So I noticed the other day that Dr. Rider's Indiegogo campaign is collecting funds through SENSRF. As ABXs have added quite a few years to our lives, so too IMO will AVXs and DRACOs are broad spectrum.
The Truth:
We're full of viruses and we can't detect them all or nearly enough of them, at least clinically. but we could just kill them off, maybe even using maintenance doses in the long term to prevent the accumulation of pathologies that lead us further from life and closer to death. DRACOs were invented 15 years ago and penicillin was first discovered hundreds of years ago, but only received the attention they needed when we needed more soldiers to fight in WWII. This technology isn't going to develop itself, and it could not only extend our health and youth spans by preventing low grade viral infections and improve quality of life for billions, but it could also be used to accelerate technologies that would help us target and remove aging cells by infecting them with harmless designer viruses and then killing them off. This puts a significant amount of rejuvenation within arms reach and has the capacity to produce powerful results.
I'd like to suggest that we pursue the study in this fashion using SENSRF or Ichor Therapeutics:
1. Acute toxicity/LD50
2. Short term exposure (measuring lifespan)
3. Long term exposure (measuring lifespan)
4. Exposure at different ages to determine if just taking the drug with existing pathologies would net a rejuvenation benefit (measured by fur quality/density and overall health compared to controls.
Once safety and toxicity have been established we'll be able to leverage our pet cohorts for further investigation.