Another study claiming great was result made by usa university not by korean like the others
Im pretty sure the problem is that there is a lot of confusion regarding dosage and difference between silk, bf-7, silk fibroin protein enzymatic hydrolysate.
https://www.omicsonl...460-1000163.pdf Was done in india, and they used a slik protein called Sericin. Here the conclusion: Silk Protein and its derivatives such as Sericin and Fibroin and Silk peptides can be thought of as potential compounds for treatment of cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, which of course need further investigations.
Silk extract contain even 1-deoxynojirimycin
Here another study results: The memory quotient (MQ) is the most direct index reflecting memorization ability. The average MQ of the test group was around 106.6, and it increased significantly to about 125.2 after administration of SFH for 3 weeks ( Fig. 2 , p < 0.001), but not in the placebo group.
"In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that the enzyme hydrolysate of silk fibroin can enhance the cognitive function of normal individuals. This hydrolysate is a mixture of functional peptides. Among these peptides, we first identified three memory-enhancing peptides (GAGAGTGSSGFGPY, GAGAGSGAGSGAGAGSGAGAGY, and SGAGSGAGAGSGAGAGSGA) from enzyme hydrolysate of silk fibroin. These three synthetic peptides alone can improve memory impairments in mice. The amino acid structure of these three peptides might aid in the ongoing investigation into the pharmaceutical capabilities of silk fibroin."
BF-7 SEEMS TO BE ONLY ONE OF THE HUNDREDS PEPTIDES in silk and maybe one of the 8 in silk hydrolysate
Not only usa and india did not use bf-7 but silk extraxt with different proteins and peptides, but even everyone here used swanson brand which is crap. But guess what swanson claim: "NeuroSilk with Brain Factor-7" it does not say that its only bf-7, its says "neurosilf features bf-7" so maybe there is like only 10mg of bf-7 for each 200mg pill we cant know it.
There are too many study made by too many univerisity to belive this is just a scam, and all the people here claiming 0 effect took swanson’s "neurosilk".
In the reddit post the commets deal with "Natrol Cognium® ", which like swanson could be a scam, but it does not mean bf-7 or slik extract is a scam.
I think we need to get the same "silk fibroin protein enzymatic hydrolysate" used by in the usa study which should contain all the 8 core peptide for memory
Unless we find a good brand I think the only way to be sure to get the best and all the core peptides is to use real silk:
We prepared SFH according to a previously described method [27] . Briefly, silk cocoons were boiled in a solution of 0.03% sodium carbonate and 0.05% marseilles soap for 30 min to remove dirt and sericin. Cocoons were then washed with distilled water and dried at room temperature. Dried fibroin fibers were dissolved and partially hydrolyzed by adding them to a 5 M CaCl 2 solution and boiling the fibers for 1 h. The dissolved fibroin solution was cooled to 30℃ and filtered with Whatman No. 1 filter paper. The filtrate was then transferred to a cellulose dialysis membrane. Salts were completely removed by dialysis, and the solution was then mixed with protease, followed by separation and purification of the protein portion (MW 500-5,000 Da) using Sephadex G-25 gel-filtration chromatography.
Edited by Painkillerrr, 21 August 2018 - 09:55 AM.