I recently started supplementing NR+Fisetin, usually before I exercise in the morning before breakfast @ 500mg NR + 100mg fisetin. Looking at my post-prandial glucose levels, I've been seeing lower and lower values each day. I'm curious if this might be related to these supplements and whether this is potential beneficial / potentially harmful / benign.
In the past, my glucose was usually up around 90-100 mg/dL at the 30m mark (occasionally as high as 120 mg/dL.) I usually peak around the 45m mark (occasionally as high as 140 mg/dL or a bit above that, often in the 120-130's), then I'm back down in the 90-120 mg/dL range by the 60m mark.
After eating a banana, an orange, a half a plantain with ripe blueberries and coconut water, and a large bowl of rice (~150g of net carbohydrates) with some nuts, today I'm looking at a 45m postprandial glucose reading of 69 mg/dL. Yesterday, it read 71 mg/dL at the 45m mark, and remained under 100 mg/dL. Checking every 15m and looking around for a spike, it's difficult to find one, while in the past it was very obvious and easy. I've also been consuming a bit more stevia and sugar alcohols.
Edited by brosci, 26 December 2015 - 09:15 PM.