I may reply that a 25 years old is unlikely to report increased stamina, energy better skin or new hair growth since those are already at top levels at that age, quite a different scenario for a 65 years old... which may explain the relative inconsistency of pool results.
I took the time to read all the main tread on C60oo at once (it took me several days
) and I confirm that my impression is that the results are quite consistent within the subjects of comparable status.
I am very well aware you are probably one of the first if not the first human taking C60oo and that you did your deal of experiments with it, you deserve all my respect, of course and I apologies if I sound redundant or arrogant in my statements but really the pool is not to be ignored but has its own limits.
If one already has good skin and hairs is unlikely it will experience any noticeable improvement about those from C60oo, here we are not talking about a drug for a specific pathology where all users suffer that very same pathology and results are ready comparable, here there are people of very different ages and health taking C60oo for many different reasons, many if not most just in the hope of a longevity outcome as the Baati study suggest and from where this all started.
To answer HighDesertWizard C60 alone undoubtedly exerts positive effects as suggested by the fact that the Ukrainian water based C60 showed in clinical research interesting outcomes to the point of gaining the legal status of supplement there but the range of their results don't seem as wide as the ones reported by C60oo users, maybe because the water based C60 is in very tiny concentrations but possibly because olive oil plays an important role.
The fact that with sonificated C60oo (which likely effects only the olive oil structure) the outcomes are quite negative seems to confirm that olive oil plays a role beyond being just a carrier.
It would be interesting to test the outcomes of some mice given nothing, some only olive oil and another group given only sonificated olive oil, since we already know that olive oil alone extend mice life if sonificated group lives as long as group nothing we know is C60oo that makes the difference, if they live less we know even tiny amount of sonificated olive oil is toxic enough to shorten life.
In some way it may prove that C60oo is different than C60 or that olive oil is just a carrier and doesn't really play any role.
This should explain why these last posts are maybe slightly off topic but maybe not really as much to raise to much concern.