Hello everyone! I've been interested in a health benefits and disadvantages of potatoes for quite a long time and I've always found lots of controversial information on both sides of the spectrum.On the one hand, potatoes seem to be a natural powerhouse of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, on the other - there is a lot of hype about its high GI and the fact that it can skyrocket your blood sugar if eaten beyond a tiny amount.
I really wonder what the long-term effects of a diet based around potatoes as a staple food could be. It's an ideal food for me - I feel really filled after a bowl of mashed potatoes - no other food except yellow split peas, barley porridge or eggs suppresses my hunger for such a long time (up to 6-7 hours). I'm very physically active and eat at least 3000 kcal a day and most of the time up to 1000 kcal comes from potatoes.
I've also heard that Okinawans have purple potatoes as a staple food in their diet with 70% of their overall calories coming from it. I read some articles comparing the benefits of both Okinawan and regular potatoes and it turns out that although Okinawan has more vitamins and antioxidants - they have the same basic dietary qualities. And what's even more surprising - Okinawan has slightly more sugar and a GI that is a little bit higher.
So what do you think - is large consumption of potatoes and a long term optimal health compatible?
Edited by Maecenas, 23 December 2015 - 04:17 AM.