so good now that the molecules of silver are so small that they cannot be trapped in your skin. the condition of blue skin did not cause any harm to the people that it happened to, but i don't think they liked the way it looked and it was permanent.

again you are incorrect, silver/blue skin is a side effect of silver poisoning...which is a VERY real possibility from over-use of colloidal silver.

BE VERY CAREFUL of the dose though. .

i agree w/ scott colloidal minerals are a marketing scam

collidal silver is poisonous at high enough doses, or when used at low doses for extended periods of time. 35PPM max, twice a day, for 10 days is the MAX you should be using it... anything else and you risk silver poisoning.

colloidal silver is obsolete, its just not that effective when compared to thing like citricidal(nutribiotics stabilized grapefruit seed extract)... its more effective part per part than BLEACH, and is still active in extremely minute quantities....+ the citricidal runs no risk of toxicity

#7 icyT

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Posted 02 October 2005 - 06:12 PM

I've never seen any good arguments for colloidal silver.

In fact, all I've seen are a bunch of testimonials which are probably fanatics with placebo complexes, or who have other health beneficial practises going on that cure it and they attribute it to the silver.

What are some good arguments for colloidal silver? Even a theory will do, anything.

#8 Pablo M

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Posted 03 October 2005 - 01:47 AM

Wondering what everyone thinks about trace minerals (from salt lake sources). I was looking at the nutrient content and they seem really good.

#9 icyT

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Posted 03 October 2005 - 02:21 AM

I've seen shoddy stuff about colloidal gold too. Heh.

#10 biknut

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Posted 03 October 2005 - 04:12 AM

this has some interesting facts about silver and colloidal silver especially the new curad bandages.


#11 rfarris

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Posted 03 October 2005 - 04:26 AM

this has some interesting facts about silver and colloidal silver especially the new curad bandages.

That is interesting. I followed the link from there to the Earth's Finest Silver 100 page, where they stated:

"100% safe: Delivers less silver than you may be getting with your everyday drinking water..."

Doesn't that sound screwy? "Hey, our stuff that we're going to charge a lot of money for has far less content than what you're already getting in your tap water..." Go figure.

-- Rick

#12 biknut

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Posted 03 October 2005 - 04:36 AM

yea, that stuff is a ionic silver product. from what i've read ionic silver isn't any good. ionic silver isn't the same thing as colloidal silver though.

#13 icyT

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Posted 04 October 2005 - 09:43 PM

I think it's ALL shit.

#14 joee

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Posted 15 October 2005 - 04:23 AM

No, its definatly not.

Coloidal silver binds exceptionally well to the proteins/enzymes that many microorganisms utilize for reproduction. It basically neuters them.

If you dont believe me, ask ANY doctor why the number one perscribed topical cream for burn victims is silver sulfadiazine.

The stuff works like nothing else!

#15 hmaxim

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Posted 10 February 2006 - 04:29 PM

The nice thing about colloidal silver for me is that I KNOW it works, and I don't care who believes it Now, there is a learning curve, and there is a ton of bad info out there. I suggest you visit the Yahoo group for colloidal silver users. There is more info there than you can read in a year. Silver is used by orthodox medicine even today, primarily for burns. It is even used to purify water in community resevoirs and onboard the International Space Station. There are numerous example of its use in mainstream arenas. The problem is, the FDA and the drug companies don't want you reducing your cash flow to Merk and Libby. I do not suggest that it is a panacea for all ills, that would be stupid. But it is very effective . Like Henry Ford said " ask the man who owns one ".

#16 biknut

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Posted 10 February 2006 - 05:44 PM

I've drank gallons of colloidal silver. It does work for bacterial infections, but not very well for virus infections like the flu.

It will remove wort's if you can keep it applied.

If you spray it on wounds they heal faster.

Real colloidal silver will not turn you blue.

There's a lot of crap said about colloidal silver but it's not true.

#17 hmaxim

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Posted 14 February 2006 - 04:38 PM

I have had it work for viruses. The important thing is to have real good quality CS. A lot of homebrew can be junk if you do not have the proper equipment.

#18 biknut

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Posted 14 February 2006 - 05:45 PM

I think it can help with viruses, but mainly indirectly. Colloidal silver gives a boost to your immune system by killing bacteria so your body has more strength to fight viruses. I think it does kill some viruses, but it's just not as big a killer of them as it is to bacterial infections.

#19 hmaxim

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Posted 15 February 2006 - 03:09 PM

Here is a recent news article on silver and viruses:


In fact, many people worldwide who are gearing up for the Bird Flu will be using CS as a frontline defense. I'm one of them. There are forums devoted to CS entirely. Yahoo has a good one. If anyone is truely interested in learning about CS, that would be a good place to browse. Again, your CS has to be made properly, or it is as useless as plain water against microbes. But,fortunetly, it is easy to make high quality CS.

#20 biknut

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Posted 15 February 2006 - 03:56 PM

hmaxim, that's really interesting. It's great to see some meaningful research being done on CS after all these years.

Another good thing about CS is nothing can develop resistance to it.

#21 sentrysnipe

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Posted 15 February 2006 - 06:08 PM

Zinc lozenges work well for mild colds. Ginger acts as an expectorant. But I'd say Pau D'Arco ground bark tea for the win, bar none. Nothing beats this comprehensive tea.

#22 simple

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Posted 15 February 2006 - 07:55 PM

Please, gent's, we are loosing track of the original question, colloidal minerals are any minerals that are small enough to remain suspended in water and large enough to be hold or filtered by a membrane. Coloidal minerals are present in nature in a free form, and marketing scams have quoted unreal story's in order to sale it as a " cure it all snake oil", on the other hand trace mineral supplementation is not necesarily bad for you, many times needed, the easiest way is to have your doctor run a test if your body needs basic trace minerals. Any mineral that you add to your body will change the chemical composition of your body fluids.

Silver ions are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, its salts and metal has been used for medicinal purposes, documented for at least 2000 yrs, still, abuse its consumption and you will see the effects on the dark patches (min. accum.) on your skin.

Current test are being done about its use on AIDS, (Univ of Texas and Univ of Mexico) sample test shows it kills AIDS virus in 3 hours, but it is different when applied to a petri dish, that trying to have it on your organism.

BIKNUT, you can get rid of your warts by using an stick of Silver Sulfate, wet it and apply it to the wart. Any type of Silver that you take in excess WILL colorate your skin, by the way if your colloidal drink is sligthly yellowish, it is because of the amounts of unidentified ORGANIC matter (bugs, leafs....) on your drink, true colloidal should be whitish and taste acidic or alkaline .

TYCIOL, coloidal, ionic, nano ( gold ) is currently been studied for aplication on cancer treatments

#23 biknut

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Posted 16 February 2006 - 12:21 AM

simple, That's some good information about CS.

I've had success removing a wart by applying CS to the pad on a band-aid and placing the band-aid over the wort. I changed it about 4 times a day. It took a while but finally killed it.

I've read that well made CS will never color your skin because the silver is to small to be trapped in a cell. It's mainly other types of silver products that cause these kind of problems.

#24 simple

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Posted 16 February 2006 - 05:46 PM

BIKNUT sorry I gave you the wrong information, you want to look for stick of SILVER NITRATE not Silver sulfate, wet the tip and apply to wart, not the sorrounding area, it will burn it off (no pain) in 2 to 3 days, next week I am going to Mexico, will look in the pharmacies.

Ionic Silver or silver ions is the "dissolved silver" that you want to get I do not trust the CS drinks or leache drinks available, but it is not a cure it all, silver does not boost your inmune system, but it does eliminates any bugs in contact, play it safe, purchase a good set iron pots and pans, trow away all the aluminum and teflon, buy a good expensive set of silver dining ware and use daily the iron pots and the silverware, you wont need to supplement, enough traces of silver and iron will go in to your daily diet. :)

#25 syr_

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Posted 17 February 2006 - 01:07 PM

play it safe, purchase a good set iron pots and pans, trow away all the aluminum and teflon, buy a good expensive set of silver dining ware and use daily the iron pots and the silverware, you wont need to supplement, enough traces of silver and iron will go in to your daily diet. :)

very interesting ideas :)

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#26 simple

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Posted 17 February 2006 - 09:07 PM

SYR, please look in antiquity, on relation to use of silverware by noble class, the beliefs of the medical group of those ages, also take a look at lead and the fall of Roman Empire, and more recently Autism and the Mercury Salts used as preservatives on vaccines

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