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Myo-Inositol Side effects

myo-inositol inositol stress anxiety side effects brain limbic system phobia dopamine serotonin

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#1 birthdaysuit

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Posted 03 January 2016 - 10:11 PM

I suffered from social anxiety, acute panic disorder and avoidance behavior, which only fueled the fire in the end. I heard that myo-inositol has therapeutic effects in the spectrum of illness responsive to serotonin selective re-uptake inhibitors, including depression, panic and OCD and long term use can even up-regulate D2 receptors. 


I had to take at least 12-24g and this stuff did wonders for my anxiety. Not a full cure but really took the edge off. I’ve noticed a marked increase in feelings of calmness, which kept me cool, calm and collected. I was able to mitigate the onset of panic and keep my breathing and heart rate under control. Ingesting 18 grams or more would completely rid of my OCD. This was exceptionally great for sleeping (decreased waking during the night). These high dosages were taken whenever I felt it was necessary.
Myo-inositol does feel extremely GABAergic, and while I did not get brain fog during me sporadic usage I did when I started ingesting 3.5 grams morning and night. This significantly impaired my short term memory. I was unable to remember things I did 2 minutes ago, it was unbearable. I’d turn off a light and forget that I turned it off a few seconds later. 
In the end it made me extremely agitated and callous. I was emotionally unbalanced and spacey. It’s bizarre because super loading inositol is required for any neurological effects. When I use it to super load sporadically, I did not experience any of the negative side effects, maybe it’s cumulative? Nevertheless, upon reading some studies about myo-inositol I became a little weary. 

"The serum sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter gene is located on chromosome 21, and myo-inositol affects neuronal survival and function. Nevertheless, few in vivo studies have examined the role of myo-inositol in DS."

Adults with DS have a significantly increased brain concentration of myo-inositol, and this is associated with reduced cognitive ability. Future studies are required to relate myo-inositol concentration in people with DS to brain development and increased risk for developing Alzheimer disease.
 Furthermore, Inositol can cause too much intracellular calcium which can be responsible for myoclonic jerks and muscle twitches. Magnesium, potassium and zinc supplementation can modulate these side effects.

Inositol also inhibits iron and zinc transport :


myo-Inositol (1,2,3,4,5,6)hexakisphosphate (phytate), the major storage form of phosphorus in plants, has been considered to be an anti-nutrient due to its inhibitory effect on bioavailability of essential dietary minerals (Cheryan, 1980).


Increased myo-inositol may represent tardive glial scarring in the prefrontal cortex, a notion supported by GFAP changes in this region after blast overexposure as well as clinical reports of increased myo-inositol in disorders of memory.


Metabolic and hormonal effects of myo-inositol in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a double-blind trial.
Treatment of PCOS patients with Myo-inositol provided a decreasing of circulating insulin and serum total testosterone as well as an improvement in metabolic factors.



Edited by birthdaysuit, 03 January 2016 - 10:15 PM.

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#2 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 03 March 2017 - 06:11 PM

Very interesting, good thread. I believe the cognitive boosting and anti-alzheimer's effects of lithium are said to be mediated, just as its mood stabilizing effect, via depletion of inositol. So this all makes sense.


Do you find that inositol helps to broaden your emotional range, make you able to feel more emotions? Asking since 5ht2a overactivation can lead to emotional blunting.

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#3 birthdaysuit

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Posted 03 March 2017 - 06:25 PM

Yes, high dosages dull my emotions. Cumulative high dosages over time dull my emotions to an even greater extent but after awhile I'll experience anxiety, restlessness and agitation. The amount I took was way over the daily value. The dulling effect in theory would help those who have intrusive, ocd like tendencies but upon prolonged usage for me at least it was counterproductive.

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#4 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 03 March 2017 - 06:31 PM

Yes, high dosages dull my emotions. Cumulative high dosages over time dull my emotions to an even greater extent but after awhile I'll experience anxiety, restlessness and agitation. The amount I took was way over the daily value. The dulling effect in theory would help those who have intrusive, ocd like tendencies but upon prolonged usage for me at least it was counterproductive.

Well, what the .. ? So, even though inositol is supposed to reduce function of the 5ht2a receptor (not though activation like with SSRIs) it seems to cause many of the effects associated with 5ht2a activation.


5ht2a activation (or excessive activation, whatever) causes blunted emotions together with paradoxical depression, ocd, irritability, ruminating thoughts, extreme fatigue, etc.

Yet inositol seems to cause at least some of the issues like fatigue, blunted emotions together with depression, irritability (or not?), fatigue. The only difference between inositol and things like lithium is that lithium, by increasing activity of the 5ht2a receptor, leads to slightly stronger cases of these symptoms.


In other words, 5ht2a antagonism or reduced function = whole bunch of side effects; 5ht2a activation or increased activity = practically all the same bunch of side-effects.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: myo-inositol, inositol, stress, anxiety, side effects, brain, limbic system, phobia, dopamine, serotonin

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