I have personally found that taking 3ml C60 in Olive Oil twice daily along with 5 mg Epitalon twice daily has a very profound impact on how I feel.
I also find that my recovery time after a hard workout is vastly reduced, in fact I have to be careful not to train again too soon because I do not want to over train.
At 63 years old and having trained regularly for over 45 years I feel I have a pretty good idea how my body responds to training and what my recovery rate is, so I think it is a safe bet that the C60 and Epitalon are improving my physical capacity, but other than feeling 15 years younger and seeing some very slight reductions in facial "crows foot" wrinkles I don't have anything concrete.
But this is still the first 30 days of this protocol.
I put the C60 in my protein shakes (without any added fiber) and I dissolve the Epitalon in DMSO and apply to inner forearm. May try Sub Q for the Epitalon but so far the DMSO is doing the trick.
I almost forgot one thing - WOOD MULTIPLE TIMES EVERY DAY 
At 63 years old that is worth mentioning.
Edited by 4ever_young, 27 October 2015 - 04:10 PM.