In the Book Important Facts About Cancer Prevention, Dr. Abdelfattah Mohsen Badawi writes, "Despite promising results in preclinical settings, the applicability of these agents [curcumin, epigallocatechin, resveratrol, and thymoquinone] to humans has met with little success, largely due to inefficient systemic delivery and bioavailability. For example, the study of the pharmacokinetics of resveratrol in humans concluded that even high doses of reseveratrol might be insufficient to achieve resveratrol concentrations required for the systemic prevention of cancer. Similarly, the amount of curcumin and EGCG required to observe anticancer effects in humans is too high to be feasibly incorporated into a clinical trial due to acute toxicity."
I know that there are many of this site that consume these compounds for their purported anticancer properties. It seems that humans would have to consume toxic quantities of these compounds to have any appreciable effect on cancer. We may have better delivery methods and/or bioavailability enhancers in the furue, but as it stands right now, these supplements (if used for chemoprotection) are essentially useless.