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Intense effects from Magnesium Citrate in CFS

magnesium cfs energy

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#1 AlexCanada

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Posted 26 December 2015 - 10:34 PM

Hello. I been having a lot of problems lately with extremely poor sluggish energy and mind. Poor interest, motivation, pleasure, not social. Very anhedonic. Extremely low Testosterone, Estrogen, Low cortisol, Hypothyroid, and extremely severe long term memory problems.  Have not been able to work in 4+ years. A huge full spectrum of issues. The causes? All started w bad reactions to mega doses of accutane several ago from an irresponsible doctor. Additionally problems became compounded a few years ago after some bad reactions to Resveratrol and Licorice Root which include collagen loss and reduction of estrogen. Also I been long time tapering withdrawaling from valium. And I suspect possible infection within my body as I have profound external fungal infection that has been slowly healing w creams but wouldn't be unlikely there is something inside me as well. Also look like I have diabetic dark eyes. But I been unable to put on weight. I have dropped from 145 few years ago when I was feeling bit better to 119 at 5'7. Even if I choose to eat 4 meals a day. I suspect my body is not able to absorb the nutrients properly. Infection feeding on it? A year ago I had endoscopy which suppossedly ''ruled'' out internal infection but I am not completely convinced since an infection could still be in a different area rather than just the stomach/gut. 


These days I been suspecting a lot of hypoglycemia. Always hungry no matter how much I eat, frequent urination, always thirsty no matter how much I drink, extremely foggy and difficult to think properly. Constantly feeling like I am in a stupor and unable to communicate. Extremely poor energy and inability to function properly.


So I started magnesium around 3 days ago again after a significant break and good lord. Well let me explain what happened today. Felt bit lifeless and sluggish as hell upon waking. Slow minded. No real reason to get out of bed except to hope for eventual improvement.  I am never able to wake up with any energy or zest in me lately. Ate breakfast,  had my 5mg NSI-189 (taking it for a week), small brewer's yeast for energy as it helped yesterday. Nothing really improves. Continue to feel slow drained lifeless and apathetic as day goes on even after some exercise. Unemotive, non-reactive.  Feel rapidly hungry after a few hours,  eat some more. No help, feel so worthlessly tired and end up wanting to just sleep. Had my low dose Sea-Iodine for thyroid energy, another 5mg NSI sublingual. low dose gabapentin  and little bit of CDP Choline for dopamine + blood sugar control etc.  Yesterday seemed like it helped a bit. Not this time. End up taking 40mg Magnesium Citrate and heading to bed in just 3pm in the afternoon. Within 10 minutes I feel belly gurgling sounds, some digestive effects surely. Can feel it quite profoundly down there. After 30+ minutes of laying in bed I feel more capable of getting up. And after another 10 minutes I feel urge to exercise by walking around briskly for 6 minutes and lot of stretching. Plus I can feel cold sensations in my hands and body. Likely from magnesium vasoconstriction.  And an hour later here I am feeling more capable but still foggy and still in a stupor. But the other benefits are still yet to come.  Yesterday I felt more kindness and more fondness towards people after about 3 hours but also found myself oddly more prone to stress, more prone to lashing out, more prone to anger and feeling like some people are just horribly corrupt.   Some of my hostility may be from a herxheimer die off reaction?  I notice my stools hours after magnesium (it helps bowel movements) things resembling candida stools if you ever looked for them on google but nothing outrageous. Just some small white things in my stools. No freaky parasites or anything.   I would end up feeling more ''hyper'' after this magnesium but not necessarily more happy by any means.  Just more capable of being out and about. Other factors are difficult to articulate at this time. 


Anyway I am just trying to understand why I am having these reactions? There is no other supplement or drug in history that has ever effected me so profoundly (aside from when Accutane ruined my life). And I would honestly take it more often but a lot of the time I feel so negativeeee and even bit hateful after taking it. Less these days but when I tried it a year ago omg I was raging and going off at people after magnesium doses.  So I had to choose between being bed-ridden sometimes or being angry at the world.  These days that is less severe. It's not as outrageous as that but I'm taking lower doses. Some of it may be related to my low cortisol levels. I usually have difficulty dealing with stress and magnesium has an effect that makes me want to go on facebook again but when I look at facebook I become reminded of so many problems in the world.    Perhaps some of it is dopamine antagonism too because it sometimes feels like empathy would fly out of the window (and rebound later) but I feel it may be more a herxheimer reaction of sorts too.  Because I have felt similar effects from some supplements that fight Fungal infections.    There could be a lot of different factors involved. 


What supplements are best to take to assist Magnesium?  I feel my potential for pleasure drops with magnesium usually unless I take some small doses of ritalin. The dopamine antagonism aspect. 



The most profound effect I had from the magnesium lately was when I started it up again 3 days ago. Just wow. 3 hours after while laying in bed I would even feel like I could maybe play some video games again. Which is rare for me! But usually only while laying in bed.  I have peripheral circulation issues. I am able to think best when I am laying down usually, which is very unfortunate because you can't live life laying on your back. Orthostatic Intolerance is what they call it (and what makes it very difficult for me to do any grocery shopping). But regardless promising effects in combination with NSI-189 10mg a day + low dose ritalin + low dose gabapentin + certain misc supplements.  The magnesium makes me want to be able to engage in things but I'm still usually incapable of enjoying it*** and that's the biggest problem. It feels very soulless most of the time to even attempt it. certain ginsengs would help bring a sense of immersion but I do not use them anymore,  plus they often have hypoglycemic sedating effects so i'd often be battling some sedation and strong dullness amidst some of that anti-anhedonic effect. 


Sorry if my topic isn't the most clean and organized.  I honestly cannot bring myself to post anything 99% of the time. Any insight from anyone would be much appreciated.

Edited by AlexCanada, 26 December 2015 - 10:50 PM.

#2 evilbaga

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 07:08 PM

Try different forms of Magnesium and see if that changes anything.


Re: Orthostatic Intolerance - I had this, and Vitamin C practically eliminated it. That could be just me, though.

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#3 aconita

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Posted 30 December 2015 - 05:40 AM

40mg magnesium citrate is such a tiny dosage (about 10 time less than what usually recommended) I am surprised you are able to feel any effect, bowel movement included.


I did get amazing results with Sporanox for fungal infections I got in the tropics which wouldn't respond to any topical treatment.




Before to start a list of supplements that might help I would really like to hear about your diet.






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