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Brain Factor-7 (BF-7) as a nootropic

bf-7 nootropic cognition bombyx mori cera-q silk fibroin neurosilk

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#91 Baten

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Posted 19 November 2015 - 12:53 PM

Seriously one of the most chaotic threads ever.


Anyway, Swanson was having a sale, was considering buying these BF-7 capsules but so far no one is that excited about them I gather? Research looks promising but if the proclaimed effects aren't there, I guess I might as well pass.

Edited by Baten, 19 November 2015 - 12:54 PM.

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#92 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 21 November 2015 - 04:32 AM

I don't get these people who aren't getting any "effect" from this peptide. 


If you're looking to get high go smoke some psychoactive substance or something that affects neurotransmitter levels. This compound (according to what research I've seen) has no effect on DA, 5-HT, and NE levels. 


More of this limitless idiocy abound.

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#93 lostfalco

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Posted 23 November 2015 - 10:01 PM

Well, my 4 week, 400mg/day experiment is finished. None of my established baseline scores on any cambridgebrainsciences games changed and I didn't notice any subject effects positive or negative.


I'll probably give BF-7 another try in the future and mess around with dosages and combos with other things but for this first experiment I just wanted to stick to doses close to the ones stated in the studies. I look forward to hearing how everyone else's experiments go! As always, ymmv. =)

Edited by lostfalco, 23 November 2015 - 10:02 PM.

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#94 normalizing

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Posted 25 November 2015 - 12:08 AM

whats next for you falco?

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#95 William Sterog

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Posted 16 November 2017 - 04:53 PM

Sorry for resurrecting such an old thread. What happened with this? Total scam? Faked research? I was unable to find additional information. 

#96 Amorphous

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Posted 17 November 2017 - 09:31 PM

I've tried this for a while. Could 't tell if there was any effect after 3 months. Totally forget about this supplement. 


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#97 William Sterog

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Posted 18 November 2017 - 09:30 AM

I researched it a little more and... It is a scam. 



#98 Painkillerrr

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Posted 21 August 2018 - 09:07 AM

Another study claiming great was result made by usa university not by korean like the others


Im pretty sure the problem is that there is a lot of confusion regarding dosage and difference between silk, bf-7, silk fibroin protein enzymatic hydrolysate.

This https://www.omicsonl...460-1000163.pdf Was done in india, and they used a slik protein called Sericin. Here the conclusion: Silk Protein and its derivatives such as Sericin and Fibroin and Silk peptides can be thought of as potential compounds for treatment of cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, which of course need further investigations.

Silk extract contain even 1-deoxynojirimycin https://www.ncbi.nlm...xicr-29-263.pdf

Here another study results: The memory quotient (MQ) is the most direct index reflecting memorization ability. The average MQ of the test group was around 106.6, and it increased significantly to about 125.2 after administration of SFH for 3 weeks ( Fig. 2 , p < 0.001), but not in the placebo group.
"In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that the enzyme hydrolysate of silk fibroin can enhance the cognitive function of normal individuals. This hydrolysate is a mixture of functional peptides. Among these peptides, we first identified three memory-enhancing peptides (GAGAGTGSSGFGPY, GAGAGSGAGSGAGAGSGAGAGY, and SGAGSGAGAGSGAGAGSGA) from enzyme hydrolysate of silk fibroin. These three synthetic peptides alone can improve memory impairments in mice. The amino acid structure of these three peptides might aid in the ongoing investigation into the pharmaceutical capabilities of silk fibroin."
BF-7 SEEMS TO BE ONLY ONE OF THE HUNDREDS PEPTIDES in silk and maybe one of the 8 in silk hydrolysate

Not only usa and india did not use bf-7 but silk extraxt with different proteins and peptides, but even everyone here used swanson brand which is crap. But guess what swanson claim: "NeuroSilk with Brain Factor-7" it does not say that its only bf-7, its says "neurosilf features bf-7" so maybe there is like only 10mg of bf-7 for each 200mg pill we cant know it.

There are too many study made by too many univerisity to belive this is just a scam, and all the people here claiming 0 effect took swanson’s "neurosilk".

In the reddit post the commets deal with "Natrol Cognium® ", which like swanson could be a scam, but it does not mean bf-7 or slik extract is a scam.

I think we need to get the same "silk fibroin protein enzymatic hydrolysate" used by in the usa study which should contain all the 8 core peptide for memory

Unless we find a good brand I think the only way to be sure to get the best and all the core peptides is to use real silk:

We prepared SFH according to a previously described method [27] . Briefly, silk cocoons were boiled in a solution of 0.03% sodium carbonate and 0.05% marseilles soap for 30 min to remove dirt and sericin. Cocoons were then washed with distilled water and dried at room temperature. Dried fibroin fibers were dissolved and partially hydrolyzed by adding them to a 5 M CaCl 2 solution and boiling the fibers for 1 h. The dissolved fibroin solution was cooled to 30℃ and filtered with Whatman No. 1 filter paper. The filtrate was then transferred to a cellulose dialysis membrane. Salts were completely removed by dialysis, and the solution was then mixed with protease, followed by separation and purification of the protein portion (MW 500-5,000 Da) using Sephadex G-25 gel-filtration chromatography.

Edited by Painkillerrr, 21 August 2018 - 09:55 AM.

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#99 William Sterog

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Posted 21 August 2018 - 11:16 AM

This is very interesting Painkillerrr. Is there any way to obtain this? Why don't you publish all of this in the nootropics subreddit? Companies usually come there to research their market.

#100 Painkillerrr

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Posted 21 August 2018 - 11:57 AM

If you know me on reddit you know i have published many potential usefull stuff, but i please you not to do that. Why? Cause reddit is more noob-friendly, which means more people without any "research" about nootropic would possibly get this nice nootropic without any "work", i wested so much time on nootropics in general and the idea that someone could benifit by work without putting effort in it makes me wonder why im here posting and helping people without almost nothing in return, i created a subreddit myself where i post interesting substances and i linked it to people i know. I think you can understand, you have written 321 here.

By company you mean ceretropic, i dont want to help them since they are even the mods of r/nootropics which means they can easly delete post and stuff against their company.

Leave r/nootropics to the "racetams community"

#101 William Sterog

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Posted 21 August 2018 - 12:07 PM

If you know me on reddit you know i have published many potential usefull stuff, but i please you not to do that. Why? Cause reddit is more noob-friendly, which means more people without any "research" about nootropic would possibly get this nice nootropic without any "work", i wested so much time on nootropics in general and the idea that someone could benifit by work without putting effort in it makes me wonder why im here posting and helping people without almost nothing in return, i created a subreddit myself where i post interesting substances and i linked it to people i know. I think you can understand, you have written 321 here.

By company you mean ceretropic, i dont want to help them since they are even the mods of r/nootropics which means they can easly delete post and stuff against their company.

Leave r/nootropics to the "racetams community"

I totally understand your feelings, I wonder the same kind of thing sometimes. But I think that, in some cases, you need to convince large amounts of people in order to make some supplement affordable and available, that is how I convinced MYASD to sell Polygala; and I would like to also see Ziziphus Jujuba and Silk peptides from reputable sources. I do believe that ND/Ceretropic is one of them, you may disagree, but I have no reasons yet to distrust them. It is true that I have worked with them briefly, so I may be biased.

#102 Painkillerrr

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Posted 21 August 2018 - 01:23 PM

There is no need to convince anyone here this is not like nsi or cx717 it seems to be commonly used and already sold in asian country by many brand

#103 William Sterog

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Posted 21 August 2018 - 04:05 PM

There is no need to convince anyone here this is not like nsi or cx717 it seems to be commonly used and already sold in asian country by many brand

I'm unable to find any good food grade source. I have found this:


It is fairly cheap, but I don't know about eating it...

#104 Painkillerrr

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Posted 21 August 2018 - 11:48 PM

Here another sutdy: https://www.jstage.j...7/_pdf/-char/en funded by the ministry of commerce, industry and energy and rural development administation. Now i really doubt that korean public administration has started 20 years ago a massive scam for a random nootropic and that they would have currupted not only reasercher in korea but even i india and usa just for a unknown nootropic.

Edited by Painkillerrr, 21 August 2018 - 11:50 PM.

#105 William Sterog

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Posted 22 August 2018 - 05:30 AM

Here another sutdy: https://www.jstage.j...7/_pdf/-char/en funded by the ministry of commerce, industry and energy and rural development administation. Now i really doubt that korean public administration has started 20 years ago a massive scam for a random nootropic and that they would have currupted not only reasercher in korea but even i india and usa just for a unknown nootropic.

Even the USA research was done by Yong Koo Kang, almost every single research was done by him. Including this one that you link, which doesn't look very good:

Authors’ Comments:
We deeply regret that part of the experimental data we previously published in the
Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 8, 173-179, August (2004) was
included in the above-mentioned article by mistake.
Therefore, we would like to withdraw this article written by Dao Kyong Kim, Yong
Koo Kang, Moo Yeol Lee, Kwang-Gill Lee, Joo-Hong Yeo, Won Bok Lee, Yong Sik
Kim, and Sung Su Kim from the Journal of Health Science.
Sung Su Kim
Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Korea
September 15, 2009
Editorial Decision:
The Editorial Committee decided to approve the authors’ request to withdraw this
Editorial Committee of Journal of Health Science (September 15, 2009)

#106 Painkillerrr

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Posted 22 August 2018 - 09:32 AM

Even the USA research was done by Yong Koo Kang, almost every single research was done by him. Including this one that you link, which doesn't look very good:

Authors’ Comments:
We deeply regret that part of the experimental data we previously published in the
Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 8, 173-179, August (2004) was
included in the above-mentioned article by mistake.
Therefore, we would like to withdraw this article written by Dao Kyong Kim, Yong
Koo Kang, Moo Yeol Lee, Kwang-Gill Lee, Joo-Hong Yeo, Won Bok Lee, Yong Sik
Kim, and Sung Su Kim from the Journal of Health Science.
Sung Su Kim
Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Korea
September 15, 2009
Editorial Decision:
The Editorial Committee decided to approve the authors’ request to withdraw this
Editorial Committee of Journal of Health Science (September 15, 2009)

Strange for sure, but it does not say they have falsified or crated any fake any data.

Here i see one one made on bf-7 and he has done other stuff: https://www.research...7_Yong_Koo_Kang

The real deal with this is how is this bf-7 is suppose to work, they just say enhanced blood flow to the brain and protection against ab toxicity which is good but i dont think this is enough to enhance iq

Bf-7 wa used in a nature study: https://media.nature...2010.281-s1.pdf

Edited by Painkillerrr, 22 August 2018 - 09:43 AM.

#107 William Sterog

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Posted 22 August 2018 - 02:43 PM

Strange for sure, but it does not say they have falsified or crated any fake any data.

Here i see one one made on bf-7 and he has done other stuff: https://www.research...7_Yong_Koo_Kang

The real deal with this is how is this bf-7 is suppose to work, they just say enhanced blood flow to the brain and protection against ab toxicity which is good but i dont think this is enough to enhance iq

Bf-7 wa used in a nature study: https://media.nature...2010.281-s1.pdf

Supplementary figure 2 B is very interesting in that Nature study, but the ROA is not what I would have prefered. In any case, I will purchase Brain Attention by Now Foods and see.

Edited by William Sterog, 22 August 2018 - 02:44 PM.

#108 Painkillerrr

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Posted 22 August 2018 - 09:22 PM

I have had only good experience with nowfood so yes ill try as well.

#109 John250

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Posted 25 August 2018 - 12:14 AM

Found a bottle of Swanson on ebay for $16. I’ll try it out looks pretty promising.

#110 Painkillerrr

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Posted 25 August 2018 - 07:09 AM

Found a bottle of Swanson on ebay for $16. I’ll try it out looks pretty promising.

Dude swanson is the same everyone here treid without any positive result

#111 John250

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Posted 25 August 2018 - 04:41 PM

Dude swanson is the same everyone here treid without any positive result

So what’s everyone using?

#112 Painkillerrr

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Posted 25 August 2018 - 08:42 PM

So what’s everyone using?

In the past (2015/2016) they used swanson with 0 effects, im saying we should tried different brand (maybe nowfood)

#113 John250

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Posted 25 August 2018 - 10:06 PM

In the past (2015/2016) they used swanson with 0 effects, im saying we should tried different brand (maybe nowfood)

That’s too bad because Swanson has a pretty decent rep.
Swanson lists the ingredient silk fibroin BF-7(hydrolyzed silk)

Now lists: silk protein hydrolysate complex

Are they the same?

Edited by John250, 25 August 2018 - 10:07 PM.

#114 William Sterog

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Posted 26 August 2018 - 09:36 AM

That’s too bad because Swanson has a pretty decent rep.
Swanson lists the ingredient silk fibroin BF-7(hydrolyzed silk)

Now lists: silk protein hydrolysate complex

Are they the same?

Now lists Cera-Q™, as far as I know, is what they used in the research.

#115 Painkillerrr

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Posted 29 August 2018 - 09:21 AM

Many Korean study does not use any commerial brand, they take the Bombyx mori and its cocoon and prepare it themself for the study.

Then there are even different species of bombyx mori: https://en.m.wikiped...iki/Bombyx_mori

The one we have in europe is different from what they have in asia.

If only we could find a korean guy who tried it from their brand. Or a korean forum dealing with it.

Ill see if i can find some review on popular korean’s site https://www.quora.co...h-Korean-forums

Edited by Painkillerrr, 29 August 2018 - 09:28 AM.

#116 Painkillerrr

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Posted 01 September 2018 - 08:49 AM

Anyone tried "brain attention"?

#117 William Sterog

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Posted 01 September 2018 - 10:53 AM

Anyone tried "brain attention"?

I'm still waiting for it to arrive. But I'm not sure that I will notice a difference, given the size of my stack.

#118 Painkillerrr

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Posted 01 September 2018 - 12:12 PM

I'm still waiting for it to arrive. But I'm not sure that I will notice a difference, given the size of my stack.

What are you going for?

Im go for brain elevate(ginkgo, rosemary ecc.), c4 ultimate (nitrosigine, creatine, gingsen, taurine, there is a verion with zembrin and Huperzine but i cant find it in eu.

Could you try only it for 2-3 days to see if it has some effect?

Edited by Painkillerrr, 01 September 2018 - 12:18 PM.

#119 Painkillerrr

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Posted 10 September 2018 - 06:00 PM

any news??

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#120 Painkillerrr

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Posted 01 October 2018 - 05:47 PM

found some other studies about bf-7:


published by Elsevier: https://sci-hub.tw/h...pubmed/27871887


published in Milchwissenschaft : https://www.research..._normal_persons


other "strange" effects: http://agris.fao.org...ID=KR2010002644


other in a reputable publisher: https://link.springe...0068-011-0011-z

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: bf-7, nootropic, cognition, bombyx mori, cera-q, silk, fibroin, neurosilk

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