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Advice on Starting New Supplements

supplements stack critique

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#1 Sith

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 01:44 PM

Hello everyone. 


I am currently on a very basic set of supplements that are not really confused on longevity. I currently take: 5000IU Vitamin D3, Cod-liver oil, 5000mg Resveratrol and I also take 1700mg Metformin for the longevity benefits (I am a non-diabetic). Due to my Metformin intake, I also have to take 2000IU Vitamin B12 to prevent deficiency. 

I was considering on adding: 

  • low-dose, long term aspirin 
  • C60-OO
  • Astragalus 

What does everyone think of the 3 new additions?  :)


I am an 18 year old male with no health issues (if that helps).  

#2 Logic

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 02:59 PM


...40 mg/kg of pterostilbene...were comparable to the experimental effects of 500 mg/kg oral metformin...

...Zhang and colleagues have demonstrated that pterostilbene treatment induces autophagy in oxLDL-stimulated VECs through activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), intracellular calcium (Ca2+), and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling...


Vitamin C ameliorates the negative effects of Aspirin on the stomach by 95% IIRC.

C60oo:  I think the younger one starts (within reason/after growth) the better it will work.  Dosage is up in the air though.  How much/often do you plan to take it?

Astragalus is good stuff.  The best telomere results were seen with Solgar's extract/concentrate, but at higher doses than those recommended on the bottle.
IMHO its the effects that it has on NF-kB that increase telomere length.
If you want to keep NF-kB down; look to an anti AGE (Advanced Glycation Endproducts)
I think blocking and possibly even breaking AGEs etc. should be started at birth, so the sooner/younger; the better IMHO.

Other things shown/known to work:
Low dose Lithium.
Gingko Biloba.


(There are others. use GooglreSiteSearch in the menu (top right))

Good to see some youngsters interested Sith!   :)

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#3 happyfunballs

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Posted 30 December 2015 - 12:17 AM

Some things to consider. Your brain has not completely developed yet, so I'd be very careful of using anything that could tamper with that until you're at least 25. Metformin is suspected to cause nerve damage to brain tissue. That's not a huge deal to the morbidly obese, but it should be on your mind.

C60. Not enough data. Save your money.

Astralgus. Maybe, but again befor the age of 25 it seems risky. If it works it's altering some basic maturing functions in your body.

Exercise. you should be the fittest person you know. People who exercise think better and age better. Protect your brain at all costs but don't do risky sports. Lift weights and maintain a high V02 max. Intervals are good.

DNA profile. Have yours done and see if it gives you any valuable clues. It's the gift that keeps giving as new research is always coming out and you can see how you fit in.

Caloric restriction. You should be lean. Alternate day fasting works well for most people.

Antioxidants. The jury is still out. They diminish the positive effects of exercise but should help in other ways. Tough call.

CR and exercise are the only proven way to live longer. So don't skip those to pop a miracle pill.
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#4 sthira

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Posted 30 December 2015 - 02:14 AM

Hello everyone.

I am currently on a very basic set of supplements that are not really confused on longevity. I currently take: 5000IU Vitamin D3, Cod-liver oil, 5000mg Resveratrol and I also take 1700mg Metformin for the longevity benefits (I am a non-diabetic). Due to my Metformin intake, I also have to take 2000IU Vitamin B12 to prevent deficiency.
I was considering on adding:

  • low-dose, long term aspirin
  • C60-OO
  • Astragalus
What does everyone think of the 3 new additions? :)

I am an 18 year old male with no health issues (if that helps).

In my humble opinion (and my opinion is genuinely humble) your diet is so damned good (as outlined in another thread) that I'd keep finding your nutrients through diet, and leave out the supplements for now. Diet trumps supplements.

Fact: you're 18. If we were brothers, I'd say seriously, man, you do not need to be taking aspirin, metformin, astragalus, cod liver oil, resveratrol, or the c60 olive oil.

Metformin looks promising, but better, more effective stuff will be coming your way. Wait. Be patient.

C60oo is way, way too edgy and risky for everyone -- read the recent initial investigations by "kmoody" here on this site -- he's losing mice to cancer on c60oo. So for someone who is 18, no no No don't buy c60oo.

You've loads of time on your hands to keep eating well, exercise your butt off, stay lean, wear your car seat belt, don't smoke, keep alcohol down to reasonable levels (again, you're 18, so enjoy your youth). Do the basics first. Get into those habits that common sense already tells you are healthy and life-affirming. Live, love, relax, find something awesome to master as a profession -- like Genetics -- and hit the books.

One helpful tip may be to download and use the app cronometer. Input your food data and see if you need to be taking vitamin d, and b12. Additionally, get your vitamin d and b12 blood levels tested. Then you'll know where you stand with regard to levels -- and save your money.

Open some mutual fund accounts, and start saving your money for future regenerative medicine. History and the present tell us that future regen med is gonna be very expensive. Especially at first. History and the present also tell us that compound interest on your money is your best friend. Put aside small, consistent amounts of your hard-earned cash instead of buying USELESS SUPPLEMENTS THAT DON'T WORK! (!!!)

I echo everything "happyfunballs" wrote -- that advice is right on target. Take it, and be cool. You're doing great! Stay on this site and keep watching the science as it unfolds. It's fun!
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#5 stefan_001

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Posted 30 December 2015 - 08:50 AM

Great comments and yes the advice on financing seems point on. If indeed life extension starts to happen in terms of 1-2 decades of extra life then you will need cash to finance the likely expensive drugs but also your own life.

But as you are I think disciplined and have time because you post often why not start life extension as a hobby? You mention C60oo, on that forum they would love somebody that has the discipline to run a c60oo life extension mice experiment. It's a great way to learn science and create proof around at least one of the potential solutions. Sure a lot better than using yourself as experiment and it will make you a star in the c60 forum :-)

Edited by stefan_001, 30 December 2015 - 08:52 AM.

#6 Kirito

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Posted 30 December 2015 - 10:49 AM

I would scale way back on the resveratrol dosage.


Astragalus is good, take it with Chitosan for better absorption. Anything that inhibits glycation and NF-kB is good in my book.


Glycine is worth adding. Good sleep aid and helps push out excess methionine... Also interferes with activation of NF-kB (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/22732655)


And diet diet diet. Supplement with berries, dark chocolate (Theobromine increases NAD+ and sirt1), quality coffee, green or white tea, pomegranates, grow some Purslane, load up on spices (curcumin, sage, rosemary, cinnamon, etc.) avoid simple/refined carbs/sugars (and choose black rice over white, purple potatoes, purple corn, black beans, etc, if you must have the carbs), eat lots of dark colored foods if you can (C3G), avoid fruit juice, avoid alcohol, and you'll be way ahead of most.

#7 Dolph

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Posted 31 December 2015 - 01:37 PM

Don't even consider Aspirin at the age of 18. You get none of the benefits and all of the bleeding risk.

#8 Logic

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Posted 01 January 2016 - 07:37 PM

C60oo is way, way too edgy and risky for everyone -- read the recent initial investigations by "kmoody" here on this site -- he's losing mice to cancer on c60oo. So for someone who is 18, no no No don't buy c60oo.

The issues kmoody was seeing was with SES's C60oo product in which they use sonication to quickly dissolve the C60.
This results in a completely different end product.


#9 sthira

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Posted 01 January 2016 - 09:14 PM

C60oo is way, way too edgy and risky for everyone -- read the recent initial investigations by "kmoody" here on this site -- he's losing mice to cancer on c60oo. So for someone who is 18, no no No don't buy c60oo.

The issues kmoody was seeing was with SES's C60oo product in which they use sonication to quickly dissolve the C60.
This results in a completely different end product.

Good point. My understanding is kmoody's lab has not demonstrated anything conclusive about the SES C60oo. But doesn't watching their concerning data slowly emerge give you pause? I mean, not just about the SES product (which I've never taken) but about the whole idea of C60 in olive oil? This is really some guinea pig territory -- lest we all forget. Maybe the problem isn't with sonification, maybe it's the new, unstudied substance itself that's potentially cancerous? We don't know.

#10 Sith

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Posted 01 January 2016 - 09:55 PM



C60oo is way, way too edgy and risky for everyone -- read the recent initial investigations by "kmoody" here on this site -- he's losing mice to cancer on c60oo. So for someone who is 18, no no No don't buy c60oo.

The issues kmoody was seeing was with SES's C60oo product in which they use sonication to quickly dissolve the C60.
This results in a completely different end product.

Good point. My understanding is kmoody's lab has not demonstrated anything conclusive about the SES C60oo. But doesn't watching their concerning data slowly emerge give you pause? I mean, not just about the SES product (which I've never taken) but about the whole idea of C60 in olive oil? This is really some guinea pig territory -- lest we all forget. Maybe the problem isn't with sonification, maybe it's the new, unstudied substance itself that's potentially cancerous? We don't know.



Thanks for the advice! I may consider delaying C60OO after all, possibly until new data emerges and yes Buckminster fullerenes aren't well understood at all...  :sad:


Thanks!  :-D

#11 Logic

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Posted 02 January 2016 - 11:19 AM




C60oo is way, way too edgy and risky for everyone -- read the recent initial investigations by "kmoody" here on this site -- he's losing mice to cancer on c60oo. So for someone who is 18, no no No don't buy c60oo.

The issues kmoody was seeing was with SES's C60oo product in which they use sonication to quickly dissolve the C60.
This results in a completely different end product.

Good point. My understanding is kmoody's lab has not demonstrated anything conclusive about the SES C60oo. But doesn't watching their concerning data slowly emerge give you pause? I mean, not just about the SES product (which I've never taken) but about the whole idea of C60 in olive oil? This is really some guinea pig territory -- lest we all forget. Maybe the problem isn't with sonification, maybe it's the new, unstudied substance itself that's potentially cancerous? We don't know.



Thanks for the advice! I may consider delaying C60OO after all, possibly until new data emerges and yes Buckminster fullerenes aren't well understood at all...  :sad:


Thanks!  :-D



SES's C60 is fine.  

The problem isn't with the C60; it's with the adducts etc formed during the sonication of their C60oo product being different to those formed by just letting the C60 dissolve in the olive oil with some stirring or shaking.

A great many people are seeing almost unbelievable results (rejuvenation etc.) from C60oo made without sonication.

There is no question in my mind that C60oo is the most potent protector of mitochondria from its own ROS production known.

This has downstream effects that include more NAD+, telomerase in the nucleus etc. IMHO.


My only concern is that it may interfere in mitophagy.  This problem would call for long breaks between dosing.  

How long is a good question!

I am also about to do a post on the upregulation of Parkin before re-dosing.

This increases mitophagy and also the lysosomal clearance of misfolded proteins that cause dementia, Parkinson's etc. and autophagy in general it would seem.

From keeping track of forum posts of those making their own C60oo:


  • Crushing the C60 in a mortar and pestle does not crush the molecule, but breaks apart the clumps of many millions of molecules; decreasing the dissolve time dramatically.
  • Oxygen/dation seems to impart some more anti inflammatory/microbial properties to the oil.  Niner has suggested using a cheaper, more oxidised oil; I think bubbling O2 or CLEAN air through high quality oil may be better and also speed up dissolution.

But as always: do your own research and make your own decisions.
I continue to take C60oo once a week or sometimes 2.


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#12 aribadabar

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Posted 05 January 2016 - 03:37 PM

Follow what happyfunballs said and you will be fine.


You can afford to wait until at least age 25 - by then, we will (hopefully) have more clear picture on C60oo MoA and dosage and metformin and resveratrol won't be as beneficial in the meantime.

Aspirin use risk:reward ratio at your age is heavily skewed against your using it so I'd avoid it.


Get your vit D levels tested - there is such thing as too much. After dropping metformin, vit B12's intake can be scaled back to 500-1000mcg/day - test it annually.

Kirito's dietary and supplement recommendations are also very good - make glycine your regular night supplement - it is safe and has multiple beneficial effects.


As to sthira's financial advice - I'd only say avoid (high-cost) mutual funds (as noted by their MER) and focus on low-cost, broad-based ETFs for building a balanced portfolio - the compounding is on your side if you start early to finance your rejuvenation efforts down the road.


You are well ahead of your peers if you continue to follow your diet and the recommendations given here.

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