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modapharma sponsored thread

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#31 tintinet

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Posted 10 February 2016 - 11:42 PM

Tracking number: check.
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#32 MrSpud

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Posted 12 February 2016 - 01:54 PM

I would really like to try your modafinil to see if it helps me on my job.

#33 ModaPharma

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Posted 12 February 2016 - 05:53 PM

I would really like to try your modafinil to see if it helps me on my job.





We do not ship to the following countries: Ireland, Netherlands, Canada, Sweden or France.


1. Create an account with us, click here.

2. Within your account, click the "Address book" link, enter your shipping address and save it. 

3. Send us a private message on longecity with the email address you used to sign up

4. You'll get your oder confirmation and tracking details in your inbox once we've created your order and shipped it. 


Kind Regards, 

MP Support

#34 ModaPharma

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Posted 14 February 2016 - 11:45 AM

Hi again, 


So we have had 10 samples shipped and all of those on the list below should have received their tracking updates.


So we still have 10 free sample places left.


Get posting!!


Samples have gone out to the following users: 


  1. @niner
  2. @tintinet
  3. @Ark
  4. @aconita
  5. @Logic
  6. @prunk
  7. @Mind
  8. @Heisenburger
  9. @Kenj
  10. @Mr.Spud


Thank you to all the above for applying. Please remember to update this post once you have received your tracker and delivery of the Modvigil,


Please leave a review on this thread (or our subreddit), so others can know your thoughts. 


All the best, 

MP Support


#35 cargocultist

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Posted 16 February 2016 - 03:41 PM

I'm located in The Netherlands and I need modafinil to reinforce some dykes. And I need it to make it to 75 posts.

Edited by cargocultist, 16 February 2016 - 03:42 PM.

#36 Heisenburger

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Posted 16 February 2016 - 04:03 PM

Here in the United States that has a somewhat different meaning than the one you probably intended. Gotta admire your determination…

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#37 kenj

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Posted 16 February 2016 - 04:23 PM

OK, got the tracking #, thanks. 

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#38 ModaPharma

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Posted 16 February 2016 - 04:52 PM

I'm located in The Netherlands and I need modafinil to reinforce some dykes. And I need it to make it to 75 posts.



Although I find you reason for wanting Modafinil funny, the rules clearly state we cannot ship the Netherlands as there is a low success rate with customs. 


Also, as you've said, your post count is too low. 


I'm sorry. 


All the best, 

MP Support

#39 Heisenburger

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Posted 17 February 2016 - 05:48 AM

It arrived today. I wasn’t home to sign, so I’ll just stop by the post office on my way to work tomorrow and pick it up. Thanks again—modafinil isn’t something I use every day, as it has a tendency to make me somewhat anxious, crabby, and irritable, but it comes in handy for emergencies.


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#40 tintinet

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Posted 19 February 2016 - 12:03 AM

Same here WRT to USPS.  I'll walk up Saturday and pick it up.  I've found modafinil tends to reduce my anxiety, or alters it so it's focused on getting things done.

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#41 tintinet

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Posted 20 February 2016 - 06:55 PM

Got it - thanks! I'll try it Monday and update.
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#42 MrSpud

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Posted 22 February 2016 - 01:47 AM

Got it really fast, thanks. Will try it sometime during the week.
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#43 tintinet

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Posted 27 February 2016 - 11:11 PM

Seems like the real deal to me: increased focus, alertness, energy and diminished hunger.  I must admit I've never taken U.S. produced modafinil though.

#44 MrSpud

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Posted 28 February 2016 - 06:41 PM

I tried a tablet one day last week. I noticed increased energy and alertness too.
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#45 ModaPharma

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Posted 01 March 2016 - 11:02 AM

I tried a tablet one day last week. I noticed increased energy and alertness too.




I'm happy to hear you have benefitted, and thank you for posting here to let the rest know. 


Could you leave a reddit review for us?


Here is our subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ModaPharma/


Warm Regards, 

MP Support

Seems like the real deal to me: increased focus, alertness, energy and diminished hunger.  I must admit I've never taken U.S. produced modafinil though.

Hi Tintinet, 


Thanks for the update!


Could you leave a reddit review for us?


Here is our subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ModaPharma/


Warm Regards, 

MP Support

It arrived today. I wasn’t home to sign, so I’ll just stop by the post office on my way to work tomorrow and pick it up. Thanks again—modafinil isn’t something I use every day, as it has a tendency to make me somewhat anxious, crabby, and irritable, but it comes in handy for emergencies.



So did you get your parcel, have you tried it?


Please let everyone know :)



MP Support

#46 serengetilion

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 04:53 AM

I'm replying to your offer of a sample. I posted something seeking info from the audience within LongeCity about my current mental status which I will copy and paste in this reply. One thing I know is I don't want this feeling to linger on and on as I'm seeking fresh knowledge on a possible solution to help myself. I love the thought of a neuro enhancer/protectant, even so I've ordered some nootropics within the last 5 yesrs. But having said all this, I would love to get a sample of what you're offering in hopes this will help me. Thank you very much. Here is my post: Hi to all, all that can offer help, all my situation can be related to. I'm going to try to keep my history up until this point in my life at a minimum but with as much details as possible in hopes someone can offer me help/suggestions as I am getting worse and don't want to keep living my life feeling this way.
I've been a registered member since 2009, sometimes being absent from site for a year. I am female, 52, a Life Extension member (the company based in FL w/latest health breakthroughs/studies/ supplements/blood tests) since 2009 also. I learned about LongeCity from LifeExtension. I know I have always been OCD in the way I kept my house clean and personal belongings, ex: my car, house, yard, I always up until about 2 yrs ago constantly kept these things tidy, clean to the point of still looking brand new, everything had to have a place, no exceptions what so ever, never procrastinating. Now, Im the complete opposite in a negative way. I have no desire or motivation to do anything. By anything I mean the following, (please know while Im very ashamed to admit to the first one, I clearly know something is wrong with me but I am ready to disclose this info so maybe the extent of my issues can be out there and a suggestion of relusion can help me. I don't and could care less about taking a regular bath. I know this admission will get attention but its true, sometimes 2 weeks go by without getting in the shower. I don't even wash my face/hair in between. Will go a week, not brush teeth.I change clothes everyday.
In 2006 for first time in my life, my p Dr put me on prozac for depression after my mother died, 7 mths later my dad died from pneumon/sepsis, basically he grieved himself to death after my mother died from copd @ age of 62, he was 67 when he died. My life was crushed and 3 yrs ago, my only Nephew, 26, whom was as a son to me committed suicide 2 1/2 yrs after returning home from the war in Afghanistan. Since then my always thought of, "I would never kill myself & how can anybody do that" has changed. I believe we are all capable of it if our mental state plumments to an absolute low. I certainly don't want myself to get to such a point, anyway I am a whimp when it comes to the thought of acting out inflicting bodily harm to myself or anyone, any animal, for that manner as I am an active individual for 3 yrs now to the conservation of big cats, lions in very particular

#47 niner

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 06:37 AM

Wow serengetilion, you've taken some big hits there.   I really hope you can heal.  Here's my best advice:  Get a gram of NSI-189.  Take 25mg a day by mouth.  (get a cheap milligram scale)  Finish the gram and I bet you will feel a lot better.  I was in a pretty low place, did a gram over three weeks, and it was life-altering.  Stopping cold turkey was harmless.  (try that with an SSRI!) and the effects persisted long after I stopped taking it.  My take on Modafinil that that it's nice to have it in the tool kit for when you have to not sleep for 10-12 hours and still be functional   PM me if you want to talk.

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#48 Gerald W. Gaston

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 06:39 AM

I'm game for a sample. I'm often expected to function on little to no sleep for my job. Per SNP data, I'm a fast caffeine metabolizer so while it helps initially the effects are very short-lived. Also, my warrior vs worrier SNP rs4680 data suggests (at least in one study linked below) that I may respond well to modafinil.

[PMID 19037200] rs4680(G;G) carriers deprived of sleep respond quite well to 2x 100mg modafinil in terms of improved vigor and well-being, and maintained baseline performance with respect to executive functioning, whereas rs4680(A;A) individuals barely responded to the drug at all.

Gene   Position        SNP        Versions        Gerald Gaston's Genotype


COMT 19951271     rs4680     A or G           GG


Edited by gwgaston, 04 March 2016 - 06:41 AM.

#49 niner

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 06:52 AM

I'm GA for rs4280.  Does that mean modafinil "kinda works" for me?  I took 200mg this morning, and could feel the effects, but I didn't fly into a cleaning frenzy and do something about my office.  (I was kind of hoping that would happen.)  I definitely felt no need to sleep during the day, or even now at 1:49pm while I wait for the ambien to kick in.

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#50 Gerald W. Gaston

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 07:12 AM

Niner... I'm working here (trying to sell me as a good candidate for a sample). Hehe

Seriously though from what I gather from posts on Reddit and elsewhere, despite what that one study suggests, modafinil response is highly subjective. Some GG's state they felt nothing from it while some AA's felt a supposed profound effect from only 50mg. This one SNP is likely not enough to predict response.

#51 kenj

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 05:06 PM

Ok, so here's a little feedback: Had the sample delivered in my letterbox, very nice. 

1/2 tab: Consistent, energetic focus on a predefined task. Had me thinking: "No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking." Also, Modafinil is really good for reading, IME.

1 tab: A little too much stimulation. Sides become an issue (nausea, upset stomach, headache at the end of the day -- might be because I've never taken modafinil before). 


So far, 100mg seems like a good choice, taken every once in while, when needed. No problems falling asleep, but appetite is definitely reduced throughout the day. 

I also had a good cardio workout on 100mg modafinil. 


Thanks for the sample! 

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#52 3mp0w3r

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Posted 07 March 2016 - 08:45 AM

I believe this would help recover from my shift work and aid with chronic fatigue issues. Just barely made the 75 post count :)

Edited by 3mp0w3r, 07 March 2016 - 09:42 AM.

#53 prunk

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 08:42 AM

Delivery was very quick, thank you!


Stuff works well. Alertness, focus and energy increased a lot.


Bad sides: minor insomnia. But, even coffee at 8 pm gives me minor insomnia. 

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#54 ModaPharma

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Posted 12 March 2016 - 09:28 AM

I believe this would help recover from my shift work and aid with chronic fatigue issues. Just barely made the 75 post count :)





Check your messages, I've sent you the coupon code for your free sample. 


All the best, 

MP Support

Niner... I'm working here (trying to sell me as a good candidate for a sample). Hehe

Seriously though from what I gather from posts on Reddit and elsewhere, despite what that one study suggests, modafinil response is highly subjective. Some GG's state they felt nothing from it while some AA's felt a supposed profound effect from only 50mg. This one SNP is likely not enough to predict response.





Please check your inbox for your sample coupon code. 


All the best, 

MP Support

#55 ModaPharma

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Posted 12 March 2016 - 09:32 AM

I'm replying to your offer of a sample. I posted something seeking info from the audience within LongeCity about my current mental status which I will copy and paste in this reply. One thing I know is I don't want this feeling to linger on and on as I'm seeking fresh knowledge on a possible solution to help myself. I love the thought of a neuro enhancer/protectant, even so I've ordered some nootropics within the last 5 yesrs. But having said all this, I would love to get a sample of what you're offering in hopes this will help me. Thank you very much. Here is my post: Hi to all, all that can offer help, all my situation can be related to. I'm going to try to keep my history up until this point in my life at a minimum but with as much details as possible in hopes someone can offer me help/suggestions as I am getting worse and don't want to keep living my life feeling this way.
I've been a registered member since 2009, sometimes being absent from site for a year. I am female, 52, a Life Extension member (the company based in FL w/latest health breakthroughs/studies/ supplements/blood tests) since 2009 also. I learned about LongeCity from LifeExtension. I know I have always been OCD in the way I kept my house clean and personal belongings, ex: my car, house, yard, I always up until about 2 yrs ago constantly kept these things tidy, clean to the point of still looking brand new, everything had to have a place, no exceptions what so ever, never procrastinating. Now, Im the complete opposite in a negative way. I have no desire or motivation to do anything. By anything I mean the following, (please know while Im very ashamed to admit to the first one, I clearly know something is wrong with me but I am ready to disclose this info so maybe the extent of my issues can be out there and a suggestion of relusion can help me. I don't and could care less about taking a regular bath. I know this admission will get attention but its true, sometimes 2 weeks go by without getting in the shower. I don't even wash my face/hair in between. Will go a week, not brush teeth.I change clothes everyday.
In 2006 for first time in my life, my p Dr put me on prozac for depression after my mother died, 7 mths later my dad died from pneumon/sepsis, basically he grieved himself to death after my mother died from copd @ age of 62, he was 67 when he died. My life was crushed and 3 yrs ago, my only Nephew, 26, whom was as a son to me committed suicide 2 1/2 yrs after returning home from the war in Afghanistan. Since then my always thought of, "I would never kill myself & how can anybody do that" has changed. I believe we are all capable of it if our mental state plumments to an absolute low. I certainly don't want myself to get to such a point, anyway I am a whimp when it comes to the thought of acting out inflicting bodily harm to myself or anyone, any animal, for that manner as I am an active individual for 3 yrs now to the conservation of big cats, lions in very particular



Although you don't meet the post count requirement, I'll approve your sample based on your circumstances you've indicated. 


Please check your inbox for you coupon code. 


All the best, 

MP Support

#56 ModaPharma

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Posted 12 March 2016 - 09:36 AM

I'm replying to your offer of a sample. I posted something seeking info from the audience within LongeCity about my current mental status which I will copy and paste in this reply. One thing I know is I don't want this feeling to linger on and on as I'm seeking fresh knowledge on a possible solution to help myself. I love the thought of a neuro enhancer/protectant, even so I've ordered some nootropics within the last 5 yesrs. But having said all this, I would love to get a sample of what you're offering in hopes this will help me. Thank you very much. Here is my post: Hi to all, all that can offer help, all my situation can be related to. I'm going to try to keep my history up until this point in my life at a minimum but with as much details as possible in hopes someone can offer me help/suggestions as I am getting worse and don't want to keep living my life feeling this way.
I've been a registered member since 2009, sometimes being absent from site for a year. I am female, 52, a Life Extension member (the company based in FL w/latest health breakthroughs/studies/ supplements/blood tests) since 2009 also. I learned about LongeCity from LifeExtension. I know I have always been OCD in the way I kept my house clean and personal belongings, ex: my car, house, yard, I always up until about 2 yrs ago constantly kept these things tidy, clean to the point of still looking brand new, everything had to have a place, no exceptions what so ever, never procrastinating. Now, Im the complete opposite in a negative way. I have no desire or motivation to do anything. By anything I mean the following, (please know while Im very ashamed to admit to the first one, I clearly know something is wrong with me but I am ready to disclose this info so maybe the extent of my issues can be out there and a suggestion of relusion can help me. I don't and could care less about taking a regular bath. I know this admission will get attention but its true, sometimes 2 weeks go by without getting in the shower. I don't even wash my face/hair in between. Will go a week, not brush teeth.I change clothes everyday.
In 2006 for first time in my life, my p Dr put me on prozac for depression after my mother died, 7 mths later my dad died from pneumon/sepsis, basically he grieved himself to death after my mother died from copd @ age of 62, he was 67 when he died. My life was crushed and 3 yrs ago, my only Nephew, 26, whom was as a son to me committed suicide 2 1/2 yrs after returning home from the war in Afghanistan. Since then my always thought of, "I would never kill myself & how can anybody do that" has changed. I believe we are all capable of it if our mental state plumments to an absolute low. I certainly don't want myself to get to such a point, anyway I am a whimp when it comes to the thought of acting out inflicting bodily harm to myself or anyone, any animal, for that manner as I am an active individual for 3 yrs now to the conservation of big cats, lions in very particular



For some reason I can't private message you. Please contact us through the website, and say that you've been approved through this thread for a sample. 


Be sure to private message me on longecity so I can confirm your account email. 


Kind Regards, 

MP Support

#57 serengetilion

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Posted 13 March 2016 - 02:05 AM

Hi, I got your mssg via email saying I was approved. That is great news. Can't wait to get it. Hope this mssg will help confirm my email acct.
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#58 Strangelove

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Posted 15 March 2016 - 01:46 PM

I received the package today, thanks!


I ll update when I try it.

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#59 ModaPharma

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Posted 17 March 2016 - 04:20 PM

Hi again, 


So we have had 10 samples shipped and all of those on the list below should have received their tracking updates.


So we still have 71 free sample places left.


Get posting!!


Samples have gone out to the following users: 


  1. @niner
  2. @tintinet
  3. @Ark
  4. @aconita
  5. @Logic
  6. @prunk
  7. @Mind
  8. @Heisenburger
  9. @Kenj
  10. @Mr.Spud
  11. @serengetilion
  12. @3mp0w3r
  13. @gwgaston


Thank you to all the above for applying. Please remember to update this post once you have received your tracker and delivery of the 10 X Modvigil.


Please leave a review on this thread (or our subreddit), so others can know your thoughts. 


All the best, 

MP Support


#60 billintenn

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Posted 29 March 2016 - 10:31 PM

So, I have been a lurker/member here since 2010. I have been using modafinil since 2006 primarily for shift work and secondarily as a nootropic. Over the course of those years, I have been rejected by insurance, belittled by my Dr., and paid upwards of $500 for a months supply. (I pay 100% until I reach my three thousand deductible). Today my Dr. cut my dose in half because he says that is what is "normal" for shift-workers. I am done with the insurance/doctor route. I know I do not meet the exact criteria - but if you would be so kind as to include me for a free sample:

  1. If the product works well for me - You will have a long-term customer
  2. I will certainly start sharing more on the forum. For good measure, I will post a question about a turmeric recipe I recently tried/altered. :)

Thank you,


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