Ok so i'm sure there are probably similar threads like this one, but i decided to make a new one. Being the start of a new year and all, new research is flowing in, people doing basement experimentation on a daily basis and what have ya.
This thread is all about upregulating GABA receptors naturally , either after damage done by Benzodiazepines or due to a genetic low GABA high glutamate neurotransmitter problem. We all know, or at lease some of us, that good old benzos just about helps with anything from a cold, to aches and pain, muscle spasm , General anxiety, restlessness, social anxiety, panic attacks, lack of motivation fear etc. They may work in different ways for some individuals , but on a regular basis that is what some of it covers at least. So in that aspect i think we can probably all say that having optimal GABA receptor function is quite important.
Now when im talking about gene / dna testing im talking about the 23andme.com test, wich i preformed to se how my genetic predispositions where at, and i think that this 99$ test i highly underrated for most biohackers. I believe that the root of all diseases - at least almost - could be traced back to some chain of events either initiated by the subjects lack of knowledge about certain elements of their health aspects, and a fucked up GUT microbiome + pore diet + fucked up methylation etc .
I got sent some interesting info from another member this article : http://link.springer...064-014-1291-5
Anybody got some experiences using this ?
Annyways im looking for potential GABA helpers, anxiety decreasing substances, Pro GABAergic compounds that can or have shown promise in healing or upregulating the GABA response or function without causing anny noticable reduction over semi to long periods of use.
Couple of substances im looking into myself and would love some input on :
Gotu Kola
Kava Kava
Potentially some of the racetam´s - Aniracetam . but these seem to interact or piggyback the Glutamate and that may not be such a great thing for people high in Glutamate low gaba response.
Various genotypes involved RSID: