Yes, the difference between us is in what we mean by identity.E.g. what what makes us.According to you, something build from atoms, that is the same with you, is actually you.According to me, this is simply illogical. Two twins are not one and the same person.I like youhope that in the future the quantum archaeology grid will be built for each human individual, who ever lived, to the tiniest details (on the level of atoms perhaps), and microrobots will be able to build them. But the fact itself, that they will be build using your model, means, that this is a copy of you. The same as printing a book thousands of times.
I don't agree, that interchangability of atoms is an argument on your side. Two atoms of oxygen are interchangable in function, but not in identity. You can't say this atom is the other atom. The first atom is not the other atom ofcourse.And Ettinger writes many things about the identity, but as you know, he has saved his original parts via cryonicsand he has done this in order his original body to be revived, not in order for him to be copy-pasted. If he wanted simply to be copy-pasted, he would make for example a full body MRI, instead of cryonizing himself.
On your example on the personal level, you mess up law definition of identity with the biological identity. These two are different, and can't be compared.By the way, what is ment by "the Ship of Theseus" in yor philosophy?
what do you mean what makes us?
Is this a religious view?
ie do yo think we are made?
You are correct in that the new you is a copy of the old you at the moment of death.
But I argue that 1. the pattern or function is what you are, and that is essentially your memories, both reactive and complex.
2. Copying happens as pasrt of biological human process of life, and you are copies dilay without losing your identity, in the same way that a ship is repaired regularly but still is the same ship -->Ship of Theseus)
Let me ask you a different question from the one that is unresolvable between us:
What makes one person different from another?
Twins speraye the moment the fertilised egg sp[lit ontp two distinct embryos.
From that point 2 people are formed.
However that ios not the copying proposed by Quantum Archaeology.
QA proposes calculating in the way Feydor guessed could happen, by working out a scientific description of the person and building him back to life with continuance of memory.
The fact Ettinger saved bodiy parts is irrelevant po the logic of the argument of identity.
But you are right, Ettinger warned that Quantum Archaeology only gave the map and the map is not the territory.
The map is not but a recipie is the plan of the cake.
the deep issue is how accurate do you need to copy to say this is the man reborn?
I assert it is only t the smallest re;levant size.
Anything smaller than 5 nanomters is presently thought not to affect a person when smaller parts are swapped for similar ones.
It is the archtecture that makles the man.
The man is his function.
Indeed his function is his pattern.
and ion p-sychological terms, his patterns is his mind.
Hios mind is the workings of his brain in its body and nourishing envrinment.
Alternately, Superintelligence will resurrect every person and every possible person,
in every possible scenario.
Your deceased person must have some combination pof designs and therefroe would be resrected at teh Tipler Omega point (Tipler)
I calculatre thjis point--the Singularity- will come when A.I. is self-aware and more intelligent than us in a general sense, and can modify itself in an acceleration.
That point will be during 2022.
Edited by the hanged man, 12 September 2015 - 08:07 PM.