I'm definitely interested in using GDF11. I'm 48, and have an autoimmune disease (Cronhs Disease), which has caused chronic fatigue and brain-fog for the last 10 years. Would GDF11 potentially help with this?

Results of my (10 years) injecting exogenous GDF11
Posted 23 December 2019 - 04:48 PM
Posted 23 December 2019 - 08:51 PM
Raising the stomach acids to work more properly would help anyone. It would teach you definitely to stay away from processed sugar or pay the consequences. I would like to ask Steve if the bright red lights show up more in the winter months then summer or if that is permanent.
Posted 27 December 2019 - 04:20 PM
Hello LongeCity,
Can someone do me a big favor and change the name of this thread to "Results of my 6 years of injecting exogenous GDF11"? It'll be six years in June and I think it's important for people to know this.
As far as the Crohns disease question goes, I get asked about GDF11 reversing all kinds of diseases every day. My standard answer is if the disease is a disease of aging, e.g., heart disease, plaque, immunosenesence, sarcopenia, vascular dementia, etc., then GDF11 may help. Crohns disease is most likely not a disease of aging since most diagnosis are between ages 15 and 35. Still GDF11 might be worth a shot and it will do you some good at 48 in any case. It does reconfigure the immune system by upping naive T cell count, Bs and NKs, so maybe it could help.
As for the red light effect, it is not seasonal, and this effect, which is due to very sharp vision, is experienced year round. However, less than half the cohort has experienced it (and they are all under 65) and no women have experienced it. Though only 5% of the cohort is female.
So who knows why some experience it and some don't - maybe GH levels?
Posted 04 January 2020 - 08:48 PM
As far as the Crohns disease question goes, I get asked about GDF11 reversing all kinds of diseases every day. My standard answer is if the disease is a disease of aging, e.g., heart disease, plaque, immunosenesence, sarcopenia, vascular dementia, etc., then GDF11 may help. Crohns disease is most likely not a disease of aging since most diagnosis are between ages 15 and 35. Still GDF11 might be worth a shot and it will do you some good at 48 in any case. It does reconfigure the immune system by upping naive T cell count, Bs and NKs, so maybe it could help.
Thanks. I just started today, so I'll give you updates. My Crohn's started around 23, but fatigue started at around 34, and I'm 48 now, so if it takes me back 15 years, I'll be dancing on the ceilings.
By the way, the supplier says only 90% purity (rather than 95%). Will that likely cause issues?
Here's what it says in their Cert. of Analysis says:
Purity - about 90%, estimated by densitometric analysis of the Coomassie Blue-stained SDS-PAGE gel under reducing condition
Posted 08 January 2020 - 10:00 AM
You have about 5 to 10 year's worth of senescent cells, so reversing age 5 to 10 years is a reasonable expectation. Though I have seen people who exercise every day do better than this.
If you can get GMP GDF11 (Google this), then it'd be optimal. Though the labs that sell GMP GDF11 want research credentials, so this is tough to pull off.
The most important metric for GDF11 is endotoxin levels. As the name implies, excess endotoxin levels can make you sick. But since us humans need very little GDF11 and dilute it by a factor of a billion, it's not something you should worry about too much.
At the very least, GDF11 should boost your energy levels. LMK how it works out and please be careful and watch out for side effects like arrhythmia.
Posted 08 January 2020 - 07:08 PM
Hi, I from the Netherlands, 44 and not a dokter.
i am looking for a doctor who is from the Netherlands or Belgium and willing to help me with this.
Also I cant order GDF11 myself due the lack of research credentials. What can I do?
Edited by RenevBeck, 08 January 2020 - 07:19 PM.
Posted 08 January 2020 - 09:06 PM
Does the source of GDF11 matter? what if it is E. Coli?
Posted 08 January 2020 - 09:20 PM
Since GDF11 is not FDA approved, there are only a couple of docs that will advise you on it. And they are both here in the US.
If you join our study we will help you procure GMP GDF11 as well as help you with dosing. Which is difficult and has to be titrated to key trending biomarkers. It's a lot of work and money, but well worth it, especially if you are dealing with a medical condition such as BPH,arterial plaque., heart failure, early dementia, etc.
Edited by stevegperry, 08 January 2020 - 09:21 PM.
Posted 08 January 2020 - 09:36 PM
Most recombinate peptides are made by e-coli. Nothing wrong with that, but do try to minimize endotoxin levels.
Posted 08 January 2020 - 10:47 PM
@Stevegperry, Thanks for your quick response.
Edited by RenevBeck, 08 January 2020 - 10:53 PM.
Posted 08 January 2020 - 10:51 PM
Does the source of GDF11 matter? what if it is E. Coli?
No not for me but a purity of >= 98% would be nice.
Posted 09 January 2020 - 04:53 AM
Hi Steve,
Do you have an opinion as to how long non-reconstituted gdf-11 can stay in storage on a shelf or in the freezer ? I am thinking about hoarding some, if possible.
Edited by echoman, 09 January 2020 - 04:58 AM.
Posted 09 January 2020 - 07:46 AM
GDF11 appears to be indestructible - I have some that is five years old and still works fine. Though I titrate to augmentation pressure and only take 10 pg (ten trillionths of a gram) on average twice per month. So even if it has lost a bit of efficacy, I probably wouldn't notice.
GDF11 is so cheap, that you could easily mix up a new batch once a quarter for next to nothing. Of course, this is GDF11's Achilles Heel - no drug company gets excited by something that costs $10/year. And clinical GDF11 work is no way to make a buck, trust me. But boy is it interesting!
Posted 14 January 2020 - 11:47 AM
I am 42 this year and female.
Noticed that for some reason there are very few women testing out injectables. Not sure why that is. Yoga and Kombucha? :-P
But anyhowww...
i finally got myself some bucky labs stuff and two days ago i started injecting steve's initial dose recommendations of 0.1ug/day.
going to see how this goes for a month.
I am also injecting BPC and Epithalon and TB500 and selank according to a few dosing protocols I've found online.
Posted 14 January 2020 - 05:55 PM
I am 42 this year and female.
Noticed that for some reason there are very few women testing out injectables. Not sure why that is. Yoga and Kombucha? :-P
But anyhowww...
i finally got myself some bucky labs stuff and two days ago i started injecting steve's initial dose recommendations of 0.1ug/day.
going to see how this goes for a month.
I am also injecting BPC and Epithalon and TB500 and selank according to a few dosing protocols I've found online.
Hi Soraya,
1ug/day is very high. He now suggests starting between 100 to 500 pg/day (ie .1 to .5 ng or .0001ug to .0005ug). You will probably have a bit of acid Reflux/Gerd at those levels.
As far as why so few females use injectables, it's a trend i've noticed with self-experimentation in general. It might have to do with risk-aversion vs risk-seeking traits, but I'm just guessing.
Posted 14 January 2020 - 09:25 PM
it is superhigh, usually 0.25-0.05ng weekly is more than enough.careful too much gfd11 can make the opposite effect.....aging you faster
Posted 15 January 2020 - 03:53 PM
Hey Guys!
I am scaling back my dose to 250pg to 750pg per day.
Sadly the bucky labs bottle comes with a warning saying you are getting a minimum of 10ug. but you might be getting as much as 30ug because of their measurement system. (if i understood the note correctly)
So at my present dilution I am getting between 250pg to 750pg per day.
I thought i would run with this for a month then decide wether to change the dose or not.
I'm just still in disbelief that such a tiny amount could have any impact at all.
But at 80$ for a potential benefit... I'll give it a go especially since I need some help in the skin department.
Is there a good skin protocol, or peptides that you guys have come across? I really can't bare these female centric .. green smoothie and yoga bla bla bla. I want results :-P
Posted 15 January 2020 - 06:58 PM
Hey Guys!
I am scaling back my dose to 250pg to 750pg per day.
Sadly the bucky labs bottle comes with a warning saying you are getting a minimum of 10ug. but you might be getting as much as 30ug because of their measurement system. (if i understood the note correctly)So at my present dilution I am getting between 250pg to 750pg per day.
I thought i would run with this for a month then decide wether to change the dose or not.
I'm just still in disbelief that such a tiny amount could have any impact at all.
But at 80$ for a potential benefit... I'll give it a go especially since I need some help in the skin department.
Is there a good skin protocol, or peptides that you guys have come across? I really can't bare these female centric .. green smoothie and yoga bla bla bla. I want results :-P
Bucky sources his gdf11 from Genscript, and if you got your order after November 2019, it's probably more accurate than previous vials because Genscript used a different buffer for lyophilization, which made the sample larger and easier for Buckylabs to evenly split up. I spent a bit of time chatting back and forth with him about this
As far as skin, from what I've heard, if you stick with gdf11, it has a remarkably good record for improving skin elacticity. Steve includes the numbers, and they are quite impressive. Other than, i'd say topical rapamycin seems to be a really good bet.
Posted 16 January 2020 - 03:49 AM
Bucky sources his gdf11 from Genscript, and if you got your order after November 2019, it's probably more accurate than previous vials because Genscript used a different buffer for lyophilization, which made the sample larger and easier for Buckylabs to evenly split up. I spent a bit of time chatting back and forth with him about this
As far as skin, from what I've heard, if you stick with gdf11, it has a remarkably good record for improving skin elacticity. Steve includes the numbers, and they are quite impressive. Other than, i'd say topical rapamycin seems to be a really good bet.
Yeah! It was the skin reports in Steve's online data that got me so curious about this. But having said that, i've been watching this thread for several years and coming to this forum for almost 8 years now. Only since Buckylabs started offering smaller quantities did it become a feasible option coz the group buy efforts just seem to fizzle out.
Noted on the rapamycin. Will see if I can get hold of that. Any hints for where to get some?
Posted 16 January 2020 - 05:57 PM
Yeah! It was the skin reports in Steve's online data that got me so curious about this. But having said that, i've been watching this thread for several years and coming to this forum for almost 8 years now. Only since Buckylabs started offering smaller quantities did it become a feasible option coz the group buy efforts just seem to fizzle out.
Noted on the rapamycin. Will see if I can get hold of that. Any hints for where to get some?
Personally, I'm waiting a bit so I can monitor the progress of GDF11 before starting rapamycin, But from what I've seen, there are a few sources, I think alldaychemist has it. Also, maybe buying bulk/powder from alibaba or Indiamart and then test it using a 3rd party service.
Posted 05 February 2020 - 05:24 AM
Posted 12 April 2020 - 07:37 PM
Anyone notice any increased anger or irritability with GDF11?
I've been taking 200 picograms of GDF11 every other day for 25 days, and one of the things I've noticed is feeling more anger. Nothing serious, but it manifests as a loss of patience with people.
I am guessing this might be due to GDF11 increasing testosterone, or the closely related hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), as when I use supplements like DHEA which boost testosterone, I feel the same way.
Though I could not find any studies suggesting that GDF11 might alter these androgen hormones. But one study found GDF11 affects adiponectin, a hormone which has an interaction with testosterone.
I started taking some supplements which are known to lower testosterone and DHT, like zinc, saw palmetto, grape seed extract, and these have helped.
Posted 13 April 2020 - 05:07 AM
I know when I was experimenting with zinc that is highly bioavailable. Zinc chloride I built up to brushing my teeth with 14 drops dissolved in water it was hitting my thyroid and my testosterone was going wild. I'm sure you are using a different type and is not hitting your thyroid. That was before GDF 11 it may have had affect but because I do used zinc over eight years a lot it may be hard to notice for me.
Posted 14 April 2020 - 07:52 PM
Hello LongeCity,
Interesting post on GDF11 and anger above. I have dealt with hundreds of GDF11ers and this is not the first time this has been reported.
I doubt elevated testosterone is the culprit, though you can check T levels of various GDF11ers on the site, before and after GDF11 and see if there are any big increases.
I posit that the "quick to anger" is more a result of GDF11 greatly increasing processing speed and reaction time. GDF11 is also quite a stimulant and excess amounts can cause insomnia.
As for your GDF11 dosing, please do take the "BIg Four" biomarkers, BP, pulse, RT and HRV" every day and make sure they trending properly. Excess GDF11 can cause arrhythmia, which you sure as hell don't want. Arrhythmia usually pretty easy to spot with HRV trending.
Posted 16 April 2020 - 03:15 AM
Been on gdf-11 for over 2.5 years. Now on dose of just 150 picograms per month. Outstanding results on gdf11. Three months ago I added the David Sinclair protocol: 1 Gram trans-resveratrol, 1 gram NMN -Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, 1 gram metformin, per day. Still very early, but all the great results I've been getting from gdf11 seem to be on turbo. I'll see how it goes...
Posted 16 April 2020 - 11:53 AM
Meant to say I dose 150 picograms a week ..(not a month)
Posted 04 May 2020 - 01:43 AM
I don't know if this has been posted before, but there is a lab in Germany which offers a test for blood levels of GDF11 (search the webpage for GDF11 to find the test).
Posted 04 May 2020 - 03:08 AM
Exogenous GDF11, but not GDF8, reduces body weight and improves glucose homeostasis in mice, glad we're all mice here.
Exogenous GDF11, but not GDF8, reduces body weight and improves glucose homeostasis in mice, glad we're all mice here.
Posted 04 May 2020 - 10:31 AM
I don't know if this has been posted before, but there is a lab in Germany which offers a test for blood levels of GDF11 (search the webpage for GDF11 to find the test).
super interesting, did you ask them how they measure it?
what other tests might be interesting, i m also doing stemcell renewal protocol and my last dnage test in 2017 was 8 years younger
i had to stop gfd11 after 2 years because it was having opposite effects on me (lowering rmssd, higher pulse, higher hrv), so i wonder if i have too much gdf11 now
Posted 04 May 2020 - 02:12 PM
super interesting, did you ask them how they measure it?
what other tests might be interesting, i m also doing stemcell renewal protocol and my last dnage test in 2017 was 8 years younger
i had to stop gfd11 after 2 years because it was having opposite effects on me (lowering rmssd, higher pulse, higher hrv), so i wonder if i have too much gdf11 now
I have not been in contact with the this German lab, so do not know how they measure it. Presumably GDF11 levels will be quite tricky to measure, because it is only present in tiny amounts in the blood.
I was made aware of this German lab because it was posted on a new thread I recently started, detailing my experiments using GDF11 to try to treat my chronic fatigue syndrome (myalgic encephalomyelitis) illness.
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