I didn't find any English writings about this therefore maybe it is not very well known and I think it may be of interest.
A brief History:
Potassium ascorbate is connected to the studies and researches of a biochemist from Florence (Italy) named Gianfrancesco Valsé Pantellini, his history started when in 1948 a friend of him achieved totally unexpected and absolutely extraordinary results about a terminal stomach cancer just drinking daily lemonade with baking soda.
It actually turned out that he was mistakenly using potassium bicarbonate instead of baking soda.
For about 20 years Doc. Pantellini studied the case until in 1970 and 1974 released two publications about it on the Rivista di Patologia Medica.
How it works:
The oxidatives processes caused by free radicals are responsible for the development of cancers.
It seems that the oxidative stress damages the cellular membrane structure, especially so the ATP-asi sodium-potassium (known as Na/K).
This leads to a depolarization (initially weak) and an increasing disruption in the transport mechanism of those two electrolytes which posses very different functions but very important indeed for the correct cellular functions (potassium is the main intracellular metabolic processes regulator by reversible salification of the amine and imini enzymes and proteins groups in slightly acid environment, sodium is the main alkali reserve regulator at extracellular level by reversible salification of carbolic enzymes and proteins groups in slightly acid environment).
That leads to an increasing change in the acid-base environment and of the oxide-reductions reactions between cytoplasmic molecules.
This may be the starting mechanism of the cellular cancer mutation.
Studies in the '30 by Moraveck and Kishi about the Rous sarcoma showed the cancerous cell to lack potassium and to be rich in sodium, the unbalance deepens as the cellular degeneration grows.
The described mechanism seems to be shared by all cancers as shown by analysis of the 4 blood electrolytes (sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium).
This mechanism appear to be very dangerous for the cell because:
- starts a fast migration of calcium in the mitochondria which may be responsible for the mitogenic push.
- allows for a substantial glucose transport in the cytoplasm at a speed that increases as the sodium-potassium pump unbalance deepens (the only active control on the two electrolytes).
Those processes lead to a cellular respiration disruption with reduction of oxidative phosphorylation and substantial increase of glycolisis.
Lactic acid production is increased too because of pyruvate reduction.
On top of that pyruvate works as an inhibitor in the starting of mitosis phase S, the constant decrease in pyruvate in the cytoplasm because of lactic acid conversion removes that inhibitory mechanism leading to an out of control cell proliferation.
The cellular PH changes to a slightly alkaline, cellular respiration changes too with a substantial change in the Krebs cycle.
All this changes lead to change in shape and method of action of protein and cytoplasm enzymes with an RNA polymerization and an incorrect transfer of information between periphery and DNA.
This lead to the DNA mutation and cancer development.
The hypothesis is that the degeneration is not due by a direct DNA damage but by a cytoplasm issue: a damage at peripheral level (the cellular membrane).
If this holds true it means that DNA can be strongly influenced by the cellular environment and by cell to cell signals.
On field experience and research by Doc. Pantellini shows that potassium ascorbate (especially in the new formulation with ribose) interferes with the above mechanisms protecting the cell from oxidative stress and stopping the uncontrolled proliferation.
This because of the ascorbic acid carrier proprieties for potassium (and with the ribose catalytic action) as a result of the heterocyclic structure and anti oxidant action.
The action is due to the potassium proprieties (leading cation and intracellular metabolic regulator) and the ascorbic acid carrier role (a role similar to the sodium-potassium pump in the specific case).
Introducing potassium in cancerous cell may cause the corresponding exit of sodium (therefore of glucose) from the intracellular environment.
The result may be:
- a new change in the local PH
- a fast decrease in nutrient reserve leading to a glycolisis reduction and reintroduction of mitosis inhibition
Potassium ascorbate may be a valid prevention tool because of its action of maintaining constant intracellular potassium levels because it will stop any sodium intrusion from the extracellular environment which seems to cause the cell changes into cancer.
Lately the formulation has been added of ribose whose catalytic action speeds up the process at which potassium is transferred to the cells.
I apologize for any incorrect technical term translation but I tried my best and I am confident whom is willing to understand should be able to do so.
The original paper (in Italian):
The protocol:
Potassium ascorbate has to be made each time mixing 150mg of ascorbic acid and 300mg of potassium bicarbonate in 20cc of water, let fizz (about 1 minute) and drink.
Ribose can be added in the amount of 3mg.
Don't use metallic spoons or containers.
Can't be prepared in advance (not even mixing just the powders) because it will oxidise (it turns yellow).
As prevention once a day in the morning 15 minutes before breakfast on an empty stomach.
As a therapy (if cancer is developing) 3 times a day, in the morning 15 minutes before breakfast on an empty stomach and 45 minutes before lunch and dinner.
Not to be taken the same day of chemotherapy.
It costs close to nothing, it can't do any arm, it may save your life (or at least give you a bit more of peace of mind).