Hey guys,
This may sound weird, but I promise it is 100% true.
At the age of 17 just after I finished my high school exams I began to masturbate to relax a little, like I usually did, but to an excess I had never done before. I was doing it at least 7-10 times a day for a period of about 2 months (just before my uni started). The initial effects I had after a few days were complete numbness and emptiness in my head, meaning I couldn't think as critically and didn't feel as smart as I normally was. After 2 months however, something horrible happened, where I developed severe social anxiety and it was literally difficult to walk down the street, or in a shopping centre. I am now 22 and my symptoms have gotten better but I have not fully recovered. I believe I have a deficiency in either a brain chemical, amino acid or something like that. If anyone can help me and has had a similar problem, please help.